Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2016: The framework of hardship

Latest website: If you take off the mask, Wang Dong is a disfigured uncle.

This kind of decay from the inside out, even Amelia is difficult to solve.

Wang Dong is a very contradictory person.

Belonging to hardship, but he is still in the position of Dongyue senior.

Involved in the dispute between Dongyue and bitterness, he finally chose to escape.

It's okay if he escapes successfully. Xu Zhi was turned upside down. Not only did he get on the wanted list of various departments of Dongyue, but also all the descendants of his family were imprisoned.

This is hard-working staff with solid evidence. No matter how good the relationship was in the past, no one dared to speak to the muddy water.

If the inspection department does not take the initiative to close the case, these people will always be placed under house arrest until they die.

Even if the character is more free and easy, Wang Dong can't get away with Amelia at this time.

The longer the time, the more suffering in his heart.

After being ridiculed by Xu Zhi for a while, he was scolded by Ami again.

Although it was stopped in time, the aftermath of the collision also made him dizzy.

Hearing his straight mouth, Amelia stared fiercely, his expression dim and unclear.

"He is already a broken jar, why not break the jar" Xu Zhi smiled and said: "Besides that my little tricks have no sequelae, if the hardship can be concluded as soon as possible, and many cases are settled, his family can be released as soon as possible."

"Is there any sequelae for interrogation in this world?" Amelia questioned.

"You will know it if you try it" Xu Zhitai said: "Anyway, you are the one who is eager to solve the problem. I don't care. At most, I have to wait for some years.


Amelia was speechless for a moment.

She looked back and forth several times on Xu Zhi's face before saying: "I can now understand why Song Zun smashed the cup, you are more angry than me."

Watching Wang Dong, who was still in pain in the semi-coma, Amelia lightly brushed the scratched face, and finally nodded.

Wang Dong cares about his teachers and all kinds of implicated relationships. She doesn't care.

Everything is sullen in the heart, it is better to expose it to the sky at a time, so that there is no trivial matter in the heart.

Perhaps, solving the problem as soon as possible is good for each other.

She gently pulled the door, leaving Xu Zhi and Wang Dong in the quiet room.

"Auntie, we have so many handsome people in Xiliu country. Why do you like Uncle Wang alone and have waited for him for so many years?"

Outside the door, Ellia also asked the question she always wanted to ask.

"Because no one can match him," Amelia looked up. "He was really eye-catching back then, and I was his little sister..."

As if opening his heart, Amelia began to talk about her past.

Ellia also began to learn about this uncle who was once known as the successor of Situ Xuankong.

"If it weren't for the poison in his body, their organization would not allow the emergence of extra factors that are difficult to control. He had been a Grand Master long ago."

"But he is very loyal to that hardship."

"From different angles, they see differently. In the eyes of their organization, Wang Dong is not loyal, and he has trained people to replace him. Failed, Jin Chan also failed when he unshelled."

"That must not be a good organization."

"Successor and defeater, whoever said it clearly."


There is a discussion outside the door and another answer inside the door.

"How could this be?"

It was only then that Xu Zhi understood what Wang Dong's inability to say was meant?

"The leader, the right and left envoys, the four kings, the left and right liaisons, the scattered people, the eight heroes, and the sixty-four days of thorns, how are they all codenames?"

Just like the code name of'White Peony', there are different people under each code name.

This is true even for the four kings.

From Wang Dong’s mouth, Xu Zhi learned that the other party’s codename was ‘Politics’, the position of the king.

Xu Zhi also guessed certain positions at this time.

For example, he is good at contacting Zong Baiqiu, Zuo Baiqiu.

There is also a blue and white palace with martial arts all over the place.

For example, the scattered people, the eight magnates, and the sixty-four days of stabbing were the earliest targets.

In the wave of Zhao Mu’s arrests, most of them were wiped out, including guru, master cultivators, and ordinary people. Today, only a small number of people survive in Dongyue.

For example, Baishao is a member of the 64-day thorn, and the small branch below the thorn is in the free state of the running leg, making it difficult for the climate.

If there are no special circumstances, these people are no different from ordinary people. They live in Dongyue law-abiding, and will only start action once they come into contact with instructions.

"Wu Qu and Wen Qu are both great ambassadors? Is that the master?" Xu Zhi asked.

"It should be all."

He hypnotized Wang Dong more than twenty times. At this time, there was no magic and profligacy. Xu Zhi just asked questions.

Wang Dong's face was sullen, but it seemed that he was willing to answer the question because he secreted a lot of secrets.

This is a common situation during interrogation.

At first, he didn't talk, but as long as he spoke, he didn't have so much resistance.

The framework of the organization is not surprising, but the power of the painful education that gave Xu Zhi a headache far exceeded his initial calculations.

Xu Zhi is also glad that Dongyue's model is different from that of Northern Xinjiang. Otherwise, the top elite model of hardship may have caused a large-scale turmoil.

After a long trial, Xu Zhi knew that Wang Dong belonged to the seeds of hardship.

Just like raising Gu, layers of defective products were eliminated, and he was eventually left behind.

The leader is Wang Dong's teacher.

When the teacher taught, he covered his face with a mask.

Even Wang Dong couldn't know the true face, he just respected the other party as a'bitter teacher'.

Master Kuxiu is extremely strong, good at a variety of weapons, and also proficient in various cultivation techniques.

Wang Dong's sword, flute, fan, and sword martial arts originated from the other party.

It is difficult for Xu Zhi to know the identity of Wuqu and Wenqu here.

However, a grandmaster will not be obscured. If he can become a grandmaster, he must have a good past.

Many of the past retreats, sudden deaths, deaths, and missing masters are on Xu Zhi's list.

Perhaps Wuqu and Wenqu are among these people.

"Who is the poisonous king? You have been in the organization for so many years, and he has the same rank as you again, have had contacts, you should be able to guess who is the real person" Xu Zhi asked.

Wang Dong did not directly obey the leader of the teacher, even if he became a subsidiary country, he still restrained and developed each other in the model of the four heavenly kings.

Sometimes he sent a message to lead his subordinates to do things, and sometimes it was sent by another king.

Among the four heavenly kings, Huo Yingshan is superior in resourceful planning, Fang Zhuo is in charge of communication, and Wang Dong is in charge of internal affairs.

Huo Yingshan, the king of wisdom, and Fang Zhuo, the king of fortune, are too dead to die, and the king of politics is in front of him.


This is a character who understands its role in the organization at a glance.

Xu Zhi even thought of the origin of the mother-to-child mother-to-be poison.

This is the source of control over many people.

It is also the object that Xu Zhi wants to destroy most.

One tree cannot become a forest, and even a grand master is against the sky, and only to the extent of Situ Xuankong, it is difficult to disturb everywhere.

But layers of control will make many things out of control.

Only by fully controlling the characters represented by ‘poison’ can we prevent the spread of this organization.

"It was difficult for us to know each other's true identity before the unification."

"I don't know who the "poison" is," Wang Dong said in silence: "He may be the Liu family in southern Hunan, the Gongsun family in northern Hunan, the Luo family in southern Yunnan, and the Murong family in southern Yunnan."

Wang Dong mentioned that Dongyue is good at the big pharmaceutical family.

Among them are Xu Zhi's old acquaintance Sun Kang's family, and Xu Zhi's Luo Jiahui's family.

The Shonan Liu family is an old opponent of the Gongsun family. The two families have a lot of grievances. Liu Huaian, the helm of the family, also serves as the president of Lujiang Academy.

The talents of Sunan Murong's family are relatively dying. Except for the guru who passed away decades ago, there are no outstanding figures, and now it seems obscure.

Wang Dong did not mention other pharmaceutical families, and Xu Zhi ruled out quite a few people.

When thinking of Gongsun Kang's medicine offering, he specially emphasized that he hadn't moved any hands and feet. Xu Zhi vaguely understood something, and scolded the old things really would wash himself in front of him.

"Then why don't you follow the concept of hardship to overthrow Dongyue completely?"

Thinking about it, Xu Zhicai was quite interested in asking Wang Dong some extra things.

With Wang Dong's position and ability, if he implements some civil grievance policies during internal affairs, it will easily lead to large disturbances.

However, when Wang Dong assumed the position of auxiliary country, the transition was very stable.

Even Lu Sheng'an only described it as "insufficient progress, more than enough".

Among them is the restraint of the supervising state and Zun, but there is not necessarily no reason for Wang Dong.

"Because I found that this world is not suffering from Song."

It took a long time before Wang Dong responded slowly to Xu Zhi's question.

"Sovereign has always wanted to make this country a little better, but their behavior has made the country a little worse. Even if they rule, it won't be any better."

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