Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2017: Xu Zhi's simple wish

The latest website: After Xu Zhi released the hypnotic magic, Wang Dong finally opened his mouth.

Xu Zhi chatted with the other party for a long time, and then stopped the question with great satisfaction.

Compared with Zhuang Baiqiu's ignorance, Wang Dong did know a lot, which gave him a rough outline.

In particular, I learned that there might be three grand masters behind the scenes.

This is extremely important information.

Many calculations are often completely ineffective because of a little omission.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation. If Wang Jiazi didn't participate in the various activities of hardship education, there would definitely be a day when he was wronged."

Xu Zhi's slack let Wang Dong breathe a sigh of relief.

Xu Zhi resisted Zun Shang and Situ Xuankong as matchmaker, but he didn't resist.

Coupled with the bitterness, he suggested that he should develop in Kyoto, and Wang Dong finally had to follow the meaning of both parties.

Since he couldn't refuse the first step of both parties, he also carried out the development of Fengyuan.

Since then, the family cares about it, so it also abandoned the fate of the Xiuliu country.

Bump all the way for decades, until now, Wang Dong has been reluctant to think back and talk about those things.

"If the bitterness is destroyed, will you return to Dongyue?"

Before Xu Zhi left, he asked more.

"Nothing can go back."

Wang Dong's deep voice came, and Xu Zhi pushed back the door of the room without looking back, leaving only a weak sigh.

"How about General Xu?"

At the door, Amelia's face was earnest, and she tried to ask questions.

"What's the matter, you didn't overhear it all, you know everything, and you have anything to ask." Xu Zhi didn't have a good air.

"As the saying goes, there is ears next to the wall. Of course we have ears and we must listen."

Talking to Amelia is going to be mad.

Xu Zhi thought about it and decided to be too lazy to argue with the woman.

What he can do if he doesn't win, but he can't beat.

That's why Wang Dong, like a masculine man, can bear such a woman.

"Don't go, didn't you say that there was a disaster in our western Liuliu country, and the situation was confusing."

It became clear that Wang Dong was fine, and Amelia did not rush in.

At this time she wanted to find out what Xu Zhi knew.

"I helped you a lot today," Amelia asked, "You can't cross the river to demolish the bridge."

"If you don't take Wang Dong away from Kyoto, I've interrogated it a long time ago" Xu Zhi shook his head and said: "We are talking about how to cross the river to demolish the bridge, we are the victims."

"You are sympathetic to our hard-working people. I'm almost ninety. I'm not married yet. It's not easy to save a husband. We are the righteous side when acting on TV..."


Listening to Amelia's complaints, Xu Zhi looked at the sky.

He speaks the law, and Amelia speaks about humanity.

If he mentioned human relations, the great master would use the law to stop.

Xu Zhi can only debate with Amelia when he feels that he has the strength of a grandmaster.

The power of the strong is always greater. What he says makes no sense, and it is difficult to get benefits.

Xu Zhi's attitude finally softened.

"I once saw a woman who shuttled through the portal nineteen years ago."

"Is this okay?" Amelia said: "There is indeed portal technology in the ruins."

"That's the portal for a large-scale population shuttle. It should be when you are formed."

After Xu Zhi added the last sentence, Amelia flashed a thoughtful look.

"Are you saying that other ruins also have that kind of portal, and they will enter the West Liuliu on a large scale?" Amelia finally asked.

"I don't know this," Xu Zhi smiled. "After all, I only saw such a person, so just listen to it."

"We Xiuliu country should not have a large-scale invasion of the remnants of the northern Xinjiang," Ellia interjected.

"Maybe not, good luck!"

Feeling that Amelia's hand was loose, Xu Zhi suddenly pulled back.

He muttered a sentence and started to leave.

"Large-scale invaders attacked" Amelia whispered in a low voice: "It would be our turn to the West Liuliu."

The invasion of northern Xinjiang has passed, while the invasion of South Australia is ongoing.

If it were the turn of Silliu’s head one day, this is not impossible.

"It is still necessary to strengthen the review and placement of the survivors until they die, or they are completely assimilated."


"That Xu Zhi said that we have a large portal in the sky, why didn't we see it?"

When Amelia was thinking about it, Ellia's words made her awake.

"If we can learn the appearance of the large portal, and choose to destroy this portal when we leave the ruins, they will not be able to come to our country," said Ellia.

"Ayre, your head is really bright, hey, what about that straight?"

"Did you let him go?"

"How could I let him go so fast, I think about things, you don't know how to watch..."

When Amelia was nagging, Xu Zhi had returned to the assembly center.

"Back home!"

Looking at the many waiting people, Xu Zhi nodded and began to take off.

The airship quickly moved away from the venue, and the four-nation exchange meeting finally came to an end.

But the impact of this four-nation exchange has had a far-reaching impact.

With the strength of Wang Zhongwang and Shang Qianqiu, the master group will be laid in one fell swoop.

This brought temporary sovereignty to the two coalition countries in South Australia.

This affects hundreds of millions of people.

The influence of the province is far wider than that of the last victory, the population involved is larger, and the situation is more complicated.

Anyway, winning is a good thing.

At this time the faces of the people on the airship were beaming.

"Straight brother, can we be as strong as you in the future?"

Above the airship, Wang Zhongwang also had doubts when he was happy.

Compared with people of the same age, or even great practitioners of the same rank, their advantages are undoubtedly extremely strong, and even make people desperate.

However, compared with Xu Zhi of that year, Gu Yuxi and Yan Jinbai appeared weak, and they felt weaker.

As the strength continued to advance, Wang Zhongwang felt that there was a gap.

When they are competing for the first master, Xu Zhi has become the first master.

He couldn't even feel how far this gap was.

He is evil in the eyes of others, but Xu Zhi is undoubtedly the evil in his eyes.


Xu Zhi gave Wang Zhongwang a light palm.

"I just stepped on one of the midpoints of the guru stage, and I look forward to your stepping into the guru. By then, the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide."

Xu Zhi's words made Wang Zhongwang a lot of memories, and he smiled afterwards: "I still remember the sentence you sent me back then, when there will be long winds and waves, the wind and the sea will be hung straight."

From struggling to open the way back then, he has now clearly entered another level.

Higher, farther, stronger.

This is the outlook for the future.

"You are neat and tidy, but you have fulfilled your wish anyway. You listen to my words," Shang Qianqiu interjected and said: "Fighting for ten years and staying in the window to pick up the lamp and study hard, and with my parents, I hope that we will fight against each other and win the battle. But I have never won the leader in my life."

"Your wish at that time was nothing but stepping into a master and fighting for freedom of marriage."

Wang Zhongwang snorted, and immediately revealed the old foundation of Shang Qianqiu.

"Your goal of struggle was to be admitted to Yunling Academy and follow Brother Two."

It was only after the two of them exposed each other that they realized how fast time passed.

"I still follow my straight You are hard to say, all your wishes are fulfilled," Wang Zhongwang said proudly.

"I don't follow, but I can pursue Brother Two."

"Hahaha" Wang Zhongwang squinted and laughed three times before saying: "Then you really have to be stronger and be careful of being killed by other suitors."

"Anyway, Brother II is not serious, so I will play it."

Thinking of Wu Ya Ye Fulin who was bravely pursuing Xu Zhi, Shang Qianqiu thought about the end of his insertion and could not help but withdraw his mouth.

"If you haven't gone to school yet, let's stop," Xu Zhi said with a smile and scolded: "When you are independent, I will send you to work in Xinxing Province."

There are two new provinces in Dongyue territory, which will bring countless troubles, but also give countless opportunities.

"For example, I will be able to jump and jump next year!"

Compared with others, Xu Zhi felt that his wish was too simple.

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