Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2023: Gwen-Magnus's dread

The latest website: When the black dragons are aging and anticipate death, they will get an address from the black dragon king.

That was the tomb of the Dragon tribe, and it was also the ultimate secret resting place.

Gwen-Magnus had a word, and the portal suddenly emerged.

He nodded politely towards the crowd, and then turned and got into the portal.

"He is back in the kingdom of Bracada."

Agrinel drilled out of the shadows and frowned.

At this time, she was also lucky to have the translator Xu Zhi, otherwise, the situation facing today will be very complicated, and the probability of conflict between the two parties is very high.

"How can this immortal king not be afraid of being injured at all?" Doug Wuger questioned. "He is so invulnerable in swordsmanship and not afraid of damage. Isn't it invincible?"

"This is the undead body. I heard from His Majesty Ruiou in the Eastern Continent that Gwen Magnus will quickly recover from any injuries," Agrienaire explained: "He may have had Orang Malassa before. Your restraint is hard to say now."

In the one-on-one fight, the western continent undoubtedly respected Orang Maratha.

This is not only derived from the individual strength of the Black Dragon Sovereign, but also has the engulfing magic of Orang Marassa.

It was Xu Zhi who was extremely afraid of this magical technique of Aolang Marassa.

At first, there was a lot of headaches for Orang Marassa, but at this time, there was no choice but to face Gwen Magnus.

Once it reaches the rules, the special evolution of divine abilities, many things are complicated.

This is a power that is difficult to restrain. It is a gift from the true God and belongs to the top category. It is almost impossible to crack.

"He still has flaws, and I can feel him struggling to control his behavior," Elita said without a word.

Controlling life and death, Elita has a very keen sense.

She opened her mouth and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What is this flaw?" Doug Wuger said: "I still try to control my lower body."

"That's not the same as the barbarian's estrus," Elita frowned. "Gwen Magnus seems to be well aware of the possible consequences of his actions. He had clearly been able to pierce the black dragon elder with a sword, but he only stabbed Blind eyes, leaving room."

"We found your squeaky lord, and also invited the monarch Phoenix, and we and so many black dragons, he was afraid that we would chant," Doug Wug murmured.

"He won't be afraid of us, he just thinks that we might be a little in trouble," Agriner corrected: "If it's necessary, he's not difficult to kill us."

With a fast and powerful swordsmanship, and an undead body, he can strike without fear, even if there is only one Gwen Magnus, he can also fight against thousands of troops.

Although there are groups of heroes on Dragon Island, if you count them carefully, it will not be in Gwen Magnus' eyes.

At most, the Black Dragon is good at flying, and it is difficult to escape, and her stealth guru will find Gwen Magnus a headache after looking for trouble afterwards.

But that's all.

No one can get Gwen Magnus.

Only Gwen Magnus can wantonly suppress others.

"With the majesty of the king, there is indeed a greater probability of killing offenders," Xu Zhi agreed. "I heard Tanu said that he is not a good-tempered person. The barbarians who once pitted are difficult to count."

"Maybe there are too many murders, and I want to close my hands in my later years," Doug Wurg said with a smile: "I now want to let the hammer strike, and find a few mother-in-law to roll the sheets for a simple day."

"Is there anything he can't do with him? Or is a strange curse controlling him too arbitrarily? Any force that is so incredible that it must be accompanied by certain restrictions, it is impossible..."

Agrienaire murmured and guessed, which made Xu Zhi think of Tanu's hapless ghost.

Once Tanu uses his own power, he will be caught in a bad luck.

Tanu and Gwen Magnus are both **** sons. Tanu is targeted by the four-element master **** world. Xu Zhi feels that there is no exception to Gwen Magnus, and this possibility is also possible.

If it is not necessary, Gwen Magnus will not lay down his hand and personally kill the creatures in this world, but will let others perform it.

But on Black Dragon Island, he has no power to use.

The two lamp gods that followed had no choice but to have a black dragon, and the situation at that time was difficult to get in.

Xu Zhi thought for a few seconds, only to realize that he had figured out something.


Wen Renweiyang let out a dragon roar and let Xu Zhi recover.

When the address of the cemetery was revealed, the black dragons suddenly fell into chaos.

This grand master's method is extremely good, using voting rights to shirk responsibility.

The black dragons are now accusing each other and have not focused their anger on him.

Wen Renweiyang made room at this time.

He had many words to ask Xu Zhi, but he didn't know where to start for a moment.

If it weren't for the other party's translation in the lower realm today, the dragon race would probably face a catastrophe.

But if the squeaky master does not send out invitations, he will probably not go to the East Continent, triggering an irresistible big man like Gwen Magnus.

After going round and round, Wen Renwei could hardly distinguish the grievances among them.

He thought about it for a while before accusing him and asked, "How is the world of Master Cheung cultivating?"

"Ah, whatever you want, just practice it," Xu Zhi replied.

"Then do you have a dragon symbol?"

Whether it is a ‘roar’ that is good at controlling, or a mental power vocalization technique for vocalization, each one is just needed.

Wen Renweiyang felt he had to learn more.

Either be strong enough to convince people, or be able to speak well, and serve people with virtue.

The former needs various skills to fill, while the latter needs to use their own mental power to speak.

Everything I can only count on this sir.

No matter what the other party did, Wen Renweiyang couldn't afford it.

Some sullen suspicions in his heart forced down.

"No analysis" Xu Zhi shook his head: "I think your suggestion is correct, I will learn some basic knowledge to supplement myself."

"Yes, only if the foundation is firm can we go further," Wen Renweiyang nodded.

He felt a sudden pain in his heart, and it seemed that the progress of the analysis of the two skills just needed was zero.

"Where are you going now, it seems you are not in the martial arts hall," Wen Renweiyang asked.

"I have a classmate who works as a tutor assistant in Kyoto, so I have a little relationship..."

Xu Zhi stretched out his fingers and squeezed, revealing an expression that everyone knew well.

"You are also in Kyoto Academy?" Wen Renweiyang asked.

"Listen there and learn the basics."

Xu Zhi's reply made Wen Renweiyang a headache.

This product ran to a good's Grand Master didn't dare to go to Shenshan, and he didn't care to sneak into Kyoto.

Once caught by Situ Xuankong, it was a very reasonable behavior, maybe a big loss.

If the other party does not return from Kyoto, there will be no chance to meet each other for a while.

"Study hard, study hard, if you don’t understand anything, come to me at any time, I still have a little insight into the cultivation of that world."

As long as he still remembers the two dragon charms in his heart, Wen Renweiyang feels that he can't be skewed, nor can he be indifferent to this squeaky adult.

After Xu Zhi nodded in agreement, he changed his thinking and thoughts and asked questions from another angle.

"Sir, I have seen a weird thing in that world these few days." Wen Renweiyang looked at Xu Zhishu before continuing: "Dong Yueguo has an incredible talented cultivator. I suspect he is also The beneficiaries of this world."

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