Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2024: Doubt and dispel doubt

The latest website: Wen Renweiyang recalled the scene when Xu Zhi played against the Rams.

He only felt that the other party's body seemed to have the power of magic, and he had the same escape technique as Agrinel.

The escape technique released by Xu Zhi is obviously close to that of Agrinaire, not the escape technique of Liu Shengzongyuan and others.

He even doubted the target on the squeaky adult.

During a brief conversation with the queen, he vaguely learned about the master's ability.

Magic, melee, bow and arrow, stealth assassin skills are almost omnipotent, it is a big man with comprehensive development.

If you are familiar with the cultivation system of this world, will it lead to anything in reality.

For example, he used Longyan to promote Qi Qi.

If something else is possible, it may also exist.

For example, is it not Liu Li, but the Xu Zhi?

"It's incredible?" Xu Zhiqi said: "Which talented cultivator are you talking about?"

"Xu Zhi, General Manager Xu of the Inspection Department, have you ever heard of this person?" Wen Renweiyang asked.

"Of course I heard it," Xu Zhi nodded. "He recently had a big news and became Dongyue's first master."

"That's right, it's him. I feel that this person has a mystery. The cultivation is too fast." Wen Renweiyang shook his head.

He was still looking at Xu Zhi's small expression at this time, trying to see something.

"Soon?" Xu Zhi suspiciously.

With pre-preparation in mind, Xu Zhi also justly expressed the small emotions of his status.

He disagreed with Wen Renwei's side-by-side monetization.

The mention of Wen Renweiyang to himself is even more of an attitude that has nothing to do with him.

"Soon" Wen Renweiyang nodded and said: "At the age of 28, it became the first master, which is much better than I was."

"That's what you can't do," Xu Zhi smiled and said: "You have to see your ability clearly, don't think about comparing it with genius, it will only make you very upset."


Wen Renweiyang did not expect that he was actually despised.

Even if his Wenren Weiyang's standards are still worse, second to Amelia and Uya Turanto, and then superimposed with the first master of the recognized master, Situ Xuankong, then he is at least the fourth largest cultivator in the world.

Of course, this is also the pot of Haruka Akako.

Xu Zhi couldn't compare with him, but Qingchuan Akiko could not compare with Xu Zhi.

Wen Renweiyang was a little depressed for a while, and felt that he could not use his identity as a shield.

"You haven't seen the ability that Xu Zhi released during the fight, I vaguely feel that he has the ability of this world, it seems to release magic, and that kind of sneak sneak," Wen Renweiyang said.

"You mean that President Xu is also in our world," Xu Zhi doubted.

"Yes, he has a high probability of being in our world, and he has received a lot of help."

"Then you can put magic in that world?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Yes!" Wen Renwei nodded.

"Why wouldn't I let it go?"

Xu Zhi shot a precise magic on his head, and the image of the small target flickered on his head.

This is a magic that he seldom uses in reality, and it is very generously released for Wen Renwei Young to appreciate.

Normally, at his master level in reality, Wen Renweiyang didn't want to see him use the first-order precision magic as an aid in his life.

If Wen Renweiyang still wants to appreciate other magic, Xu Zhi can also play a first-order magic boxing.

"Can't you use magical power in the world over there?" Wen Renweiyang asked.

"What basic knowledge do I have to learn with magic?" Xu Zhi smiled: "It's not that I'm bragging, as long as I can have half of the power of this world in that world, I can be at ease."

"makes sense.

Wen Renwei nodded his head. As far as he knows, magic has all kinds of magic. If the other party can use magic, they won't spend their lives in that small martial arts hall.

"Can you tell me about magic, and I want to learn some basics," Wen Renweiyang asked.

"This is not a problem. Which subject do you want to listen to?"

"Will magic be divided into subjects?"


Xu Zhi talked to Wenren Weiyang, reciting the basic knowledge of the orderly magic discipline he learned when Mister Barma was six years old.

It is not difficult to re-extract what he has learned.

Anyway, the body told him that this knowledge would come, and it was another matter as to whether his head understood.

Xu Zhi could hardly understand the magic theory knowledge he had instilled for a while, and Wen Renwei was even more confused when he briefly touched it.

This is a completely unfamiliar subject.

There are no problems at the beginning, and the basic introduction to this knowledge can be accepted.

But as time goes on, many knowledge and points can easily conflict in the mind.

Xu Zhi just talked casually. There were no books, no patterns to help understanding, and no experiments.

From time to time, there was the sound of the dragon roar that the black dragons accused each other, and there was a loud scolding of Onick.

Even Grand Master Wen Renwei felt that learning in this environment was a bit difficult.

Halfway, he gave up his plan to learn to recognize human magic.

With such a complete knowledge system of this little man, he has not yet shown the power of magic in reality, so he does not have to think about it.

"President Xu has a good chance of gaining benefits in this world. It would be nice if he could hold his real body."

Until now, Wen Renweiyang has not given up his doubts about Xu Zhi.

He believes in his instincts, Xu Zhi did get a benefit in this world.

He doesn't release magic in reality, and Master Che can't release magic either.

Different from person to person, it is always full of possibilities. Perhaps Xu Zhi relied on talent to achieve the release of magic.

"I don't think your guess is correct."

Until this time, Xu Zhi began to lead slowly.

"You may not know how strict the knowledge control in this world is, much worse than the semi-publicity in that world..."

Wen Renweiyang actually put a small idea on his head, he must work hard to correct this correct idea.

If Wen Renwei Young does not know his true body, everyone can still be a friend.

If you know each other's identities, then there is not much to talk about, and how to get along is a big problem.

"That's right, it's difficult for him to practice as a master, and it's impossible to divide his mind to practice magic. That will lead to a serious lack of time, and the knowledge control is so strict that it is difficult to be born in the royal family. ..."

Being reminded by Xu Zhi, Wen Renwei finally let go of the little thought in his heart.

Normal people work hard to practice hard, thinking of entering the guru before the age of fifty. It is impossible for Xu Zhi to practice magic while practicing inner qi, and enter the guru at a young age.

If you want to have deep magic, you can only be an immortal who can live for thousands of years, or other long-lived creatures.

It is impossible for Xu Zhi, 28, to have this ability.

"This is indeed very unscientific."

Wen Renweiyang shook his head, thinking that Xu Zhi was more likely to be shit-fucking and practiced several secret techniques of Dongyue, which made him misjudge.

And the Yan family took some escape and secret techniques from Liu Sheng and Ju Zi.

If the two great masters surnamed Yan combined the characteristics of Dongyue and Yingguo, and figured out something else, that could barely be understood.

When I was promoted to the master, there was a half-year period of inspiration, perhaps Xu Zhi realized some special knowledge by that time.

When the reason he came up with convinced Renweiyang only felt that this approach was more reliable, and let go of some doubts in his mind.

"I think you seem to have a hard time?"

Seeing that Ren Weiyang thought about something, it seemed that he gave up the idea of ​​staring, and Xu Zhi began to interrupt.


Wen Renweiyang sighed deeply.

In reality, in this world.

It was difficult to solve the survival problem of the Black Dragon, and he lost another game on Dongyue.

When many things came together, he only felt tired all over.

"You don't know how difficult my life is."

He opened his mouth and remembered that his fake identity of Qingchuan Akiko didn't even go to the venue of the exchange game. He just realized that a lot of things in reality can't be opened, and he feels more difficult now.

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