Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2025: The disadvantage of being too strong

The latest website: From the perspective of Qingchuan Akiko, Wen Renweiyang carefully sculpted the language before talking to Xu Zhixu about his thoughts.

"You just think too much, the sky is falling down and there is a tall one on top. What are you afraid of, aren't there so many strong men above you, and Grand Master!"

Xu Zhi's words of relief did not play any role at all.

Wen Renweiyang opened his mouth and sighed heavily.

He is the tallest in the South Australian Union, and he has always been under pressure.

Northern Xinjiang and South Australia are incompatible, and it is difficult for South Australians to adapt to the environment of Northern Xinjiang.

The West Liuliu country is too far away to travel to West Liuliu across the ocean. Even if it seizes a piece of land, the transshipment population is limited.

As for the country of Ying, which is an island country with poor resources, Wen Renweiyang didn't play much of Ying's idea.

The Moguotuo is a highland country, and barren + cold + plateau air pressure is not a good land.

The accommodation in other small countries is limited, making it difficult for South Australians to gather together. After the influx will inspire countless uncontrollable contradictions.

The preferred direction is naturally Dongyue.

This is a large country, with enough area, enough population, and more force to partially balance.

But Situ Xuankong blocked him with a sword.

Fighting hard is not enough, and the roundabout four-nation exchange game has lost twice in a row.

Entering this world was also asked for ancestral graves.

Wen Renweiyang only felt that his life was too bitter.

"We don't know what to do in South Australia in the future, and what kind of decisions need to be made two years later."

Two years later, there will still be a four-country exchange, but Wen Renwei is no longer sure.

If you fight Dongyue and lose again, how will you lose?

It is also difficult for Dongyue to accept the increasing bets of South Australia.

It's embarrassing to lose, but it's also troublesome to win.

In the domestic situation in Dongyue, the sharing of the three coalition countries already needs to be controlled as much as possible, and the further sharing will lead to large-scale uncontrollable riots.

"In this world, we have no secret places to live."

The huge body of the Black Dragon is destined to eat a lot of food.

If they are not tied to the country of O'Reilly, Wen Renweiyang feels that most of the tribes can't wait for the immortals to slaughter, and they will probably starve to death in advance.

Although the world is big, there is not much to go in this world.

"It seems that I need to know more about the world," Xu Zhitai said, "I'm sorry I couldn't give you a reliable suggestion."

"It's okay, I'm used to it," Wen Renweiyang said in frustration.

He only feels that he needs to become stronger in reality, and he can call Situ Xuankong his mother, so that he can solve some problems with violence, and directly and simply confront.

In this world, he also needs to become stronger to protect himself, so that even when Gwen Magnus enters the door, even the ancestral tomb needs to be let out.

Strength has become a current bottleneck issue, regardless of the world.

"If you want to help me, please study hard and try to extract the contents of Dragon Rune as soon as possible."

"No problem" Xu Zhi assured: "With my learning ability, coupled with your teaching ability, the slowest is also a matter of three to five years. If it happens, it may be shorter."

"Three to five years..."

Wen Renweiyang only felt that the squeaky adult was quite loyal.

When he heard his contentment, he felt it was too long.

Under heavy pressure, he felt for the first time in three to five years such a long time.

But Master Chee is unmatched in reality, but this world is a thigh.

During this period of time, he felt that he should have good thighs, and the voice and communication of the Black Dragon family completely depended on adults.

When the two talk to each other, they will inevitably discuss cultivation.

It's just that the limited syllables of the Dragon family make Wen Renweiyang a little embarrassed. His teaching ability is really bad.

"If you can come to our South Australia Shenshan Alliance, it will be much more convenient. We can promote long talks and let you practice quickly to improve," Wen Renweiyang suggested.

"There is a high probability that my practice level will be unexpected. I need to improve my ability to go to your side."

Xu Zhi smiled and politely refused the invitation, but it was a pity to let Wen Renweiyang.

But the bigwigs can understand without involving the danger.

The other party was barely familiar with Dongyue, but for Nan'ao they just heard the name.

With the strength of the advanced cultivator of the other party, it is impossible to penetrate the inside and outside, and it will be difficult to adapt to the high temperature climate of South Australia for a while.

All the netizens who rely on him are really embarrassed, and some precautions are natural,

Wen Renwei thought about his identity as Akiko Harukawa. If this layer of deception was added, he felt that it would be fine for the other party not to come to South Australia, so as not to affect mutual trust.

He also stopped now, and the idea of ​​this invitation disappeared.

"Gwen Magnus is very strange this time. He is not a necromancer. The purpose of entering the Dragon Tomb is a bit strange. If he does not meet his conditions, he may come to Dragon Island again."


The possibility mentioned by Xu Zhi made Wen Renweiyang have to beware.

You can come the first time, you can come the second time.

If the corpses in the dragon tomb are not enough, it is not difficult to guess what corpses are left.

"What should I do?" Wen Renwei said with a headache.

"I have a few friends, first ask them to ask about the situation" Xu Zhi smiled and said: "Gwen-Magnus took my real name contract today, maybe I will contract when I go to the palace to be a guest. Probe in."

"Everything is up to you."

When Wen Renwei asked, he was also extremely envious of Xu Zhi's identity as an elemental world.

Wherever there is a summon, it can penetrate the space, far away from the long journey.

If there is enough food in the elemental world...

Wen Renweiyang thought of unrealistic thoughts, and finally gave up.

He looked at Xu Zhi, who was in conversation with Agrienaire, and practiced sulking.

"I think there is a curse on Gwen Magnus. He certainly did not eliminate the hatred of this world from outsiders."

"Once Gwen Magnus uses his own power, or he kills too much, it may cause God's attention."

"He killed His Majesty Asina, perhaps Her Majesty Asina discovered something through hypnosis, or His Majesty Has the power to threaten him, and eventually had to kill and kill."

"Like His Excellency Olamarasa..."

Agrinel talked.

Synthesizing Elita's feelings, and Xu Zhi casually mentioned some content, she began to understand the essence of this opponent.

"He probably has the strongest power in our world, but he is also the strongest limited power," Elita concluded.

"If there is a way to restrain him, when we need to push a hand, call us at any time," Doug Wug said uncomfortably.

Doug Wuger's words clearly represent the attitude of O'Reilly.

The goal of everyone is too obvious to participate in the war between the kingdom of Brakada and the great kingdom of Akan.

But if the wall pushes everyone down, they will do the icing on the cake. After all, Gwen Magnus makes them very unhappy.

"He has tampered with the real name of the old world and has a legal identity, but his goal is still too obvious."

"If the powerful methods of the old world are repeatedly shown, it is likely to be exposed."

"But Gwen Magnus was obviously reluctant to rebuild."

"Because his immortal body is too strong."

Raised by everyone ~ ~ Xu Zhi finally wanted to understand what was missing before.

Everyone has a headache. Gwen Magnus is too strong. This strength is too strong to crack.

Cogwen Magnus is obviously also having a headache about his too strong body.

This is a body bestowed by the true God, which shuttles from the old world and has unmatched power.

If he continues to use the power of the old world, he is likely to be perceived by the world again, leading to doom, and it is difficult to escape for the second time.

However, he is recultivating in this new world and it is difficult to reach the height of the old world, let alone have the power of the **** body.

This ultimately led to a very embarrassing problem.

Gwen-Magnus has a terrific strength and has to hide it. He also has to rely on the kingdom and rely on others to work.

This is likely to be much heavier than the Tanu restrictions after the refurbishment.

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