Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2033: The limits of the world

   "It seems that you are sending me an artifact."

  When Xu Zhi drilled into the ruins, he only noticed that the direction he entered was slightly offset.

   This collision, which was guided by the spirit, took him out of the position he should have entered.

  If Xu Zhi is unwilling to accept this kind of treatment, he only needs to collide with the other party when he enters, and he can leave the direction of the other party.

  Compared with the last time he entered the Dragon Ruins, Xu Zhi has clearly noticed the abnormality.

   He did not make the slightest change, and then heard Deken's familiar voice.

   "Good" Xu Zhi nodded and said: "I am also looking forward to the dragon mushrooms here."

  Looking up, Xu Zhi saw Deken, and also saw many old mage with cockskin cranes.

   At this time, everyone controlled the crystal ball, and the state of the entrants continued to appear in the crystal ball.

   This made Xu Zhi begin to designate his own person.

   "You only have nine people, then the others are outsiders who wantonly break in."

   At this time, everyone was still waiting in place, and did not take private actions, which was in sharp contrast with other entrants.

   Deken said casually, reaching for a finger, a portal in this field was already lit, and the crystal dragons who had been prepared already roared and walked past the portal.

   Obviously, Deken did not like the interruption of foreign entrants.

   Several old mages even gave out a gruesome dry laugh.

   has been trapped in this bitterly cold place for thousands of years. Their mentality is no longer like that of normal people. It is usually like dead wood. Sometimes there are some limited activities to make them appear happy. Anatomy of outsiders is obviously the hobby of some of them.

   At this time, Xu Zhi also arched his hand to Paladin Jia, who was in charge of the mountain fortress.

  If there is enough time this time, he still has to use the magical power that these old mages are good at.

   The talents of the younger siblings do not predict the future like Gu Yuxi. Don't feel the pain when you take shape.

  If someone wants, he will help a little bit.

   And Xu Zhi needs Deken's assistance.

   Three years have passed, and he is not a guru who did not produce sticky intentions that day. At this time, he has more understanding.

  If the scene of the relics colliding with the big world can be presented again, there will obviously be some progress in the concept of stick art.

  He was sitting on the floor at this time. With the continuous in and out, huge long swords, huge shields, helmets like bathtubs, and several meters of armor were dragged out by Xu Zhi one by one.

   This huge set of armor has a weight of one ton and is very human-friendly.

   Only if it turns into an artifact, can it be qualified for control.

   "I never expected to see the complete accessory of this artifact."

  Deken stroking the giant Titan sword, his face seemed extremely satisfied.

   Except for the obsolete, these accessories are as he has seen before, and there has been no change.

   "I heard that this set of artifacts needs to be worn on the Titan and constantly bathed in thunder and lightning to form," Xu Zhiqi said.

   "Yes" Deken nodded: "That's the most normal way of fusion, but if it's strong enough, it's no problem to bathe in lightning."

   Deken unbuttoned his coat, but in an instant, his body had swelled.

   From a two-meter-high human being, it quickly rose to three meters, and then became four meters, five meters, six meters...

   It wasn't until his head reached the ceiling of the hall that he bowed down.

   Xu Zhi also began to see the other person's legs flashing blue light.

   "I can't think you are a family of Dengshen" Xu Zhidao.

   "It's just a hybrid, you can switch between the lamp **** and the human."

  Deken buckled the Titan armor, put the helmet of Thor on his head, took the Titan sword, and lifted the shield of the patron saint. He felt it. Then he put down many accessories and retracted the human form again.

   "Well, I have waited for you for several years."

   This is obviously a successful inspection and Deken is very satisfied.

   The two met for the first time and did not meet much. Everything was in mutual investment. Now, they have gained some basic trust.

   At this time, Deken waved his hand, and some old mage suddenly began to shuttle through the portal to pick up people.

  Several bottles were also taken out by Deken.

   "You have collected a lot of dragon mushrooms."

Xu Zhi looked at all kinds of blue, yellow, black, red, purple and green dragon soul grass, feeling Deken was too responsible. This was the relatives of how many dragons died. There were dragons who died under his hands. How many.

   "It's quite quick to go to Xiaolong to find the mushrooms. I pulled out some everywhere."

   "This thing is not worth much. The poor spiritual energy of the dragon class is too little. Relying on the digestion of dragon mushrooms is not as stable as cultivation."

   seems to have studied the use of Xu Zhi and others, and Deken seems a little unconcerned, completely disregarding the way that Xu Zhi and others get spiritual power.

   "You are right," Xu Zhi nodded and said: "It's just that the life span of our outsiders is too short to survive like you."

  If he can live for thousands of years, Xu Zhi feels that his mental strength should be quite strong.

   When he took a bottle of wine and tucked the dragon soul grass into it and shook it, he saw that people began to drill in the portal one after another.

   "Find a place to sit at will and drink hard when the Dragon Soul Grass melts" Xu Zhi raised his hand.

   "Hahaha, quack~"

  Li Duohuang looked at Tanu who talked with Xu Zhi, she seemed to understand something.

   had known for a long time that the two goods knew each other, why did they escape so quickly, and missed the follow-up medicine.

   Fortunately, I believed Xu Zhi this time, followed her, and looked at the various containers holding liquor and dragon soul grass in front of her eyes.

  She has seen the genius Dibao and the dragon soul grass.

  But she had never seen the appearance of this big medicine as a banquet, and she could let several people drink freely.

   is that there is no such extravagant behavior in the northern palace.

   was not only her, but the calm Tuo Guhong was also surprised.

  Only everyone in the Yan family seemed to get used to it and seemed calm to the scene.

  Some people are even starting to run mental tactics, looking forward to a good start when absorbing.

   "It's kind of interesting, is this your outside wine?"

   Deken has little interest in Dragon Soul Grass, but he has a slight interest in the spirits Xu Zhi keeps taking out.

  Not only him, but also some old mage licking his tongue.

   After Xu Zhi passed a bottle, Deken sniffed a little, hesitated, and then took a sip.

   "What's the name of this wine?" Deken asked.

   "It is a specialty liquor in our country that seems to be a variety of burnt knives."

   Before he came, he asked for some great wine.

  Xu Zhi looked at Deken's red face and a splash of water in his eyes, feeling that he was not much better when he drank.

   "Your energy for burning knife wine is too strong."

   Deken shook his head, only to feel that his throat was full of explosive flame shock, the faint gastrointestinal tumbling quickly, and his head was also warm.

   This is a kind of painful but painful feeling.

  The psychedelic spirit of alcohol is far more rapid than the magic scene they can explore.

   Deken vaguely seemed to see his mother that he had not seen for many years.

   He shook the bottle, filled it with several sips, and started crying with a hug.

   "I have no wine than me."

   Looking at Deken, who was crying and running, Xu Zhi felt that he was in a much better state after being drunk.

   "It is rare to see the embarrassing appearance of Lord Deken crying, come and make a record."

  Paidin, who was so annoyed by the egg, called out, and the old masters all came together.

   "This wine is better than magic."

   While relying on the crystal for records, an old mage also took a bottle of wine in Xu Zhi's hands and began pouring the first bite.

   The initial impact was not obvious. After half a bottle of wine, his body wobbled.

   "Hahaha, I feel like I can penetrate this **** old world with one fist."

   The old mage chatted with the teenager, holding the staff on the left and holding the wine bottle on the right, and scolded at the ceiling.

   "Laozi wants to become a god."

   "Laozi wants to ask why you want to make our good world look like wants to know the truth."

   "I don’t want to be your marionette, don’t want to carry the broken shackles of the world, locked in this world..."

  He was also dull crying when he was scolding, and some old mage could not help but become silent, even the recording of Deken's Palatin stopped.

   "We have been trapped here for ninety-two years," Paladin asked in a low voice.

   "Yes, there is not much left for our life," an old mage responded.

   When he talked, he saw that the old magistrate who wanted to drink drunk crooked, then stopped the words in his mouth and sat down slowly with the staff.

   "Escher was paralyzed by wine, he was drunk and dreamed of dying inside."

   Someone whispered.

  No matter what kind of reputation he had during his lifetime, and how superb the means were, when the end of life was approaching, it would inevitably be powerless, becoming a loess, and no matter behind him.

   Old mages seem to be familiar with death.

   This kind of death is relatively happy.

   Some old masters squeezed their mouths hard and stopped the jade look in their mouths.

   With a little magic flame igniting, Escher's body quickly began to burn in the firelight.

   "Our world and your world seem to have reached the limit," Pie Latin said.

   "Limit?" Xu Zhidao said.

   "Fleeing, detaching, fighting... There is not much time left, there are not many choices!"

   He sighed slightly.

   In the light of fire, he seemed to see his own destiny.

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