Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2034: Can't crack

   "Why do our world and yours have reached a limit to endure?"

  When Deken was awake, Xu Zhi couldn't help but also asked questions.

   "Two sides compete, there is always one side wins, one side loses, it is impossible to continue indefinitely."

   "Either your world is swallowed, or our world is dying, only these two options."

   "Time is really running out, we have few choices, and you don't have much choice."

  Deken was silent for a few seconds before he began to reply to Xu Zhi's question.

   "You help me is to find a ray of life for your world."

   "Why are you damaging your world?" Xu Zhi asked.

  Using the collision of the world to achieve the true God, the plan is crazy, and it is also a rigid generation of the old world to cut out a piece of meat.

  Deken's behavior is tantamount to stab him on their true god.

  This will also promote the existence of the real world.

   "He can achieve the true God, why can't I achieve the true God" Deken said coldly: "If I am the true God, at least I will protect the peace of the world, and I will do much better than him."

  In Deken's eyes, he obviously disdains the **** of this world, and still has the arrogance of a genius.

  Recall that Edney said that Deken's eyes were higher than the top, and no one could look down on it. Xu Zhi didn't expect Deken to look down even on the true God.

   This is really an independent person.

  It is difficult to change the other party's ideas.

   "If you have a chance, I don't believe you won't be moved. This is as natural as breaking through the realm."

   Deken looked at the men who were drinking the Dragon's Soul, and blushing and purifying.

   This is a transaction between him and Xu Zhi.

  If he didn't take out the artifact components slowly, at this time, he had already ignited the fire and made a strenuous impact.

   For the artifact of Titan Arrow, and to make the gods more confident, he has been waiting for three years.

  He can afford it, but Escher can't wait.

  When sadness continued to appear, he no longer felt any gratitude in his heart.

   breaks away from the true God and achieves the kingdom of God. This has become the obsession in his heart and has become his only goal of struggle.

   "That's right!" Xu Zhi finally agreed.

   Deken's reason was completely reasonable, and he was relieved.

   Anyway, there is no harm in working with Deken.

  The collision, engulfment, and demise of the world are difficult to study and understand, and Xu Zhi is also difficult to stop.

   He can only proceed from profit and choose the side that is beneficial to him.

   "You are lucky."

   Deken can still see the ring worn by Xu Zhi at this time.

  Xu Zhi couldn't hide him while holding the mage's ring, not to mention Xu Zhi also tried magic.

   This is an auxiliary mage artifact that requires extremely strong cast control.

   Deken is well aware of the power of artifacts.

   Of course he does not mind one more artifact, after all, he can easily use the Master's Ring.

   But at this time he is difficult to find a suitable transaction, and he is not willing to tear his face with Xu Zhi. After all, only Xu Zhi can complete the correct positioning of the outer world.

   "This is a friendly gift from His Majesty Gwen Magnus."

   "The mouth is not right."

  Xu Zhi just talked a little bit, and then was pointed out by Deken, which could not help making him accuse him a little.

  The transaction between Gwen Magnus and Mistreo was transferred to him by Mistreo, which is no different from Gwen Magnus sending him.

   "This is his beloved thing, and he wants to get it only by forcibly snatching it, or killing him to search for a dead body while fighting."

   Deken is also very curious about the origin of this Master's Ring Artifact in Xu Zhi's hands.

  The nature of Igwen-Magnus, it is impossible to transfer this important treasure.

   "This is a normal thing," Xu Zhi smiled and said: "He survives in the world of the four elemental master gods. This artifact is difficult to adapt to that world. There is no space for it and it is sent out."

   Xu Zhi looked at the Master's Ring worn in his hand, and he was quite satisfied with the treasure.

   Probably because of the commonality between the four-element main **** world and the space-time dragon world, this ring has played a role very safely.

   There is no attribute panel perception at this time, but Xu Zhi knows the time limit of his magic.

  He was full of magic, and he became a master of magic.

   Fifty times the extension of the time limit, these magical states will even let him have it until the time of the ruins.

   "As the God-appointed Son of the True God, he actually fled and fled to the world of hostile True Gods."

  The time has passed so many years, Deken does not believe that Gwen Magnus is in trouble.

   This can only mean betrayal, Gwen Magnus finally chose to escape.

   This is true of the Son of God, not to mention other people.

   said that he was still sent by Gwen Magnus to the Dragon Continent to cultivate himself.

  If you hate the true god, come first.

  Gwen-Magnus can be ranked second.

I heard that Gwen Magnus had a very good life. De [Zero Zero Reading 00ks] Ken was very unhappy, but the more unhappy he wanted to hear, the more he knew the status of some acquaintances in this depressed world. .

   In this contradiction, Deken scolded two sentences from time to time and listened quietly from time to time.

   Xu Zhi also inevitably talked about the issue of strength.

   "His Majesty Gwen-Magnus is known as'never die', how strong is his true strength?"

   "How strong can that be, if he doesn't have a **** body, I can kill him."

   Deken groaned, his expression clearly had envy for Gwen Magnus's body.

   "You need to know that Gwen Magnus was appointed, which means God's will and God's majesty, which shows that it is invincible."

   "But Lord Tanan defeated him" Xu Zhi frowned.

   "That was Tanan too annoying, and became the same as Gwen Magnus, who could not beat anyone, and finally made Gwen Magnus depressed, too lazy to entangle with him, and directly admit defeat."

  Xu Zhi didn't expect to hear a bit of past from Deken.

   But Tanu's glorious deeds when he won Gwen Magnus seemed a bit distracted, and Xu Zhi didn't get the answer he really wanted.

   "Is his **** body really unbreakable?" Xu Zhi asked.

"It's because you want to kill him," Deken smiled. "Don't bother, no matter in our world or the world of the four elemental master gods, his **** body can be used normally, and no one can really defeat him. "

   Deken's words made Xu Zhi almost have the idea of ​​treason.

   He also cooperated with Mistreo to calculate Gwen Magnus. If he knew he would fail, he still had to do it.

  Provoking someone who cannot be This will be a headache.

  Don’t see Xu Zhi is quite safe in the elemental world, but Tanu can get in, Gwen Magnus may not get in.

   And Gwen-Magnus’s body will not be damaged, even if it forcibly breaks the space to withstand the space cutting.

  Xu Zhi decided to be a little low-key and strive not to show up in front of Gwen Magnus to maintain friendly relations between the two sides.

   "This is too abnormal" Xu Zhidao.

   "His **** body means invincibility, there are almost no natural enemies in our world, and I don't know if there is a restrained big figure in the four-element main **** world," Deken asked.

   "An old dragon makes the summon devouring spells seem to have a chance to restrain him, but it is now paralyzed."

   "It's a pity to devour."

  Deken thought about it, only to find it difficult to compare the two.

   The undead body is unique, but swallowing can melt thousands of souls.

   really want to compare the two, only to seek the limits of which, whose limit is farther.

   But this comparison is also destined to be a situation where both sides lose.

   One may be strangled and one may be melted down. No one wants to try it, and now it is impossible to try.

   "I once used Gwen Magnus as an imaginary enemy, and there is no chance of winning."

   Deken painted on the paper for a while.

   is a picture of him constantly fighting, and finally being stepped on the ground by Gwen Magnus.

   "Unless he is dead from his own body, no one can clean him up."

   Deken finally made an evaluation of Gwen Magnus' combat power.

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