Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2041: give obituary notice


  Xu Zhi knew long ago that the inspection department had internal ghosts, and the level was not low.


  From the bottom of the doubt to the middle, to the top.


   Until now, only gradually came out.


  No one wants to succumb to control, but has to respect the command.


  Under the constant control, the bitter education is like a spider silk, which makes people involuntarily.


  Once you have the power to resist control, and you have enough strength to rebel, you will take risks.


   Luo Jiahui is obviously one of them.


   Decades of double-sided life, he obviously reached a limit of patience.


  The many medicines entrusted to it are more like trusting.


   just like Tibetan Su Xin and others, put out the tray of their best items, just for a few moments after the accident.


   "Buried Luo Jiahui House."


  Think clearly, Xu Zhi began to give instructions.


   "Zhongfu, his family..."


  Song Jingzhao was anxious and opened his mouth.


   "Luo Jiahui's skill is not very good, when he controlled the Grand Master's soldier, Yun Jian, he encountered a bite, and died here, what is his relationship with his family," Xu Zhi replied.


   "OK, you have the final say" Song Jing Zhao said dullly.


   Xu Zhi's sentence is to temporarily characterize this.


   No follow-up will be done for the time being.


   "Song Shaofu has been chasing and blocking the past few years, surveyed southern Yunnan, and some targets have been slowly traced out," Tuo Guhong said beside him.


   "Can I chase Luo Fu body?"


   "I was suspected, and several members of the family were asked, not to mention Luo Fu."


  Tuo Guhong's bitter smile made Xu Zhi understand the reason suddenly.


   Xu Zhi also knew very clearly that when he left Tuo Guhong, the other party said that there was a problem in South Yunnan.


  The longer the Grand Master's soldiers take, the stronger the effect will be. It is not that Luo Jiahui doesn't want to temper this weapon anymore, but Song Jingzhao did not give time.


   As a queen, her status is too high.


   Against Song Jingzhao's imprisonment, killing and other actions will only cause greater trouble.


  Compared to Wang Dong's escape, he finally chose atonement rebellion.


  Perhaps, after the first evil is wiped out, everything will end, and he will also be able to usher in the due trial.


   "Three Grandmasters, how good it is, how can you fight it."


   Even Xu Zhi is slowly waiting for the opportunity.


   Anyone who hits the grass and frightens the snake and lets a grand master sneak away will escape to the situation of northern Xinjiang.


   Many important people dare not travel, or can only travel in groups.


  The grandmaster of the unknown life and death, Ajiahe, don’t beg and pull, and Yijian is a sequelae.


  If there is a chance, these two grandmasters will obviously choose to directly kill important people in northern Xinjiang.


   This even caused Xu Zhi to suffer, and when he was out of the ruins, he was smashed with his face.


   Half-sounding, Yan Xuankong's sound and shadow fell from the sky, the time was too long apart, he was obviously nothing.


   found no results. He was not a member of the inspection department. He was not familiar with the case tracing and started to mention other things.


   "Zun is scolding you again, you won't reply back?" Yan Xuankong said.


   "Curse me? Why did he scold me again?" Xu Zhi said inexplicably: "I am busy retreating and practicing. I need a little private space. I still have to investigate the case."


   "He said you can jump up and hit him on the knee now, he is strong and will fly..."


"I go……"


   "Salman's communication says that you and the Grand Master have also fought a fight, and will you run away from each other?"


   "That's also Grand Master Salman held up half of the sky, how can we fight Grand Master, then don't we find death in the pit."


  Xu Zhi shook his head, knowing that Song Zhongkai thought carefully.


   This venerable person must want to know clearly, but Xu Zhi retired and no one saw him. He suffocated him directly. Don't mention how itchy it is at the moment. I'm afraid it's a bit uncomfortable.


   "Again, it's just a fight. He can't ask me, but he can ask others."


   There were quite a lot of people at the time, not only Salman, but also the Yan family, and Tuo Guhong, Li Duohuang, who asked whether it was not asked, can know the details.


   "He doesn't want to listen to information from others, he just wants to hear your bragging. Who knows you don't bird him at all, probably makes him a little sad" Yan Xuankong said.


   "It's all sad, it's good if things aren't clear, let's say I haven't done any trouble to him outside," Xu Zhi said dumbly.


  Luo Jiahui is the dean of his academy, and was taken care of at that time.


   has since become a member of the Inspection Division, and has many connections with each other.


   Now that the person is dead, he is in a bad mood, but he still has a little temper.


  While being cut, someone still has to work and wait for the secretary, which makes Xu Zhi feel too difficult to live.


   "You have to take good care of the elderly."


   "I want him to take care of it" Xu Zhi depressed: "He especially likes to scold me in recent years, it is not as kind as before."


   "He is lonely" Yan Xuankong said.


   "He has many children, many daughters and grandchildren, and his wife, Master Situ."


   "Apart from us, who is not respectful and respectful in front of him, few people really talk to him."


  Yuan Xuankong said something that made Xu Zhi silent.


  If so, Song Zhongkai had few words.


   Qu Gaohe widowed, lofty status, it is not an exaggeration to say he is widowed.


   "He sees you as the person who supports Dongyue, thinking of entrusting you to care for the next hundred years, and he is afraid that he will be treated as a parent.


   "Your authority is a very special existence since Dongyue's founding of the People's Republic of China. If it were not for his vigorous support, it would be difficult to reach the current high position."


   "As long as you recommend, he is very relieved."


   "This package [] includes Lu Shengan, but also Piduohuanghuang, and even your brother and sister are in the inspection department, he did not express any views."


   Yan Xuankong's words belong to teaching.


  Yan Xuankong let them fly, rarely teach people.


   Xu Zhi has not been taught for many years.


  In the years of growth, unless his life's cognition, Xu Zheng's early education of beating and scolding, he basically bumped into learning and learning from many people in his life.


   So far, Xu Zhi has forgotten a lot of content.


   always walked, some thoughts slowly let go.


   heard Yan Xuankong mention Song Zhongkai's mentality, which made him touch a little bit.


  If there is no teacher brothers and sisters, and add several friends, he is afraid that there is no difference between Song Zhongkai and Song Zhongkai.


   goes all the way, there must be several confidants, also need companions, and even need successors.


   "Okay, I will chat with him more, and I will talk more with Master Situ."


   Xu Zhi took out his phone and looked at the "Receive information but not remind" sign of the old dog in the address book, and unlocked this permission again.


  Didididi's voice kept ringing.


  Each drop is a piece of information.


   Four hundred and sixty.


   This is how often they post ten a day after returning from the Dragon Ruins.


  Looking at Song Zhongkai's continuous messages, Xu Zhi opened the chat box and didn't know what to say for a while.


   Half a noise, he sent a bunch of crying expressions past.


   "Report to you a funeral, Luo House was damaged when verifying bitterness, and the sword died."


  Without the transfer from his headquarters, Song Zhongkai would get the news a little Just under seven hours later, Song Zhongkai at this time probably had not had breakfast for long.


  Xu Zhi thought it better to not speak.


   received his message, Song Zhongkai probably had a hard time this day.


   "He is a person who is suffering, or our own."


   There were tens of seconds apart before Xu Zhikai received a reply from Song Zhongkai.


   Song Zhongkai replied in a very emotional mood.


   caused Xu Zhizhi to have some doubts when he reported, which may be an indelible trace of Wang Dong in his mind.


   He believed Xu Zhi, but did not believe Luo Jiahui.


   "He finally returned to us, of course he himself."


   Half a ring, Xu Zhicai returned this message to the past.

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