Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2042: Leave

The latest website: Xu Zhi has been silent for a long time at the ancestral tomb of the Luo family.

This incident was of great importance, but because Luo Jiahui was in the important position of the inspection department, the cause of the death was inexplicable, and he did not arbitrarily conduct funerals.

No need to look back, Xu Zhi can also feel that Luo's family has special feelings.

This large probability is also a person who is suffering from hardship, and has a sense of panic.

But with the exception of the leader of bitter religion, the positions of the ambassador, the four emperors, the liaison ambassador, etc., the other is not very important.

This is an elite organization. As long as the chief evil is removed, others will slowly return, and it will be difficult for the climate.

Luo Jiahui hollowed out his home to deliver medicine, and there were acts of rebellion and evil. Xu Zhi did not deal with the Luo family.

He couldn't move at this time.

He did not tidy up these little ones.

Luo Jiahui can only be buried normally, even in the name of controlling the Grand Master's soldiers.

Once the inspections are swept away, it is not only difficult to find the real culprit, but after everything is exposed, southern Yunnan is even more difficult to control.

The existence of the three Grand Masters is the sharpest knife.

Fashioned on the body can survive, and it is likely to die after being pulled out, only temporarily defaulting to this state.

"Go back to Kyoto!"

Xu Zhi spoke, and then looked at Tuo Guhong and Song Jingzhao.

"Three days later, there will be a subpoena to southern Yunnan, Tuo Guhong will be promoted to the southern Yunnan inspection department, and the inspection department will fill the vacancy."

It was originally planned that Tuo Guhong was promoted to the inspection department of Ganzi province, but this accident came too quickly, and even Xu Zhi was caught off guard.

Dongyue has three more provinces. Not only does the official system need not give way, but there are also vacancies that are difficult to continue.

Ganzixing Provincial Inspection Department Shaofu Murongqiu was sick, and Wen Jiahao of Zhongfu had many means, but only a few years ago, he was promoted to a master, and his strength was difficult to shoulder.

Although the majority of other provinces and provinces are mostly masters, it is difficult to escape, and it is difficult to assume higher responsibilities.

Wang Zhongyang's resignation can only be pushed.

"Yingyang has the mind to do business, it is better to go to our house and let him cultivate in Kyoto, where the educational resources are more abundant than in southern Yunnan."

"So good!"

Tuo Guhong frowned and nodded in agreement with Xu Zhi.

Once in conflict, he couldn't resist the Grand Master who killed Luo Jiahui.

The risk of taking office in southern Yunnan is extremely high.

But now there is obviously no more suitable person.

In addition to Xu Zhi, he is the strongest person in the guru, and only he can assume this dangerous position.

"Dare to engage Lao Tzu, the gods will poke you off."

He didn't know how to deal with these things for a while, but he was ruthless in his heart, thinking of his son with Xu Zhi, he died desperately when something went wrong, making others feel bad.

When he returned to Kyoto, Xu Zhi wanted to report to Song Zhongkai and chat with the lonely old man, but Huang Puduan came with him.

"Headquarters Xu!"

"Why, Lu Fuguo rejected you again?"

Huang Pu's brow furrowed slightly, apparently having a mind.

The death of Luo Jiahui brought a lot of dullness to the inspectors of the inspection department. At this time, Xu Zhi had to tease Huang Pu to take a look and relieve the atmosphere.

Things will always pass.

There must be a day to end.

"He has rejected me forty-three times."

"As long as the skill is deep, the iron pestle is ground into needles, the female chasing the male, the interlayer yarn, you should succeed next time, work harder, don't let you confess forty-three times."

"You are right, but I..."

Huang Pu looked down and gritted his teeth for a long time before raising his head to look at Xu Zhi.

"General House, I clearly see that Luo Shangfu died of poison. Why did you and Tuozhongfu both believe that he was a sword wounded death, and announced to the outside that he died of bitterness."

"The death of the sword wound... Um, poison, anti-bite, there is so little" Xu Zhi sighed and nodded: "The explanation we chose to focus on."

"But I clearly saw the poison in him."

"That kind of poison?"

"The poison on his body is not only caused by the Yao sword, but also the backlash of his poisonous body. This is the generation of the heart-to-heart combination, which penetrates the body from the inside out."

"I didn't expect you to have this poisonous research."

Xu Zhi nodded, indicating that he knew.

He knew, Tuo Guhong knew, Song Jingzhao might have guessed, but did not say it.

The Huangpu Duanrong suffocated to the present.

As the former dean of the Toxic Academy, Huang Pu's venom skill level is quite high, and he has also learned from Luo Jiahui.

"Is this poison really unsolvable?" Huang Pu said with a startled voice.

"It's not that there is no solution, it's that the poisoned person can't find it out, and there is not enough experimental opportunity," Xu Zhi replied.

"Experimental opportunity?" Huang Pu opened his eyes and said: "If I were to be a carrier, you would detoxify me."

"Come on, I don't want to be punished to death by Grand Master Huangpu" Xu Zhi refused: "It takes a lot of financial resources and rare medicines to crack, and I can't afford to waste it."

Bing Linglong was swallowed two by himself, and another by Zhuang Baiqiu. The remaining quantity was not too large. Xu Zhi had not thought of taking it for an experiment.

"My brother doesn't poke people," Huang Pu said urgently: "He has a good temper."

"If you don't poke people, Lu Fuguo has promised you to confess." Xu Zhi joked: "Other people's love is the most costly, and your love is life-threatening. You have to stare at Lu Fuguo closely and be able to receive Huangpu's Grand Master III. There are not many young masters of guns."

"You can also take my brother three shots," Huang Pu Duanrong complained: "The solution to my marriage is the quickest you can help."

As Xu Zhi said, financial, material, and human resources are rarely affordable.

Not only the researched objects that need medicine to accept the experiment, but also the scientific and technological personnel to research, but also need many instruments, test drugs and so on.

An item-by-item analysis requires another item-by-item verification.

And each person's physical differences are different, which leads to the complexity and diversification of the mother and child.

This is a difficult study.

When Xu Zhi changed the subject, Huang Pu's dullness knew that Xu Zhi was not willing to talk more about this matter.

There is no way to talk about it.

Huang Pu Duanrong was unavoidably taking Xu Zhi to block the gun when he was teased by Xu Zhi.

"I can take him three shots, but I'm afraid you can't take three shots of Uya Ye Fulin."

Xu Zhi made a sentence, so that Huang Pu was calm and speechless.

Her brother's gun was not easy to catch, but it was too difficult to grab a man with Uya Ye Fulin.

The status and strength of the opponent almost stood at the apex of many women.

If you want to find something wrong, maybe your appearance is not perfect, or your personality is not good enough.

But even so, there are few people who surpass Uya Ye Fulin in these two.

The Grand Master is the most extraordinary figure in the world. There are only so many people in the world, and Wu Ya Ye Fulin also follows Xu Zhi.

Huangpu Duanrong was very depressed when he thought about it, and felt that he was a low-end version of Uya Ye Fulin.

This is no different from Xu Zhi's attitude.

While Huang Pu was humming, he couldn't help wondering Xu Zhi's attitude.

This made Xu Zhi fight for a while ha ha ha ha.

He was the one who got angry.

Xu Zhi had never had a woman like Uya Ye Fulin in his When he was halfway out, he was also very big.

Just as he persuaded Huangpu to be tolerant, as long as he worked hard, the iron pestle was ground into needles, and the female chased the male.

After being worn down by Wu Ya Ye Fulin, Xu Zhi felt that sooner or later he would be worn by water droplets, and the cloth on the screen would be pierced.

But distance and national boundaries give a layer of obstacles.

At this time he was fairly calm and did not fall into love.

This was to disturb the topic, to make fun and encourage Shanghuangpu to take a look, but did not expect to be targeted.

Xu Zhi was dumb for a moment, and finally only drove the woman back awkwardly.

He shivered and flew into the air for a few minutes.

It wasn't until the little building came into view that it went down and walked in slowly.

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