Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2045: Puppet dragon completion ceremony

The latest website: "Everything will eventually fall into place."

Xu Zhi asked Lu Shengan directly without holding the silk.

The matter is speculative, and Luo Jiahui only mentioned the surname.

This made Xu Zhi still have a little hope in his heart.

As long as the overall situation is in place, when it is launched, all evil spirits will appear, and few people can escape.

But the thought of Wang Dong, the involuntary Luo Jiahui, Zhuang Baiqiu and Zang Suxin, among others.

Xu Zhi finally softened again.

"a chance."

"If you are really "secret", I will give you a chance."

He looked at the collection of Bing Linglong, at which time there were only seven such rare medicines.

He can detoxify the mother and child, but he does not know who the real poison is, which makes him antidote useless.

Sooner or later, Lu Shengan has a talk, but the time is far from now.

With the exception of Song Zhongkai, he couldn't talk much.

Everything can cause words to be lost.

As the head office of the inspection department, it is in the dark and keeps deterrence, so that people can't feel the trend and state.

This is enough.

It only takes two years.

As he continued to practice, Xu Zhi was also considering the conditions for the assistance.

In addition to internal factors, he needs to borrow externally.

This requires the help of other great masters.

And it is a grandmaster who can normally participate in the four-country exchange competition.

This grandmaster will not be Turanto.

Dongyue held a four-nation exchange competition, far from needing to maintain Uygur Turinto's domestic appearance.

Amelia's big mouth is not suitable for cooperation.

The remaining people are only Wen Renwei.

But Xu Zhi also had a headache how to truly integrate Liu Li with his identity, and Wen Renweiyang also had to admit his identity, don't take Qingchuan Akiko to the top tank.

He and Wenren Weiyang have no grievances or enmity. They are only a dispute of the kingdom. No one is right or wrong, that's all.

In this relationship, it is possible to oppose and naturally cooperate.

The only prerequisite for cooperation is to benefit both parties.

You help me, I help you, the cooperation can be completed if the conditions are equal.

He held some chips in his hand, but Xu Zhi didn't have enough content. After all, he cheated Wen Renwei once and cheated others' practice skills.

How difficult it is for the two people to think about the cooperation without carelessness.

Xu Zhi has a headache for the relationship in reality, but also for the relationship between the four-element master world.

When he was bored in training to increase his strength, he went to this world from time to time to see opportunities.

On the portal.

Tanu is still asking for help, but at this time he is already replacing the contract items.

Xu Zhi was not interested in the baby he brought out.

Mistreo broadcast two good news from time to time, and sent some help from time to time, and from time to time asked him to inquire about Gwen Magnus.

His request was a bit outrageous.

Is it a lot of money to buy all kinds of blasters, or a lot of money?

The last four-country exchange competition went to Xiliu to sell a thousand pieces of gold coins, which is not enough to stop the teeth.

He Xu also used money quickly.

It is very convenient to raise an airship, it is very windy, but it is also very expensive.

Hundreds of millions of dollars bought a vehicle.

The annual maintenance fee will also gradually increase.

Xu Zhi directly ignored Mistreo's help.

As for inquiries, it would have to be called by Gwen Magnus.

Without summoning, expecting an elemental creature to inquire about the news, Xu Zhi can only say that Mistreo broke his mind.

Agrinel's contract is still on the portal, and occasionally a little contract of trivial matters is issued.

Xu Zhi couldn't guide the Oriolisi how to better farm, grow fruit trees, catch fish, raise calves. His specialty is to beat people.

He has a need to go down to O'Reilly.

But he did not go to Agrienaire, but wanted to find Wenren Young through Agrienaire.

Xu Zhi didn't think about how to let Wen Renwei Young cooperate in the first half of the meeting, and finally he could only let go of this contract.

Hexis's contract was cursing, the better Mistelio had passed, the more uncomfortable he would be.

He had to smile and greet each other, which felt very sour. Hexis was currently in a low mood and a little wanted to give up the idea of ​​pit Mysterio. Xu Zhi was encouraged and encouraged.

Xu Zhi thought it was good for Hexis to give up trouble.

In order not to disturb the Hexis plan, he has not been in the lower realm for a long time and has been spent in reality.

This contract is still past.

San Theo’s covenant was left untouched for more than a year. The high priest fished a million gold coins from Mistreo and is probably enjoying life now.

Xu Zhi glanced at his contract list as dull as his daily tasks, just when he wanted to go back to practice as usual.

Wien's contract flashed from the portal.

Wean’s special contract: On the order of my king Gwen-Magnus, the Kingdom of Brakada will hold the puppet dragon completion ceremony, and welcome the descendant of the jungle fairy monarch! Please be sure to arrive, my king specially invited you by name.

Contract: Lucky Four Leaf Clover X1.

This is a contractor who does not like Xu Zhi very much.

Not to mention the dry contractual words, Xu Zhi has never seen a contractor who is less stingy than Wean.

When the big druid issued the contract summons, the contract was only a lucky clover.

Outside the village of Dongfang Village, a large patch of clover is now planted, and finding a four-leaf clover is quite easy.

This kind of big goods makes Xu Zhi very unwilling to go to the lower bound.

But thinking about Misterio's request, Xu Zhi decided to take a look at the situation for it.

Putting on the festive green suits of the jungle fairies, Xu Zhi flipped the summoning contract and drilled through the portal.

"You came quite quickly this time."

When Xu Zhi was in the lower realm, Viarn was wearing a costume, and it seemed that he was also attending the ceremony.

She didn't care about Xu Zhi watching at the scene. The flesh-colored flesh made Xu Zhi feel that she was a little too early.

"I'm coming quickly any time," Xu Zhi sullenly replied.

"I have called you fifteen times, and you have responded only twice," Wearn said dissatisfiedly: "You are ignoring the majesty of my king."

"It's you who ignored the order of His Majesty Gwen-Magnus and gave a four-leaf clover every time. I didn't want to come down when I looked at it," Xu Zhi retorted.

"Hey, isn't the jungle goblin the lucky four-leaf clover? I've been searching for a long time before I found something fresh."

"Who said I like these grasses, and you think we are cows, specializes in nibbling grass," Xu Zhi said.

Until now, he finally understands the reason why Wien's contract is so inferior.

"That's what the Druid has said, the jungle goblin likes gold coins and four-leaf clover the most," Wien argued.

"Who wrote the broken book, this is a scourge of our jungle goblins for countless years."

"The books in recent years were compiled by me."

Wean whispered, feeling that the content of the book he compiled could be added a little.

"What the **** do you like?"

"Baby, very good baby, magic parchment ~ ~ high-grade parchment paper, gold coins, a lot of gold coins, let me tell you first, I don’t like less than 10,000 pieces ..."

When Xu Zhili said his needs, Wei An directly marked the words "human nature" in the record, which was regarded as a cover.

"I still want what you said."

She said angrily, and immediately thought of the identity of Xu Zhi's jungle fairy lord, and said nothing.

Anyway, this is the only jungle goblin monarch I've ever seen, and the requirements for some special "human nature" are understandable.

No wonder Xu Zhi didn't want to take care of her before.

When she was summoned by a lucky four-leaf clover, she seemed to be covered.

If she wants to make an emergency call next time, she still has to borrow some available contract from Gwen Magnus.

Dressed well, Wei Aen led Xu Zhizhong to the old road and began to wear a carriage to the palace.

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