Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2046: Aboriginal language of the Red Dwarves

The latest website: In the Royal Palace, there are people coming and going, and many Archmages gather.

Like Wiarn, everyone wears a dress.

The decay of the upper level of the Brakada Kingdom is even worse than Xu Zhi imagined.

If it is true, Mistelio is still advancing there, slicing into the land of the Kingdom of Bracada.

With continuous training and continuous practice, the charm of Immelia has also begun to enter the master level, which further accelerates the rate of erosion.

Every day, there are constantly a large number of newcomers coming to seek refuge.

Every day, her army is increasing.

Every day, the great Akan Kingdom is also expanding.

But from these masters, Xu Zhi couldn't see any emotion with tension and concern at all.

Carnival, indulgence.

Especially the ceremony held by Gwen Magnus himself.

Whether it is an old mage or a young mage, they are all gorgeously dressed, and they all carry beautiful female partners.

The prelude to the ceremony was free dance and drinking, and there were countless clinking sounds of craps on the occasion.

Alcohol paralyzes the mind, and for the master of work and rest and habits, alcohol is prohibited.

The old mage of the Dragon Ruins even drank only when the limit came.

In comparison, these masters are not qualified masters.

If the gang of generals under Mistreo can only play ten fights, Xu Zhi feels that the level of these high-powered "pseudo-masters" is not much higher.

Practice, demonstration, and actual combat are completely different concepts.

Looking at the masters who kept making cups and dancing and even had their hands up and down, Xu Zhi saw the decay and the depravity.

It didn't take long to withdraw from Northern Xinjiang and enter Gwen Magnus into this world to establish a dynasty, just three hundred years.

Obviously, when the family is good and fashionable, it is difficult for Gwen Magnus to rely on these people.

The production of puppet dragons is also on the agenda.

Continue to follow Wei Aen, Xu Zhi also began to see the puppet dragons standing in the center of the palace.

This is a behemoth that is more than ten meters high and twenty meters long.

The highest puppet leader collar body is even more than fifty meters long and more than twenty meters high.

Unlike the puppet dragons in the Kingdom of Casa, each puppet dragon here is made of black dragon corpses, with various sizes and various powers.

At this time, the puppet dragon entered the final debugging stage, and the red dwarves moved one by one to the spaciousness of the palace.

When the debugging is completed, we must use the most open space to test the true power.

Whether a structure machine works or not, it will be clear only after testing.

Wei Neng does not rely on how big a block is, nor is it just as long as the machine can move.

At this time, the red dwarves chatted quietly with each other.

The Red Dwarves have their own native language, and the culture also uses their own words, which makes many mages listening nearby ignorant.

If only the native language of some large tribes in the eastern continent is enough, you can find out what you understand.

But this group of red dwarves was specially invited in Casa, and has been secretly controlled by Casa. No one can understand the language of the red dwarves.

Even the knowledgeable Gwen Magnus is no exception.

At this time, Gwen Magnus was sitting on a chair made of gold, and when he had a cup with the group ministers, his eyes were slightly confused.

"Your Majesty wanted to ask you to do the translation before, and the king of the western continent said you know the language of the Red Dwarfs," Viarn said.

"That's right," Xu Zhi nodded. "I do speak some ethnic languages. If you need a qualified translator, it's right to find me."

"But you don't have to go down the line," Wearn said with a headache.

"I tell you that our lucky four-leaf clover in the elemental world can be picked out when you go out. We are not rare in your contract."

"But I'm just a middleman doing things..."

Wearn continued to walk with Xu Zhi through several layers of security lines before he ran in front of Gwen Magnus.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of the Jungle Fairy Lord has arrived."

Wei Aen gave a big gift, Xu Zhi also clenched his fists.

Seeing this immortal king again, the crooked thoughts in Xu Zhi's head were already very low.

If no one is killing such a person, then he will have to be a bit more attitude.

Even if Gwen Magnus is lost to Mistreo in the future, it will be Tanu's kind.

In case of getting into the elemental world through some methods, Xu Zhi could not cope with it.

At this time Xu Zhi's attitude was quite low.

In any case, it is also human instinct to avoid evil.

It's impossible for him to go against the emperor.

Beside Gwen Magnus, Xu Zhi also saw Somra, who was not squinting but had a slightly nervous expression.

When Xu Zhi saluted, he followed the sound and got a good perspective.

Xu Zhi felt that there was too much content in his eyes, and it was difficult for him to understand for a while.

Tanu has set this body for him, which does not include the function of translating the eyes of others.

"Squeaky Lord" Gwen Magnus first spoke.

"I haven't seen your majesty for a long time, I really miss you very much," Xu Zhi replied.

"You're afraid that I'm too ruined here, so you won't be here for a long time," Gwen Magnus laughed.

"How could it be?" Xu Zhi shook his head: "You have to ask Viaan Druid about this matter."


"Your Majesty, his subjects are guilty."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Viarne knelt down to the ground.

"Senior's attainments in natural magic level are too poor. I don't understand what the jungle fairy monarch needs. I think lucky clover is the best gift, but I never thought about it..."

"Don't you ever think about it?"

"I didn't think that the jungle fairy monarch's family planted a large piece."


Gwen Magnus burst out laughing, and a bold voice came, making Wean shudder.

If you remember correctly, this majesty likes to kill when he laughs.

If there were no surprises, she would have to die today.

"You tycoon, because of my friendship with His Excellency, and His Majesty Ruiou, I said how can he keep coming down again and again, come here."

Gwen Magnus yelled, and suddenly the four red-robed mages stood up.

He pointed to Viarne, and when he just wanted to point, he looked at the jungle fairy lord aside, and his sleeve suddenly waved.

"There is Lord Squeak, and spare you this time."

There is no problem in killing Viarn, but the contractor dies, and the one who inevitably summons will fly back to the elemental world.

Gwen Magnus sneered a few times, and Wean lying on the ground only felt a cold sweat wet his body.

She knocked on the ground several times, and then slowly stood up and stood aside.

Xu Zhi looked at Wearn's soggy dress on his back, and he just didn't want to understand.

This great druid had a high status in the elven kingdom of Arannon, even if it belonged to the rebel army of Lord Huck, after all, the civil war was also respected by the elven king Elvin.

Why did Wean Fein go to the kingdom of Bracada to make dog legs?

Could it be comforting to kneel down to Gwen Magnus here.

As an elf, she has too many emotions that should not exist, and has made too many mistakes.

When Xu Zhixi thought for a while, he saw Gwen Magnus smiling at him: "Sir Chee, please help me listen, what are the red dwarves arguing about all day?"

Not understanding the language of an ethnic group at all makes Gwen Magnus a headache.

He's not Tanu's mastery, and it's amazing to know some advanced bird language.

As for the language of the red dwarf, there are several outsiders who will learn.

People of other races have always taken the initiative to learn all kinds of common languages ​​on the mainland.

But this group of red dwarves is too indigenous, and the language of the ethnic group is used throughout.

In the past year, he has not heard the words of other varieties popping out of these red dwarves.

Gwen Magnus felt that Mistreo's conservative puppet dragon's confidential measures were too strict.

Without communication, the red dwarves who do not know the common language of the mainland are almost impossible to leak out.

This caused him a lot of trouble in the process of developing the puppet dragon.

The materials let the red dwarfs choose directly.

Venues, facilities, all kinds of materials refer to what is required.

Does it need so much, how much waste, and whether there is greed.

The cost of casting the puppet dragon is so high, this time he has a headache, feeling that he has become a knight, all kinds of expenses poured out like running But the puppet dragons finally formed.

Or puppet dragons in groups.

This makes him very satisfied with this manufacturing result.

When a heart fell, Gwen Magnus was also very interested in figuring out what the Red Dwarves were talking about every day.

If possible, he also has some interest in how to make a puppet dragon.

When asked about Misterio, he was eventually recommended by Misterio.

Unless Mistreo and Mister Palma came in person, only this green skin would satisfy the conditions for translation.

Xu Zhi looked at the red dwarves who communicated very happy in the native language. Of course he understood why the dwarves said these words.

The Red Dwarves can of course speak common language if they do not delay the time following Mistelio’s orders.

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