Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2047: It’s time to loyal to your majesty

Latest website: This is Mr. Holps, the leader of the Red Dwarf. "

Faced with Gwen Magnus's request, Xu Zhi could certainly satisfy him.

Translation is no problem.

The native language of the Red Dwarf is not difficult.

As long as it is a creature of the dragon world of time and space and the four-element main **** world, this **** body set by Tanu can give a perfect translation.

Can hear and speak, there is no hindrance to the whole communication.

"Ah, I know the name of this gentleman, I heard it mentioned by His Majesty Ruiou."

The name Xu Zhi translated was also the only thing that Gwen Magnus knew.

For so long, he knew the name of this red dwarf leader.

"This is St. Depps, this is Sandpus, this is Gunmer Alapps, this is Brother Mahal..."

Xu Zhi introduced it in a circle, and Gwen Magnus felt his head dizzy.

These red dwarfs look very similar, and most of their names are similar. If they are pronounced in the official language of the Eastern Continent, the translation is particularly awkward.

After the introduction of the fifty red dwarves, Gwen Magnus only felt that there was nothing in his mind.

Of course, the name is not important.

But the green skin in front of me can really translate the red dwarf language.

This is probably to follow Rio for too long and learn some skills.

Gwen Magnus finished self-understanding and began to ask Xu Zhi some related questions.

For example, know what the red dwarves are saying?

"The steak I ate yesterday was more unpalatable than feces. It was undercooked. When I bite it, the blood spurted me."

"The kingdom of Brakada doesn't know what happened. The delicious big fish and meat are not a few meals, and the meals are made of half-cooked food."

"I hate the herbs that are put in the dishes. It smells so bad."

"Vanilla tastes pretty good, I think it's quite fragrant."


"good smell."



Xu Zhi continued to translate, and Gwen Magnus's face had become pig liver color.

"I provide them with the best food in the kingdom every day."

Gwen Magnus explained dryly.

"The herbs inside are food spice that the mages and nobles can squander."

Looking at Xu Zhi's surprised face, he added another sentence.

But the explanation seemed a bit weak and pale, and Gwen Magnus immediately called a red robe master.

"Dumbledore, you say how many gold coins we have for our finest food spices."

"Your Majesty, ten gold coins and one gram are one hundred times more valuable than gold."

Dumbledore, the red-robed archmage who was called out, immediately quoted the price, accompanied by Gwen Magnus' expression, "Look, I'm not lying."

"Your Majesty, why don't you let the squeak also try the taste, as long as you take a bite, you can prove that we have never abused the red dwarves," Viarn suggested boldly.

Her suggestion was so persuasive that Gwen Magnus was very satisfied.

Although the big Druid didn’t have a brilliant brain and didn’t give him an early contract with the translators, the suggestions he put forward could be adopted, which would somewhat relieve his inner disgust of Wean.

At this time the ceremony was still full of drinks, and did not serve.

Waving by Gwen Magnus, he casually said a few words and the ceremony officially began.

All kinds of delicacies in the running mat were handed over immediately.

Including the red dwarves who are seated, they are all plates of exquisite food.

But as the Red Dwarves introduced, these foods are exquisite and delicate, and the appearance is also very good, but raw and cooked is a problem.

Xu Zhi had tasted similar food at Hexis long ago.

It's beautiful, but it's also yummy

Of course, this palace feast contains spices that are a hundred times more expensive than gold.

As some red dwarves groaned, another group of red dwarves looked vigorously.

In the past, this situation was somewhat puzzling, but Gwen Magnus now understands a bit.

The problem is with the vanilla.

But this is also not to blame him. After all, as a monarch, he really rarely manages this kind of eating and drinking problems, and he is called to provide the best food below.

What else can he do to him.

"Sir, please!"

As the object of tasting evaluation, Xu Zhi was seated a few steps away from Gwen-Magnus.

When Gwen Magnus toasted, Xu Zhi began to fork a piece of veal.

When the aroma entered the nose, my mouth full of myoglobin also sprayed out.

Xu Zhi chewed a bite, he thought that this food is very suitable for Onick.

Of course, Xu Zhi is not picky.

Anyway, it is not eating in reality, and has a very fused **** body. It is no problem for him to eat in this world, and it is no problem to eat.

Even if he eats grass, the body will fuse the grass.

Of course, eating grass has no benefits at all, and gives the soul its own taste. Xu Zhi has never done anything more outrageous after doing a stupid thing.

"This is really good food."

Xu Zhi commented that Gwen Magnus was relieved.

If he was sued by the Red Dwarves, he had a witness on the side of Mystra.

"Eat, everyone eats, and after eating we will appreciate the power of the puppet dragon."

"An invitation to wish Gwen Magnus immortality."

"eternal life!"


"Long live your majesty!"


As Gwen Magnus spoke, a lot of flatteries immediately snapped up.

In addition to some red dwarves scolding, Somra was uneasy, this was a feast for both hosts and guests.

The ceremony was also accompanied by a puppet dragon fighting performance.

At this time, the puppet dragon is still the red dwarf.

"Sir, you will need more translations and translations, so that the Red Dwarves can fully teach the operation skills," Gwen Magnus said politely.

"No problem" Xu Zhipai Ma assured: "How they teach, I will give you how to translate. Teaching translation in this area is guaranteed to be original."

"That's good!"

The event is fixed, and Gwen Magnuston is relieved.

At this time he also began to appreciate the red dwarves manipulating the puppet dragon.

A series of elevators fell down, and the Red Dwarves continued to enter the control window.

As the roaring machine sounded, these puppet dragons began to swing slightly.

Constant adaptation is accompanied by constant adjustment.

The instrument for master control is placed in front of Gwen Magnus, waiting for orders.

At this time, the voice of the red dwarves was also heard from the instrument.

"What are they talking about again?" Gwen Magnus asked.

"There are two red dwarf puppet dragons stepping on each other's feet, screaming, and the other red dwarves are persuading."

Xu Zhi briefly summarized the situation and pointed to the puppet dragon hundreds of meters away.

In the center of the team of puppet dragons, there are indeed two puppet dragons with deviations in adjustment, and the two structural machines bumped together.

Gwen Magnus is very satisfied with Xu Zhi's translation.

Be concise, say what he wants to know, and filter what he doesn't want to hear.

"What now?"

As the two red dwarves corrected the positional deviation of the puppet dragon, the scolding in the master's instrument gradually disappeared, and instead the squawking sound of the red dwarves.

"They said that the emperor is a bit stupid, and they have been standing for so long, why haven't they started yet?" Xu Zhi politely said.

Xu Zhi's translated voice made Gwen Magnus look stiff.

Seeing Xu Zhi's appearance, I'm afraid to say a silly word or just pick a good one.

He was probably scolded countless times.

If you are a Magnus wants these red dwarfs' heads.

But the borrowers don’t say that these red dwarves are useful,

Also let him have a sudden attack.

"Begin to use the native language of the Red Dwarf?"

"Dead Dart."

With the native language of the Red Dwarf provided by Xu Zhi, Gwen Magnus sullenly shouted into the master instrument.

"Dead Dart!"

Fifty puppet dragons started all at once.

Run, jump, hit, destroy.

The time was only thirty seconds, and suddenly the voice of the leader of the Red Dwarf Holps came from the tallest puppet dragon.

"The time has come for your loyalty."

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