Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2074: Resist

When Thrall, the brave dwarf general, was holding the full level of ‘defense’ and was still caught in the control of Gwen Magnus a few minutes later, Xu Zhi honestly began to ride on horseback.

These mounts do not have much wisdom at all, and will not be manipulated.

At this time, everyone relies on the team protection released by the spiritual shield [Artifact] to continue to advance.

After a long journey, the closer to the destination city, the more nervous the people are.

"Just a few more helpful helpers."

Mistreo was clearly dissatisfied with the team’s situation.

It is no different from Casa. The great Akan elite are scarce. Except for the blacksmith general, it is difficult for others to come in handy.

But the blacksmith also died to do the test.

And the masters who are far away in the western continent will be difficult to rush here.

The final line is just four people.

Mouth Cannon Imelia, Lamp God Somra, Mystra, and his summoning creatures.

"It would be nice if there were flying mounts, we can get here earlier."

"Then you have master natural magic, you can learn to summon the phoenix, even if you will summon the griffin, it is better than nothing."

Mistreo has regrets, but Xu Zhi is hurt.

He has always relied on the calling contract for shuttles and has never been in the lower realm for such a long time.

Now he had been lying in the amniotic fluid machine for a full month and a half, and then he rushed to the point of approach.

Without doing this again, Xu Zhi felt that his body was about to be moldy.

"You, for the great Akan..."

"Imelia, don't release charm power to us."

Immelia just started to tone, and was stopped by everyone.

This made her sullenly stop the encouraging words.

"Sirre, you said that Gwen Magnus could not wantonly kill the indigenous creatures of this world?"

Immediately, Imilia began to ask Xu Zhi again.

This question is not new.

In order to ensure a smooth trip, Xu Zhi said some things he could say.

This includes speculation on Gwen Magnus.

With powerful old world power, Gwen Magnus was also limited by this new world.

Gwen Magnus chose passive counterattacks. He rarely chose to kill himself, even if he used other people to do it.

Like Xu Zhi’s known causal relationship, Gwen Magnus is avoiding confusion.


Xu Zhi nodded for the fifth time to agree to this question.

He looked at the other three in the team.

A Somra is a foreigner in the old world, and Immelia is also a foreigner.

Not to mention him.

The promotion of the body is all relying on the power of the old world.

Among the ranks, the only native is Mistreo.

It's a little crazy to expect Mistreo to actively block the gun.

Mistreo has never been a noble person who deny himself, and he will never do this kind of death-seeking behavior.

"We must make good use of every advantage. Only in this way can we defeat the terrible big devil."

Imilia did the same as usual.

"Come on!"

She raised her fist and cheered everyone up.

"Come on!"



The sparse three sentences should be echoed with the voice.

"I will help you in the rear."

Imeria brandished the sword of the gods and pointed to the spiritual shield [artifact] on his head.

She is obviously controlling two legion weapons, adding power to the crowd.

"I am responsible for the three-point positioning, using the shackles of war to control the influence of the Bell of Peace," Mistreo said.


Somra looked at Xu Zhi and then at himself.

Nearing the position of Gwen Magnus' palace, the crowd began to assign tasks.

Imeria can't do much, and Mistreo's words make sense.

But Gwen Magnus has to be dealt with.

"I can actually provide assistance in the rear, I will shoot long distances."

Xu Zhiyang raises the alloy shield in his hand. When this shield is able to open, it can add quite a strong protective force.

For this trip, he took a lot of treasures at the bottom of the box.

There are bull tomahawks for melee combat and horn bows for long-range shooting. He also wears alloy armor and carries an alloy shield.

This armor is very jealous of Mistreo.

Among the people, his protection ability is the strongest.

Xu Zhi said a few words, his voice weakened again.

"I want to destroy the clock of peace," Somra said. "My lightning has barely touched the power of the rule. If the clock of peace is locked, there may be a certain possibility."

"Come on, I will meet the enemy for the time being."

Somra said that Xu Zhi could only rush forward with a scalp.

"It's not necessary to kill Gwen Magnus, as long as it can be delayed for a while," Imelia said: "He would lose the war without the holy weapon."

At the time of the negotiation, the crowd had already seen the palace in the ruins from afar.

At this time, the city was quiet. When traveling, many controlled people wanted to rush forward, but when they saw Immelia, they stopped stiffly.

Relying on her fascinating power, this journey was smooth and unimpeded.

"Look, these poor people, their souls have been lost," Imeria said.

"But they still seem to maintain a little instinct to survive, at least to recognize you," Mistriou said.

"Dismount, we may have to fight!"

Somra reminded him that everyone was quiet and began to prepare for the war.

Stepped on by a puppet dragon, the collapsed palace was not completely restored.

Gwen Magnus was at the center of the Palace Square at this time. He was surrounded by a huge clock of peace, his face full of fanaticism.

"Look, Sorell, this is a great country, it clears the will of all living things, let them absolutely obey my command, my old friend, free will is the source of chaos in this world, this world should have only one Will-my will, so that the world will become perfect and obtain eternal peace, because I am immortal and truly immortal."

Suddenly, his head turned around, pointing at the countless crowds that were surging forward outside the palace and opening to the intruding four.

"You are wrong," Somra retorted: "Erasing the will, without thinking, how intelligent creatures create civilization and how to progress, you are anti-wisdom and there is no difference from the Necromancer set."

"My thoughts are the most perfect thoughts in the world. With the inheritance of the true God, I can guide anyone to create civilization. Human civilization can never exceed the limits of God," Gwen-Magnus said.

"Because of God's limitation, there are so many rebellions of the immortal's former to break the destiny designated by God."

"Think of those who rebelled, and why our world was destroyed."

"Think more about why you were replaced by Lord Tanu."

"You are immersed in the darkness, you who are high above you never need to think about anyone's feelings, nor do you think about other people, you have created countless dark times."

"I thought you had figured it out and changed everything, but you are still the same as before."

It was only then that Somra made a loud voice and spit out all the words he wanted to say for countless years.

"They can no longer enter this big world, why control the movement of the world, this world belongs to every creature, not the chess of the true god..."

"Shut up! Solil, you dare to insult my father in front of me."

Listening to Somra's rebuttal, Gwen Magnus angered.

He pointed at Somra, and saw that the white light wrapped around Somra was stripped off.

"I thought you came with these culprits and sincerely confessed to me, but unfortunately, I didn't see that kind of confession" Gwen Magnus said loudly: "Now, your will is the same Erased."

Like the deity's trial, he pronounced Somra's fate.

But just in a moment, he has discovered the difference.

Somra was still calm, including the little queen standing behind him, and the sneaky black robe in the distance.

None of these people have been charged, and they are still acting freely.

Not only did Somra not control these people, he even took them against him.

When he frowned, an axe had been cut.

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