Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2075: Demise


The sound of metal impact sounded.

As Gwen Magnus took the initiative to initiate the control, it was accompanied by a staggered sound, and the situation of glaring at each other and cursing suddenly began to perform martial arts.

The bull tomahawk chopped out.

Gwen Magnus cut most of his neck immediately.

But in an instant, the emperor's neck returned to its original state.

The damage caused by the Bull Tomahawk was eliminated directly.

Along with the blow, the appraisal power brought by the far comparison began to play a role, and Gwen Magnus' attributes and abilities suddenly caught Xu Zhi's eyes.

Gwen Magnus (Immortal (Gray Name), Rune: None) Damage 75-120, Melee Attack 95, Ranged Attack 95, Melee Defense 120, Ranged Defense 120, Speed ​​21, Life 2100, Magic 1555, Skill: Unknown

Without mentioning the skills of the old world, Xu Zhi's brow furrowed due to the huge life attributes.

This is a blood cow with strong protection, no one can kill Gwen Magnus in a second.

With the help of the swords of the gods, there are many magical aids, which also account for the chance of raids, and his blows are far from this level.

"Indiscriminate, it's you."

Under the axe, Xu Zhi's figure suddenly appeared.

Obviously, even with an ugly mask on his face, Gwen Magnus recognized Xu Zhi.

The Jungle Fairy Sovereign is a rare creature, and he is the only one in this world.

Only need to smell a breath, Gwen Magnus can determine.

He is now more able to determine the identity of the black robe behind.

Somra does not possess advanced natural magic skills, and Imelia's ability is not strong, and the rest are easy to guess.

"Mistreo, you didn't expect you to be a ghost in the back."

From the strong rise of the great Akan to the puppet dragon being wiped out by Qiqiuan, many things were suddenly understood by Gwen Magnus.

Including the charm of Imelia, this is all secretly cultivated by Mistreo.

No wonder he was defeated in the first defeat.

It's just that Gwen Magnus couldn't figure out why he was so malicious by Mistreo.

Counting his kingdom behind his back, when there is a showdown with each other, the two obviously have no room for maneuver.

"You shouldn't kill Asina, she is the mother of my two children."

Mysterio's opening suddenly made Gwen Magnus understand.

"Her ability to make people speak the truth unconsciously is too annoying, you should be very clear, she knows something that should not be known."

Gwen Magnus narrowed his eyes slightly.

Since entering this world, he has left a lot of shots, even with the help of his subordinates, but occasionally there is a desperate killing.

This is the case when going to the Mermaid Queen's Palace.

But he didn't expect a killing to cause so much trouble.

"So **** you," Mysterio replied coldly.

The three war shackles were all taken out by him and began to extend continuously, putting on the bell of peace.

The clock, minutes, and seconds, and the three pendulums were locked together by the yoke of war, which put the Bell of Peace into a tremendous struggle, making a rattling sound from time to time.

"I am the son of a **** who will never die. Is it you, indigenous people, that I will never die?"

Gwen Magnus didn't care about Xu Zhi's bull battle axe, no matter how Xu Zhi cut it, as long as the axe blade left, his body could instantly return to its original state.

"Clown Jumping Beam!"

He looked at the figure in front of him, and between his hands, a long sword was pulled out by him.


With a long sword hissing, Xu Zhi only felt a flower in front of him, and he was covered in countless sword shadows all over his body.

"Actually a semi-real phantom!"

The long sword waved, and the jungle goblin in front of him was only slightly dim, which made Gwen Magnus clear the target of the battle.

"Anti-Magic Dafa!"

A little white light pulled from the bell of peace, and in an instant, Xu Zhi only felt that the phantom began to melt like ice and snow.

There are many nemesis of phantom magic, dispel and abolish can greatly reduce the duration of phantom.

The top-level ‘Anti-Magic’ can even eliminate phantoms directly.

The same type of "Anti-Demon" is no exception.

This magic of the old world can still exert great power.

Added by the Bell of Peace, it can even directly eliminate his top illusions condensed by summoning Scarab and Archmage Rune.

‘Wow! ’

As the phantom disappeared, the bull battle axe made a dull sound.

At the same time, an arrow also came from a long shot, directly nailed to Gwen Magnus' forehead.

The huge impact made him sway.


Xu Zhi shouted in the distance.

Somra, which was mixed in with it, apparently had undesirable emotions during the battle.

Reminded by Xu Zhi, the lightning flashed out of him.

At the same time, the purple electric light on the rod of Somra is constantly entangled.

A small electro-optical ball began to be born.

As the magic of Somra continued to flow, the electro-optical ball began to expand rapidly.

"Solil, you dare to fight me!"

Gwen Magnus shouted. He quickly pulled out the long arrow on his forehead and reached for a finger. A little white light fell on the bell of peace and immediately covered his body.

"The top anti-magic Dafa is attached to me. Even if your Thunderbolt touches the rules, it can help me."

"You are just an old world creature. If I want to slaughter you, I am like killing a dog."

For a long time to survive in this world, Gwen Magnus clearly knows what creatures can be killed directly, and what creatures need to keep some hands, so as not to have bad involvement.

The opposite Somra did not say a word, did not reply to Gwen Magnus, just rubbing the lightning ball in his hand.

"Gwen Magnus, look at the sword!"

Xu Zhi’s phantom burst, and she even shot a cold arrow in the distance, without a close combat candidate. Immelia shouted and shouted at the helper commanded by Gwen Magnus, she also started Join the battle with the swords of the gods.

"Go away!"

Gwen Magnus drank and the long sword shot directly.


With a crunch, this powerful magic sword made a crunchy crackle.

"I actually ruined my Windrunner's Sword, **** doom!"

After several collisions with the Bull Tomahawk, this magic sword clearly reached a certain limit.

The Bull Tomahawk comes with the attributes of broken armor, and has a certain chance of destroying armor.

But normally speaking, if there are enough collisions with the weapon, and the weapon has insufficient toughness and strength, the Bull Tomahawk also has a chance to cut off the weapon.

At this time Gwen-Magnus speed is condensed.

Imelia flew away with a sword, but he couldn't have the ability to swing his sword quickly.

This made Xu Zhi in the distance slightly reassured. If Gwyn Magnus could still release the swordsmanship that he was too late to respond to when he pierced his eyes, he could only rely on the ability of phantoms and long shots.

The eyes are the most sensitive external organs in the body.

Even ordinary people can quickly close their eyelids when faced with the risk of puncturing their eyes.

But Gwen Magnus' sword does not give this opportunity.

This is true whether he is a black dragon or a monarch creature.

This sword technique cannot be avoided at all.

Xu Zhi did not have the power of resurrection, and naturally dared not fight nearby.

Now that the source was removed, Xu Zhi shot an arrow and ran quickly.

"What's the point! If you ruin my sword, you can take your life to taste it. Even if you are indigenous creatures, I have the right to kill you at this time!"

Gwen Magnus picked up the bull battle axe that fell to the ground, and when he reached out to wave, his arm shook, and he threw away the heavy one-handed axe.

"I haven't destroyed your sword, come and kill me! I am also an indigenous creature! Quickly kill me!"

Immelia, who was shot and flew, yelled and lifted the sword of the gods to stab him.

"Bitch woman, you get me off!"

The fascinating power came to my mind, and Gwen Magnus only felt a sense of emotion that should not have appeared in his heart.

This is even more a hindrance for him to control those who will erase the will. With Immelia present, the creatures he controlled are in a state of confusion when they are close, but they are surrounded and not attacked.

He slapped the woman with a slap in the face, and snatched the sword from the opponent's hand.

The swords of the gods began to meet the bull tomahawk.

The sound of collision sounded again.

At the same time, a little strange magic began to flood the audience.

A colorful ray of light crossed the sky on the Bell of Peace, and countless colorful rain of light began to fall.

This is the convergence of wind, water, fire and earth elements.

With the help of the Bell of Peace, Mistreo began to evolve the four elements, forcibly hitting the demigods.


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