Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2076: lament

Above the Palace Square, a stream of colored lights fell, rippling on everyone from time to time.

The strange haloes in the sky flickered, and there were faint lightnings entangled in them.

When Mistreo held a dead boneless sculpture in his left hand and touched the Bell of Peace in his right hand, a strange connection began to emerge.

At the same time, he finally chanted the spell in silence.

Innumerable magical elements have gathered insanely, instilling them towards the Bell of Peace.

"Dare to take control of me with me!"

Gwen Magnus growled.

At this time, he could feel some kind of malice, and even the controlled crowds in the city had fallen into a kind of out of control.

Disturbed by Immelia's charm power, and Mysterio interrupted him to control the bell of peace, these controlled people seem to have signs of rebellion.

"A bunch of native chickens and dogs, even if I distract myself, can get rid of you little tricks!"

With a moment of thought, he held the sword of the gods and shed Xu Zhi's fighting power.

At the same time, Gwen Magnus also split his mind and competed with Mistreo for the bell of peace.

This artifact does not seem to have the concept of master.

As long as you are familiar with the way of manipulation, whoever is in the hands can play a role.

When Gwen Magnus competed, Mistreo stiffened and stayed in place.

"They are caught in a soul confrontation!" Somra shouted.

He has participated in the confrontation of souls several times, and his long life is not lacking in knowledge.

Gwen Magnus apparently separated some of his consciousness and fell into a fight with Mistreo.

Soul confrontation is dangerous, and the duration is also hard to tell.

With the anti-magic Dafa, Gwen Magnus is difficult to be affected by magic, which makes Mistreo, who is good at magic, almost become a waste.

At this time he also began to play to his strengths.

The tremendous power possessed by the soul of a thousand years.

Compete with Gwen Magnus for control of the Bell of Peace.

At this time, he is using this magic weapon that no one can bind to hit the demigod.

"go with!"

Xu Zhi split an axe over Gwen Magnus' head.

A bull axe was inserted across his head, and Gwen Magnus just sneered sullenly, ignoring Xu Zhi's blow.

At this time, his more consciousness was fighting with Mysterio.

The strength of Mistreo's soul obviously made him continue to devote more attention, and it was difficult to take into account the confrontation in reality for a while.


Many attacks were ineffective, and Xu Zhi also began to draw magic.

This is probably the best time for him to release his magic.

Close enough, Gwen Magnus had no time to take care of him, which made him still safe enough when he released his magic.

When the body was stiff, the rules in the void were suddenly pulled out.

Compared to Somra's thunderbolt rule power, Xu Zhiyao combines two rule forces.

A regular force condenses in the left hand, a regular force condenses in the right hand, and when pulling with both hands, it begins to rotate like a yin and yang fish.

"This time it must work, Gwen Magnus is not suffering, it is my turn to suffer."

Split Divinity is no use for the Dragon God, Xu Zhi is also the second release of Divine Skills.

At that time, the magic was only four levels, and now it is the ninth level of division.

Split (nine-level 864795010000000): subject the subject to split effects, with a 30% chance to split the soul and a 30% chance to split the body, duration: unknown, cooldown: thirty days.

The stalemate Gwen Magnus was startled, and his expression turned pale.

"you you you……"

When his face changed for a while, the bell of peace shook violently, seeming to send out countless angry growls.

"what did you do to me?"

Gwen Magnus took the bull tomahawk from his head, carried the swords of the gods, and stab Xu Zhi.

At this time, his footsteps were in vain, and the long sword lost his head.

And in terms of speed, it is even less than the sword of the windrunner. Xu Zhi has flicked back slightly.

A force of space tearing came, and Xu Zhi suddenly turned back.

On the other side, Mysterio's Seven Tips began to bleed.

He held out his hand and stared blankly at the surrounding scene.

It was a world he knew well, and a world he neglected in the past.

In the pursuit of longevity, he missed too much.

The bell of peace evolved and the elements of wind, water, fire, and earth slowly stopped.

The thunder shook in the sky, but the lightning did not break for a long time.

In the dull sky, the halo of colors continued to flash and gradually subsided.

In a battle with Gwen Magnus for the soul.

Mistreo lost.

The battle for the rainbow crystal failed.

His hands began to fall, and his body gradually scattered into bones.

A beam of immortal light escaped from the body, fluttering in the air for a few seconds, and finally disappeared.

At the same time, the infinite involvement of the void came.

Xu Zhi growled unwillingly.

The contract is invalid.

This was his first main contractor who died in a fierce battle.

It is also the death of his most important contractor.

Putting the soul into the Bell of Peace, in the face of Gwen Magnus's blow, this part of the soul is likely to be directly killed.

The battle of soul, the end of failure is far from physical death.

This is an injury that is difficult to heal with immortal rules.

Even if he survives through immortal means, it is likely that Mistreo will not have a clear consciousness.

This is not much different from the end of Oran Marassa.


Xu Zhi shouted loudly, his body slowly turned into light and shadow.

As he shuttled back to the Elemental Realm, he saw Somra's condensed chain of lightning spheroidization, which quickly spread to the Bell of Peace.

He also saw Immelia leaping high, with open arms in front of Somra, blocking the sword of Gwen Magnus.

Space trembles, Xu Zhi has returned to the elemental world.


Magic is completely useless, and physical strikes are not effective. In the battle with Gwen-Magnus, Xu Zhi made extremely bad psychological preparations.

But he did not expect the first death of Mistreo.

This forced him to return to the elemental world.

There are four people in total, and two are removed at once.

This will trigger a chain defeat.

When Xu Zhi frowned, he saw countless halos flickering in the sky above the element world.

"My God, will the elemental tides reappear?"

"There is nothing abnormal in the window of the sage."


A familiar sight came into view, and a pile of green skin began to yell.

"Elemental tides?"

Xu Zhi looked at the high altitude and realized that there was a faint wailing sound from the high altitude. This was not a change in the elemental tides.

A heavy rain somehow began to fall.

When Xu Zhi extended his hand to touch, he only felt sad in his heart, and tears on both sides of his eyes could not stop flowing down.

There are also a bunch of small green skins with no heart and no lungs, who don't know the reason and sit on the ground crying.

"Is this Gwen Magnus dead?"

If it were not difficult to return to the scene, Xu Zhi would like to shuttle to the lower realm to see the reality.

As his mind turned, he only felt that he was being watched by some kind of powerful being.

This allowed him to feel a stronger sense of sadness and a sense of a bit of disappointment.

Xu Zhi looked away, only to see that his eyes had traveled through the void, seeing through the reality.

In the center of that world, there are countless mists.

In the mist, a silver-white dragon loomed.

When being noticed by this dragon, Xu Zhi felt this kind of attention, and the other party also returned the image.

The two sides are separated by infinite space and have infinite distance, but Xu Zhi feels that the other side seems to be in front of him.

There are only three figures left between heaven and earth.

Giant dragon.


And Gwen Magnus, who knelt with his hands on his head and wailed on the ground.


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