Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2103: Once promised

This is a four-nation exchange meeting that was opened in advance.

A few days after the exchange meeting, it will also enter the Vulcan Festival in South Australia.

Thinking of going to medical treatment, Molly felt his brain hurt.

The first in a world died, but the red dragon that killed the world still exists.

This is also a terrible guy.

This dragon will not go anywhere, even in the sea, it will eventually fly back to South Australia.

Only in this area can enough food be found.

Sooner or later, both parties will meet again.

However, with the encirclement and suppression of the legions of the various countries, the living space of the Red Dragon will rapidly decrease.

This is a trouble that must be resolved as soon as possible.

Xu Zhi sang a chant, and felt the experience in his pocket.

Prior to this, of course, he wanted to perfect the split divine art.

Without painstaking education, the countries also entered a situation of cooperation, Song Zhongkai began to let him fly, and casually walked around blindly.

Xu Zhi was also running around in a mess, running around.

At this time, Xu Zhi also wanted to see Besib Michael. It would be wonderful if the two had another sincere cooperation.

He didn't care at all about exposing the way to achieve the true God.

"Thirteenth day when Little Maury left me, I miss her so much..."

In the communicator, there is a daily chattering by Qingchuan Akiko.

This is a friend who makes Xu Zhi's head hurt.

I don't know when, some small gossip circulated among many great practitioners also touched Xu Zhi, saying that he was robbing Qingchuan Chizi's young girlfriend.

This young girlfriend is now big, and her body may have returned to 200 meters.

Of course, Xu Zhi was followed by a headache friend.

Li Duohuang.

Long-distance flying ability is excellent, and has the ability to sneak, few people can trace Xu Zhi.

But Li Duohuang and Gu Yuxi are the exceptions.

Gu Yuxi will naturally not do such boring things, but Li Duohuang will.

Hanging behind every day, the distance between them is getting closer and closer.

When Xu Zhi checked the latest content in the communicator, Li Duohuang had followed.

"Your hobby is special!"

Li Duohuang played haha ​​and intervened indifferently.

"It's not special, now everyone is jumping and contributing to South Australia," Xu Zhigan said dryly: "You should also try to kill and jump, so that South Australia will return to peace as soon as possible."

"That's right," Li Duohuang nodded. "But don't you think we have more important things to do?"

"I did not think."

Whenever Li Duohuang opened his mouth, Xu Zhi always habitually went back to block Li Duohuang's temptation to take advantage of it.

"I think so."

"I did not think."




The two argued for a while, and finally Xu Zhi couldn't bear the torture.

"I tell you, you’re suffering a bit from being an undercover teacher, but the benefits are bigger than anyone else, Mu Yongzhi is also the grandmaster of the day. He has guided you for such a long time. Don’t think about it I complain here, I don’t listen, it’s even less likely to compensate your baby, and there’s no money.”

"Oh, am I the kind of person who likes to take advantage?"


"I've made a determined decision to be a new person with painful heart, and I will never take advantage of others."


Li Duohuang's character is worth the price of "Oh", Xu Zhi easily does not modify his own views, and it is right to be cautious and careful.

This was also a'little friend' who dared to be a black hand, and was beaten and beaten by Li Duohuang. Xu Zhi still has enough vigilance.

"Have you forgotten our agreement?" Li Duohuang reminded.

"Appointment? What agreement do I have with you?" Xu Zhiqi said.

"Dragon, let's slaughter the dragon together."

Li Duohuang glanced around, and then whispered to communicate.

What she said reminded Xu Zhi of something.

All in all, Xu Zhi was only an expert at the time. At one time, he thought that he had taken a big advantage from Li Duohuang. As a result, when he became the first master, he did not carry out Tu Long.

Without killing the dragon again, Xu Zhi felt that he was likely to become a grand master.

"What kind of dragon are you there? Where? Can it lie there and wait for so many years?"

Although still thinking about how to treat Morill, Xu Zhi didn't mind doing anything else.

"There should be no moving," Li Duohuang said uncertainly: "Let's go and see what we say."

"You are right," Xu Zhi nodded. "What form is it in?"


"About the dragon's size, body shape, color and ability, I would like to introduce more."

"How can I know so clearly, I was scared to death half a year ago. It seemed to be cyan, a dozen meters long. It may not be too strong. If it were not the first time to slaughter the dragon, I would not take you."

"Then I thank you for not leaving me alone."

"Necessary, I am very loyal."

Described by Li Duohuang, Xu Zhi felt relieved a little.

As long as it is not the Dragon God.

The location is not in the desert of Argydos.

It is not a dragon that is too strong to crack, it is a dragon that can be killed.

Just like the other side of the world, as long as it is not a dragon of the level of Oran Marassa, Xu Zhi can also complete the kill alone.

Taking advantage of the opening of the South Australia border gate, many places can pass freely, and Li Duohuang decided to clean up the dragon.

Helpers are still needed.

Li Duohuang is not afraid of being beaten, she is afraid of not catching up.

It's okay to pull on Xu Zhi.

It is difficult to find out how many masters are stronger than Xu Zhi.

Although Xu's thighs often pit people, but his wealth is generous, he won't be turned over because of the natural treasures, and he is very relieved when he cooperates.

Finally caught up with Xu Zhi, Li Duohuang also started to position according to the impression of previous years.

This time, she was in front and Xu Zhi was hanging behind.

Every day I sway the chanting technique and straighten mysterious technique, and constantly rush to the road.

Until nearly a week later, Xu Zhi began to follow Li Duohuang into a chaotic stone forest.

The crooked rocks in the ravines seem to have been ravaged by nature for countless times, with uneven heights and potholes.

In some gaps, there is a faint smell of sulfur.

"This place turned out to be a large-scale sulfur mine. It has been mined for nearly a hundred years, and it has been hollowed out and filled with many stones blindly."

Li Duohuang is very familiar with the terrain, jumped around with Xu Zhi, and also introduced the related.

"At that time, a guy bullied me with a little strength, and now he thinks he should be a pool of dragon dung."

When he reached a dark hole, Li Duohuang did not forget to commemorate the dead souls who had been killed by her.

This made Xu Zhi slightly alert.

"I was an expert cultivator at the time, and that guy was just an ordinary master cultivator. You don't have to worry. That kind of dragon is estimated to be no different from the giant poisonous dragon. We just have to guard against it."

Several large stones weighing more than 1,000 jin were thrown away by Li Duohuang, blocking the hole tightly.

Xu Zhi also began to enter this poisonous gas mine.

Sulphur can make dragons of dragons more fierce, and caves and darkness are the environment that some dragons like. dragon, poison dragon.

Some dragons continue to emerge in Xu Zhi's mind.

As he continued to move forward in the mine, the dragon did not find it, and many of them jumped out.

This made Xu Zhi harvest without hesitation.

"Save a little effort, there are too many jumps inside, which will make you kill!"

Li Duohuang just blew a cowhide, remembering the information posted on the Internet last year, and stopped his mouth dull.

No matter how many jumps there are in this mine, Xu Zhi did not kill much last year. It is impossible for Xu Zhi to vomit.

Li Duohuang said this, but it made Xu Zhi interested.

Could it be that this mine also belonged to a place where the source of the current was traced back, and the dragon could not feed.

Dragon doesn't care.

Finding a jumping backstream source was just what he needed.


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