Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2104: Level 10 split

Xu Zhi, you look for it carefully and spend more time thinking about it. "

"It doesn't matter if there is no dragon."

"There are relationships."

Li Duohuang watched Xizizi killing and jumping Xu Zhi, and felt that he was very big.

Why Xu Zhi has this kind of hobby.

She sulked and slapped a struggling jump to get up and escape.

She came to slaughter the dragon, not to kill.

But looking at Xu Zhi, killing and jumping seems to be more important.

Since entering the abandoned mine pit, Xu Zhi has been immersed in the jump and cannot extricate himself.

Like the dead mouse, countless jumping corpses piled up behind the pit.

The only benefit of Xu Zhi's behavior is that it is marked, and they at least know that those places have been explored.

Li Duohuang was also interested in Xu Zhi's growth in his early years. At one time, he suspected that killing and jumping would lead to a surge in skill, but she found this guess to be wrong.

As a practical reference and certification, Li Duohuang did not feel much benefit from killing and jumping.

So it is difficult for her to understand Xu Zhi's hobby.

"Everyone is an egoist. Are you really so selfless that you can defeat South Australia?"

Li Duohuang finally concluded and summarized.

She was a little touched and felt the behavior of Xu Zhi. She even felt that her soul gradually entered a noble realm and was out of low-level fun.

"Oh, what are you crazy about, even my jump."

Just a few minutes after helping to clear the jump, she returned to normal.

There is no such idea at all.

With years of acquaintance, Li Duohuang is sure to add a certain amount, Xu Zhi definitely has a little selfishness.

This guy is even dissatisfied with her looting.

"How many days are you going to fight? I'm almost mad," Li Duohuang said with a headache.

"That's because the mine is too far-reaching, and it jumps too much. I'll definitely close the job when I finish playing.

Looking at Changhong in his hand, Xu Zhi felt that this might be the most aggrieved soldier of the Grand Master.

This long stick was stained with the blood of millions of jumping people.

People's magic soldiers specialize in killing masters. He is used to deal with small monsters. The low level can't be lower. It is no different from killing pigs with Xuanyuan sword.

Following the fifth day of Li Duohuang's search in the mine, Xu Zhi felt that his experience had already reached the same level, and even exceeded it.

But this kind of experience is like a bank deposit. He doesn't mind getting more if he can have more.

In case there is a need just one day, it can also be used to make money.

"Then when will we finish? I tell you, the jumping inside seems to be endless. I haven't been here before," Li Duohuang said.

"Then you didn't find the dragon. I won't jump if I find the dragon. I will accompany you to slaughter the dragon."

Xu Zhi's words made Li Duohuang a headache.

She is now thinking about whether Dragon really moved.

Like she was still wandering around, now she has moved to Dongyue to settle down.

As long as it is a living creature, it is impossible not to move, Li Duohuang also inevitably has some thoughts.

The dragon doesn't treat others, she probably missed the opportunity to kill the dragon.

Stepping deeper and deeper into the mine hole, if there is no light source, the convenience of this place is completely dark.

The cave was originally excavated by mining workers. Until now, it is the jumpers who are expanding the space. Li Duohuang does not know how far he has gone.

And the smell of the cave is terrible, the poison gas is filled, the **** smell is overflowing, and it is very hot.

If Xu Zhi did not carry enough materials, Li Duohuang had already made a hole.

Now she also has a dilemma.

This cave only survives with a tenacious vitality.

Li Duohuang did not know why there were so many jumps in such places.

Not only did they march in front of them, but even after the killing, they even kept jumping.

These creatures seem to appear here out of thin air, and continue to drill into various holes.

"The road seems to be over."

Moving forward, there is always an end.

Half a day later, the passage in front of me is getting smaller and smaller, and it is hard for people to pass through.

Li Duohuang couldn't help but stop the pace.

Dragon Slaughter failed.

The main reason is that the dragon was not found.

"You go back first, and I will glance over and take a look at these evils."

Li Duohuang has no passing ability, but Xu Zhi has no problem.

Compared to the ability to shrink the collarbone, stealth is much more advanced.

Any terrain, as long as he has a certain space, he can get into it.

He certainly has no problem where the jumpers can pass.

Mosquito meat is meat no matter how small it is.

What's more, this place is full of jumps, everywhere are full of crazy cry for jumping for food and mating.

For Xu Zhi, this sound is simply pleasant and beautiful.

Must be killed one by one.

When he returned to the Elemental Realm to get water and food for Li Duohuang, he also glanced at the Divination Technique.

This divine art finally began to enter the top state.

Split (Ten Level 228455020000000): Subject the subject to split effect, 45% chance to cause soul split, 45% chance to cause body split, duration: unknown, cooldown: thirty days.

When the magical skill was increased to tenth level, the chance of this ability was increased to Xu Zhi's very satisfactory effect.

This probability is very safe.

What makes Xu Zhi quite interested is that the magic is like the high-level magic, and there is a space for experience after the full level.

There is no such experience space for the first- and second-order magic, and the magic after the third-order has the concept of tenth-level fullness.

As this experience fills up, higher-level magic begins to show some hidden abilities.

As an advanced and extreme extension of magic, divine art involves the power of rules.

The magic has such power in reason, but it is also beyond Xu Zhi's expectation.

Such as his talent, or the aura of the lord, there is no such situation when he reaches the tenth level, not to mention the extra experience space and the special effects caused.

The filled experience does not have multiple zeros.

Twenty million experience is acceptable, and all together, the experience will meet the requirements.

It is no surprise that Xu Zhi still maintained his pursuit of experience when he raised his magic to level 10.

At this time, it is in a counter-current source tracing point, and you can easily gain experience.

Xu Zhi felt that it was not far from the tenth level.

Li Duohuang is really a lucky star. Xu Zhi was very satisfied with the place he brought him.

Water and food were delivered into Li Duohuang's hands, Xu Zhi's body flicked, and he had disappeared with Changhong.

"Bastard, leave me alone."

Li Duohuang looked at the twisted channel of dog hole size in front of him, and he had no idea in his heart.

The average person cannot get in, and she is no exception.

After thinking for a few seconds, she had to go back.

After all, there are some dragons. After a long time, they ran away. It is impossible to wait for her all the time.

"Lao Niang still hopes to be Grand Master without drinking dragon blood."

She muttered for a while, and finally let her mind down.

The practice at Mu Yongzhi was miserable, but it did turn her from Yeluzi to the right way.

Corrected step by step, Li Duohuang also gradually felt the distance that the future could look at.

That is the realm of Grand Master.

It is not that their realm of Qi practice is in the early stage of the master, or the middle stage, or the late stage.

As long as a certain level is reached, Grand Master becomes.

Many masters are constantly pursuing upwards, and are constantly on the wrong path.

"The emperor's true scriptures, the guardian's fire, the bitter teacher, I can't think of my chance.

When Xu Zhi advanced step by step, Li Duohuang also saw his own chance.

But she hasn't figured it out this is Xu Zhi's intentional or unintentional.

Xu Zhi didn't teach her practice skills, but these opportunities were for Xu Zhi to keep her fighting for it.

"Although I succumbed a little, but in any case, it wouldn't be wrong to follow Xu's thighs, eat spicy and spicy, la la la la la la..."

When the mentality was flat, she did not have the dissatisfaction of Tu Long's attempt. She always walked, and she was still bright in front of her.

But Xu Zhi, who had been separated from Li Duohuang for a long time, felt a certain darkness.

In front of the exit of his cave, there is a huge underground cave.

When the rock turned into glaze crystal, accompanied by the hot high temperature, the familiar feeling suddenly came.

Xu Zhi knew where he got.

The more you think about distance, the more you will encounter.

But at this time, the dull fighting sound also passed into his ears, and the space seemed to tremble a little.


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