Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2119: The recipe of the Marg family

In addition to being a new great master of stick technique, Xu Zhi is also a master of physical training.

When the abilities are superimposed, the weapon that Xu Zhi can wield with both hands is beyond the imagination of many people.

In terms of strength, perhaps only Tuo Guhong can win him at this time.

But Tuo Guhong's explosive power is far inferior to him.

On this point, the two sides have their own strengths and weaknesses. Because of the different martial arts, the weapons chosen are also very different.

Ram's cassia came back to the consulate of South Australia.

Harukawa Akiko entangled Xu Zhi a little, confirming that it was difficult to hear Mollier's message, and had to leave the Headquarters of the Inspection Division dumbly.

Xu Zhi also welcomed the second wave of visitors from South Australia.


This grand master brought a group to Dongyue, mostly for military and material exchanges. At this time, Xu Zhi felt a little ignorant when he found the inspection department.

"Headquarters Xu!"

"Master Marg!"

After the two parties saluted, Xu Zhi invited Marguerite to take a seat.

This grand master is professionally responsible for negotiation, and not many people can take advantage of Margaret. Rao is Xu Zhi who needs to be treated with care.

Xu Zhi didn't want to just get a little cheaper in the Ram's cassia seed, and suddenly pulled out most of it.

"Xu General Mansion is really deserted here, it is difficult to see a few people."

"Master Marg wanted to be more lively and iron-hearted, to send me 300 people to patrol the headquarters of the Division and run."

"Don't, Mr. Xu."

Margaret just opened her mouth and was swallowed back by Xu Zhi.

No wonder the sight of the ram cassia on the road is sullen, and Akako Harukawa also has a frowning face. He has an attitude of speaking about this product, and few people can be happy after talking.

"I think the current environment of the Headquarters of the Inspection Division is quiet and very good, and it is suitable for chatting," Margaret said with a headache.

"That's right, what do you want to talk about?" Xu Zhi asked.

He has no common language with this grandmaster, and Margaret is also a character who does not go out of the house. Xu Zhi decided to go straight in, lest the more conversations, the easier it would be.

"It's just looking for Mr. Xu to chat and chat, casually..."

"Tie Xin, connect Grand Master Marg to the Weather News Forecasting Agency and let them do a live broadcast."

"Wait, General Xu."

Margaret felt that she couldn't talk to Xu Zhi anymore. It took a few words to get to the topic. The young man gave no chance at all.

This makes it very uncertain when it comes to business.

But the opening has to be made.

"President Xu, I wonder where your Stuart Zhongfu has gone?"

As Margaret spoke, Xu Zhi suddenly understood, and knew the general goal of Margaret.

"He said he wanted to practice a kind of magical power, and I didn't know what kind of magical power, so he went, and now I don't know where Situ Zhongfu was closed."

"Practice Divine Skills? Closed to death?"

Hearing the meaning of Xu Zhi, Situ Xin will be unable to find it at this moment.

When Wen Renweiyang said something unclear, Marguerite felt a little difficult to do.

"Then you" Margaret hesitated before continuing: "I heard that you know a method of massacre and jumping?"

"Who made the rumor?"

"Just the year before, you died millions of jumps behind you," Margaret said.

"That was a pose, we were a fake partner."

The jumping massacre scene in the Daragur Gorge is still shocking, but the joint massacres of the countries have not reproduced this scene, and the great cultivators are still crying for days.

Under this circumstance, some old cases of that year were inevitably reopened.

I have seen the scenes to prove the truth, and there have been doubts and false ones that have not been there.

In the time waiting for the Vulcan Festival to come again, many people discussed the heat.

Margaret did not expect to come to the consultation, but just asked a little bit, Xu Zhi admitted to leave casually, how to talk about it?

How did Wen Renwei mention the method Xu Zhi mastered?

How can I ask?

The first goal Si Tuxin has no information, and the second goal seems to have no way.

The negotiations that Margaret went through were very formal, nonsense, and a lot of wisdom, but she was difficult to talk about, such as Xu Zhi, who could not enter the oil and salt industry.

The conversation was finished in two straight sentences.

"If you can say a few words, we old bones can also go to activities, how much can make some contributions."

Grandmaster's combat strength and endurance are very strong, but Grandmaster must also be able to find jumps, but it is also a headache to jump around the hole.

Today, Grand Master's record is not strong, and it is far from the goal of many Grand Master plans.

"That will also allow South Australia to return to tranquility as soon as possible, and Dongyue to triumph as soon as possible. We really want to try our best to kill and jump, lest the corpse meal should not be used as..."

Margaret murmured, she now counts on Xu Zhi's conscience to discover that she can share a little secret.

This secret is of little use to ordinary people, but it is very important to South Australia.

Nine Grand Masters in South Australia, more than 200 Grand Masters, at this time also gathered the Grand Master of Dongyue, hundreds of Grand Masters, as well as the Northern Xinjiang and Xiliu and other national university cultivators all help together.

If many great practitioners can fight like Xu Zhi, Margaret thinks the world is too peaceful.

According to the current situation of annihilation, even if the reason for the rapid reproduction of the jump is solved, the killing will continue for a long time, and the latter period will be extremely exhausted and exhausted, and South Australia will be unbearable.

"You are right, cultivators usually work hard to practice, but they are reluctant to take two months each year to seriously slaughter and jump. This is the corpse vegetarian meal, which is not to do."

Xu Zhi's conscience is probably crooked.

Margaret was sad.

The place where Xu Zhi sprayed is a bit wrong, and should not spray the practitioner.

The focus should be on the sharing method.

If they can kill Leap Jump, the cultivators must advance at full speed. Even if she is no exception, she must participate in the killing of Leap Jump.

Nowadays, many great cultivators still rely on that set of "Straight Spells", which is extremely wasteful because of their own other strengths.

Recalling the sighing narration of the Ram's Cassia, and the soul of Akiko Akikawa's face, the Margaret pondered again.

It was difficult to see Situ Xuankong, and Situ Xin could not be found. The breakthrough could only be here in Xu Zhi.

It's just that this guy seems to be a vampire.

It is difficult for this guy to say a few words in his mouth. It is very difficult to make the other person vomit the mantra.

"Xuan Zongfu think of my two dragon and phoenix rings?"

Margaret shook her hands slightly, and the two golden rings on the left and right arms suddenly fell off.

"Can you sell the ring, let me evaluate the price? I still have experience in this matter, and I have sold the Grand Master weapon several times."

Xu directly passed the dragon and phoenix ring that Marguerite handed over.

One of the two rings is a dragon ring, and the other is a phoenix ring. There is a slight magnetic force between the two rings.

A little black star loomed in the golden ring, apparently doped with black gold, and solid.

After dragging in Xu Zhi's hand for half a minute, the two rings automatically slipped back on Margaret's arm.

"Don't sell, don't sell," Margaret repeatedly denied that, after retrieving the dragon and phoenix ring, she continued to ask: "I heard the Ram Cassia said you want to build a stick?"

"The news you know is really fast," Xu Zhi raised his thumb.

"Ujin is hard and heavy. As the main material of the stick, it is extremely rare. Why did President Xu build such a stick? No one in South Australia has built a sword of black gold, but the flaws are full?"

"This kind of weapon defect is very strong?" Xu Zhi doubted.

"I don't know if Mr. Xu has heard the principle of just being easy to break, and when there is no flexibility at all, it is also easy to suffer."

"What is this idealism?" Xu Zhi smiled.

"The black sword was broken, and was cut off by a master's soldier."

"There is such a thing?"

"You can find Master Situ Grandmaster certification, he just beat our first master in South Australia 100 years ago."

There are names and surnames, as well as living witnesses, Margaret can't do this fake.

"It's too easy to break..."

Xu Zhi frowned slightly, and murmured a few words in his mouth.

"Our Marg family has mastered the correct method of 65 kinds of black gold ratios. It is the family with the most research on black gold in South Australia. If Mr. Xu is interested, can we discuss it?"

It wasn't until this time that Marguerite threw out some information.

This is the initiative to arouse interest, thinking of taking up some initiative.

"Tie Xin, go to Zun Shang and ask, how many kinds of matches do we have in Dongyue about black gold, I want to play a stick together, let them transfer the information to help me refer to."

Xu Zhi is calling again, this temperament is too flattering.

Although Dongyue's research on the material of black gold is not much, but more or less can come up with it.

After Fan Tiexin went to work, Xu Zhi turned to look at Margaret's pig liver face.

"Master Marg really awakened the dreamer. Xu was very grateful."

"Our Marg family is at the forefront of research on black gold, and the manufacturing points of these two dragons and phoenix rings are unknown to anyone outside."

"That's right, but you won't tell me directly."

Margaret just boasted, and Xu Zhi choked with a sigh of relief.

The little thief didn't try to inquire, and asked each other to talk to each other, but there was also a demand for each other, so everyone could bargain with each other.

"I can tell you."

"Then you quickly say, I will take a small note to record."

"But if you want to build a stick, another kind of ratio is more suitable for you, and you need other materials. If you want to build a peerless stick, it is true that you can find our Marg family, which is better than those in northern Xinjiang. People's sticks are better than Dongyue..."

Margaret ignored Xu Zhi's needs and was thinking again, but her words did arouse Xu Zhi's interest.

Cultivation is promoted to Grand Master, this life is basically a weapon to walk the world, it is difficult to change weapons in the future.

Materials are rare, and building is more complicated and troublesome.

Xu Zhi can't squander can only catch the ram cassia seeds and squeeze hard.

If he could get it all at once and enjoy it for life, of course, he was thinking of accomplishing this major event at once, and Xu Zhi didn't mind adding auxiliary materials.

"As long as you give us a method of killing and jumping in large quantities, I am willing to tell you the ratio. The sticks forged by this method are definitely stronger than His Majesty's Qiankun sticks."


When the price reached a suitable level, Xu Zhi immediately took the case.


Margaret, who tried hard to recommend it, was taken aback.

"Then deal!"

Compared to the recipe, of course it is more important how mass slaughter jumps.

Margaret immediately responded.


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