Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2120: From 1 to 1

Inspection Department General Fuzhong.

Xu Zhi and Margaret frowned as they watched each other's transcribed content.

Xu Zhi frowned because Margaret's formula was too complicated and demanded much, and he couldn't get it together in a little while.

Uneven is the mirror flower month, the bamboo basket fetched water.

Margaret frowned, but Xu Zhi's method was too simple. As long as the conditions were sufficient, the goal could be easily achieved.

"Just seek an expert-level cultivator with the treasure-hunting talent, and replace the definition of treasures in my mind with jumps, and we can find the super-large jump convergence point."

Xu Zhi's hint couldn't be simpler.

This is far from what they imagined.

But in a short while, how many expert cultivators with the treasure hunt talent to do this kind of experiment.

Humans have a deep-rooted conception of treasures, how can this be reversed to see jumps as treasures.

Only some practitioners whose heads are broken are likely to distort their ideas, which is not within the reach of normal people.

"IMHO, this method of yours does not seem to be scientific, and it is difficult to achieve the possibility of stacking."

"IMHO, your casting ratio seems to be unscientific, the type of collocation is too complicated, it is more like a speculative ratio, and there is a high probability of failure when forging."

Xu Zhi scolded the old fox secretly.

Margaret also scolded Xu Zhi under her heart.

"What if my formula is real and effective?"

"Then I can prove that the method is indeed feasible."

When they looked at each other, there was no concession in their eyes.

"It's just a soldier of the Grand Master."

"Just a bunch of worthless jumps."

The two had just confronted each other, and Margaret immediately saw Xu Zhi raise his hand to retreat.

The goods lifted the table if they didn't agree.

Xu Zhi can obviously wait for the casting of the Grand Master's soldiers, but South Australia can't wait.

The annual killing time is only two months, and only these two months can maximize the efficiency, and can barely bear the logistical support of the joint killing of the legion and the practitioners.

Margaret just sternly said that this is the way to get the equivalent chips when she negotiates.

But Xu Zhi was very uncooperative.

This made her feel the pill.

Xu Zhi didn't seem to have any merits, nor did he care about Dongyue's successive military expenditures. He didn't surrender this method of slaughter.

"As long as the materials are the same, our Marg family can be cast into this soldier within two months."

"I call the place where the stacking kills and jumps is called the upstream source point. The jumping people gather there and most of them return to the ruins there. I can provide at least two upstream source points. If I am in a good mood, I The staff provided may be able to find more, or even all."


Xu Zhi's words made Margaret take a breath.

For the first time, she heard the concept of the origin of countercurrent.

It is also the first time I know that jumping people can have a fixed place to come out, and there will also be a fixed place to return to the ruins.

This concept of information is too fierce.

If it can occupy those counter-current traceability points, it will guard every level, or even destroy those places.

Just thinking about it, Margaret felt that her heartbeat had accelerated by a few points.

This is a certain difference from the way Situ Xin introduced.

The cost will be much lower than her estimate.

"Are you serious?" Margaret asked again and again.

"Believe it or not, maybe you can do it, maybe you can't, who knows, but at least try it anyway."

"I need to discuss the complexity and cost of casting your Grand Master's soldiers..."

Margaret looked up to the sky, and in her calculations, she never thought of the matter of materials and manpower.

But Xu Zhi's follow-up means and price tag are too many.

The Rams Cassia and Harukawa Akiko probably tried hard when talking with Xu Zhi.

Margaret also looked dignified.

She sent several urgent and speedy secret reports. After half an hour, she finally received a reply.


A simple word.

It also means agreeing to the transaction.

Many auxiliary materials will not be paid by the Marg family alone.

This reassured Margaret.

"Xu General Mansion, deal!"

Margaret finally shook Xu Zhi's hand.

The most valuable thing about coming to Dongyue is here.

If we can find the sources of counter-current tracing at an early date, the coordination between many military, industrial, and commercial businesses should be simple, and peace can be restored as soon as possible.

This is an inevitable deal for South Australia.

A soldier of the Grand Master, worth it!

"I really appreciate your charity in the snow, and I look forward to your Grand Master's soldiers."

"In July this year, I need your full assistance."

"Must do my best!"

Xu Zhi didn't know how to find the upstream source points all over South Australia, but Huang Orange could do his best to accomplish this.

He did not hesitate to recruit this niece at this time.

The tempering effect of the past two months is not strong, and this year it lasts for two months.

If the task is not completed this year, another two months will be continued next year.

Sooner or later, this girl will be tempered into a master cultivator.

Xu Zhimei set a small goal for yellow orange.

Of course, he had a lot of things, and he had to cure Morill.

But this is no problem.

If all goes well, he can also pull the Grand Master of South Australia as a coolie.

Reluctant to himself, Xu Zhi is quite atmospheric with others.

In case of fatalities or injuries, it is also incompetent, and I can't blame him.

He watched Margaret leave the inspectorate's headquarters, and then lazily picked up the communicator.


"How come I suddenly think of you, I always miss you."

"Relax, the Huang family is fine, and the uncle hasn't reached the point of killing his parents. Of course, it's better if your father can converge. After all, there is more black material and it's easier to check together."

"Something, of course, brought you to fly."

"When did your uncle lie to you and must take you to fly."

After eating a loss in South Australia once, the girl's family was still very vigilant. After Xu Zhi repeatedly promised to fly with yellow, orange and orange, the girl felt a little relieved.

"It's no problem taking you to fly through South Australia."

Achievement of Grand Master and practice of the thick soil mystery, the field is extremely strong and long-lasting, Xu Zhi's energy is very sufficient, and he is not afraid to fly around with yellow oranges to find the source of countercurrent.

But the hard work must be done.

Xu Zhi is also looking for a talented secret medicine suitable for yellow orange.

Anyway, he can't abuse his juniors too much.

The environment of various types of burrows can be described as harsh, and it is not good to work hard. You want the horse to run without grazing the horse. He can’t do that kind of bad thing.

At this time, Xu Zhi continued to check in the elemental world.

It involves messages about yourself on the portal, like letters written by Somra through the little green skins.

In addition to dealing with the disasters that may be encountered in is also thinking about the situation of this world at this time.

Facing a major disaster, this is everyone's responsibility, and Xu Zhi can't get away from it.

Moreover, the two worlds now share a common enemy.

Many unspeakable things in reality may be able to find some clues in this world.

But with the passage of time, the disaster of the four elements of the main **** world did not come. In reality, Morill found Kyoto.

If it is not handled properly, she may indeed cause a catastrophe.

At this time, there were only two days left before the South Australian Vulcan Festival. Xu Zhi received a cheerful face of Qingchuan Akiko with a heavy face, and also saw Morill with a bitter face.

This time is far from Xu Zhi's calculations.

The remaining time for Mollier's transformation is too short.

Many things are too late to manipulate.


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