Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2121: Uneasy women

I'm probably dying. "

In the parlor, Moril's natural face seemed to be a normal thing.

"He wants to kill you?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Fast, faster than I thought, maybe this year, maybe next year."

Morel frowned slightly.

The two of them did not shy away from Akako Harukawa, which made Akiko Haragawa, a little happy face, enter into a state of mourning from joy, and quickly became anxious.

For Akiko Harukawa, he only knew that there was a dragon soul in Morill's head.

As for the severity, it makes him difficult to predict.

Listening to the conversation between Xu Zhi and Mollier, things seem to be far more serious than he thought, but he is difficult to intervene and can only listen intently.

"The world seems to have undergone major changes, and everything is advanced."

"Major changes?"

"I feel from him that the patience of that existence seems to be not as good as before, and it is likely to give up the way of gradual integration."

Morel's message comes from the Dragon God, and the existence mentioned is the true God.

For the Dragon of Time and Space, there are two terrible things.

One is the death of Gwen Magnus, and the other is Deken's achievement of the true God.

Whether to choose revenge, or occupy the real world, or both.

There seemed to be some clues about Dragon God.

If it is possible, Xu Zhi of course hopes to get more information from Mollier, but Mollier does not have much time to survive.

This is a time bomb.

Xu Zhi just wanted to quickly send Mollier out of Kyoto.

"Selron mentioned that its weakness is the blood of the dragon **** in the body, I want to know the location of the blood of the dragon god," Xu Zhi asked.

"That's where he really is. The blood circulates in the body. There is no fixed place. It can flow anywhere. No one can kill him. Selron is no exception."

Mori's message made Xu Zhi frown.

The probability of killing dragon in delusion has dropped to freezing point.

"Only if your divine art splits his soul into countless pieces, can he fall into chaos or even die."

Since the soul was perfectly cut out, Morill stared at Xu Zhi.

"My chance of success in the spell is not high, only a 45 percent chance of causing soul cutting."

"The probability of success of your ability is already very high. Trying it a few times will definitely succeed."

"I can only release once a month, and the target of the attack can not make a choice, maybe you are suffering."

As Xu Zhi added his information, Morill also felt a headache.

Without a number of superpositions, this type of probability magic would be terrible.

Moreover, Xu Zhi's magic technique is actually indisputable.

Even if the chance of success is exerted, half of it may fall on her.

Everything is like gamble.

But the time left for her was short, and she was given less and less free time.

"Try it!"

After a moment of silence, Mollier finally spoke.

Without relying on Xu Zhi's magic technique, she will definitely be erased in the future, and there is still a little hope of being treated by Xu Zhi.

There is no choice.

"Not here!"

Located in Kyoto, Xu Zhi didn't want to release magical skills to Mollier here.

"Going to the countercurrent source point in the Hatut alliance country" Xu Zhi got up and said: "If everything fails, I still have the possibility of escape."

Success is hard to say, Xu Zhi must be prepared to deal with the worst.

The time is very tight. Within two days, the Vulcan Festival opens, and it is also the time for the Dragon God to wake up and eat.

If you want to enter the countercurrent source point of the Hatut alliance country, you need to do the fastest action and preparation.

"The way is too far, I'm afraid there is some lack of time," Morill said in a deep voice. "I may not be able to stick to that place."

"The journey is not a problem, it just takes some time."

Mollier will consider the airship takeoff time, flight time, transit time, and the time required to enter the underground, while Xu Zhi only needs to consider the time to reach the target in a straight line.

Over the past few months, he has lived in the headquarters of the Inspection Division for a long time, constantly adapting to his new level of cultivation ability, and he has little control over what happens outside.

If it is calculated, it is probably the ram cassia and the Marg family working together to build a weapon.

The Ram cassia wants to get his weapon back, while Margaret takes back the content mentioned in the original agreement.

Both sides came to Kyoto, and Haruka Akako and others were piggybacking.

Harukawa Akiko can hardly decide that the airship will take off immediately, nor can he fly straight to the Hatut alliance country.

But these problems did not cause trouble for Xu Zhi.

By the time the three discussed, Xu Zhi had received information from the outside.

Margaret and Ram Ramsay and others walked through the diplomatic scene and came directly to him.

"When it's troublesome!"

The Grand Master's soldiers came to the door, and Xu Zhi had no reason to refuse flatly.

With a stick in hand, his safety is somewhat guaranteed.

At this time, he also called Li Duohuang, who kept the Wujin staff, and he began to urge the yellow, orange and orange to explore treasures.

"During concentrating on healing, please contact us after 365 days."

"Go treasure hunting, don't disturb everything!"

One is to kill Li Duohuang who does not respond, and once Xu Zhi urges Yin and Yang a little bit and urges Twin Lotus to fight back.

One is yellow, orange, and some flinch.

Coupled with Morill who needs to be treated, and meeting with Uya Ye Fulin who is jumping together this year, Xu Zhi only feels that she is provoking a bunch of women with headaches.

Like Sister Gu, there was nothing to rebound, just asked a few words, did not think about jumping together, let alone cure, and can call at any time, far from these women trouble.

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while before adding the conditions.

"I think Mu Yongzhi's gloves are of good quality. Come and appreciate them together."

"Uncle Xu, I will send you your loot now."

Li Duohuang's response was very fast, back in seconds.

Whether it is a glove or a soft glove, this is not a problem for Li Duohuang.

Because Li Duohuang couldn't afford the Grand Master's soldiers, he had no choice.

In the same vein with Mu Yongzhi, and with the "Emperor Tian Zhen Jing" as the main framework for Qi practice, she inherited these gloves but complemented each other.

Xu Zhi knew that the girl had the idea of ​​hitting these gloves a long time ago and had been waiting for him to speak.

However, the gloves are no better than other soldiers of the Grandmaster, Xu Zhi can send her one, and can keep one to slowly anger Li Duohuang.

"Orange Orange, Uncle has found two great medicines that are very suitable for you. One of them will make you have a pure inner qi, and the other will make your talents improve. You can enter the master as soon as possible."

"Uncle Xu, you're so nice. I was walking around in Kyoto and came to see you right away."

Huang Orange Orange did not resist the temptation.

It's just that this location makes Xu Zhigan hurt.

This is a long time to go out looking for treasure, staring at him, and also waiting for him to talk about the benefits.

Seeing Margaret and the Ram Cassia coming together, Xu Zhi smiled and waved to wait.

At this time, he also looked at the soldier of this grand master that many people contributed to him.

The length of the stick is three meters and six three, which is suitable for the needs of his normal and inflated shape after fighting.

Weighing more than 1,600 kilograms, it doubles the weight of his previous "Changhong".

The stick body is light blue, but there are countless black dots embedded in the stick body.

That's Ujin.

It is also one of the main materials of this stick.

He stretched his hand and squeezed the long stick. Xu Zhi's inner qi lifted, and the colorful inner qi of Liuli suddenly filled the stick.

Like a whale swallowing, the stick greedily swallowed Xu Zhi's constant qi.

A sense of interpersonal communication emerged spontaneously.

Xu Zhi shook the stick slightly, and saw that the black metal on the stick began to radiate a light The cyan stick suddenly lit up.

With a little dance, a huge force spread out, causing the air to oscillate with heavy and subtle ripples, and the light of the Ujin seemed to fall like the stars in the sky.

"This long stick is yin on one end and yang on the other, but where... Are you a grandmaster?"

Marguerite introduced a few words, and when she opened her eyes, she stared at the long stick that was received by Xu Zhi.

I saw Xu Zhi pushed slightly, and this long stick naturally burst into power.

The power of the poles' gravitational and repulsive forces collide with each other in the air.

This is the same power as her dragon and phoenix ring.

Very close to each other, Marguerite had already felt the danger from the stick.

Only the Grand Master can call such weapons so freely.

Unconsciously, and no news came out, this inspector general has become a grand master.


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