Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 902: Slayer

Uyaturanto had just fallen. He was greeted by two ferocious brilliances. A huge sound blew, and Bagula in his arms just woke up and was immediately stunned.

The emperor of Northern Xinjiang was pierced in the chest, the crown was cut off, and his hair was shaved in half.

He was mad at the air, staring blankly at his chest, his eyes immediately glowing with anger, accompanied by his massive voice inquiry.

"Turanto, you should abdicate."

A woman holding a long knife, the figure flashed more than 100 meters away, she carefully looked at Uya Turanto, even if the other party was seriously injured, it is not the object they can take lightly.

"His Royal Highness is more competent than you for the position of monarch. It is a pity that no sword has cut your head."

Another strong man, holding a giant sword, slowly emerged behind a strange stone. His eyes stared at Turanto in search of a second attack.

"Lantez's child won't do this kind of thing. Do you have to splash dirty water before I die?"

Turanto held Bagula behind him, squeezing tightly, his eyes narrowed, and a pure white "color" stick suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Hey, true and false, true and false, Turanto, how do you distinguish this heart."

Ju Jian's strong man chuckled, and turned his head to look at Yan Xingxia: "Yan Lao Gui, do you want a sword and kill Turanto can save you from Dongyue?"

"That's right, Turanto has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. We, the heroes of northern Xinjiang, are not overwhelmed by breathlessness, and they are constantly being cut down by the vassals. He is the only one in the world. The "Stable" woman with a long sword is also attached.

"Lao Yan..."

Uyaturanto's heart tightened. If Yan Xingxia "inserted" his hands, he would have no resistance, no corpses, and he would be directly killed.

"It is indeed a good opportunity."

Yan Xingxia's eyes flashed fiercely, his hands flicked, throwing Yan Jinbai and Xu Zhi who were holding him hundreds of meters away. He slowly pulled out his thick back knife and stared at Uya Turanto.

After stepping on the footsteps repeatedly, Xu Zhi stabilized his body. Yan Xingxia's toss was very decent. Such a long distance only caused some tingling on the soles of their feet, and there was no physical injury.

The "good" woman shouted, "Lao Yan, as long as you can do your utmost to wait for His Highness Lantes, the South Hammer level on our border is willing to shrink a hundred miles, showing sincerity."

"Ai Yuli Ba Li Ba Da, after rebellion you still have to treason, you will be a sinner in northern Xinjiang in the future."

Uyaturanto roared unwillingly: "We have been fighting in northern Xinjiang for thousands of years, and the accumulation of several dynasties has only such a scale. You can send it out so easily."

"Turanto, you are not only a thousand miles from cutting the clan, you own this world, we are only a city, this is unfair, our ancestry is taken back a little bit by you, every time I think of this, I have no face to see the underground The great ancestor of the great sword is the sturdy begginer in the mouth of Uya Turant, and the great master of northern Xinjiang.

This man and a woman, Gu are top master masters, one name is forbidden to beg, and one name loves Yuli Ba Li Ba Da. He has become famous for decades, even before Uya Turanto became a grand master, just Uyaturanto later ranked first, ranking first in northern Xinjiang.

"There are a lot of vassals, and you can't escape the lives of these two or three hundred years. You really want your children and grandchildren to slaughter each other, and blood flows into the territory," Uyaturanto said sadly.

"Hey hey, Turanto, I don’t want to see the children and grandchildren creeping under your Uya family. You are so noble, why don’t you give up the throne, and everyone will take turns sitting." .

The breath of the two was slightly breathless. Turanto and Yan Xingxia flew here and were tired. The two also had certain tired colors.

"You rushed here as fast as possible. Presumably, Bagula should have touched the node of the stone statue. Turanto, you are very kind to yourself, really good, our children, we sat there more than ten Came out in hours."

"The rules are set by you and destroyed by yourself. This is your privilege."

The two grandmasters took a look at Yan Xingxia and began to change directions. Both sides were adjusting the time of their tongues, and they were shocked by the next blow.

This is a very good opportunity for them. With such a long flying distance, coupled with the flight of Turanto, the internal energy consumption is huge, and the body is in a very tired moment, and they came here nearly an hour earlier, and the body recovered A lot of strength.

The ambush was pretty good. With all the outbursts, Turanto didn't have much stubborn resistance.

This is a rare opportunity for them. Turanto rarely has such an exhaustion, and in the depths of the sky, it is difficult for outsiders to know what is happening in this place. Even if it is Yan Xing’s strength certificate, the Northern Frontier is also It's hard to believe.

Pushing directly to some unknown danger in the cave, it is normal to declare Uyaturanto's crash, and everything will die without proof.

"Two rebel thieves, one old thief, three of you thieves, come, come quickly." Uya Turant pointed to his head and said angrily: "A good head is here, so come and take it if you have a species."

The pure white "color" long sticks pointed to Huo Zhen Bie Gu, Ai Yu Li Ba Li Ba Da, Yan Xing Xia, and slapped on the back of Bagula's face.

"Wake up, see clearly and die, don't be a confused ghost with grandpa."

Bagula, who was stunned by the past, had a nosebleed in the face of the fan, and his eyes were "confusing" looking at all this in front of him, but in an instant, the teenager had already seen the situation clearly.

"Grandpa, leave me and run away."

"Anyway, I will die. If you leave me behind, the stick can still score two points, maybe killing a counter-thief."

Bagula looked at the three people who were staring around, and his heart was desperate. In the battle of the Grand Master, Turanto could not protect himself, not to mention him, maybe just a few hits, he would be shocked if he lost Turanto's inner gas protection. Smash, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's bones are missing.

"Good grandson, you and I have no chance of surviving today. You just watch it on your back to see how grandpa killed the thief and killed one. We can feel relieved when we play Huangquan."

Turanto's desperate intention to complete the "Lu", the trapped beast still fighting, when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, he will fight his last glory.

Hu Zhenzhen don’t beg and Ai Yuli Ba Li to look at each other, and have seen Yan Xingxia, Turanto has no retreat. Like them, they can embark on the way of killing kings. How can they retreat once Turan To escape, facing them is to kill the Nine, even if they escape, they can only go far away.

"Turanto, take me a knife and turn the shadow blade."

Ai Yuli Ba Li's eyes burst into "shot", her long sword waved, the figure turned into blue smoke, and when she appeared again, she was only three steps away from Turanto, and the sharp knife light followed her. Suddenly, the sound of staggered golden jade suddenly sounded.

Under the gray sky, the giant sword was beheaded instantly, and another extremely condensed sword light followed immediately, mercilessly, cutting off Turanto who was carrying Guara. Hero Invincible Grandmaster

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