Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 903: Symbol of friendship between Dongyue and North Xinjiang

Heroes of Invincible Grand Master Chapter 903: The Symbol of the Friendship between Dongyue and Northern Xinjiang: "Strike the Universe"

Turanto slammed with a sigh of breath, and exhaled with a deep voice. The white stick in his hand changed into three stick figures, and he crashed into the three figures with boundless power.

At this moment, he ignored the blow, and there was a total of fighting between the fights, so that he might have a slim vitality.

The sharply shrunken long knife made an unpleasant, harsh sound, and the Ayurveda figure of Bata turned in a blink of an eye, constantly rotating around Turanto, and the long knife thrust into other directions.

The giant sword that changed the direction of attack intersects with the long stick, and a deafening sound floats. In Turanto's face below, his face suddenly turned red, and the blood on the corners of his mouth was desperate. He was desperate in his eyes. The light turned suddenly.

"Swallow thief, how dare you."

Don't beg and roar, Huozhen's sword light aimed at him, and swept across his body instantly, heavy white ice armor kept emerging, and it was instantly eaten clean and clean.

Even if he still has some kind of defense against Yan Xingxia, how can it be possible to switch defense in an instant.

What's more, he just suffered the blow of Turanto's desperation. Under the figure's retreat, his body was eaten up by the knife light a little. What scared him was that Yan Xingxia's knife light was endless. 'S close fight with him.

"Rogue thief, be a jerk, why don't I dare."

Yan Xingxia's thick-backed knife suddenly stretched out, and the ice armor on his body suddenly turned into nothingness, and the thin light of inner air emerged, and he was penetrated by his knife.

"Then you die."

There was a lot of pain, and he looked at his body that was almost split into two parts, and he didn’t want to beg in his eyes. The sword buckled horizontally, and a dull sound sounded. His body suddenly increased several times, and then a crackling sound sounded. The air suddenly sticks like glue, and the actions of everyone within a hundred meters become extremely slow.

"Hey, go to hell."

His body burst into countless cold air, like an overwhelming atmosphere, flooding the audience, but in a blink of an eye, a round white icicle of nearly 100 meters formed, watching the three struggling inside the icicle. Grandmaster, don't beg for the huge body to explode, the giant sword shattered, the wreckage flew, and the endless blood rain splashed.


Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai looked at each other hundreds of meters away. The Grand Master battlefields had no protection. At their level, they were involved in death.

But now the sound of the explosion stopped, and a round icicle nearly 100 meters appeared above the strange rock.

The remaining few were silent, this was the end of the battle, or there was some kind of potential savings.

"Let's save the master, as if he is also trapped."

"I drop a grandpa."

Yan Jinbai ran away with their legs pulled out. They were far away. The sword light, sword shadow, and stick shadow were only a few flashes away. The sound of weapons colliding, the sound of explosion, and even seeing a frozen scene.

In the white icicle, four faint figures are constantly struggling. This icicle is not transparent, and the figure is very blurry when seen in the past.

The two had just approached, and a chill came to their faces. Even though they had taken Yulian tea two days ago, they still shivered.

"How to do how to do?"

Yan Jinbai grabbed her hair anxiously, the cold current a few meters away, which meant that they could not touch the icicle at all. Forcing the touch would not only help, but he might also have to post himself. When he was anxious, he suddenly See Xu Zhi lifted a strange stone and hit the past.

A dull voice came out, and a giant web-like crack appeared on the huge icicle.

"Quick smash, I don't know if it's a secret technique or a martial art, it's strong inside and weak outside."

"The biggest figure must have been His Majesty Turanto. This one, this one, has a long shadow. It seems that Grandpa took a thick back knife and smashed it first. Grandpa will come out to rescue others later."

Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai completed the judgment in an instant, and some of the moving stones were pulled out by the two and hit the icicle side.

The strength of the two is not weak, the internal energy explodes, and with the use of martial arts, Xu Zhi can even explode the expert's first-level power with a stick. Now, although the two rely only on the power of the physical body and the internal energy, the explosive power is not small. , Some strange stones were torn apart under great force.

Above the icicles, cracks in layers are increasing, and Yan Xingxia in the ice seems to have sensed the movements, constantly exerting force towards the cracks.

Xu Zhi had just smashed a strange stone, and suddenly saw a hand under the ice layer, just caught on the strange stone, and the strange stone was squeezed in an instant.

Between the backhand grabbing, a hole was instantly pulled and enlarged. Yan Xingxia was full of purple sauce, carrying a thick back knife, and drilled out of the icicle.



Yan Jinbai and Xu Zhi had just exclaimed, and they watched Yan Xingxia raise his sword and thrust into a figure in the icicle.

The white brilliance penetrated without any sound. This struggling figure was stabbed from the head to the foot by Yan Xingxia, and his body was instantly crushed into meat sauce.

Floating in the air, Yan Xingxia looked at the other two struggling figures. His face was constantly changing, and he immediately slashed.

"Cough cough, Laoyan, I thought you were going to kill me inside."

Turanto was covering his chest, bleeding constantly in his coughing mouth, and Bagula fainted and woke up, waking and fainting, and now his eyes turned white, tied behind Turanto, his hands and feet spontaneously fluttered instinctively. Kicked, it looked very energetic. This guy was very tough. Under Turanto's protection, he stayed up to now, and was not seriously injured.

"For a moment, I did have this evil thought, Turanto, your threat to Dongyue is too great."

Yan Xingxia slowly inserted the thick-backed knife behind him. From time to time, there was a chill of air outside his body. He was silent for a while before continuing: "Northern Xinjiang is powerful, your body is in a strong age, Dongyue It’s not a good thing to have such a powerful neighbor next to you."

"But I am a kind-hearted person" Yan Xingxia suddenly laughed. "How can a kind-hearted person do such a bad thing."

"Cut, old things that are insincere," Turanto sneered before saying seriously: "Supporting your own dangerous building, I Turanto can promise that as long as I don't take the initiative to engage in things against Northern Xinjiang, in my lifetime, Northern Xinjiang 'S sword will never point to Dongyue."

"What look, what look, I am the emperor anyway, in a word, you really want me to make a vow to succumb."

"Oh, you little monkey, what are you doing there?"

After finishing Yan Xingxia, Turanto watched Xu Zhi up and down, constantly holding a mobile phone to switch angles, and felt bad for a while.

"Your Majesty, this is a historical record. A great historical record. My master is awe-inspiring. He drew his sword to save the king and has a magnificent image. This video will be available to us on Dongyue in the future," said Xu Zhimei.

"This is a symbol of our friendship between Dongyue and Northern Xinjiang." After thinking about it, Xu Zhi added a sentence "If you need it, I can also make a copy for you."

"You, you, you" Turanto pointed to Yan and pointed to Xu Zhi again. After thinking for a while, Yan Jinbai also pointed to it, and hummed: "One young and two young, insincere, Insincere, there is no good thing."


At the moment, Yan Jinbai really hated his Northern Xinjiang language level. These three Barbara had been confused for a long time. He didn't understand a few words. He could only be a little transparent next to him. Ranto's complexion seemed to be nothing good.

The emperor of North Xinjiang hummed for a while, then coughed for a while, and felt that he could no longer hold on hard, and dropped the sleeping Dracula, a thick layer of ice armor rose on his body, a layer One layer, like a cocoon, wrapped him in.

Seeing that Ranto was in a state of intoxicating healing, Xu Zhi asked cautiously, "Master, are you really letting Your Majesty Turanto out of heart?"

"Ghost, Lao Tzu wants to kill him, but we are out of this hole in less than three minutes. Ten other Grand Masters from North Xinjiang will chase us from different locations and even hit Dongyue."

"Even if he was suffocated in an icicle, this **** would buckle on my head, killing Turanto, would make Dongyue the target."

"Some big countries that like to jump are missing a sufficient excuse."

Yan Xingxia said dumbly. He held his chest for a while and thought: "But he killed the two Grand Masters of North Xinjiang. With Turanto present, he didn't have any troubles. He must be grateful to me. No loss, Lao Tzu is a little bit happy. He has killed so many in his life. Today, there are only two.

"Hahaha, hey, my chest hurts. I won't talk to you anymore. I don't want to beg this guy for killing me. I have to deal with his secrets head-on. This is a bit powerful." I want to be with more like-minded people. Talk about "Grandmaster of the Invincible Hero", WeChat pays attention to "Reading Literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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