Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 915: This medicine is no problem

"Xu Zhi, don't coax me, how can the relic potion be so direct."

"It looks very fresh, it should not have deteriorated, when did you do it?"

Yan Jinbai took the emerald green glass and swayed the liquid from time to time, looking left and right without daring to talk.

The problem of the remains on the body has already been engulfed. If I am silly and drink it again, what will cause the problem and how will it end.

"Otherwise, let's send it to Dongyue Research Institute. The exchange of money is clear, and the opportunity for trading is good. If you donate, you can leave a name. Maybe you will be asked to go there when you donate."

Yan Jinbai thought for a while and thought it was a good idea to change money, and it was a reward of 5 million anyway. This is not a five hundred plus pennant, real money, ordinary people are enough for a lifetime, even if they are not a small sum assets.

"When you say this, I suddenly feel a little reluctant to drink it for you, five million, drink it for you, and do evil."

Xu Zhi squinted at the young man. The complexity of the relic pharmacy made the outside researchers very big. The pharmacy grades are different. The color is different. The difference caused by diversity and retention time is more difficult to distinguish. There will be some unpredictable changes.

This has caused a lot of trouble for research and analysis, and requires many specimens for reference. For relics, scientific research institutes have always purchased at high prices.

Continuous input and continuous output, energy liquid and nutrient solution, or amniotic fluid immersion liquid are all products, as if blooming overnight, many big countries have a certain amount of research on these drugs, and drugs of all levels are from time to time. Was launched into the market.

Whether the pharmacy in the New World can be purchased as a relic remedy, Xu Zhi has no idea. The source and route of the pharmacy will be checked in detail. Once the highest scientific research institute finds something, it will be difficult to end.

Yan Jinbai's daring to speak is also reasonable, something that the scientific research institute hasn't understood, he drank it at a pure gamble.

"I think about it, I think about it again, don't take it back."

Yan Jinbai held the potion deadly, and he would not dare to talk about the potion left by others, but Xu Zhi is now also regarded as the Yan family. After the ceremony, the relationship between the two will become very intimate, perhaps Like Xu Zhi and Gu Yuxi.

But it seems that there is not much difference now. Yan Jinbai looked at the potion in his hand. Anyway, this thing is five million dollars. Xu Zhi can take it out and drink it for him, which proves that the relationship between the two is different. Ordinary.

"Did you drink this in that ruin?"

Yan Jinbai suddenly remembered that Xu Zhi had also consumed a relic of potions at the beginning of the year.

"Almost" Xu Zhi thought for a while, and then said: "Wait for the lower grade, you are more advanced."

The seventh-level healing potion from Hexis is naturally stronger than the previous six-level potion. The second most important thing is the special effect that can cure the plague.

"Then look at me a little, in case I have something wrong with drinking, quickly call grandpa and grandpa to save me."

Yan Jinbai thought for a while, and told him what happened afterwards, drinking the potion, and doing it secretly. In front of the two grandfathers, he didn't need to open his mouth, and the potion was confiscated as a dangerous product.

"Rest assured, this medicine is okay. It is specially used to treat your illness. From then on, you can sleep peacefully at twelve o'clock at night, which is more effective than His Majesty Turanto's suppression."

Xu Zhipai patted Yan Jinbai's shoulder. Before Turanto cracked down, Yan Jinbai shouted at the pain every night. After the crackdown, the pain was greatly reduced, and the effect was only like a needle stick. Two points less life pain, almost tolerable, no special circumstances, Yan Jinbai now falls asleep after twelve.

As for Xu Zhi, he still has to suffer the curse of Mograine's Vengeful Soul four times a day, but most of his sleep is in the dream world, and the pain does not affect the sleep.

"Then I drank it."

"Drink and drink."

"I really drank it."



Seeing Yan Jinbai holding the potion to grind the chirp, Xu Zhi assisted a little, and the young man grunted and swallowed the potion.

"how about it?"

Xu Zhixuan looked at Yan Jinbai. The medicament has an immediate effect on the treatment of toxins and the recovery of life. The healing medicaments in the magic world deal with viruses in the magic world.

"It tastes a bit fishy, ​​a bit bitter, and it doesn't taste good."

Yan Jinbai smashed his mouth and licked the green juice left in the corner of his mouth back, just a few moments of effort, he felt a difference in his body. In addition to his incomparable physical energy, the stubborn illness in his body seemed to disappear. The shadow disappeared, and the toxin that had impregnated the whole body's blood was gone.

Looking at the glass in his hand, Yan Jinbai burst into tears. This medicine came too late. If there was a sip in the early stage, how could there be so much suffering.

But if he is not guilty, the third hand will not appear. Yan Jinbai thought for a while and thought this was probably the best result for himself.

Thinking under his heart, he suddenly felt that a cold current had struck him, and the person instantly shivered.

"Oops, I still have the inner qi of Grand Master Turanto in my body, fast"

Yan Jinbai, who hadn't finished speaking, bit his lip, and his whole body was surging and running wildly, and a trace of coldness came out of him. It took only a few seconds for Yan Jinbai to dye his eyebrows and hair. With hoarfrost, a few tears of joy and tears turned into ice Ling hanging on his face.

"Yue Shou, Master Yan, Master Ye, save your life."

Xu Zhi shouted, he had been thinking about Dracula's plague poison, and forgot the balance of Turantone's gas, please leave a grandpa, and now came a grandmother, continue to Yan Jinbai Toss in the body.

Suddenly the chickens and dogs jumped in the Yanjia compound.

"What moth do you poke out again, how can Turanto's internal energy get out of balance."

Yan Xuankong grabbed his hand, Yan Xingxia also explored the past, and a cold air sprayed from Yan Jinbai's mouth from time to time.

"Good boy, we are actually borrowing our strength and trying to melt Turanto's inner energy."

"It's kind of better than us. Turanto's inner qi that heals the wound is really amazing. It expels the cold and melts it. It's beneficial and harmless."

"The blood poison in the body seems to have disappeared. Since there is so much vitality, since it can hold it up, it will help."

Yan Xuankong and Yan Xingxia each uttered their words. One person's body flashed a near-transparent color of inner air, and one person's body flashed a white color of internal air, corresponding to the green mangoes that Yan Jinbai showed from time to time.

Layers of cold air were forced out of the body, and some essences were also intercepted. Yan Jinbai closed his eyes and shivered at first. Later, when his body gradually calmed down, from time to time, there were green mansions extending below the body. The strength of Yan Xingxia's inner qi, his inner qi cultivation seems to have some rapid progress, which is no less than the absorption of heaven and earth.

This is an attempt by the snake to swallow the elephant. Turanto’s inner qi belongs to the sourceless water and the rootless tree. It consumes only a few pieces, which is not a malicious inner qi impact. After many days of integration, the two are intertwined, making it difficult to separate each other.

With the help of Yan Xingxia and Yan Xuankong, the internal air was melted. This warm internal air filled the body of Yan Jinbai from time to time, causing some damage to the internal organs and slowly integrating into his internal air. In the system.

"I actually transformed Turanto's inner qi, I am really a genius, ha ha ha, come and praise me."

Nearly an hour later, the transformed Yan Jinbai opened his eyes and danced happily and laughed for a while.

"Grandson, you are awesome, but what is in the glass on the ground?"

"Sweet water, grandpa."

"Pretending to be crazy and selling silly can't pass the level, how can this thing drink indiscriminately, you are betting your life."

Yan Jinbai didn't get through, even Xu Zhi didn't escape, and both had penalties.

"Dear Grandpa, Grandpa Grandpa, I was wrong. I shouldn't drink Xu Zhi's potion to bet on my life"

"Dear Master Yan, Master Yan, I was wrong. I shouldn't have given Jin Bo that potion to bet on my life"

The two men wore red new clothes and knelt on the ground. Their faces were heavy, and they read their 4D reviews with emotion.

Yan Xuankong and Yan Xingxia, who were sitting under Tiandijun's senior teachers, nodded from time to time, or listened to their review, or greeted their fellow practitioners who came to congratulate the practitioners.

Xu Zhi did not expect that after three days, his apprenticeship ceremony began with a review.

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