Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 916: Tuo Guhong wants to give gifts

Chapter 916 of the Heroes' Invincible Grandmaster Chapter Tuo Guhong wanted to give gifts to Tiandijun's senior teacher, burn three bundles of sandalwood, and Yan Xuankong stood for a long time before the card, before slowly saying.

"The King of Heaven and Earth witnessed that all the ancestors and ancestors were on the top. The unfilial Yanyan Xuankong chose a good apprentice.

"Look at his words, look at his colors, smell his voice, and look at his actions. He has a good character, he can't be more picky in his heart, and he has talent."

"I think that you can get the inheritance of the Yan family's skills and be included in the position of the heir."

"I would like to teach, teach and teach, educate and dispel doubts, be strict in discipline, be strict and be able to act, be able to be fruitful, be fruitful, be an adult child."

Compared with Qiao’s external disciples ceremony, the Yan family’s apprenticeship ceremony has more complicated procedures. It is included in the disciples’ disciples and teaches true art. The relationship between teachers and students is second only to the relationship between father and son. In order to carry out heavy responsibilities, apprentices must also take a correct posture and respect teachers.

This is not an exchange of interdisciplinary disciples that can be interspersed with transactions, nor is it the payment of money by the martial arts museum. Xu Zhidun felt heavy.

Respectfully performed a big gift, took the roster from Yan Xuankong, spread it out, Yan Xuankong held the pen, when he wrote the pen, he danced through the paper back, when he closed the pen, his finger crossed, and a drop of dark red blood suddenly flew out , Sprinkled on the roster, after more than ten seconds, the blood drops spread out and bloomed on the paper.

When Yan Xuankong retrieved the title book, Xu Zhi mentioned his name, the flash of light flashed in his fingers, and blood dripped.

"From then on, I am a teacher, you are an apprentice, are you willing?"

Looking at the words and blood stains on the title book, Yan Xuankong said in a deep voice.

"I wish"


When Xu Zhi's voice sounded, an unfamiliar voice also followed. Xu Zhi thought about it a few times, only to feel that there was no impression of this voice in his memory.

"Master Jin, what do you mean?"

Yan Xuankong glared, and a thick breath faintly came from the surrounding air, interrupting the apprenticeship process. This was not only provoking his face, but also provoking the entire Yan family face.

Probably, I didn't expect this kind of situation. The masters who watched around were amazed, and their eyes moved from time to time on Master Jin and Yan Xuankong.

"Master Yan, Master Yan, please forgive me for being rude. When I was in Xiangbei, I heard that this son had officially entered the school. Under the guidance of Gu Changying, one did not leave the school, and the other two did not rebel, how to bear your teaching. "

The talker rose slowly, not anxious, but the voice made Xu Zhi frown slightly. He still had a lot of potential rules in the practice world who didn't understand it. The person seemed to be aimed at him, but it seemed that Gu Changying was pointed at the sword.

Compared with other masters, Gu Changying's background is much shallower. Unexpected promotion and lack of family background make him very low-key. He is basically nestled in a corner of Hua'an, but Xu Zhi suddenly had an accident before he rushed to Yunling City. , Where he is the enemy, to be faced in Yan Xuankong's apprentice ceremony.

"Brother Gu, seeing your disciples worship under the door of others, don't you say a few words?"

"Jin Zhongze."

Gu Changying, who was seated at the end of the guru, stood up and looked angrily in front of him. He didn't expect this person to be so pretentious. At that time, the guru returned to Hua'an City, but refused the other's intention, and some old things were turned over by the other.

One apprentice to the second teacher, one at the master's faucet, and one at the master's dragon tail. This situation surprised everyone. When the child in front of him was not shallow, some people shook their heads. If people can worship teachers everywhere, this righteousness of the master and apprentice is worthless.

Just like a marriage, before the formal ceremony, the young couple finds three or five pairs, and their husbands and wives scream at each other. There are still several such relationships when they receive the certificate. Then it is necessary to ridicule and drop the handle.

"I heard that this son was damaged, and Master Gu couldn't even take care of the school, and ran to Yunling. He really felt that the teacher and the disciple had the same feelings as the father and the son, which made people envious." Dare not recognize each other."

"Xu Zhi came out of the self-contained Anyi Middle School, and I taught him the arts as a matter of course. Although I am not talented, some early education still barely qualifies..."

Gu Changying squeezed his fists tightly, Jin Zhongze was disrupting this. This was to ruin Xu Zhi, and it was also disgusting to him, so that he and Yan's family would commit evil on the bright side.

"I look at this person, it's not good, I don't like it, I don't know it. The uncle doesn't have to be entangled with him. I am connected with Master Yan's blood, and I am also dependent on your flesh and blood."

In front of more than a hundred masters, Xu Zhi's eyes were not afraid, and he looked at Jin Zhongze more than ten meters away, and even more distantly, with a slightly sullen Gu Changying.

This is the land of the Yan family. No matter how brave he is, he can't block the Yan family. He yells at many elders before swearing, but these words are also quite a face of Jin Zhongze. His face suddenly went dark.

"A good couple of fathers and sons, Master Yan, I'm outrageous. I didn't figure out the situation and pay you a guilt. You also have to discipline this talent who hasn't finished the entry, only to be a senior cultivator. humble."

In front of hundreds of practitioners of the same rank, being ridiculed by a junior, Jin Zhongze sneered, and his face couldn't stand it for a while.

"Hey," Yan Xuankong sneered and declined to comment. If he wanted to accept his apprentice, would he be shaken by someone's sentence or two?

"Interesting, Jin Zhongze, my brother wants to call you Senior, do I have to call you Senior Kim too?"

Li Huaien, Luo Jiahui and other old masters just wanted to make a speech and make a round. Not far from Gu Changying, Tuo Guhong got up and shouted.

His rank of the master is unknown, and there is no news from the outside world that he has publicly defeated the defeat. However, it is not the same as Gu Changying who forcibly pushed into the master's realm, and is the weakest in the same rank. Many people in the master's realm are waiting for his official ranking.

The Yan family's seating arrangement is also based on the newly appointed master, not far from the last place.

"Master Tuo is serious."

Jin Zhongze's eyelids flickered, but he did not expect that some of the teachers would actually put his head down. In this way, he would hit him. This is to damage himself by one thousand and also hurt him by eight hundred. If it is unusual, he will A few ironic words, such as Gan and Shuzi, can play a game in Hua'an and Tuo Guhong. He doesn't want to take care of this foolish guy who likes to fight. He wants to expose this topic by understatement.

"I didn’t fight, what’s serious or not, today my brother went to the teacher, I’m poor, and I don’t have anything to send. I thought about letting him see the blood, rushing over, Master Jin Zhongze, can you fight me for ten? trick."

"Lao Yan, borrow your place to use, beat this old turtle calf, I will not break too many places."

Tuo Guhong for a while, forcibly entangled, so that Jin Zhongze's face was cold and frost, Yan Xuankong's face appeared a smile a little waved a little gesture.

"If the guru ranks like you, if you want to challenge, then you have to challenge. There is no rule. You and I have no hatred. You are in the 34th position. You want to challenge, although you will be challenged layer by layer, at least 40. Say more."

"Now you are not qualified to challenge me."

Jin Zhongze frowned. He wanted to give Gu Changying an embarrassment. He didn't expect that he was actually taken up. These newly promoted gurus were really Erlangzi. The higher the class, the more serious the assimilation, the different flow, then only The rest was excluded, he took the opportunity to take Gu Changying for granted.

But he didn't expect Tuo Guhong to come forward. Now he can only use rules to say things. If he really fights, Jin Zhongze feels that he wants to lose 80%.

"His mother, then I must not play at least ten games to reach you."

Tuo Guhong's eyes swept away, and some of the gurus sitting in front were panicked. The strongest master was promoted to guru, and the fighting power was naturally extraordinary. Tuo Guhong always had to step on some people's superiors. With so many peers losing, that's not a good thing.

The guru of the same rank is not Chinese cabbage, and each has its own unique skills. Ten consecutive guru are selected to sweep the face of Jin Zhongze. It takes a lot of mental energy and physical strength. Some injuries are inevitable. This hand.

"If Lao Tzu still has a previous family background, add a master soldier to save the trouble of breaking the rules between the same rank."

Tuo Guhong just wanted to put one or two harsh words off, and suddenly Xu Zhi took out a long sword in front of him and said with a smile: "It's just a master's soldier, please take it with Brother Tuo and lose it. "I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "Reading Literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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