Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 934: Natural duel

Xu Zhi is not so stupid that he thinks that Bob needs his magical ability. In a high probability, the opponent is likely to see his ability to beat.

The first time I met with Master Bob and heard the news from His Majesty Ruiou, Master Bob shook his hands pale with excitement, and Xu Zhi left a deep impression on the old man.

Speaking of the agile war halberd, Xu Zhixing rushed through the portal. Anyway, the magic parchment that I had long missed was in the contract. He was still very excited.

In addition to dispelling some malicious cursing magic, you can also remove the protective magic on the other party. For example, if you can dispel the other party when fighting with Caitlin, without the protection of the protective magic, the other party may be killed early under the grenade blaster. .

This magic has a very low level, but it is quite useful.

"It's just some bad relationships?"

Xu Zhi came out of the lower realm. In front of him, he was the teacher Bob, and then there were hundreds of barbarians who were screaming and shouting at you. The violent men stared at their red eyes and were held by several ogre magicians. Stopped dead, maintaining the last trace of sobriety.

No one will doubt that these barbarians filled with crazy blood in their heads can completely suppress the killing intent. As long as the sound is issued and the ropes are removed, these barbarians will scream past and kill the enemies they see.

The Centaur Legion was armed with short spears, some hawks were flying and screaming in mid-air, and some nomads armed with scimitars and elite riders on gray horses.

A sturdy female barbarian rode on the high-headed horse, his right hand moved a little, and the later legion suddenly became silent, but the violent men were just breathing heavily, and there was no more screaming in their mouths.

This is a legion, with a total of nearly three thousand creatures, the black pressure appeared under the forest city in front of us.

The little castle on the opposite side was clearly facing the enemy. The elves stood on the tower. Nearly a hundred domesticated wolves uttered low voices. Several white tigers roared from time to time. They were very nervous about the sudden army.

An old druid, with a look of anger, stood on the tower, holding a staff, and kept yelling at teacher Bob.

"Eradorn, I have been waiting for you for an hour. You should know that my patience is gradually disappearing."

"Bob, you want to provoke the war between the Kingdom of Aberro and the Kingdom of Casa. If you deliberately choose something, you will surely become a sinner."

Teacher Bob seemed calm, while Druid Elaine had some anger.

Although she has the defense of the castle guards, the opponent's army far exceeds their number. As long as they fight, it is unclear how long they can last. The barbarians have always been fierce in attacking the city. With the existence of the violent people, obviously there will not be much live and wealth left. After the fierce battle, the castle is likely to be unbearable.

"Where is Casa's army? Or, do you think Pelé is still considered Apollo's territory? Isn't this your little magic kingdom?"

Division Bob pointed to the army behind him, the all-out barbarians, and finally he pointed to himself, and then seriously said: "This is just my personal battle with you. If you want to drag everyone down, the abacus is short. Now."

"Treasure is where the capable person lives, and the boots on your hand are also in this way. Why do I need to say more."

"Whether it's a group fight or a heads-up, I can satisfy you."

An old man talked to an old woman about heads-up group battles. This scene is a bit weird, but both are big shots, and the weight is full. Whether it is a master who has the upper hand or a druid standing on the tower, Zhou The surging magic energy, the opponent's level is obviously not low.

"Bob, I heard that you are proficient in natural magic, then we will fight to spell this magic, if you can win me, let me persevere, and take the boots."

Eladonn shouted loudly, if it can be confined to a small area, this is obviously better.

The other party obviously considered carefully, and did not bring the legion of Casa to come. If there is an accident, all the accidents can be pushed to the barbarians. These mobile tribe forces are extremely complicated. It is difficult to distinguish which forces are. It is very difficult to trace.

If the war starts, she will not stay, and even she herself will inevitably suffer death. Eladon looks at the teacher Bob who is within a safe distance, and the hate in her heart tickles.

"Are you going to fight with me?"

Master Bob glanced at the jungle goblin slightly. Before he came here, he released several contract summons. Unexpectedly, this little green skin was the first one to come, which was still positive for the summoner and the weapon was fierce. It's more than two meters, sharp and sharp. This green skin is not a noisy way to learn magic. What the **** is this?

"Yes, let's fight for the power of natural magic and summon the inevitable."

"Say your rules."

"In an hour, we summoned similar creatures to each other, whose creature is stronger who wins."

The big fight didn't start, the small fight didn't make it, and the battle between Ella Donne and Bob was obviously a little strange.

Whose little goblin will fly the fastest, whose jungle goblin luck is the strongest, whose wolf bite will be stronger, and whose white tiger will shoot faster...

From the first level of creature summoning, the two have to fight to the fourth level. Of course, due to the randomness and time limit of the summoning, the types of creatures will be chaotic, and some games may not catch up.

Now that the two talents have started, there is a dispute.

"You quickly recruit a jungle goblin."

"How about your white tiger, first fight for the strength of the white tiger."

Xu Zhi and a large white tiger face to face, chatting with each other, while Bob and Eladonn are caught in a quarreling cycle, and the summoning is not just trying to recruit anything. This battle is very troublesome.

"Four-leaf clover, I heard that there are not too many Mehira giant tigers. I am at least four times as big and powerful as me. I command the Green Forest for six hundred miles. I am his 16th man, and the treatment is good. "

"What do you do?"

"I can date a mother white tiger every can also do all kinds of shame."

"Cut, Tiger Power Daxian, what kind of good treatment are you, we are there..."

Xu Zhigang wanted to refute, and suddenly found that Dongfang Village had not received this treatment, including that he and the village head were both bachelors. In this way, the Baihu tribe seemed to be in good shape, which made him a bit dumb.

Kung fu between the two, a faint wave of space came, a green skin appeared behind Eladonn, and behind Bob, a griffon pierced the sky, and the sky immediately flew into the sky.

"Haha, my contract jungle goblin is here, Jin Kela. Say hello to the teacher. This is the green skin that can communicate. The level of luck is higher than mine."

"Maybe we can only compete with this lucky game."

Eladonn was delighted for a while, and now the two of them are within range of each other's long-range strike, in a very fair scene contest,

"My Excellency, Master, esteemed Ms. Eladonn, hello, Jin Kela from East Village of Raya Gaoshu is willing to serve you."

Greenskin took off his hat, revealing thin and sparse hair, and saluted the teacher and the female druid slightly.

"My jungle goblin has nine levels of luck, which is much stronger than your jungle goblin who can only roar."

Eladon looked at Jinkra and then looked at the joyous Xu Zhi who couldn't see in the distance and the white tiger roared.

She is about to win this jungle goblin contest.

"Don't look at him carrying the euphorbia, me, my jungle goblin who is also the magic department."

Bob stubbornly said that there was another sentence in his heart that he dared not say. It was still the president of the Oriental Village Magic Branch given by His Majesty Ruiou.

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