Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 935: Very hard ads

Chapter 935 of the Heroes of Invincible Grandmaster, Chapter 335, a very hard advertisement on the health of the body, Jin Kela is obviously not as good as Xu Zhi, one is a silver-level jungle goblin, and the other is a leader-level jungle goblin. The comparison between the two sides is obvious , Can be seen from the shape.

However, it is very difficult to determine the magic of the lucky spirit of the jungle fairy.

Bob has no idea. Jin Kela's lucky technique of level 9 is enough to kill 999% of the jungle goblin in seconds.

"Hey, Kinkra, it's been a long time."

"You know me, strong young man."

Jin Kela was a little surprised. In his impression, there seems to be no other party's memory. The other party is a very young jungle goblin leader. If he belongs to other villages, he will bow his head to see Xu Zhi.

"Children, do you know that the lucky order is suppressed?"

"Of course, Mr. Kinkra."

Xu Zhi changed the acoustics a little to the first meeting between the two sides. It was still on the ring of the barbarian. He assisted Doug Wuger in the fight. The familiar tone reminded Jin Kela of some uncomfortable memories in an instant.

"How, how is it possible for you."

Jin Kela had some shaking in his hands, but he hadn't seen him for a year. The other party jumped from the elite level to the commanding level, which was far beyond his imagination.

When the individual of the creature is stronger, the chance of being selected as the contractor of the agency also increases. It is also normal for some of the summoned objects to meet repeatedly. The strong are always summoning stronger creatures in the elemental world. Jin Kela is respected. Cost, nine-level lucky technique is eaten in many places.

If you don’t touch Xu Zhi, his lucky technique is still the overlord, and most jungle goblins have difficulty reaching this level in their lifetime.

Obviously, he has more or less certain adventures, so as to enhance his strength.

"Should we be lucky enough?"

"Of course, you are fierce and magical. I don't believe you are so strong. Last time I didn't see you release Lucky."

Jin Kela sternly remembered that he was beaten to death by the other party when he released his lucky technique. This past is unbearable. Thank God, there is no need to fight now.

The jungle goblins talked on one side, and Bob and Eladonn on the other side were already selecting subjects.

The two coyote wolves were quickly selected. The two wolves were similar in size, and the two were perceived to be very close in strength. It was suitable for the magic test.

The strength is almost balanced, and the magical aid is the key. Whether it is suppression or draw, everything depends on the lucky level of the two jungle goblins.

"Master Bob, you pick first."

"Random, it's all the same, I have this one."

Bob ordered a coyote and decided his choice.

Two groups of green light descended from the sky. When the trainers pulled the reins, the two coyotes would bite together.

As time slowly passed, Ella Donne’s face became ugly, and Bob’s smile was all over his face. The coyote he chose was too powerful, and actually pressed the other party to death. Initial comparison It's not obvious, the further back, the greater the advantage of this coyote.

"Sir, squeaky, do you have ten levels of lucky skills?"

It is rare that Master Bob opened his respect to him. Originally, Xu Zhi planned to do a big fight, and the weapons were all brought. After he got him, he was lucky to decide the outcome. The things in the lower realm were really strange and unpredictable. Master Bob actually needed him. Unleashed magic support.

"so so."

Xu Zhi and Bob waved their hands and patted the sad Jin Kela.

"You must be glad that we are not fighting, right, otherwise you will be killed by my halberd."

"You're right, I feel comfortable thinking about this, but it's a pity that the spiritual shield of His Excellency Eradohn is a good treasure. There is a contractor in the Eastern Continent seeking this treasure."

The spiritual shield, Xu Zhi's eyes were rounded, this is the treasure to defend the spiritual shock, he has long wanted it.

At least it can be used to prevent Sandro in the ruins of high altitude, or in the face of such situations as the remote impact of the spirit of Vedina, spiritual shields are very useful.

"Your Excellency Eladonn, you still have a strong jungle goblin in your call list."

Seizing the old druid's hand, Xu Zhi's eyes shone with precious light.

"If you are engaged, married, begging for money, offering sacrifices, traveling, praying, building, entering a house, burying, no matter what red and white happy events require a little psychological metaphysics, please call me, I am your loyal partner. Squeak, a lucky jungle goblin."

A business card depicting the real name was quickly taken out by Xu Zhi and stuffed in the hand of this somewhat dazed old druid.

"If you need warriors, ordinary creatures below Tier 4, you are welcome to call me at any time. My fight is more reliable than metaphysics."

"Compared to the division, you are really generous. Look, the division called me to spend only a piece of parchment to dispel magic. He can draw things in a matter of minutes."

Bidou won, but the jungle goblin summoned by himself seemed to be turning, and Bob coughed several times to cover up his embarrassment.

"Nice to meet you."

A powerful and freely communicating jungle goblin is obviously attractive, which dilutes the little dullness of Eladonn’s lost boots, and it is good for the Druid to collect the real name of a powerful summoning object , Maybe it will be used whenever.

"It would be nice if you knew you a little bit earlier. Tenth-level lucky technique, no one except Divine Skill is higher than this."

Time passed slowly, the second match never arrived, and Eladonn had to surrender his boots.

She obviously still has a little delusion. If you know that Bob is allowed by His Majesty Ruiou, and other big countries also default, her careful thoughts will disappear in an instant. No matter whether the competition wins or loses, Bob will obviously not give up her course. Boots, get the problem just early and late. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Now it is a loss of treasure, although there are some depression, but there is no worry about life and life, and the castle has no loss. For Eladonn, this may be her best ending.

"I can draw some healing magic parchment in a few minutes, blessing, and take a few more minutes, and I can draw slowly, snake strike, I will also draw the shield of heaven, expel"

"Hahaha, Lord Bob, if you have engagement, marriage, begging for wealth, offering sacrifices, traveling, praying for blessings"

The thief who was caught by the man, the straight green face expression changed quickly, the spiritual shield wanted, and the other magic parchment of the Bob seems to be not bad. The least healing magic is a must learn. The other party spends a few more minutes The magic parchment made him greedy, not to mention the back.

Teacher Bob understands quite a lot of magic, and Eladon, who is on the side, is shocked to achieve the level of depicting magic parchment. That requires a very high degree of magic mastery. Once these magics are released for assistance, the combat power will appear geometric. Rising.

"Bob, things on your side are over, and now it's time for me to suppress the few bugs."

"Okay, Violet, it seems that we are going to really fight a battle, squeak your lord, let's have a lucky spell."

For the barbarians, if they are not convinced, they fight first and then talk, and they hate this kind of bullshit.

The female barbarian on horseback was obviously already impatient, and a bunch of rioters who entered the state of blood rage from time to time were pumped back and forth several times with her whip.

The longer such members of the army, the more troublesome it is to maintain order.

"It's time to fight today, Your Excellency Bob, and good luck."

It seems that Bob is very interested in the lucky technique of the tenth level. Xu Zhi's cluster of green light just fell, and he grabbed a piece of parchment and thrown it over.

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