Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 939: Special place in the element world

The captains of the two clans escaped with one captive, and many barbarians who could not escape and lost the command of the chief dropped their weapons and began to surrender.

"Hahaha, today's victory, Faret was caught by me, Vickers escaped, lost so many warriors, their clan is no longer able to turn over."

Violet came back with a **** axe, full of excitement. She did not expect the battle to be laid so easily. The magician's power was simply unimaginable. As an old man, her magical ability is powerful.

The arrow of the jungle goblin hit Faret's arm. The female barbarian could no longer raise the bow and arrow, and even the evacuation was affected. Violette, who charged past, was caught in one fell swoop.

The assistance of the two makes Violet's battle very easy to win.

"Chief Violette, I'm wrong. Faret is willing to surrender, and the clan will be completely under your rule, and please spare me and the clan."

The defeated Valet was tied into dumplings, pushed by the two madmen who returned to normal, followed closely by Violet, crying and running, and licking Violet's boots from time to time.

"The barbarian's surrender ceremony is curious," Xu Zhi muttered.

"She can't do anything else," Bob said silently.

The affairs of the Violet tribe belong to the internal affairs. They are not convenient to intervene. Some scolding violent rioters and centaurs are directly hacked to death, and those who obey are broken up and incorporated.

The legion of more than three thousand people, after a battle, the number of people approached four thousand. This is a great victory, **** development, but these barbarians originally belonged to the rule of the eastern tribe. Violet was excited, and it was inevitable. When the flavors are mixed.

Hundreds of corpses were left in the battlefield, and the smell was very bad. Some barbarians had found dry wood and started to ignite.

"Bob, Lord Jungle Goblin, don't stay in this place. I will show you to study the stele. It is a magical place that can gain the strength of the body."

There seems to be a magical place on Perry Island, and Bob is also interested.

"I didn't expect to see this kind of sacred site on Perry Island. I haven't seen the study stele for many years."

"You are enhancing strength, and I may be able to improve some magical abilities."

"What kind of objects are used to start the learning stone?"

Leaving the battlefield, the sickening **** smell gradually faded, and Bob began to speak.

"Magic Mercury can be opened by one liter at a time, and three times a month."

"Farette had contested that place with me before, but now she has no such ability."

Violet led the crowd, and within less than an hour, a huge stone monument came into view, like a magnifying glass inserted on the ground. The disk of this stone monument was hollow, but there was faint light refraction, and it seemed that there was a mirage in it. view.

For this building, Xu Zhi only felt very familiar, and after thinking for a long time, he suddenly remembered that the study of the stele was very similar to the real relics in the real world, only one with a handle and one without a handle.

There was a lot of confusion in his head, and he saw that Violet took a long bottle from his hand and pointed the mouth of the bottle at the hollow of the stele disc.

Mercury came out of the bottle and passed through the space without knowing where it was going. When the mercury in the long bottle ran out, Violet made a gesture of invitation.

Bob walked step by step, standing in front of the stone card, a strange light shot from the hollow of the stone tablet, and saw that Bob closed his eyes, his thoughts flashed from time to time, and occasionally he suddenly realized that after a long time, he returned Come to God, happy face.

"It's a great benefit, a great benefit, but this kind of sacrifice exchange can only be done once."

"This is a sacrifice?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Yes, squeaky lord, there is no such good place in the elemental world, maybe you can understand what magic."

Sacrifice is an indefinable thing. To whom to sacrifice, what reward will be obtained after the sacrifice, whether it is normal sacrifice or evil sacrifice, is difficult to determine.

This world does not seem to avoid the power of sacrifice, whether it is Baron Feng Tajin sacrifices souls, or Mystery Barma sacrifices money, and even for the items that Xu Zhi sacrificed in the elemental world, many gangsters expressed It's indifferent and used to it.

As long as they have the ability to not offend the interests of others, everyone can accept the results of the sacrifice.

However, Bob seems to be ignorant of Xu Zhi's nonsense sacrifice, otherwise it will not be so explained, Xu Zhi's many transactions are only maintained in a small circle.

The second long bottle of mercury poured down, and Xu Zhi stepped forward.

This is the reward for shooting Faret. Violette, the savage woman, counts, which makes Xu Zhi feel a little cute.

At the first contact, many thoughts in Xu Zhi's mind flooded up, martial arts, magical abilities.

There are even his thoughts on various basic fighting techniques in Qianji, and there are also thousands of sticks, which seem to be in some kind of fit with the body. This feeling is very strange. He can’t perform real-world martial arts in the dream world. .

The world is different, the body is different, and the structure seems to have certain differences. The real-world Qi Qi and martial arts have not bloomed in this world.

But this learning stone seems to have merged with each other to some extent, and even made some slight adjustments to his body.

This feeling is so familiar that Xu Zhi instantly thinks of the wisdom stone.

On the property panel, the extra one thousand experience is prompting this gain, but Xu Zhi feels that compared with experience, the most important thing is that he has acquired some basic abilities in reality. Perhaps, there are a lot of close fights for him. benefit.

"It is rumored that in the turbulent times of the gods, the creatures in the lower realm have been very miserable, and have been affected by certain powerful battles from time to time. The four main gods have mercy on all beings, and have placed eight learning stone tablets on the eastern and western continents. Continue to experience, through hard work, to obtain exchanges with the stele ~ ~ learn a lot of martial arts and magic, and eventually become very powerful, use the lessons learned to give back to other creatures."

The content in Bob's mouth is similar to the legend Xu Zhi heard in the Luo family ruins. The creatures in the lower realm seemed to have been very hard in the early years, which made him a little unable to bear it.

"Your Excellency Bob, does the elemental world have such a magical stele of learning."

"Hahaha, how could the Elemental Realm have a study stele? The Elemental Realm is under the glorious shining of the four main gods, and no gods dare to go to that place to make trouble, the creatures at that time were comfortable."

No matter in what era, the elemental world seems to have little help from the gods, the wisdom stone is not a play, the study of the stele is not, the grandma does not hurt the uncle and does not love, except for the rainbow fragments that are full of high risks, Xu Zhi does not seem to find any elements in the elemental world. Reasons for the world to take risks.

"Sir Bob, is there anything special about our elemental world?"

"Elemental World" Bob hesitated for a while, and was not sure: "It seems that the trees over there can grow very large." Want to talk to more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to the "heat" Net text or "Talk to favorite books with more book friends

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