Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 940: "The Despair of the Lamp God in Thunderstorm"

Heroes Invincible Grand Master Chapter 940 Chapter "The Despair of the Lamp God in a Thunderstorm" Bob's second visit is to the Master of the Snowfield in the east of the Slat Gulf, Derna, which is a quite popular in the Casa Empire The famous magician guards the shoreline of the bay and also guards against the tribes of barbarians who border.

It’s an enemy to meet each other, not to mention that Bob wants to take the magic hat on the other person’s head, and Violet is very worried that some kind of uncontrollable battle will break out.

The female barbarian was not at ease with the white-headed mage, and followed thousands of people.

Xu Zhibai was boring and crouched in the elemental world. He certainly would not act with Bob. At most, Bob could call him out when he needed him.

The old mage promised to give him a higher-order magic parchment next time, which made Xu Zhi feel more anticipated.

"Trees in the elemental world can grow very large and large."

Xu Zhi was unable to vomit this advantage. If necessary, he could take a photo and print it out to Bob to see what the tall and big tree looked like.

The home theater has sent it to Jack, and the gratitude to Jerez has also been transferred to San Theo.

Xu Zhi took a look at the many gray contracts. He also looked forward to Eladonn's initiative to summon. As long as he knew each other a little, he could also express interest in the spiritual shield.

Compared to Jin Kela, he has too many advantages, and Eladonn should make a better choice.

He just thought about it, and suddenly felt a fever in his third ear.

Quickly transferred to the special contract column, Hexis's contract suddenly appeared.

Hexis's agency contract: Squeaky Lord, I am suddenly interested in your long sword of horror art. Can you take it down and talk?

Contract product: Six-level fireproof potion

Level 6 Fire Potion: gain fire resistance, reduce damage taken by fire magic attacks by 6


, The damage taken by physical attacks on fire is reduced by 3



The big man who made the potion was distributing benefits again. Xu Zhi thought about it, hesitating for a long time, Dracula's plague sword had cooled down, and turned into white dust and buried in the garbage dump. Can find exactly the same.

Don't go, bad.

Go, there is nothing good to take.

Bringing some game consoles to Hexis is even more unreliable. The other party is stared at by His Majesty Reo. He dare to throw these unique style items to death.

Turning his mind several times, Xu Zhi found that his poor art had been hollowed out, which required him to communicate.

Repetition is a routine, and it will definitely cause Hexis to be dissatisfied.

This gangster is especially true and easy to mess things up.

Xu Zhi touched his third ear and rubbed it a little, indicating that he had received the message.

"Xiao Suo, do you know art?"

Xu Zhi decided to ask Somra for help. After all, the other party lived very long, and was at the top of the class. He should have a good knowledge of art.

"Hahaha, master, I was called the creator of the pinnacle of Dengshen art, painting, fonts, painting, paint, precision, floral, and everything."

When Xu Zhixing hurriedly took out the pen and paper, the old lamp **** began to paint. According to Xu Zhi's requirements for horror art, Somra decided to show his talents.

After more than ten minutes, a "Despair of the Lamp God in Thunderstorm" was completed.

"Xiao Suo, you are sure this is a horror painting."

Xu Zhi took a long piece of paper, and it was covered with dense lines. Although it was very abstract, Xu Zhi could see that Somra was drawing lightning, but the number of lightning was too much. Thousands full, is Somra not happy or unhappy?

"Well, what about your lamp god, despair, where is the horrifying effect?"

Xu Zhi has a superficial understanding of art. He has never understood those famous paintings in his last life. He followed the words of Yun Yiyun at most, okay, okay, and then listened to some art reviews and listened to all kinds of clouds.

"Perhaps, my artistic talent is too shallow."

Xu Zhi secretly said, then he saw Somra's lonely face.

"Master, I didn't expect you to know anything about art."

"Yes, sincerely ask."

The sword of horror art is gone, so he has to take a picture of horror art anyway.

In this way, it might not seem so embarrassing. If Hexis is satisfied and the contract is completed, it is best. Anyway, Somra painted it in ten minutes, which is much simpler than making potions.

"A lamp **** wants to practice lightning magic. In order to explore the mystery of lightning, he flew into the sky and got into these thousands of lightnings."

Somra said slowly, constantly pointing at several lines on the long paper.

"He flew here with a swish, flew here with a swish, watching these dense and terrifying thunderbolts."

Xu Zhi nodded, he finally heard the word terror.

"In the end, he found that he couldn't learn these lightning abilities at all, and he was almost desperate."

Somra's fingers gradually swept towards the middle of the long paper before continuing: "Looking at the thunder and lightning in the sky, his heart is ashes, and he decides to take a chance to try the power of lightning, maybe he can realize it."


After being silent for a long time, Somra looked up and said with a faint face: "Unfortunately, he failed, and his body turned into a fan under the thunder of lightning. Master, look here, I deliberately drew a little shadow, this It is the last remnant of Deng Shen, and his last despair."

"Xiao Suo, you painted very well, very scary."

Xu Zhi withdrew his paintings with Somra's art is difficult to understand, and Hexis will see if he will kill him.

"Look at this."

Xu Zhi took out the mask paintings he had obtained from Hexis. The Hexis painting was by his side. The other party wrote clouds and flowing water. Although the outlined images were scary, they were pleasing to the eye.

Art, at least it must be as natural as Hexis.

"Hey, this is a painting for an art enthusiast at the beginning of entry. You are a treasure, and it is much worse than my "Despair of the Lamp God in Thunderstorm"."

"The entry threshold, art lovers."

Xu Zhi's head is a bit big, although Hexis prides himself as an art lover, but others have a solid ability.

Looking at the Facebook paintings on the left hand, and the "Despair of the Lamp God in Thunderstorm" on the right, Xu Zhi feels that this is not the despair of the Lamp God, this is his despair.

"You want to communicate with this art lover in the lower realm. It's absolutely no problem to take my masterpiece. I guarantee that he will not be scared, and I will fall under the threshold of horror art."

Somra patted his chest, his face confident.

"Xiao Suo, that is an immortal gangster, don't put me in a pit..."

"Hey, Badan Mu, the master doesn't believe me, you come to be fair."

Watching Somra go to pull the village head, Xu Zhi felt a headache. Just like the head of the village, he could understand what art is, and his biggest skill was just climbing trees.

"Squeak, let me see, Lala is right, this is very artistic."

Old Greenskin held Somra's paintings in a vertical position, and he didn't get the correct orientation. Looking at the slightly twisted horizontal lines, he followed Xu Zhi reasonably.

"Look, the village chief is praising me, master, you are blind to goods."

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