Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 956: Winning capital

Gambler's Card: Lucky 1. After crushing the cards, you can get a chance of victory in the game. Perhaps, it has other peculiar uses.

In the void tavern, Xu Zhi looked at this baby for a long time and summoned it with the gambler's card, but he never used this treasure on his own.

When summoning the immortal soul, a gambler's card was gently crushed by him, and the halo was scattered on his body. Xu Zhi felt that there was something more on his body.

For three consecutive games, the non-famous archer Ou Ling finally admitted.

Many void gold coins not only recovered their capital, but also returned to more than 30,000, he also slaughtered Ouling, and he won half of the six thousand void gold coins on the opponent's hand.

"When I have more capital, I will come back again. I can't lose it now. In case of being killed in reality, I won't be able to resurrect."

After losing, letting go, Xu Zhi's senses are very good for Ouling.

"It's okay, I remember your real name, and I will play when you have money next time."

Xu Zhi enthusiastically waved goodbye to this immortal and won three fierce bets in a row, which made him feel comfortable, summoned three times, and also consumed his three sets of gambler cards in the game.

The luck-loving Ouling recognized the plant.

Xu Zhi felt that he had cheated on the game and doubled his consumption. It seemed that he had bet on Changlong. He didn't see any change in appearance, but he could win.

This discovery made him quite delighted, and the cooperation between the Void Tavern and the Gambler's card was like opening.

After a long time, Xu Zhi's head turned around. On Ouling's body, he still seems to have lost a large capital. Most of the void gold coins are his own. He summoned the immortal eight times and spent eleven bets. The apprentice card has a total income of 3,000 Void Gold Coins.

Xu Zhi felt that he had to play two more games today.

He slowly read the summoning spell to remove the real names of Karl and Ouling. He is now a random summoner.

In the void, the chance of encountering acquaintances is not large. After all, there are many immortals, unless they die unexpectedly, or encounter some changes, these people will have a long life.

But Xu Zhi happened to be here today, and actually saw an old acquaintance, and he would have met a while ago.


The undead knight was indifferent and emerged from the summoning circle.


Xu Zhi looked at the other person's face, and it was obvious that there should be no impression of him in this immortal memory.

In reality, Glick's face has been adjusted, and he maintains a laughing state every day.

"This store only operates the entertainment industry, and does not sell alcohol. You can enjoy it. You can take a serious look."

Xu Zhi smiled, everyone in the void could only talk about his mouth, and he was not afraid of Grick's immortal soul to engage him.

Even if he is not an immortal soul, the opponent does not have the ability to shoot in the void.

"What is a pub not selling wine, garbage, believe it or not, I believe that this place is messed up, I yuck."

Glick slaps the table fiercely, and then lifts the table, but the thing in the void tavern seems quite special. Grick raised it, and the table didn't move.

Xu Zhi now finally understands the true character of this man. In this way, the real Grieck is actually polite. According to his inner display, this is full of violence. .

"There is still a bit of patience in breaking the tavern. Since it is under the fairness of the contract, let's play a few rounds and say how to play."

"The simplest rock paper scissors."

Xu Zhi explained the rules a little bit. Both sides have a 50% chance of winning. No matter the veteran or the novice, they will win or lose. Unless they are in long-term contact, the two sides do not need skills. Playing this is pure luck.

Of course, under the role of the gambler's card, this is also the easiest game he can win.

"Too inferior," Grick said dissatisfiedly.

This kind of rule is indeed quite unqualified. It’s not strange that Glick vomits. In fact, there are a few who don’t vomit in the immortal who come to him, but the conditions are simple and there is no choice. Everyone plays with the entertainment mentality. play.

"Then we will change the game."

Mister Palmer's gameplay is another one that Xu Zhi understands. Under simple conditions, Mister Palmer's gameplay can also be used.

"This gameplay that tests knowledge and ability is barely reluctant."

The longer you live, the more knowledge you have. Grick is quite satisfied with the game of knowledge quiz. Every immortal has a lot of knowledge. After playing this kind of game, you are full of confidence and can’t answer each other’s questions. At least not let the other party answer his questions.

"Bet it," Glick said coldly.

"How big do you want to play?"

"How big can you play, how big can I play, if you want me to speak, I'm afraid you can't afford to follow."

Grick's tone is very bullish, and Xu Zhi is also the same. Who would call someone a gangster? This gangster's void gold coins are likely to be too many, and no matter how bad, for him, wisdom experience is one by one.

"Ten thousand void gold coins?"

Xu Zhi asked, today his first two rounds of gambling with Ouling was 10,000 gold coins. This amount of funds would allow him to consume two gamblers' cards without distress.

"Reluctantly, then ten thousand."

Grick nodded, and then he said, "Why does the magic spirit frog jump higher than the tree?"

"Magic Spirit Frog?" Xu Zhi asked suspiciously: "Do you mean the tree can't jump?"

"You can guess the answer, but my master didn't react back then. Ask a question."

Grick sullenly said that the first question of the killer's skill was easily solved by the other party, which was too shameless.

"How old is His Majesty Leo in the Kingdom of Casa?"

"That old wizard lived so long, who would remember his age, one thousand two hundred and thirty-four?"

The 1,234-year-old conclusion is somehow unknown. It is probably Glick's blindness. The odds of being caught are much lower than the rock-paper-scissors win rate.

"Wrong, Majestic Ruiou is 1,246 years old."

"You, you are waiting for Lao Tzu. There is a kind of summoning again. The real name is Otto Vengrik."

Grick snarled unwillingly. This broken pub game could only be played once, which made him too uncomfortable, and no casino had the reason to catch up guests after only one game.

But the power of the contract came, and Grick knew that he had to leave, and that he couldn't help him.

"Okay, I will call you again."

Xu Zhi waved his hand and glanced at Glick. It seemed that he was very unwilling to lose. He was rich in gambling money. He also had an obvious gambler mentality. It was far stronger to summon this kind of gangster than inexplicable immortality.

The gambler's card turned into light, and Grick was really trustworthy, and immediately got in.

"I will not lose this time, I will come up with a very difficult question."

Glick patted his chest and dropped ten thousand gold coins directly.

"What way can people keep their eyes blinking the longest?"

"Become a deceased, because death is not a glance."

This is a test question close to the undead. Seeing Gric's dull look, Xu Zhi threw his second question.

"His Royal Highness Myster Bama of the Kingdom of Casa, he is a newly promoted immortal, so our question is how many times has he been promoted to immortality?"

"Yeah, after I guessed my son, I guess his son, there is the old immortal of Leo, he must be, wait, maybe twice?"

Grick doubted that this question was more reliable than guessing Leo's age, but sacrificed several times. This was a confidential issue. How did Green Peel know.

"The Mystery Bama Temple has come down to my tavern. The answer is four times, Lord Otto Vengrick, do I still need to come?"

" But I don’t play this low-level game anymore. If we want to play, we will play rock paper scissors."

Somehow, 20,000 Void gold coins disappeared, and Rao Glick also felt distressed for a while. He was not immortal in the aristocratic lineage, but he could not exchange Void gold coins by money.

"This played us five thousand three hundred and twenty-five gold coins."

"I fought against you with wisdom, five thousand times, do you dare."

Grick had a bad luck today, and the more he wanted to return to his capital, the more he lost. Even if Xu Zhi did not use the gambler's card to cheat in the follow-up, he had never won a game with scissors and rock cloth seven times in a row.

This made Xu Zhiying very anxious and worried that in reality Glick learned the information and settled his bills.

"You wait for me, wait for my body to know the information, engage in some private goods, let's fight again."

The last game of 3125 points ended with the Wisdom Experience Game. Grick was ruthless and disappeared into the teleportation circle. The gambling mind was still there, but this time, he had no more capital to win or lose.

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