Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 957: Level 40 is crazy

With the help of Brother Glick, there are a lot of coins in the void, and a lot of wisdom experience. With these experiences, plus the experience saved before, Xu Zhi feels that he can reach level 40.

This made him both happy and distraught, and this distraught psychology was far worse than offending Greek's immortal soul.

Stepping into the 40th level is either the end of his body or the unreliable collection will strike again.

This is a result sentence.

Without enough experience, he didn't think that when he had this capital, he also made some small whispers in his heart.

Now the body in reality is very strong, one is the cultivation level has entered the expert level, the strength has increased, and is not afraid of the impact of the upgrade of the jungle goblin.

On the other hand, it is the radiation of regenerative talent, which allows the body to enjoy growth and recovery every day. Even if it is damaged, it will be repaired quickly. After a sleep, the next day will be refreshed or slightly injured. Lie for two days to recover completely.

Relying on this talent, in addition to daily study, Xu Zhi has been fighting around recently. In addition to the people in the villa and the Bolivar who is still visiting the door, Xu Zhi also set his sights on the top students of the colleges in the school.

These people are not as good as him, but they have different means. Xu Zhi does not rush to win each other or beat each other away. It is his purpose to deal with all kinds of means with knowledge and habit.

In the national elite league of colleges and universities, there are many powerful students who have not returned home. For most people, the college has a good learning atmosphere.

This has brought him a lot of convenience in the four challenges. Even Zhao Xinmeng, he has fought with the other party more than ten times. The master of the School of Toxicology entered the senior year in September this year and did not graduate.

Among the Luojia ruins, Zhao Xinmeng's final record was not excellent, and the ruins were seriously injured, but she seems to have found some benefits in it. After several months, she slowly sprinted to the level of expert cultivator.

Zhao Xinmeng's poison palms and hidden weapons are strange and powerful, and Xu Zhi also needs to mention a lot of spirit.

The opponent's ability is not suitable for learning in reality, the two fight has been controlled on the virtual battle platform, and each has a win or lose.

"If you are the same age as me, I'm afraid I can't take you a stick," Zhao Xinmeng said quietly.

Among the academies, there are rare people who are not afraid of Zhao Xinmeng. For the discussion, she has always been very welcome, and only hates too few corresponding opponents.

Xu Zhi is a violent and quick-decision style. Her poisonous skills require a certain amount of time to play. This unusually restrained her and hit the second half. Zhao Xinmeng felt that he could not welcome Xu Zhi’s opponent. This is to bully To the result of death.

What kind of advantages and fighting characteristics did Xu Zhi put some of his challenges into eight buildings.

With Xu Zhi's comments, some people are also eager to watch, and it is not as good as watching. In this summer vacation, challenges fly around.

"Near the national college elite league, the fastest way to enhance is obviously only the most suitable upgrade. This experience pit is the easiest to fill."

Except for some body-protecting magic, many magic abilities cannot be brought into the virtual platform. For the priority of magic promotion, Xu Zhi still has the priority of illusion magic, followed by the transmission of magic. These two are very large for combat assistance Magic.

For the virtual skills on the platform, these two magics are useless. Once the fight is involved, these two magics can be called his current killer skills.

Talent ability is very strong, and the current position is in logistics. With a lot of experience, this is also a direction worth considering.

Xu Zhisi came and went, and in today's situation, the priority treatment of the ranks ranked first.

With a little confusion in his mind, he pressed the upgrade button.

Thirty-one levels: 6 attacks, 6 HP.

Thirty-two levels: 6 defenses, 6 HP.

Thirty-third level: 6 HP, 6 HP.

Thirty-fourth level: 6 magic, 6 HP.

Level 35: (5-5) damage, 6 HP.

Level 36: 7 attacks, 7 HP.

Thirty-seventh level: 7 defense, 7 HP.

Level 38: 7 HP, 7 HP.

Level 39: 7 magic, 7 HP.

Level 40: (6-6) damage, 7 HP.

Looking at the remaining experience of more than a thousand points, Xu Zhi couldn't help but boo, the assist of Gregg, the big guy, was really unstoppable, and he had lost his luck all the time. What can he do to refuse.

The improvement of ten levels totals 13 points of attack, 13 points of defense, 13 points of magic, 11-11 damage, and 78 points of health.

There are quite a few attribute enhancements, from the first level of dominance to the pinnacle of dominance, just such a few seconds, which has almost completed the cumulative increase of ordinary creatures for decades or even centuries.

But if it is an ordinary creature, why would he have such a condition of opportunity.

If these tens of thousands of experiences are to be obtained through fighting, I don't know how many creatures to kill. It is almost equivalent to a strong empowerment from Glick. For Grick, it may be very unfriendly.

Xu Zhixun thought that if this big man was summoned in the lower realm, he would be a fine person and would not respond for the time being.

No matter how good the baby can't go on, he pitted the other party, and Glick learned the information, and if he didn't pit back, Xu Zhi felt that this was not Grick's character.

It's more appropriate for the two sides to have a love-hate relationship in the Void Tavern.

After thousands of thoughts, Xu Zhi finally gathered his courage and looked at the latest card-level reminder.

It's a good thing not to reach the end of the physical ascent.

Seeing the need for improvement, Xu Zhi felt that this was probably no different from the end point.

"Road to Strengthen iv: Possess the ancient magic element monarch magic book, ancient water element monarch magic book, ancient fire element monarch magic book, ancient earth element monarch magic book, can open five stages of improvement.".

Following the Fusion Artifact, his new collection mission was given.

At this stage, four volumes of ancient elemental monarch magic books are needed. Xu Zhi does not know what benefits will be brought together, or according to the definition of the rules, whether these four volumes are more upscale than artifacts, or based on the creator’s rank To do the definition.

But he currently has good news and bad news that can't be worse.

The good news is that he obtained a magic book of ancient water element monarchs from the remains of the Lizardmen last year.

The bad news is that he knew that the ancient fire elemental monarch magical book was held by the five grand masters of Nanshan Shenshan.

Taking the food from the hands of the five Grand Masters, Yan Xingxia did not have this ability, let alone his little bean seedling. This quarter may make people crazy.

Of course, the Qi element and earth element monarch magic book has no information at all, and is in an unknown state.

Xu Zhi hopes that these four volumes of ancient elemental monarch magic books are not the only products.

"If it's not this is the end point that doesn't count as the end point."

Xu Zhi was suffering from liver pain for a while, but think of herself as being superior in strength and possessing the powerful ability to protect herself and Dongfang Village.

There are also characters like Somra in the Oriental Village, their strength is rapidly improving, and their safety is greatly improved.

This kind of safety is what he has been striving for since he entered the elemental world, and it is also his original intention.

"Even at the end, I should be satisfied."

He silently said that although he was a little bit lost in his heart, he was not discouraged. The time was long. While pursuing power, he also enjoyed life in the elemental world.

If he can't develop further, he will maximize the ability to learn at the leading stage.

Any extreme is a kind of power that cannot be ignored.

Whether it is magic or talent, there are many places he can move forward. This path of the elemental world can still go very far.

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