Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 959: Perfect integration

Chapter 959 of the Heroes of Invincible Grand Master is integrated and perfected. In April and May this year, the information about Xu Zhi’s fall was popular among tabloids for a long time, especially among the student population.

In addition, Yunling University is in a weak position and the weather in the region is hot.

Some students who made Xu Zhigu and Yuxi skip the ranks as idols made another choice.

But the reason why Xia Tienan didn't come to Yunling College is not this. Her pressure stems from the Xia family. Under Xia Xinhong's words, she has no choice but to deal with matters such as school selection.

In Lujiang Academy, Xia Xinhong has already managed some relationships. As long as Xia Tienan enters school, some lecturers and even master lecturers will take care of his daughter a little.

What's more, Xia Xinhong was also named in Lujiang Academy, and he had to give a lecture once every few months in the first half of the year.

"University is very short, only four years, but we have a long road and have a lifetime."

"Don't mind the original agreement, this world is very small, no matter where you are, we are all friends."

Xu Zhi smiled and closed his phone. Some people couldn't come, but some familiar friends arrived at Yunling Academy.

Among them is Li Huai's grandson, Li Chuyang.

This was originally an idol of many of them, a little monster level character, Xu Zhi did not expect that he became the idol of the other party.

This is a pretty fate.

Probably this guy was in a rebellious period, contrary to Li Huaien's wishes.

The grand principal of a Kyoto institution, grandson came to Yunling Institute, Li Huaien's anger was very strong.

The young man was not beaten down in the summer.

"Brother Xu, you must take me in. I came to school with pocket money, and I don't support me with a penny at home."


Xu Zhi gave this guy a compliment. In addition to this brave act, this guy also abducted two beautiful girls, hiding the spirit and hiding the spirit.

This behavior made Tang Sifang go to Li Huaien for a few days, Li Chuyang was inevitably beaten for a while, now the man is in the villa, looking around.

"The place is a little bit worse, the size of Yanwuchang is not good, too small."

"Xu Xiaozi, we took you in, but now you take our two daughters for a while, right?"

It is necessary to be close to Yunling University, high-end, and complete facilities. Even if Tang Sifang does not lack money, Zang Suxin has the status of a master, and cannot find a suitable place for a while.

Last year, Xu Zhi and they experienced such a trip, and the house was hard to find. These people came relatively late. It was normal for them to find no suitable place in advance.

"No problem, Uncle Tang."

The eight rooms were full, the villa was fully occupied for a time, the population suddenly flourished, and competition became more intense.

However, Li Chuyang, the pioneer of Xu Zhi's level jump, recognized it, but he found that there were Wang Zhongwang and Shang Qianqiu in this villa, and the level was not much different from him.

During the freshman practice, these people had a lively fight.

Zangyou and Zangling's long water spirits, but they are also fun-loving temperaments. They are very interested in Bidou. At that time, Xu Zhi was only living in the Qinghua Wuguan for a day, and he was dragged by the twins to fight for a long time.

In a guru family, the two grew faster than their average age, and they looked like a 10-year-old woman. After experiencing this summer vacation, the two also gradually climbed to the advanced level of senior practitioners.

In the process of cultivation, they are not weak, surpassing a large number of people of the same age, a solid starting point, no shortage of medicine, and gradual cultivation, the strength of the two grows steadily.

When the two teamed up to fight together, the power was even better, and it could barely resist the high-level Gu Yuxi of the senior cultivator.

"Your national college elite league is not good at all, there is no two-player match, otherwise my daughter will definitely get a good ranking."

"Yes, yes, Uncle Tang, you are right, no one can stop the combination of You and Lingling."

Xu Zhi nodded, and for the man who loved her daughter's life, it was right to boast and hide Tibetan spirits and spirits.

Watching the twins fight, Xu Zhi always has a pleasant feeling, not only from the figure of Tibetan quiet and Tibetan spirits dancing, but also the match of the other party, the pace of walking, all can give a sense of beauty.

Prior to this, Xu Zhi had used each other's position, which was quite useful on some occasions.

Now that the two have improved, and Xu Zhi has entered a different realm, his knowledge has further expanded. Now, it seems that I only feel a little more insight and gain.

Thousands of machines have all kinds of basic skills of equipment, boxing, and legging, but they do not involve footwork, dodge, attack, concession, union, etc. These forms are different, everyone has different ways, and it is difficult to form a complete The foundation of force, adapting forcefully, will cause a huge flaw in the battle.

You can only slowly understand it, or you can learn specialized light-weight martial arts.

Xu Zhi feels that he is slowly supplementing the defects in this area, and can have more experience in this area. He may make himself more rounded in martial arts.

In this respect, he is the same as the masters of the dream world. He must keep thinking and practicing to keep himself a step further.

Without corresponding data, he never knows how far he is from the full level, but if he can move forward, he needs to fight for it.

"It's rare that you pay attention to their footwork. This footwork is called the missing butterfly step, which is quite a good subsidy technique."

"There is no need to run with internal energy, and there are three points in the essence. It is impossible to teach you. If you can understand it, you will be counted."

The tragic butterfly steps used by Zangyou and Zangling are similar to those of Xu Zhi that Xu Zhi learned at the beginning. The auxiliary nature is quite strong and can be used with other exercises to form a complementary effect. Tang Sifang explained it a little, but it made him suddenly understand.

Careful thinking is seen through, Xu Zhi is not embarrassing, it is a personal skill to be learned when used.

The missing butterfly step is evading, which is not in line with his route, but it is still good to pick up some needed points to make up for his lack. UU reading

Now he needs to integrate and slowly improve his fighting style.

Qi training, lead phoenix lead, killing lead, hidden dragon claws, three sticks, hairy legs, gold-headed kung fu, many kung fu, he is slowly fusing.

Not limited to a certain kind, but can be used when needed, to the extent that it is handy.

This is the state he wants to reach in the expert stage.

With the guidance of Yan Xuankong, Gu Changying, Tuo Guhong and Lu Shengan, there are also arbor, Shang Wenwu, and the occasional guidance of Yan Xingxia. In the selection of martial arts, he was also influenced by Li Duohuang. .

Today, he already has enough knowledge to move forward in the expert stage.

"Xu Xiaozi, why don't you go to the stage to fight, if you're high, you can't look down on my two good girls?"

"How come, Uncle Tang, I really played too much during the summer vacation, and there are more than three or four hundred games in total, and I am recuperating."


Tang Sifang looked at Xu Zhi, who was full of energy and full of blood. This guy had a lot of fights, but his body was not too different.

Xu Zhideng was also embarrassed to say clearly, at the level of Tibet You and Tibet Spirit, if they really learn from each other, he knocks one with one stick, and both of them lay off the stage.

Not only for cultivation, his martial arts strength has surpassed them too much.

In this age group, apart from Yan Jinbai and his rivals, perhaps they can only be seen in the National Elite League.

And this time is near.

Xu Zhi looked at the messages on his mobile phone. Three days later, he would play on behalf of Yunling Academy.

His eyes were clearly on the senior team.

This is the most lucrative game. Even the top eight players have the top three awards in the junior group, not to mention the comparison with the sophomore group and the big group.

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