Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 958: Alone 1 No 2

The unique and suddenly enhanced ability of the Chapter 158 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master text also allows Xu Zhi to return to reality and look at the situation. I see that the body is only slightly trembling, and the meridians are twisting, and the effect is not too serious. It was far weaker than it was when I was cramped and painful.

After taking some energy fluid, after running for a few weeks, the body slowed down and he returned.

"Xiao Suo, you lived in ancient times, have you ever heard the elemental monarch magic book."

Xu Zhi was afraid that he had a problem with his expression, and also took Somra to read his magic book of water element monarch.

This magic book was covered with a box by him, and was pressed to the bottom of many items.

Xu Zhi was afraid of what little green skin did not have long eyes. When he came here, he was turned upside down and was frozen by the elves in the magic book of the water element monarch. This is just like electric shock. The case of a hundred frozen is not strange.

"It's actually this magic book"

Somraki said, he read the spell and showed a hint of magic when he reached out, holding the water elemental monarch magic book in mid-air.

The blue elemental elf in the water elemental monarch's magic book glanced at him lazily, and then he danced on his own.

"This is the ultimate battle magic weapon pursued by mages, what a pity, a pity."

Somra looked at the blue elemental spirit and couldn't stop sighing. The rules of the world are different. Not only is this treasure dusty, but no matter how powerful the treasure is, it can't escape the rules formed in this world.

This is like a coin in the world of Xu Zhi. In Dongyue, a hundred-dollar bill is very valuable. You can buy many things, but if you put it in Xiliu, this bill is worthless. No merchant will recognize this. The value of paper money, not to mention purchasing power.

This is just a rule made between countries, not to mention the rules of this world.

In the elemental world, this water elemental monarch magic book is a waste product, and it cannot exert much power.

"In our world, at that time, countless mages broke their heads and wanted to have elemental monarch magic books."

"As long as the body contains magic power, regardless of age, whether or not you have been exposed to magical learning, as long as you get the recognition of the elemental elves, you can release all the magic of this series through it."

"You don't need to do any practice on magic to release it directly."

"If you have the corresponding theory and know how to maximize your magic, you can release the final form of magic through this magic book."

Somra's brief introduction instantly made Xu Zhi understand the powerful power of this treasure. For the magician, this may be the strongest artifact.

No need to worry about the monopoly of magic knowledge, no need to learn for the type of magic, no need to practice any proficiency, a book of elemental monarch magic books can cover all the magic in this series.

The only premise is to get the recognition of the elemental elves in the books.

"The combined artifact has a period of use, recovery time, and may be damaged. The elemental monarch magic book does not have these. For the mage, this is more important than the artifact."

"They only need to master the magic theory to pursue the power of strengthening magic and become the strongest element mage."

"It is rumored that this is a part of the power of God who has extracted the four elements. It is unique in the world. Master, how did you find a copy?"

Somra's magical power surged, the page of the water elemental monarch magic book opened, and the pages turned constantly, and the layers of blue shimmering flashed, which was quite amazing.

Xu Zhi had listened well, and these secrets expanded his knowledge. With Somra's last words, his green face instantly shrugged down.

Although he had made guesses for a long time, he was affirmed by Somra that his heart was still somewhat uncomfortable.

"This is the regular item that my body needs to improve" Xu Zhiyou said quietly.

"Master, I wish you good luck."

Somra spread his hands and did not know how to comfort Xu Zhi. The biological boundaries were not so easy to break. Even the gods had to follow some rules when using the rules.

It's just that which deity actually dared to set such high requirements.

In addition to the three-piece set that originally met the lucky talent, the four-element heart, the artifact, and now the four-volume element monarch magic book, even in ancient times, pieces are extremely rare items.

If it is integrated into the body, this will create a powerful magician.

A strange color flashed in his eyes, and some names in his mind kept on moving.

Even Somra still hasn't figured out whether the talent that Xu Zhi said drove away the spirit consciousness, or the **** who gave up the body voluntarily.

Or did the deity discover a problem with the settings? If the setting is wrong, perhaps he can understand why he gave up.

In such a place as the elemental world, there is no great opportunity, how can we complete these items needed for improvement.

This is a wrong advent, and I chose the wrong way of promotion.

In Somra's mind, another speculation circulated.

That is the death of the god's consciousness.

The division of the planet, many mortals and immortality can avoid the past, but for the gods, it is a catastrophe, and the kingdom of God controlled by some weak gods was destroyed at that the strong **** The country can maintain the pant and have a chance to escape.

Perhaps the deity did not persevere until birth came and died weakly.

"Xiao Suo, do you have any guidance on finding the elemental monarch magic book."


Somra shook his head very simply. If he could find it, he took it with him when he was at its peak. This baby, even he, likes it very much.

"For example, do the owners of these elemental monarch magic books have any immortal figures involved."

"It's not clear, you know, in our time, the exchange of information was not developed. On a planet, it is very difficult to find out who the four magic books are in the hands of."

Somra looked at the Oriental Village, which was full of wooden houses. Now the communication is not as convenient as it was in his time. He crouched in the Oriental Village. For the surroundings and the lower realm, the sources of his information are the green skins of the lower realm.

However, his attributes are relatively dwelling, and he can stay in the bottle for thousands of years. Now that the area is wide, it does not matter. In Dongfang Village, he has had a great time.

Apart from the hatred of some immortal companions, he has no regrets.

"By the way, Master, you can borrow this Water Elemental Sovereign Magic Book for me. The toilet water may like it."

"Take it, take care of it, don't kill people, don't need to put it back and press it under the box."

Four lacks three, this is no play, now it does not matter whether it is absorbed or not, Xu Zhi is also used by Somra, as long as there is no problem.

September is gradually coming, and on the day of school, Xu Zhi also received newsletters from Xia Tienan. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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