Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 969: Knife

"Zhao Mu has sent a newsletter and will come home tomorrow to apologize. The old guy always likes to get on the boat first and then make up the ticket."

"My grandfather and I are not dead. In the military area, you are not worse than the two of you. It is also good to go to the inspection department."

"If this knife is aimed at someone with strange thoughts, this knife is a good knife."

The few words replied on Yan Xuankong's newsletter made Yan Jinbai and Xu Zhi feel relieved.

"I also plan to squat for three years in the academy, and abdicate for seven years when the six hospitals are inspected."

Xu Zhi smiled. Zhao Mu had Zhao Mu's thoughts in mind. If they were not determined to be promoted, the other party would have no choice but to do so. This is a possible result only if both parties cooperate.

The inspections of the Sixth Hospital are far from being a knife.

"I originally planned to answer the call and join the army in the Northwest Military Region. My grandfather said it was okay. The food was very unique, and occasionally there were some delicious food.

"The idea in your head is awesome."

The military region has the advantages of a military region. It is forbidden by command and order. It has great coordination power. It is also very good for personal training. Normal people will reborn in the army, let alone cultivators. This is a process from jerking to maturity.

Each system has different functions, and the duties and authority of the inspection department are quite large. It is very important that there is a lot of free time. There is work and rest, and no rest. Xu Zhi likes this kind of work.

In addition to getting a full-time job in a system, the products from the scientific research institute are also exciting.

Jiantiwan: to enhance physical fitness, expert levels are available, side effects: a period of weakness in a certain period of time, the specific time varies according to personal constitution.

Strong body powder: to enhance physical fitness, expert levels are available, side effects: a certain burning pain.

The name is as simple as ever, one is for internal use, one is for external medicine bath, and three are for drug rewards. The drug introduction of the Institute of Science is simple, much like an unclinical experimental product, but if it can be taken out, it can prove its safety.

Physical fitness is not only about improving the body's ability to resist blows, it is related to physical qualities such as strength, speed, endurance, agility, and flexibility. The working efficiency of the various systems and organs in the body is also related to the external environment and the ability to withstand cold and heat, and the resistance to disease.

This is an auxiliary enhancement of all-round capabilities, with comprehensive effects, which has certain benefits for the improvement of overall strength.

Xu Zhi didn't dare to take care of it. After eating the medicines from the scientific research institute, he had to hide and go to the dream world cat for a while after refining the medicine.

At this moment, he saw Wang Zhongwang's expression of pain in his face. A large group of rewards were different. The medicine was used to expand the internal air frame to expand and contract and enhance the effect of air flow. This naturally brought some undesirable side effects.

This guy took a pill that tempered his ears. No one helped to catalyze the power. He was almost crazy.

Everyone loves and hates the products produced by the scientific research institute.

Now that everyone's internal energy has been achieved, it is not difficult to catalyze the power of medicine. Perhaps it can be less embarrassing.

Each has its own gains. For example, in these low-level events they participated in, in addition to drugs, there is also a key observation period, which has entered the sight of some people. As long as there are no problems in the next few years, they can go straight up and corresponding Throw olive branches.

"Starting today, I am going to enter a period of weakness. I will discuss and suspend for a while."

Xu Zhi put on a combat-free card. The stronger his physique, the stronger his corresponding external abilities. Recently, he is very interested in the ability of overlord stick to cooperate with the fight. If it can be improved, it will be more convenient.

"All of us here seem to have to take a break," Yan Jinbai murmured.

There are awards for up and down eight buildings, including Tibet and Tibetan spirits, which have the weakest individual strength. It is just a matter of big and small, and more and less.

Zangyou and Zangling are located in a large group of 46 people, and one is in 47 people. They took the Dali pill as a commemorative award. Xu Zhi and other people took it in high school. They are also a copy for the weak attackers. Small supplement.

The Academy of Sciences may have misunderstood the word certain, or Xu Zhi felt that the definition in the impression of himself and others was completely different from what the other party thought.

After taking a healthy body pill and catalyzing the power, Xu Zhi felt that he was soft and soft, as if a patient suffering from a cold, just raised his hand weakly, and he heard the low cry of Yan Jinbai in the adjacent room.

He took it internally and Yan Jinbai used it externally. It seemed that the side effects were not satisfactory.

Dali Pill may be the drug with the lightest symptoms, but it is simply suffering. Zang You and Zang Ling hail for a while, and then they ran to see the miserable behavior of others.

The two women also took videos with their mobile phones, and Xu Zhi could only raise his hand slightly, indicating that he was barely normal.

"Brother Xu's condition is not fun at all. Let's go and shoot Wang Zhongwang. He drank a lot of water."

"Brother Yan is also fun, all red, like cooked shrimp."

"Sister Qianqiu is fun, her eyes are red like a rabbit, and she keeps wiping her tears."

"Li Chuyang is the least interesting, he is deaf again."

"Sister Yuxi fainted."

Everyone has their own unique shape, and the negative status comes with the continuous improvement of their strength. The hard work will eventually pay off.

Step by step, step by step, before reaching the same age, it can also be strongly inserted into many older practitioners.

Xu Zhi can feel that his body is taking root and sprouting, and his physical enhancement seems to be similar to the thick soil mystery. A certain relationship, the stronger the physique, the stronger the drug effect.

For Xu Zhi, this may be a big supplement, three healthy pills, three strong body powder, is likely to push his strength to a higher level.

Compared with the mild medicinal diet, the effects of these medicines in the scientific research institute are simple and rude, and the human potential is reached to a certain extent, second only to some special types of natural materials.

This was originally a big gift to the students who were about to step out of the ivory tower, and was cut off by Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai.

Your own strength is always the best way to fight for your rights.

"Being in the inspection is unbiased, his body is upright, and he does not follow the order; his body is not right, although he does not follow the order, he will act according to the rules, and he will have a good grasp of the standards. hell."

Gu Changying also taught him that Xu Zhi was in the inspection department.

If you make a knife, you need to make a sufficiently fair knife.

If you are not willing to take the sword, you also need to assume their duties to do their responsibilities and do all the work well.

In reality, the knife has just pulled out the sheath.

In the dream world, a knife is constantly waving, and the battle on the border has begun.

On the one hand, the fierce battle with the undead empire Cresson, and on the one hand, the battle with the human empire Xia Nong, both sides of the Casa kingdom are facing possible impact.

On the portal, Hexis’s contract was laughing, but Bob’s contract made Xu Zhiya take a good bite. This old guy has always been playing high-risk tasks.

In addition to these two contracts, Xu Zhi also discovered the contract of the Agrinaire agency that had not met for a long time.

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