Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 970: Treasure fan

The contract of the Agrenel agency: I am dealing with a very evil creature, and I also ask for help. Kuangsha Literature Network

Contract object: Ring of War.

The contract of Agriner is as powerful as ever. The Ring of God of War is a halo-shaped treasure. For a large army, the effect of this treasure is not too strong. For Dongfang Village, this treasure is just right. .

Ring of God of War: Creatures within a certain range from melee and ranged attack power increased by 18%.

The village head wants another treasure. The halo-shaped treasure has always been the old green leather collection. Xu Zhi's own treasure might be better influenced by the village head.

Very evil creature.

Looking at the content of the contract, Xu Zhi turned various evil-looking creatures in his mind. Eventually he decided to put on the power scale armor and could be introduced like this by Agrienaire. It must be very evil. It takes a little thought.

The other party is probably in a fight, the contract is just flashing, Xu Zhi is fully dressed, and he puts himself on several protective magic before he stepped into the portal.



As soon as he reached the edge of Agrinaar, a violent wave came, swallowing droolingly, and unconsciously took two steps to the side of the giant rock.

Agrienale was very kind, not far in front of them, a green creature with a height of more than three meters and a length of five meters, with a sickle-shaped arm held high, constantly facing forward.

This is the creature that Xu Zhi has seen twice in the elemental world, the mantis.

On the opposite side of the praying mantis, there is a huge dragon-shaped creature covered with black scale armor. Its size is huge, and it is more than three times larger than the praying mantis.

Stuck by the mantis entanglement talent, at this moment is looking up at the breath of flames, the red high temperature flame obviously burned the mantis not lightly, most of the wings were black, even near them, it was also rolling.

The battle between the two giants hit the rock wall from time to time, and there was a rumbling noise from the cave.

"Oh, squeaky lord, you are coming, help quickly."

"You recruit some other creatures."

Although he has become a leader-level creature, Xu Zhi still has some chills in the face of these giant creatures. This is a huge sense of oppression brought by his body shape. Not to a certain extent. Xu Zhi does not want to interact with these creatures at all. Fight.

Whether it is a black dragon or a praying mantis, it is a fourth-order creature, and naturally has powerful strength.

"It's dead, it's all dead, you're the last one, quickly, get rid of it and we'll send it" Agrienaire waved her hands, which seemed to be cheering.

"Hahaha, you really look at me, Your Excellency Agrinel."

Xu Zhi turned his head, knowing that he might as well take Bob's contract.

This little girl's skin is generous, but it seems to be very good at summoning creatures, bringing one dead to another. Before that, Xu Zhi knew that the water element called thick skin was killed. Now it seems that other creatures have followed the thick skin.

If it weren't for him, Xu Zhi felt that Agrienaire would not necessarily call him.

This is an emergency.

"I haven't seen you in a while. You have grown so big, you must be getting better. Come on, I will sing to cheer for you."

Bard is a very strange combat profession. Everyone hacks with a sword. This profession uses a musical instrument to play on the side, and uses music and songs to sway magic. Of course, powerful bards like Agrinael can also cast spells empty-handed. .

At least Agrenelle’s swarm magic has been released well.

"It's too dangerous. Let's wait for these two guys to finish watching."

Xu Zhi shook his head again and again, inserting a fight between a black dragon elite and a praying mantis, he was too desperate to live too long.

If they weren’t behind a huge rock with enough cover, Xu Zhi immediately broke the contract and fled back.

"Don't, I just got this mantis. It's a rare fifth-order mandatory contract summon scroll."

"If I were killed by the Black Dragon, I would never have the capital to challenge."

Agriline's words made Xu Zhi basically understand the enemy.

"So the black dragon is the very evil creature?"

"Yes, hurry up, hurry up, this fire-breathing dragon is so fierce, it bites the Griffon I finally got to."

Onick: Damage 70-140, Melee Attack 60, Melee Defense 60, Ranged Defense 60, Speed ​​21, Life 560, Talent: Flying, Breathing, Immunity to Magic.

Flying: Creatures have the ability to fly, can fly over obstacles such as city walls, and can also fly over troops.

Breathing: Creatures within 2m x 1m will take the damage of Fire Breath.

Immunity Magic: Not affected by any level 1-4 magic.

The extremely powerful genus, the damage is extremely high, which makes the attack power very terrible, far more than the 60-point attack on the clear data.

The mantis that fought against the black dragon Onyk is only a fourth-order ordinary creature, which has damaged most of the blood. Xu Zhi felt that Agrienaire’s mantis could not resist for too long and had to die.

Black Dragon Onick played with ease, only used the talent to breath to attack, and did not exert his strong fighting ability.

Xu Zhi felt that this black dragon seemed to be using the praying mantis to practice his talents. When he could not spit out flames, maybe he would not play this game.

"Are you fancy the treasure guarded by the Black Dragon, is it related to Lord Effie?"

It is impossible to ask him to go to

The contract between the agency and the summoner is an equal relationship, and unlike the ordinary contract, it has no compelling driving ability.

Xu Zhi may be able to rely on the armor to cause huge damage to the Black Dragon, and he cannot bear the counterattack. As long as he is hit, the blood volume is not a few points, but dozens, even to climb to Nearly a hundred points, this huge damage can kill half a life, and it becomes extremely difficult to escape.

I haven't seen it in the past year, and Agrinaire's courage has become stronger, and he has reached the point of scouring the black dragon.

In this world, the black dragon is a powerful synonym. Some immortal people must team up to challenge.

Agrienier usually has a clear head, and when it comes to the equipment of the bard Effie, she will become a fan, and she will do everything she can to get something done and do something guilty.

"H.Effie's mandolin is hidden in the cave of the Black Dragon. I found it twice after touching it, and I can only drive it away."

"That's the last treasure I want to collect. As long as I make it all together, I can experience the power of Lord Effie."

Agrienelle's eyes were red and exuded with light. A gold necklace was inlaid on the V-shaped armor. The magic pattern was very flat. She finally got the second treasure in the Thunderstorm Mountains.

Now facing the third treasure, may be the most difficult treasure.

Xu Zhi felt that his eighth-level phantom magic could not help Agrienaire. At least three jungle goblins like him could cause huge damage to Onick and drive away the other party.

"You are sober and sober" Xu Zhi held the mother-in-law's head and shook it hard for a while before saying: "I think you need to call some powerful people."

"Don't shake, hey, how did I fight the Black Dragon."

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