Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 971: Immortality

Ai Grenier in the lower realm had a bad time. Xu Zhi fetched a few dried fruit from the woman, and she all bite with relish.

In the past month, she has spent in this "dragon cave" of the black dragon cave.

Stealth, or temptation, to today's hard fight, Ai Grenelle summoned all his skills.

"The current effect is zero."

Agrienier was a little downcast, because her fifth-order compulsive summoning scroll had also burst, and now the means are exhausted, there is no other way.

"You have few friends?"

Even Xu Zhi, in the face of the invasion of giant creatures, needs to mobilize the power of Dongfang Village, and will not be a lone hero.

"No" Agrienaire shook his head again and again: "I seem to be an evil star, and anyone who follows me will be unlucky, and even the contract summons are no exception, so I don't like to know friends."

Agriline is so self-aware that Xu Zhi doesn't know what to say. The contract is dead. Now he is the bare commander, which makes Xu Zhi a little nervous.

"Perhaps, you can wait for the black dragon to forage, and then sneak in to find the mandala."

"They are husband and wife stalls, with one end guarding the cave "hole", one end looking for food, watching, and the other end flying back."

Ai Grenelle pointed his finger, and Xu Zhi saw a little black spot flying from afar, and then the other person's figure grew bigger and bigger.

The huge body of nearly 20 meters is larger and stronger than the end of the cave "cavity". The dark and dark black "color" scale armor has a long and thick neck, narrow dragon horns and sharp teeth. At this moment, the black dragon who went out foraging was biting a bison, and the huge membrane wings fanned the wind and waves.

The other party's **** is unknown, maybe the male and female of the black dragon will cause a difference in body shape, or this black dragon will be stronger.

The physique that is completely immune to magic has made some supernatural means almost obsolete. It is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing for Agriline to want to **** food under the black dragon's eyelids.

Just like the magic book of the fire element monarch, it was a treasure that made Xu Zhi unthinkable. It was owned by five grand masters, which was more trouble than two black dragons.

"Whether to hire mercenaries, as long as they are willing to spend money, someone will sell their lives."

Xu Zhi came up with a new idea. All kinds of trade unions are very popular in the lower realm. Rogue unions, assassin unions, knight unions, veteran unions, and even all kinds of magic associations will receive bounty tasks. As long as the price is right, some people dare to muddle.

Of course, for the creature like Black Dragon, Xu Zhi felt that Agrienaire had to prepare more for life. The people in the lower realm were not their elemental creatures. The stronger the mercenary, the higher the price.

"Money is a problem. Another problem is that I am wanted by the major guilds and I cannot go to the union to offer a reward."

Agrinaire wiped the mud on his face before continuing: "The "gray" ghost town owner of Mingguang City wanted to strike me and was killed directly by me. Now I am killed by Abero, the Shannon Kingdom Wanted by the big trade union, he can only keep on escaping his life. Now I am lucky to shake the "chaotic" zone in the Urudin hills. I happened to find Effie's mandala in this area."

In the hills of Urudin, this place name appeared in Xu Zhi's mind. It seemed to be the junction of the Kingdom of Collison and the Kingdom of Casa, the center of the battlefield at the moment.

It seems that this place is not a general mess. Listen slowly to Agrinael's nagging. It seems that there are still some thieves' union powers in the place, and there is a tendency to form a small kingdom.

The major kingdoms seem to have reserved some mixed "chaos" areas intentionally or unintentionally, such as the area of ​​the Labyrinth "labyrinth" of Abero, to the Urudin hills near the kingdom of Casa today.

Some unstable people like these places, and these people continue to die in these places. When the war "chaos" comes, these mixed "chaos" zones can also become a buffer zone for war.

"Thank you for your food. I haven't been full for two days. Next, I will fight for the great Effie Mandala."

Ai Grenier wiped her mouth clean, her spirits trembling, Xu Zhigang tried to persuade her, and suddenly felt a strong magical energy fluctuation in the distance.

He raised his head and saw a glint of blue "color" flashing, and in the sky, a giant hand of white "color" stretched out.

"Feng Tajin, do you think that the magic of the hand of death is for me?"

Xu Zhi's third ear moved, and the voice in the far distance suddenly became clear. This is the voice of His Majesty Ruiou, and it seems that the two immortals finally met.

"Haha, Rio, I just passed by to dig a few graves, why did you chase us so hard?"

Baron Feng Tajin's voice is weak. He is also very uncomfortable in the face of the immortal who has lived for thousands of years, but the mantra has not been dropped.

"You slaughtered two cities, could it be that the place where I Casa was just coming in like this, just going away."

Rio’s voice was obviously a bit angry, and for a long time, no kingdom dared to use such a sword soldier in Casa.

"Haha, what do you want, Grick was beaten by you, and he had a head left. Could it be that you want to wipe out every inch of flesh and blood in his body without even giving him a chance to be resurrected."

In the middle of the top gangsters, the gangsters like Glick didn't like it. After listening to the voice of Baron Fontagin, Glick seemed to be miserable.

"Grick must die, this lunatic is cold-blooded, dark, bloodthirsty, he will not die, I am waiting for you to come to the slaughter next time?"

"Tucheng is just a little mistake, but I'm not ready to fight so hard."

Baron Feng Tajin also obviously had a headache, and the situation was unexpectedly troublesome. The ghost knew what Grick was thinking. He dug a zombie in the ancient tomb, and Glick killed directly behind him. Chenghe, it’s no wonder that the old wizard Rio chased them.

This is a taboo of national warfare. If it weren't for his undead elite regiment and Leo's Royal Guard Corps to be close in strength, there was no dialogue between the two.

"Either surrender Grick's head, or wait until our army gathers and fights until you are alone, Collison, will be destroyed."

"You are also a lunatic."

Baron Feng Tajin raised Glick’s head and pointed at Rheo. This was different from his plan. Borrowing the Kingdom of Casa and digging the ancient tomb, he only killed people who blocked the road. If the other party escaped and retreated, he was lazy. The purpose of this trip is to get some powerful zombies.

The resulting war "chaos" and conflicts are controlled within a small The two sides will also meet each other in the future, so they will not be killed or killed.

But Grick was bad.

"Is it because I usually stimulate Grick too many times, he needs to vent?"

When Baron Feng Tajin thought slightly, his head suddenly struggled violently.

"Rio, I hate you, I hate your son, hate that **** green skin, I hate rock paper scissors"

Grick murmured, speaking words that Feng Tajin and Ruiou couldn't understand. His voice was getting lower and lower, and his eyes on his head gradually lost their mind, and he finally lost his breath.

Countless gray "color" souls emerged from his head, fled into the air, and gradually became blurred and disappeared continuously.

"He died, Glick actually died, and the living "sex" of his immortal power disappeared."

Baron Feng Tajin looked at the head in his hand, Glick's sneering face gradually became gray, and his head was like a mud sculpture, sliding down from his bones and splashing on the ground.

"Want to take my 30,000 people to sacrifice to the void, this is good for death, good for death."

Baron Feng Tajin's voice of loss, and also the voice of His Majesty Ruiou, are mixed and interwoven in Xu Zhi's ears.

After a strong wind blew by, Xu Zhi only felt that there was no more sound in his ears, and the cold sweat on his spare body fell.

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