Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 976: Nowhere to go

Heroes of the Invincible Grand Master Volume 976 Chapter Nowhere to Go Apart from the distant northern kingdom, the barbarian tribe is actually composed of various loose wandering groups. Most clans rely on nomads to hunt for a living. With constant migration.

The clans have different ideas, and sometimes even the barbarian tribes are difficult to merge together, and there are frequent battles between the tribes.

Advocating violence, weak meat and strong food, and a certain fanatical hobby of plundering, this habit is not for humans, or other races like, it is extremely difficult to live in harmony.

Many countries, close to the wandering area of ​​barbarians, must have garrison guards.

The City of Flash is a small battle city used for defense in the Shannon Kingdom, only a strait apart from the Slat Gulf territory of the Kingdom of Casa.

The barbarian lord Oreha has what he needs, and Alberon has something to ask for, and the two sides hit it off.

This kind of matching pattern annoys Bob. If it is a single person or a small group of helpers, no one will accuse it. You can join the barbarian army with the makeup of the guard of the flashing city. There have been changes.

Nearly half of them fled, and nearly half of the members of the guards caught.

Under the influence of group slow magic, these people are difficult to escape.

"Master, this magic is good. Give a magic parchment."

The longer he followed, Xu Zhi discovered that the old man had more hidden magic, and many of the magic had reached a certain level.

"The group slowness is a fourth-order law-abiding magic, which is only available in the magic tower of the City of Silver Wings. Don't look at me. I'm not good enough.

The magic tower was forgotten, and Xu Zhixi was endless, he had no means to steal magic from the magic tower.

This kind of magic, which affects many people and has a long duration, is far better than his mire magic in duration. In comparison, mire magic is more suitable for sneak attacks in early combat and acts on small groups.

"What about that crazy magic."

"I can't figure it out, the rank is too high, and my skills are limited."

"Forget about the magic of remotely striking memory in your mind."

"It can be carved, wait for me to complete this crusade mission, calm down and get one for you. This magic engraved ten times, at least eight failures, very troublesome."

"Great, is it okay to lay the city of glitter?"

Xu Zhi was excited when he heard it. Forgetting is third-order law-abiding magic, which is within his learning range. There is not much good magic, even if it is inexperienced, it is enough to learn one or two levels.

"Destroy the oss," Bob patted Xu Zhi's shoulders, and said with a heavy heart: "All my tools are placed in Genting City. I must complete the task explained by your majesty before I can go back. You must assist me."


Xu Zhigan laughed twice and killed Hexis. Bob, you might not know how powerful his pile of demons was, and there were groups of big-eared knights and dreaded beasts.

Now he is counting on the benefits of taking the Flash City Life Library.

The barbarian army gathered hundreds of meters away from the city, and the captured cyclops lifted the boulder again after a little treatment.

Without these races that are good at throwing boulders, Violet can't survive and immediately attack the city of flash.

More than fifty members of the guard were crushed to the ground, and the figure on the opposite city was anxious.

"Inserting our clan civil war has made our internal friction even worse. There are countless deaths and injuries. Albertron, you succeeded in angering me."

Violet stood at the forefront and yelled loudly.


Alberton clenched his teeth on the wall, and under the bombardment of several cyclops, Bob didn't die. This made him lose a lot of money, and he was involved in many people.

"Open the city gate, take out your compensation, otherwise..."

Violet waved his hand, several violent executioners raised his axe, and the Cyclops moved the boulder, relying on precision magic, their shooting power is stronger, and the range is farther, for the castle guard Is a huge threat.

"Bob, I know you are among the barbarians. You want to provoke the war between Shannon and Casa."

"Alberon, this is the war between the barbarian and your flash city. What does it have to do with Casa? I'm just here to see it, unlike some people who are dressed up as guards."

"Don't push me too hard, there are ten big knights in my city of flash.

The simple negotiations obviously broke down, which was originally in the plan, and how many battles have to be fought, this is the sincerity of the negotiations.

Six boulders were thrown high, and the city tower of the flashing city suddenly burst into tears.

The members of the guard were pushed forward, and if the flash city attacked, they would serve as human shields to block the knights' charge.

"Attack, strike, kill them all."

After several waves of arrows rain shot, seeing that the longbowmen and crossbow vehicles could not reach the opponent's army, Albertron roared and ordered the city gate to be opened. Ten iron riders took hundreds of pikemen from the city of Flash Sand Rush out.

This time, twelve boulders exploded and fell at the gate of the city.

The big knights who came out of the fish frowned, relying on the sprinting spear against the boulder. Even so, they were also in a state of embarrassment, pulling the screaming horse constantly. Some big knights' horses were obviously a bit bad, and the state was not suitable. Charge.

This boulder ejection is not so good, the gunmen behind them uttered a wailing and were smashed by the gravel.

"It must be the lamp **** of Slat Bay."

Someone exclaimed that the Cyclops who threw the stone doubled in an instant. This ability can only be achieved by some powerful lamp gods relying on phantom magic. In the vicinity of the city of Flash, there is no doubt that only the Gulf of Slat has this condition.

Phantom flow tactics are Casa's extremely famous play, which is more rogue than the undead. This powerful magic is liked by many lamp gods. The continuous practice of the long years has made the lamp gods have a very high level of this magic.

Making illusions of powerful creatures is exactly what the lamp gods are good at. The illusions are not afraid of life and death. They are only targeted by several dispelling magics. The only flaw of magic.

Two boulders were thrown, and the illusionary cyclops disappeared one by one.

Fortunately, the voices of some people in the Flash City had just come out, and they were blocked in the throat, behind the six cyclops, the figures of the six illusions reappeared.

Without sprinting terrain, the big knights could not get close to the Cyclops, and had to retreat back, not to mention the Cyclops’s side, the many Centaurs, the rage, the nomad cavalry, the man-eating magician, and the hidden ones. Lamp God, teacher.

This is a dead end. You have to fight hard to get a chance of victory.

The guards of the Flash City are waiting for the order to be opened.

Hundreds of eyes looked at the lord, who changed back to the white priest's robe, Alberton.

Once the final decision is issued, there is no chance of repentance.

Either stick to it and slowly be eroded. For a maximum of an hour or two, the walls of the city of flash must be smashed into ruins, and it is impossible to insist on the arrival of reinforcements from other stations.

Either the whole army raided and fought hard to see the will of life and death.

The former city is passively decisive when the city is broken, and the latter actively seeks to fight. Both are likely to be destroyed by the flash city guards, the barbarians are greatly damaged, and the other party flees to the city in anger.

Looking at the boulders thrown from the sky, Albertron shuddered.

A light blue feather cloak was taken out, and Albertron carefully tied his shoulders.

The transparent light shield immediately wrapped him all over, and his steps were light, as if flying like a bird.

His time is running out.

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