Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 977: Life Library

A white flag fluttered in the Library of Heroes Invincible Grand Master Chapter 777, Life Library, and the City of Flash signaled surrender.

Albertron's face wandered miserably in the air, looking at the barbarian army in the distance.

He can escape, but the city of flash cannot escape.

"What do you want?"

His voice was a little dry, and on the battlefield, the losers were not qualified to bargain.

He must bear the consequences of this wave of barbarians attacking the city.

"Food, food, seeds, money, weapons, armor, I don't need much, at least I must be able to arm my people, so that the disabled can live a few days."

Violet pointed to some barbarians who were seriously injured, and continued: "Let your priest group heal them, how much can be recovered."


The other party's request was reasonable, and Albertron nodded his head to save money and avoid disaster, which was inevitable.

"Angel feather cloak, you know my purpose."

Bob looked at the cloak on Albertron, which was the treasure he needed, and it was also a magical costume that Albertron could not give up. With this cloak, it only takes magic power to have level 10 flying magic, level 10. The shield of heaven, this is the treasure that the mage dreamed of, and Albertron was reluctant to be a natural thing.

Among the five **** costumes of Nava, this cloak is the most amazing. In addition to a little magic power, these two full-level magics are the most precious.

Being able to protect the body, to fly and chase, or to escape, for the mage, the cloak's ability is almost at its extreme.

"Cape, cloak, this treasure harms people, and it enchants me."

Albertron chuckled twice, his body slowly fell on the city head, and touched the angel feather cloak, which he always treasured. This was the last time he used this treasure.

His mind has not been addicted to the point of incomparableness. Compared with the lives of thousands of guards in the city of Sands, thousands of civilians living in the city, and the title of his lord, this treasure is not important to that. degree.

Nothing happened, important treasures were taken away, and no one could escape resistance.

"I want to enter the Life Library. When I was practicing life magic, you were refused to enter it. I am still a little curious. I want to use your master life magic book."

"Copies are acceptable, manuscripts are not available. You should be very clear about the rules of the Holy See. For you and me, this is not a good thing."

Albertron's face was pale, and the original was lost. He could only hang it on the torture rack to see the God of Light. The copy was taken. The biggest punishment was the cancellation of the Life Library. The lack of attracted many pastors to rely on the biggest weapon.

"I understand the rules, please open the gate."

After many conditions were negotiated, Albertron shouted weakly and called out the clerk, and began to move the goods at the request of Violet.

Including Alberon, nearly twenty pastor groups entered the barbarian community.

Healing a severely injured person, also as a hostage, he must stay here until the transaction is completed.

The people in the Flash City had a bad look, but Xu Zhi didn't have any worries. Anyway, Bob was standing in front of him. As a small servant, he followed behind Bob.

The old man finally began to honor the reward.

Master Bob has four master magics, one expert-level magic, this expert-level magic is life, Xu Zhi did not expect that the learning and control of magic is so strict, even if he is the president of the Kingdom of the Magic Association of Casa , Bob's visit to study life magic was also directly rejected.

This alleviated many of his small complaints and was accustomed to the mentality of learning basic and advanced magic earlier. For higher-level magic, Xu Zhi did not control his emotions and still thought it could be easily done.

But the structure of the society is completely different. This is a world with strict class and a place where knowledge is strictly controlled.

Some of his small emotions are more simple because he stands too high.

In fact, unless he possesses the means of powerful learning, the identity of the elemental world can be circumvented by many bigwigs, and the possibility of completely learning magic is extremely low.

This is almost the same as wanting to practice high-level Qi Qi and martial arts in the real world.

The Life Library is not tall. The two-storey building is decorated in a clean white style and the colors are extremely clean and bright.

The four guards stationed in the library took the war halberd away, and an old man who looked like a housekeeper took out the key. The iron door of this life library was slowly pushed up.

"On the left side of the first floor is the first-order magic book library, on the right side is the second-order magic book library, on the left side of the second floor is the third-order magic book library, and on the right is the fourth-order magic book library."

"The two adults please watch slowly, if you want to take away any books, please tell me, so that we can find information to complete, so as to avoid the scourge of killing my adult."

The steward's face is full of thoughts. If the angel feather cloak is handed over earlier, other losses can be avoided completely.

No one died, and there was no need to compensate the barbarians, and there was no need to worry about Bob taking away the magic books of life.

"Sir, please watch it yourself, I will go to the right side of the second floor first."

Bob’s goal is obviously a master’s book of life magic, and Xu Zhi is quite interested in watching it.

When I first came to such a place as a library, many books were dazzling. Except for magic theory books, all the other books were some magical understandings, or some experience, organized into volumes and placed in this library.

"There are 365 blessings a year, every day with good blessing magic"


"Review "Twenty-one Practical Tips on Healing Magic" and gain 50 experience in healing magic."

Slightly gained.

"Review and study "Faith, the Strongest Protection" and gain 80% of the magical experience of spiritual armor."


Xu Zhi's eyes are on various experience Although these books have little experience, they are worth a lot, and the accumulated experience is still very impressive, which is a good harvest.

The only regret is that he has limited types of learning. In the first-order life magic, he only learned the healing and spiritual armor, and the second-order life magic is compensation.

The first-level magic practitioners are very extensive, and there are the most various types of experience books. They are covered with four large bookshelves and they keep reading through the books. Credited.

"Turn through the study of "The Spear of Others, My Spear" and gain 30 for the experience of rewarding magic."

"Review "What is the secret of compensatory magic for missionary study", and gain 50 for the experience of compensatory magic."

"Return to study "Anyone who hits someone will be retaliated against," and gain 100 magic experience for rewards."


In the second-level magic, compensation is necessary for missionary magic, and there are deep grievances. Various books of beating experience are emerging in an endless stream. This magic, which is not intended to be upgraded, quietly moves from the fifth level to the eighth level.

Compensation causes the enemy to take some damage when attacking the subject. The current reflection damage is 1.2, duration: ten minutes.

The damage reflex has risen a lot, barely reaching the level of melee combat.

For Xu Zhi, what he learned on every floor was very useful. Unfortunately, he had limited life magic and could not swallow all the books.

Bob's contract is worthwhile. For him, what is very important is what the third layer learns.

The expert's theory book on life magic, he also has a collection of life magic in the elemental world.

His second third-order magic will soon be born. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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