Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 992: state visit

A friendly state visit.

Externally, this is the pronunciation of Zun Shang's visit to the Northern Xinjiang Empire.

The reason why the old otakus nestled in Kyoto for more than 40 years makes many people unable to guess.

Previously, the topic of friendship between Dongyue and North Xinjiang was turned back to the table. In the past six months, the Northwest Military Region has no disputes with the northern border of South Xinjiang. Both sides are quite restrained.

Perhaps, a final resolution will be signed to delimit the dispute between the two parties.

If there is no border dispute, the military arrangements of the two countries may have major changes. The adjustment, transfer, arrangement, and benefits are obvious. Obviously, it is a good thing for Dongyue and Northern Xinjiang.

For other countries, this is bad news, especially for the countries adjacent to the two countries, the pressure has suddenly become very large.

Many analysts are waiting for the news to be implemented, and everything is speculation before the final result is produced.

If the dispute zone is so well delineated, there will not be so many disputes on international borders.

This is a variety of speculations from the outside world. In fact, the purpose of this trip, Dongyue was thinking with a hint of care, and it was a bit uneasy for North Xinjiang to take over the stick.

At the moment, the ice and snow cave is like a gunpowder barrel between the two countries. The problem is solved, and both sides are happy. Supreme people are dead in the cave. The peace pigeons of both sides will instantly become black crows.

"This is a test, my sincerity, your price."

Sovereign was sitting on a wooden chair with a smile on his face, and his expression did not show any nervousness.

"Song Zhongkai, are you betting?"

Among the generous windproof caravans, full of top experts from both countries, Uyaturanto's face was dull, and he spoke one word at a time, trying to find a trace of other expressions from his face.

"Turanto, it's funny, your vision is still the same as before, and it's just a blue skin. If it was not born late, I really want to see the existence of the one who rammed in your northern border more than three hundred years ago. How powerful."

"That's not an ordinary relic creature, you can control the thunder and lightning, and you can kill people between your hands. Hey, I'm really worried about you dying inside."

Letting Grand Master Dongyue eat a few secret losses, Turanto will be very happy, but if he kills the monarch of the other party in northern Xinjiang, Rao is also unbearable for him. The military area located in the northwest of Dongyue will expand instantly and swing north. .

"With me there, no matter how strong I am, I only need Grand Master Yan to wave a knife."

The voice of Venerable Lord is light and faint, but one sentence made the people of Northern Xinjiang change color.

The ability to kill the relics with one knife also means that they can kill them with one knife. Even at the top level of cultivation, there is a strong fear in Song Zhongkai's heart.

The powerful restriction ability is far more frightening than killing martial arts.

Even if he fights with Situ Xuankong, if he is still in despair and fleeing desperately, there is always the possibility of getting rid of it.

Provocatively, once found, there is no possibility of escape. The highest power of Dongyue has always arranged a grandmaster in Kyoto. Even if the body is caught in fire, the outside world has spread wind and rain. In these years, there have been few people. Dare to go to the bottom.

"Since you are so confident, then I will wait and see, I am timid, you sign this contract."

Uya Turant waved his hand and a contract was sent. In addition to the content of some transaction items, many were statements of North Xinjiang's blame. If Song Zhongkai fell to the snow and ice cave, he could still occupy a big right. , And got a few pullers.


I flipped through a few pages and looked at it, signing my name.

After a short handover, the two sides will make a brief decision on other specific matters in three days.

"The two children met again and looked good."

"Yes, I would also like to thank you for your original treatment." Xu Zhi clenched his fists and poked Yan Jinbai: "I'm saying you look good."

"Haha, thanks to your majesty. I'm in good health now. I can run, jump, and sing. If you don't dislike your majesty, I can sing for you."

After being slightly explained by Xu Zhi, he immediately understood it and hurried to the present.

"Sing, good."

The Grand Masters and Yan Xingxia Li Huaien and other people obviously have a hard time seeing something. The two small ones are different. Turanto wanted to ask a few words to find out, but did not expect Yan Jinbai to recommend himself. This is not a good rejection.

"There is still a short time before the opening of the cave. I look forward to listening to you singing. Do you need a musical instrument group? I have some instrument masters outside."

"No need, I can sing aloud, I will give you a paragraph."

Yan Jinbai waved his hands again and again. As a singing lover, he had never used a musical instrument group and never had a soundtrack.

Turanto just made a gesture of invitation, and Yan Jinbai was also not afraid, and sang when he let go of his throat.

Just as the pear blossoms spread all over the world, Rouman's veil floats on the river;

She stood on that shore, and her singing seemed like a bright spring.

The girl sang a wonderful song, she was singing the eagle in the grassland;

She is singing her loved one, and she also hides her love letter.

Turanto's grinning smile gradually became stiff. The familiar lyrics are folk songs of North Xinjiang, but the melody is completely out of tune, and there are quite harsh voices, which makes Turanto feel that he seems to have heard a certain Some strange tribal songs.

Two-word evaluation: ugly.

Three-word evaluation: It's really ugly.

To four words: very ugly.

The atmosphere in the caravan suddenly became a little weird, with a slight smile on everyone's face, and occasionally shaking his head, seeming to listen to the song seriously.

Although the venue among the caravans is limited, only more than 100 square meters, this is probably the most advanced stage of Dongyue and North Xinjiang.

The eleven grand masters of northern Xinjiang, the four grand masters of Dongyue, the second grand master of Dongyue, and the third grandmaster of the master. It is difficult to have such an occasion.

Yan Jinbai sang quite carefully, with the help of homophonic characters, he specially sang a folk song of Northern Xinjiang.

This is the gift he prepared to give to Uyabagula, which he took out in advance.

It's a pity that he has a slight pity that Bagula is not on the scene.

Xu Zhi looked at the Grand Master sitting around and the master masters who were pointed out, all smiles on his face, but his hand occasionally grabbed his sword, and slowly released it after a pinch for a while, and there was a trace of anxiety in his heart.

They are accustomed to Ba Zong Lou and can be immune to Yan Jinbai's tune, but these big men

You should know that even the elven race with a peaceful mind couldn't help but want to smash Yan Jinbai with food.

After four minutes of folk singing, Yan Jinbai continued to salute the surroundings, and a burst of applause rang.

"I'll develop a lot of abilities in cultivation in the future." Turanto patted Yan Jinbai's shoulders, his face full of praise.

"I will definitely work hard. Thank you, His Majesty Turanto. Thank you for listening to my song. If you like it, next, I will sing a folk song for our Dongyue."

"No, no, next time, next time."

Turanto touched his beard before continuing: "Dongtian will open soon, we are still ready, next time you come to North Xinjiang, I will give you a big stage for performances."

"That's really thank you for your generosity. I will sing you a better song next time."

After a few words, not only did everyone in North Xinjiang breathe a sigh of relief, but Dongyue's group was finally relieved.

"I'd rather go desperately, I don't want to listen to this kid singing."

"His magical sound twirled in my mind, and suddenly I forgot how our folk songs sang. I almost closed my hearing."

"Single instrument group will come in and blow brainwash twenty times."

The Grand Masters of Northern Xinjiang whispered in the rear to communicate, and the Dongyue people slowly moved forward.

In front of them, a large gray mist appeared, and the familiar Shenshi millstone slowly pulled open the black hole-like space.

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