Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 993: Unpredictable

   Chapter 993 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master's Scroll of Thought Unpredictable figure of six people flashed away at the black hole in the center of the millstone.

  Even if they are mentally prepared, this situation makes the expressions of the people in Northern Xinjiang still complicated, and there is an indescribable taste in their hearts.

  Last year's war history is vividly visible, and now Song Zhongkai takes people in, as if walking in a leisurely court, and generally traveling.

  Why take these people in.

   Not only did Yan Xingxia and others have speculations, but also Turanto, he also had some thoughts in his heart, trying to find out.

   Outside the caravan, Huang Putu and Situ Xuankong sat at the entrance of the ice and snow cave, one holding a gun and the other holding a sword, and the two narrowed their eyes and looked around.

   For them, it is enough to guard against the eleven grand masters of North Xinjiang, and the rest of the people have no problem entering them by mistake.

  Turanto was obviously very decent in his work. The eleven grand masters of Northern Xinjiang gathered at the moment and waited here for three days.

   Inside the caravan is their meeting place.

   At this moment, in the caravan, the instruments were playing, some grandmasters nodded gently, the familiar melody finally pulled them back.

   also has Grand Master discussing Dongyue's intentions.

   "Song Lao Gui is very optimistic about Li Huaien, it is not easy to say about political affairs, and his secrets of fixing people are likely to be taught."

   "Do they want Yan Xuankong and Li Huaien to become partners?"

   "It's been forty years. Is Song Zhongkai reborn after breaking the cocoon? His breath is obviously weaker than before, and he should be at the bottom of the Grand Master."

   "Who knows this old ghost has a few killer skills, maybe he has really researched something."

   "You said, is it possible that he used the Xuanbing House to heal him."

  The great masters had a lot of discussion, and the last sentence made everyone quiet for a little while.

   Then, Grand Master smiled and said, "Who can rest assured to heal the wound without first solving the blue skin, the guy is in a haunt, and he may suddenly get out of your side."

   "Except for some basic items, I haven't seen them carrying big medicines and other things. I can't rely on a few dragons and tigers to cure the injury caused by fire."

   "I was afraid that Song Lao Gui was bragging and would be beaten to death by the blue skin, which would provoke us all."

   "He brought in two small ones, and he was so sure that any of you who had seen him release the secret technique of fixing people, tell me how strong that secret technique is."

   For this deal, many people are not reliable, if Song Zhongkai succeeds, it is a good thing for Northern Xinjiang and Dongyue.

   If it fails, both sides are losers, and no winner is produced.

Turanto's heart sank, and both sides had reasons to bet. Song Zhongkai may be proclaiming his strength, something that the 13 Grand Masters of Northern Xinjiang didn't do, he can do it at his fingertips, or maybe, take a real risk To heal, or maybe, for the disputed area in the frontier, maybe

  'S mind is hard to guess, especially the emperor's mind, as he himself is, no one can guess his true mind.

  Turanto's eyes inadvertently swept over his chest, and his heart was like a piece of ice.

   needs Xuan Bingwu more than Song Zhongkai alone.


   Within the ice and snow cave, the previously broken ice floes have condensed into a solid layer of ice. In the distance, there are still oceans and waves.

Yan Xingxia pushed Song Zhongkai into the room, and just stepped into the cave, the Venerable's face suddenly turned white, breathing the air very thickly, and a dragon and a big man were pulled out by Yan Xingxia and quickly jammed Into his mouth.

   closed his eyes for a long time before he slowly opened his eyes, his body full of fatigue.

   "There are three people in North Xinjiang who have tried my breath, and it is really hard to deceive them."

   "But you deceived them after all."

   "Hold this tone, thanks to your great-grandson singing a good song, call"

Song Zhongkai breathed out a long breath, looking at the two guys sandwiched between Yan Xuankong and Li Huaien. For others, Yan Jinbai's singing was a curse. For him, he was listening for a while The supreme sound, the attention of the Grand Masters of Northern Xinjiang is very good.

   "It’s up to your grandson now."

   "It's not me blowing, my great-grandson and apprentice are first-class sticks, nothing to say."

  Yan Xingxia's old face was correct, but his eyes swept the Quartet like electricity.

Although the photos in Xu Zhi’s mobile phone have been repeatedly confirmed, and some of the textures on the face are detailed, it is undoubtedly the same blue skin as the North Xinjiang display, but he still has some uneasiness in his heart, worrying that this blue skin will suddenly drill from the side come out.

   "Come on, know the best of you two Yan family."

   "Then you have to help look at them, they are all stared at by the people who have been bitterly taught."

  Yan Jinbai also encountered a similar situation in the city, but the small ruins on his side were intruded in the middle of the way, and was directly killed by Zhixing, the official official of No. 5 who was concealed and observed in secret.

  The control of information by these people makes people stunned, and it takes time to execute from the command. Obviously, it takes time to premeditate. It is impossible to rush to the information immediately. This penetration has some helplessness into the Yan Xingxia.

   "Everyone is suffering, everyone should rise up." Song Zhongkai smiled and said: "They understand greed as struggle, harming others and self-interest, and one day they will be uprooted and killed."

   "If it can't be stopped, then the strategy of connecting the nine peoples will be used. I think they still have a few guts to do this kind of thing."

  Song Zhongkai is obviously also annoyed at suffering education. No one would like a sect whose purpose is to overthrow the empire.

   "I haven't reached the point where I am connected."

The **** policy can only be used at certain moments. The people in Cathay Pacific will be in a state of panic. The world is in chaos. Yan Xingxia shakes his head Half empty.

   The first task now is to heal the wound. As long as Song Zhongkai is not dead, it will be difficult for Dongyue’s structure to change, and some people with dissatisfaction will not dare to show their heads and can pull it out step by step.

   "Xiao Xuzhi, how has he been in contact with my grandson for so long?"

  Li Huaien looked at the Quartet, carrying Xu Zhi in a burst, and his distracted thoughts were different.

   "Chuyang is very good, great."

"and then?"

  Xu Zhi looked at Li Huaien and saw that the third master of Dongyue looked at himself expectantly. Did he need him to praise Li Chuyang before giving up?

   "He is like the rising sun in the morning, slowly vacating, and one day, he will rise high and emit a tremendous light."

   Xu Zhi blinked his eyes, and the **** came out casually. If the big guys want to listen to good things, then he would say good things, and praise people would never need drafts.

   "Not bad, I think so too, the two of you deepen your relationship."

  Li Huaien covered his mouth quietly and said: "Don't see that I can't beat Yan Xuankong, it's just that the weapon is not as good as him. In fact, I am stronger than him, and the education is stronger than him."

   "Coughing" inside the light curtain, there was a low coughing sound of Yan Xuankong, this guy Li Huaien was not kind, actually digging his corner face to face, the older the more serious.

   "Chuyang said the same."

  The big brother was fighting underneath, and Xu Zhi could only throw the pot on Li Chuyang's head.

   When flying, I saw a strange-shaped iceberg flashing below. There are several ice caves on the mountain, and the door hangs a curtain like a light curtain, as if the water is falling.

  The house of Xuan Bing in northern Xinjiang has arrived.

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