Grasping Evil

Chapter 402 1 move!

() Moon Zun returns, Ming Zun enters the Inner Sea.

The power of the three refining virtual puppets formed a hurricane that swept across the endless sea.

In an instant, Ning Fan almost became the most unoffensive person on the face of Endless Haiming.

Among the Eight Inner Seas, Ning Fan's prestige is almost unmatched.

On Tianqi Island, the old man Tianqi had a lingering expression on his face, and right in front of him, the dignified Black Wing at the peak of God Transformation was not even capable of resisting, so he was pinched to death by Ning Fan.

Thinking back to the indifferent and empty eyes of the three puppets, the old man Tianqi couldn't imagine why Ning Fan had three puppets!

He was forcibly planted by Ning Fan, who forcibly annexed the island and returned it to Yue Lingkong.

Elder Tianqi, dare not resist!

Six Wings, keep silent!

Some people have collected Ning Fan's appearance, so as not to encounter Ning Fan in the Inner Sea in the future, who does not know him, and offends him.

Some people even speculate secretly about the origin of the three puppets.

There are rumors that Ning Fan joined the Juntian Temple and became a respected old man, and was appreciated by Yun Tianjue.

The three virtual puppets were naturally linked to Yun Tianjue, and they all believed that Yun Tianjue gave it to Ning Fan.

In this way, no one doubts the origin of the puppet.

Thinking of Yun Tianjue giving Ning Fan a puppet, even the hidden master of the Zhou family would not provoke Ning Fan.

The three refining virtual puppets are terrifying.

The shelter of Yun Tianjue is terrifying!

Unfortunately, since that day, Ning Fan has never taken out the puppet as a human, and has not revealed the identity of the puppet world beast.

Even if it was exposed, with Yun Tianjue's indifferent personality, no one dared to question where the puppet came from, most of which were made by Yun Tianjue slaughtering the beasts.

Ning Fan spent the whole day collecting elixir on Tianqi Island.

Before coming to Tianqi,

He is also going to use the money to buy medicine. Now that Tianqi has been subdued. There is no need to spend any more.

He directly evacuated the medicine store on Tianqi Island, but also collected a lot of medicinal materials for refining and cultivating knowledge pills.

The summoning of the puppet this time not only shocked the Six Wings, but also borrowed the power of Yun Tianjue.

Unless it is an undead enemy, no one will attack Ning Fan.

Feiyue Mountain in the south of the island, a man and two women stand on the top of the mountain.

Waiting quietly for the moonlight to come. The moonlight condenses into the moon gate.

The moon gate that Yue Lingkong said could only be used at night.

At this moment, it is still the first quarter moon, and it is necessary to wait for the last quarter moon to appear before the moon gate can appear by the power of the moon.

"Moonlight becomes a door, now in the sky. Prajna Polo, traversing the void..."

Yue Lingkong recited a formula in his mouth, and the shadows of his fingers flew. The slightest moonlight wraps around his soft fingers...

And above the night sky, a moon shadow slowly appeared. It is still very light, very light, and it was left by Yue Lingkong back then.

The technique of the Moon Gate is one of Yue Lingkong's trump cards, originating from the inheritance of the Immortal Concubine Moon Burial.

If Yue Lingkong is in its heyday, with the help of Yueli condensing the door, you can directly open the door and cross the void.

She is now. The only way to escape is to borrow the moon gate that was condensed back then.

"Yue Consciousness, Moon Gate Technique... Your means are truly extraordinary!"

Ning Fan sighed a little, Yue Lingkong's divine veins. Quite mysterious.

"Che, no matter how extraordinary you are, you are not as powerful as you. You, the troublesome little cucumber, destroyed the black wings as soon as you came up, and summoned three virtual puppets. Now, I'm afraid no one will dare to provoke you in the inner sea."

Yue Ling slandered on an empty stomach. She was known as a female tyrant, and she did not say that she dared to kill one of the six elders of the Six Wings.

"Six Wings, what's the origin..." Ning Fan finally asked.

"Do you know the Four Clans of Youhai?" Yue Lingkong hesitated a little. The Six Wings were a dark force in the Inner Sea, and not many people knew of their existence.

"Have not heard…"

"The four clans of the Youhai Sea are the rulers of the endless sea before the appearance of Buzhou Leihuang. The four clans are all demons!"

"Demon race? In this way, it is somewhat similar to the troll race." Ning Fan pondered.

"The troll clan was originally one of the four clans, but in the end it only belonged to the Thunder Emperor. The other three clans have been suppressed under the sea of ​​​​million feet."

Yue Lingkong frowned, this is a secret, but it seems okay to tell Ning Fan, and then said,

"The four Youhai clans, apart from the troll clan attached to the Thunder Emperor, the other three clans are the six-wing clan, the Lanjiao clan, and the ghost-eye clan. The troll clan in the troll family cannot be compared with the other three clans at all. The six-wing clan is the weakest of the three clans, with only one refining virtual family. …”

When it comes to the ghost clan, even Yue Lingkong can't help but have a dignified face.

"The Ghost Eye Clan once gave birth to a Shattering Void, who was once the tyrant of the endless sea. In the end, the Shattering Void was killed by the Thunder Emperor... For this reason, the Ghost Eye Clan, must not be provoked!"

Yue Lingkong's tone was unprecedentedly serious.

Even though Ning Fan had three virtual puppets, she did not agree that Ning Fan offended the Ghost Eyes.

The six-winged clan and the Lanjiao clan are nothing more than the ghost-eye clan, which are very scary...

"Little Cucumber, Inner Sea is not as simple as you think. You can cause trouble, but definitely don't mess with the Zhou family or the Guimu clan..." Yue Lingkong emphasized again.

"Are you worried about me?"

Ning Fan smiled slightly, but under the smile, it was also solemn.

He never underestimated the Inner Sea, what he underestimated was only the Six Wings.

"Is the old lady worried about you? If you didn't offend Liuyi because of me, I would remind you specially?" Yue Lingkong frowned, no more words, Ning Fan didn't tease, put his palm on her shoulder, using black The power of the stars healed her.

The moon gate was condensed a little bit, and in the second half of the night, the moon reached the last chord, and the moon gate was completely formed.

Under the bright moonlight, a gate of light condensed by moonlight stands in the night sky.

As long as you cross this gate, you can traverse 300 million miles and go to the next Shenkong Island force.

"Little Cucumber, you can go..." Yue Lingkong shook his shoulders unnaturally, shaking off Ning Fan's hand, and with a little foot, he was about to go through the door and escape.

However, as soon as he jumped up, he was pulled into his arms by Ning Fan.

"Little Cucumber! Don't waste your time!" Yue Lingkong's face became stern.

"Wait, there are guests here."

Ning Fan let go of his embrace, protecting Yue Lingkong and the female corpse behind him, facing Shannan and standing with his hands behind his back.

In that direction, 100,000 miles away. A silver shadow escaped eerily, and the speed was extremely fast.

Every escape can span almost 150,000 miles of mountains and rivers.

Just when Ning Fan finished his words, the silver shadow appeared on the top of the mountain, showing the appearance of an old man in silver robes.

The old man has the cultivation base of the early stage of Void Refinement.

That old man. There are six silver wings behind!

As soon as the old man appeared, an extremely obscure spiritual thought swept towards Ning Fan, with bad intentions.

It was as if he wanted to subdue Ning Fan directly with his spiritual sense, without giving Ning Fan a chance to summon a puppet.

"Who is Your Excellency!"

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, and this person escaped quickly. Far beyond himself, but this person is spiritual. But half a catty with myself.

If you want to sneak attack on yourself with the spirit in the early stage of refining, you can't do it!

Stepping down one step, Mo Nian was entangled in it, the old man's spiritual sense was painful, and he immediately retracted, his eyes were secretly shocked.

"Your Excellency is such a strong spiritual sense! I am afraid of this spiritual sense. It is no longer inferior to this old man. It is no wonder that you can control three virtual refining puppets at the same time!"

"Your Excellency is not extraordinary, with six wings and one escape. You can escape 150,000 miles. If you are self-damaged and forced to escape, I am afraid that you can do it at a distance of 300,000 miles. With this speed, your Excellency must be extremely confident, even if I have three Even if you have a puppet, you can’t hold your Excellency. It’s just that you believe it or not, even if I don’t call a puppet, there is still a way…to keep you!”

Ning Fan confronted him tit for tat, accepted Mo Nian, and already guessed the identity of the person who came.

The tone of voice changed, the evil spirit emanated, and the bright moonlight was directly dyed into a blood moon by the evil spirit.


The silver-robed old man was secretly shocked.

He couldn't imagine that a spirit-turning junior was dozens of times stronger than him!

Judging from the level of suffocation, Ning Fan killed at least a thousand gods.

No, not only!

Among the evil spirits, there is one, especially fierce... that is the evil spirit left after the slaughter and refinement!

At first, the old man had bad intentions and wanted to sneak attack on Ning Fan, but the attack was unsuccessful, so he gave up the attack plan.

But then after hearing Ning Fan's warning, Ning Fan claimed that he could keep the old man by his own strength, but the old man would never believe it, only that Ning Fan was talking big.

However, a thousand spirit transformations and a suffocating evil spirit made the silver-robed old man no longer doubt the authenticity of Ning Fan's words.

This son can kill Lianxu! And judging from the intensity of the suffocating energy, this person slaughtered and refined the virtual without any help from external objects, and he was still a one-hit kill!

As long as there is help from outsiders, or the fighting continues for a little longer, it is impossible to leave such a deep evil spirit!

"Little friend, calm down, the old man, the great elder of the Six Wings Clan, Xuanyi! Come here tonight, there is absolutely no malice!"

"It turned out to be Elder Xuan, disrespectful! I don't know why the elder came here late at night, why is it so expensive, is it to ask about Zhou's sin!"

Ning Fan was expressionless, but sneered in his heart.

This Xuanyi was not without malice, but was frightened by Ning Fan's suffocating aura, and did not dare to be malicious.

If Ning Fan dares to expose the puppet, he is not afraid of others knowing, nor is he afraid of Lianxu sneak attack.

His combat power is long enough to refine the emptiness in one battle, but he can't win without using imperial energy, and he can only protect himself from defeat.

"Little friend is joking, the old man already knows everything about the day. The little friend is not at fault, the fault is my Six Wings, it is Black Wing. When Yuezun disappeared, the outside world rumored his death, the old man did not know that he was still alive. Therefore, he took the courage and annexed hundreds of islands such as Tianqi. This was the first mistake. Heiyi shot without authorization, hurt Yuezun, and offended Mingzun's red face. This was the second mistake. Mingzun killed Heiyi. Blame it on yourself.”

"Who said that the old lady is the beauty of Gherkin!" Yue Lingkong tried to defend herself, but Ning Fan secretly squeezed her wrist and shook her head, motioning her to be quiet for a while.

"If the elder has something to say, you might as well say it directly." Ning Fan said indifferently.

Xuanyi's turbid eyes struggled slightly, he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and bowed to Ning Fan,

"The old man came here with two requests. First, I hope that Mingzun and the Six Wings will resolve the misunderstanding. Heiyi's crimes should not be angered by the Six Wings. As compensation, the Shenkong Island force that was annexed back then, The old man will return them one by one. Second, I heard that Zun has not yet killed the black wing primordial spirit, the old man dared to ask Mingzun to return his primordial spirit, if so, on behalf of the Six Wings, I would like to thank Mingzun for his magnanimity!"

The female corpse looked at the moon indifferently, as if what happened here had nothing to do with her, her world was only Ning Fan.

Yue Lingkong couldn't close her mouth in surprise, what did she see? The Six-Winged Clan's Great Elder in the Void Refinement Period, is he begging Ning Fan?

Although the first elder did not appear to be so sullen, it was extremely rare to just ask for compensation, just to bow down and salute.

The cultivation base can reach the refinement, which one is not arrogant. It's too much of a face to make a Lianxu bend over to make amends.

"The six-winged tribe seized the power of the sky island. It should be returned, and it is not a compensation. The black-winged primordial spirit is of no use to me. It is not impossible to return it, but... show sincerity!"

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, he was not a young boy who had just entered the cultivation world. The old ghost Lianxu bends over, makes a verbal apology, and wants to write off everything.

If it's good, Ning Fan can let the Six-Wing Clan go. He has a lot of things to do, so he doesn't bother to entangle with the Six-Wing Clan.

If there is no benefit... He doesn't mind, destroying the six wings!

Xuan Yi didn't seem to understand his position.

He thought that he negotiated with Ning Fan on an equal basis to give Ning Fan face?

No, he and Ning Fan are not equal.

Ning Fan has the strength to destroy Liuyi, and Xuanyi is only qualified to plead guilty.

"Humph! What kind of sincerity do fellow Daoists want!" Xuan Yi's eyes sank.

"I heard from Yue'er that there is a stone platform in the Xuanyi clan called the 'Resurrection Platform', which has unique curative effects on the physical body and the sea of ​​consciousness. My wife, who is slightly injured in the sea of ​​consciousness, would like to use the platform of rejuvenation."

"Impossible! My clan's ancestors taught that the rejuvenation platform should not be used by foreigners!" Xuan Yi refused, and it was not negotiable.

"If I must use it!" Ning Fan said threateningly.

"One move... If you ask me to take a half step back, I can borrow you from the Resurrection Platform... This is the teaching of my ancestors!"

Xuan Yi's eyes became more serious.

He felt that he had to let Ning Fan know that he was powerful!

Although he tolerated a lot of Ning Fan, he was forced to beg Ning Fan because of the pressure within the clan.

He felt that he gave Ning Fan a lot of face by bending over to apologize to Ning Fan. Ning Fan... is too pushy!

"One move? Good!"

Ning Fan raised his eyebrows a little, Zhan Li was already in his hand, and under the moonlight, the sword shadows were heavy.

A sword shadow, one transforms into ten, ten transforms into one hundred, one hundred transforms into one thousand, one thousand transforms into ten thousand!

Ning Fan comprehended the wonderful principle of transforming one into ten thousand.

A terrifying sword energy condensed on his body.

Ten Thousand Swords!

Xuanyi's momentum weakened, and he suddenly felt that he was not sure of winning against Ning Fan.

"What level of sword energy is this!"



Thanks to the blue enchantress, the writing, the continuation of love, the four teams of Beiwu, it’s hard to get a screen name, book friends 130816113801693 for the reward, thanks to the bookworm giant stone, Xixuan Xiyuan, breakthrough Tianyuan thq, Zhixuji, Fengfeng Cotton's monthly pass support. Thank you for the evaluation vote of the blue enchantress.

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