Grasping Evil

Chapter 403: The Bow of Zhuchen

() Since comprehending the Ten Thousand Swords Form, this is the first time Ning Fan has used it.

This is Void Shattering Swordsmanship, and with his current kendo realm, he can only comprehend one-tenth of it.

Rao is so, this sword is easy to handle, it is stronger than ordinary virtual swordsmanship.

Xuanyi's old eyes became deeper and deeper, and with his eyesight, he could not see through the trajectory of Ning Fan's sword shadow.

In his heart, there was a strange feeling of losing more and winning less.

"No! This old man is a cultivator, how can he be defeated by a junior!"

After a lifetime of arrogance, Xuanyi's eyes were fixed, his fingertips changed, and the six silver wings behind him vibrated in unison, emitting strands of silver light, like starlight.

Holding it with one hand, the silver light immediately condensed into a silver longbow.

Holding a silver bow, Xuanyi stands proudly on the top of Feiyue Mountain, pulling the bowstring, but has not yet opened the bow.

But as soon as the bowstring was opened, Zhou Tianxingguang was all invoked on the contribution and turned into an arrow of stars.

For a split second, it seemed that the entire night sky began to tremble, as if the bow and the arrow would be enough to level Tianqi Island with one arrow!

Being aimed at by this arrow, Ning Fan only felt that his blood was about to burn.

His eyes darkened, slightly surprised.

If he is not mistaken, this technique of condensing the star and opening the bow is very similar to the lost ancient gods and demons... 'Zhuchen Bow'!

It's just that this technique came from Xuanyi's hands, which is somewhat specious. In addition, Xuanyi has not comprehended the technique of starlight, and he does not have the stars of his life. The power of this technique is afraid that even one thousandth of the power has not been exerted.

If this technique is performed by a real ancient god and demon, a single bow can shatter a star!

A single arrow can destroy a thousand worlds!

Ning Fan's eyes became hot, this technique...very good!

"This is the magic power created by the ancestor of my six wings - Zhuchen Bow! This technique is performed by the old man. It is less than one thousandth of the power of the ancestors, but you can't accept this technique! The old man advises you to quickly summon the puppet. Otherwise, you won't be able to take this old man's bow!"

"Is it!"

Ning Fan took a step forward,

Zhan Li slightly crossed an arc, and there were thousands of sword shadows all over his body, but at this moment... he moved!

The shallow arc of the sword seemed to cut through the dawn of the ancient times. The night seemed to be split open by Ning Fan's sword. In an instant, it swept over 100,000 miles of Tianqi Island!

Countless cultivators, before they could react, were added by the shocking sword intent, and they were captured by Jianwei, unable to move!

On an island, only the old man Tianqi, who was in the Spirit Transformation stage, could move a little bit, but he didn't even have the courage to go out to check out the terrifying sword intent of the outside world.

At this moment, Ning Fan was hunting in white clothes. Standing proudly on the top of Feiyue Mountain, his black hair danced like a devil.

This sword was cast by Yun Tianjue, the light of the sword was like a dragon and a cloud, but when it was cast by Ning Fan, it was a bit terrifying.

The blood moon, which was dyed red by the evil spirit, suddenly covered with countless dark clouds that were as black as ink. If you look closely, you will find that the black is not cloud energy at all, but... sword energy!

With one-to-one magic. It's not just dividing a sword shadow into ten thousand paths.

above all. It can still be divided again, like Yuntian Jue. It was born on the basis of Wan Dao Jianying, and once again converted into 10000, and divided into 100000000 Jianying.

In theory. As long as the mana is sufficient, the Yidao sword shadow can still be divided infinitely, and there is almost no limit to this Wanjian style.

Ning Fan only understood one-tenth of this sword. He couldn't tell a million sword shadows, but he could tell a million sword shadows!

The black cloud covering the blood moon is the shadow of the sword separated by its sword!

As the sword was raised, the black clouds around the sky turned into countless sword lights and ran rampant, like a black dragon dancing!

"Wanjian Style!"

Sword light flashed in Ning Fan's eyes, and with a single sword, thousands of sword shadows were like rain falling from the sky, drowning Xuanyi in an instant.

An extremely dangerous crisis swept through Xuanyi's body in an instant, leaving him sluggish. Without hesitation, he opened the bow and drew the arrow, shooting a starlight arrow, almost using twelve points of mana!

The silver bow opened, and the 100,000-mile void shattered without warning!

Feiyue Mountain collapsed suddenly, and half of Tianqi Island fell into the sea!

Countless cultivators exclaimed in amazement, but they were only fluctuated, but they were not killed or injured. That's the case, and the sound of panic resounded all over the island.

who is it! Who is shooting bows and arrows! Whoever made the aftermath of the arrow sank half of the island!

I don't know! Under the cover of thousands of sword lights, no one can use spiritual sense to spy on that fighting method!

Feiyue Mountain collapsed, Ning Fan protected the two daughters and was directly involved in the void with Wave.

Facing the oncoming arrow light, even Ning Fan felt a hint of danger.

Xuan Yi only exerted one-thousandth of the power of this technique, so it was so thrilling.

If it is true that the ancient gods and demons used this technique, it would not be uncommon to destroy the rain world with one arrow!

But since this technique was performed by Xuanyi, it was not enough to defeat Ning Fan!

Thousands of black swords and a starlight collided in one place in the void.

The sword shadows collapsed one after another, and the traces of starlight began to disappear.

Xuan Yi's eyes were startled, he opened the bow with all his strength, but he didn't get a single shot, as if he was on a par with Ning Fan.

With the turn of Ning Fan's sword peak, the sword intent deepened, and the sword intent swept through the void, and the power of thousands of sword shadows doubled in an instant, drowning the arrow of starlight.


Nine million sword shadows collapsed, the arrow of starlight shattered, and the aftermath shook the heavens and the earth!

The remaining one million sword shadows came suddenly and took Xuanyi directly.

Xuan Yi's eyes changed drastically, he struck with all his strength, and he was slightly defeated by Ning Fan!


Millions of sword shadows reached him, coming too fast, even with the speed of Xuanyi's escape, he could not avoid this attack in a state of exhaustion.

With the physical strength of the Void Refining Demon Race, he was injured by millions of sword shadows in an instant, coughing up blood!

The six silver wings have dim silver light, and there are even more damage marks. The clothes are ragged like a beggar, and the blood is like a note!

He looked at Ning Fan in awe, the might of that sword was too terrifying!

Xuan Yi felt an absurd feeling in his heart, if Ning Fan broke through the emptiness and fought on an equal footing, he could take his life with just one strike!

Even though this son hasn't broken through the refining void, but with a sword in hand, it is not difficult to draw with Xuanyi, and he can even beat Xuanyi by half a point!

This guy is strong!

"You, lost!"

Ning Fan took his sword and stood up, with the other hand still resisting the wind of the void for his two daughters.

The power wrapped around his fingertips is the power of the void. Xuanyi's eyes were startled, to be able to initially control the power of the void, at least it needs to be a cultivator of the void!

His mysterious wings were nothing but a glimpse. Could it be that Ning Fan actually succeeded in asking Xu?

Does this mean that Ning Fan's sword victory over Xuan Yi was achieved when he was distracted and taking care of his two daughters.

If you don't take care of the two daughters, although this sword still can't kill Xuan Yi, it won't only cause Xuan Yi to suffer some minor injuries!

At can cut Xuanyi's arms and wings!

"Old man... lost..." Xuan Yi showed a look of despair, and at first, facing Ning Fan's pride, it was gone.

He has used the strongest technique, but lost to Wanjian Shi, according to the agreement. He had to give Ning Fan the right to use the resurrection platform.

"Rebirth Platform, fellow Daoists can use it, must wait until a year later..."

"One year? You didn't say that before." Ning Fan frowned, slightly displeased.

"Fellow Daoist, don't misunderstand, the opening of the resurrection platform requires a lot of preparations, sacrifices and formations are indispensable. In previous years, only the masters of the clan were seriously injured and would use this platform. After the Black Wing Primordial Spirit, it must be prepared for a year. Only then can I use the power of the Resurrection Platform to let its body shape and heal…”

Xuan Yi hurriedly explained, for fear that Ning Fan would misunderstand.

At this moment, he has understood that the Six Wings are not qualified to negotiate with Ning Fan on an equal basis.

Ning Fan's own strength is comparable to ordinary refining, and his methods are even more astonishing.

And if you summon three virtual puppets... and destroy the six wings, it won't be difficult!

At this moment, Xuanyi would not want to offend Ning Fan again!

"Since the Huishengtai has to be prepared for a year, it is absolutely necessary for Zhou to go to the Six Wings after a certain year. It's just like this. Fellow Daoist Xuanyi owes Zhou a little. In addition, Your Excellency destroyed my Tianqi Peninsula with one arrow. , of course, needs to be compensated.”

"Compensation? Haha. As long as the Daoist friend's request is reasonable, the old man has nothing to do with it." Xuan Yi laughed, no longer arrogant. There is no objection to Ning Fan's request.

joke! He even lent the most important resurrection platform of the Six Wings to Ning Fan, so what was the other compensation?

"I want... Zhuchen Archery!"

Ning Fan's words were astonishing again, and Xuan Yi was stunned.

Xuanyi never imagined that this time, Ning Fan would take a fancy to the ancestral secret technique of the Six Wings.

"This..." Xuan Yi was once again embarrassed.

"Fellow Daoist doesn't want to?" Ning Fan's tone became a little colder.

"No, it's okay to show this technique to fellow daoists, it's just that fellow daoists need to swear..."

Before Xuan Yi could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ning Fan.

"I don't have the habit of swearing."

Ning Fan didn't need to give Xuan Yi any concessions at all.

He took a fancy to the Resurrection Stage and Zhuchen Archery. If Xuanyi didn't give it to him, he would go directly to the Six Wings and destroy this Demon Race, and he could get everything he wanted.

He should be domineering, because he is stronger than the Six Wings.

If it weren't for him carrying three virtual refining puppets, and if his combat power was comparable to refining virtuals, the Six Wings would not have negotiated with him for fear that they would bring out all their masters and kill him.

The world slanders me, bullies me, insults me, laughs at me, what should I do?

You only need to slander him, bully him, insult him, laugh at him, why bear him!

Xuan Yi let out a long sigh, he couldn't afford to offend Ning Fan, so he could only bear it.

Simply Zhuchen bow technique is obscure and difficult to understand, and the cultivation conditions are even more harsh.

If not, the power of this spell is only equivalent to a phantom-level spell.

If the stars of life are condensed, the power will be extraordinary.

As long as Xuanyi condenses half a star of his life, he will not lose to Ning Fan. But obviously, with his aptitude, even if he becomes an immortal, he may not be able to comprehend the technique of stars.

"Hey, fellow Daoist must be kind to this technique... This is the jade slip branded by the ancestors of our clan, and fellow Daoist can see it at a glance, but after the little friend understands this technique in the future, please fellow Daoist please return this jade slip."

"Yes." Ning Fan nodded, Xuan Yi's request was not excessive, so he did not refuse.

He slapped the storage bag and took out a sealed primordial spirit, it was Black Wing.

Unsealing it and throwing it to Xuan Yi, Ning Fan turned around and left without saying a word.

A year later, he went back to the Six Wings, not now.

The seal of the black wings was lifted, the primordial spirit gradually became awake, and in a trance, seeing the appearance of the Great Elder, and seeing Ning Fan's back, he was still a little confused, and said in shock,

"Elder! You are here to save me! Kill him, and this person will destroy my body..."

"Shut up! After the Hui clan this time, within a thousand years, you are not allowed to leave our clan a step, otherwise. The old man will kill you personally!"

Xuan Yi roared at the head, directly stunned Hei Wing.

Just kidding, he Xuanyi didn't want to provoke Ning Fan again in this life.

If Heiyi was messing with Ning Fan, Xuanyi would be the first to slap him to death.

Black Wing was roared like this. Gradually sobering up, I noticed that the Great Elder was quite embarrassed and had received a lot of injuries, while Ning Fan, who had gone away, was completely unscathed...

And the attack on the elder was not bombarded by puppets, but wounded by swords...

In the sword creation, there is still Ning Fan's sword intent breath...

immediately. A shock and fear swept through Black Wing's body.

"Did the first elder compete with Zhou Ming? Did he lose to Zhou Ming! How is this possible! The first elder is the strongest of my Six Wings!"

The sober Black Wing was afraid of Ning Fan!

Ning Fan, the female corpse, and Yue Lingkong escaped from the void and returned to Tianqi Island.

Looking at the tragic state of the island, they were all unmoved.

There were no dead people on Tianqi Island, the peninsula was just destroyed, and there was nothing to make a fuss about.

Even Ning Fan did not explain to everyone what happened before, and no one saw that it was the Great Elder of the Six Wings who was fighting with Ning Fan.

The moon gate has been condensed, and the three of them did not hesitate to step into the door.

Moonlight dissipated. The three disappeared with the moonlight, and after a stick of incense, they appeared on an island 300 million miles away.

This island was once the power of Shenkong Island, and it is also closing the island.

But the owner of this island is docile.

When Yue Lingkong smashed the island's great formation with one palm, almost no one resisted, and everyone knew that the people who came were Mingzun and Yuezun.

Yue Lingkong, whose cultivation base has fallen, is nothing, but Ning Fan is someone who must not be provoked.

A day ago, this island was still attached to a second-rate force, but just after the Battle of Tianqi came out. The second-rate forces directly gave up all the territory on this island. He even prepared a generous gift, always ready to apologize to Shenkong Island.

These generous gifts. Naturally, all of them were put into Ning Fan's pocket, and the one island spirit medicine was emptied by Ning Fan again.

The last quarter is already missed. The next time the Moon Gate opens, it will take another night.

In this way, it would take 300 million miles to travel in one night, and the route was tortuous, not a straight line.

Compared to Ning Fan flying by himself, it saves a lot of time, and apart from the time spent passing a stick of incense through the Moon Gate, Ning Fan can do his own business at other times.

Alchemy, alchemy, or alchemy.

The elixir reserves of the two islands, added together, are enough to refine several knowledge cultivation pills.

With the help of Xuanyin Realm's hundred times the speed of alchemy, Ning Fan has refined a lot of five-turn elixirs, such as Shenchuang Dan and Gu Shendan.

Ning Fan was even more gratified when he saw the female corpse's sea of ​​consciousness getting better again after he put on the Cultivation Pill for the female corpse.

He researched some solid pills for Luo You and took them. Seeing that Luo You still hadn't woken up, Ning Fan could only sigh.

"If you wake up, why should I be afraid of ghosts, the inner sea can run rampant..." He gently stroked Luo You's sleeping face, sighed, and left.

After he left, Luo You opened his eyes faintly, no longer pretending to be asleep, complexities flashed in his eyes, and there was a slight tension in the complexities.

"Ghosts? He's in trouble? Should I tell him I'm awake and help him get out of trouble?"

"I don't want it anymore... If he's in danger, I know it. Treat him as if it's really difficult, and I'll reappear... Now, it's too embarrassing..."

January time flies by in a hurry.

Ning Fan and his party arrived at more than 30 islands one after another. After tomorrow, after passing through the last Moon Gate, they will arrive at the Divine Sky Sea.

In one month, Ning Fan refined more than a hundred knowledge-cultivation pills, all of which were used by the female corpse to help the female corpse recover to the strength of the late stage of God Transformation.

His alchemy skills are also quietly improving, and he is only a few lines away from the advanced rank five alchemy skills.

Perhaps, after the battle of Shenkong, a breakthrough could be achieved by refining some medicinal pills.

Tomorrow night, he will go to Shenkong. Instead of alchemy, he adjusted his breath and mana to bring his breath to the peak.

On Shenkong Island, there is a Lianxu, that Lianxu is the second soul of Yue Lingkong, let's call it Xiaoyueyue.

Ning Fan did not dare to underestimate Xiao Yueyue.

Ning Fan has already seen how mysterious and powerful Yue Lingkong's inheritance of the buried moon is.

As Yue Lingkong's second primordial spirit, even if he fought against three virtual puppets alone, he would not necessarily be defeated.

And that second primordial spirit is also proficient in moon gate techniques, and if she slips away, it will become a big enemy.

This battle is quite dangerous and should not be underestimated.

Ning Fan took out a jade slip, which was obtained from Xuan Yi.

Within a month, he continued to learn all the contents of the jade slip, and he was able to perform the Zhuchen Bow technique initially.

Although his realm is not as good as Xuanyi's, he has five natal stars in his body, and his Zhuchen bow is more powerful than Xuanyi.

Tomorrow night is a battle of life and death, Ning Fan did not practice, just casually flipping through the jade slips.

Suddenly, his eyebrows narrowed.

The second half of this jade slip has this blank space, which seems to have been erased by something.

Under that blank space, there seems to be something hidden...

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, he felt that this blank was somewhat familiar.

It was not deliberately left blank, but some handwriting was left, but it was erased by a power similar to reincarnation!

It's just that the master who uses this power of reincarnation doesn't seem to be proficient in real reincarnation, and the power of reincarnation that he uses is specious, not real reincarnation.

This cover-up was too clumsy. With Ning Fan's eyes, he could vaguely see some silver writing under the blank.

Before tonight, except for the ancestors of the Six Wings who branded this jade slip, no one knew what the blank of the jade slip was hiding.

But after tonight, Ning Fan will also know about the blank record.

Ning Fan's eyes moved, his fingertips touched, and a trace of memory disappeared into the jade slip.

Memories, memories of reincarnation.

If the writing was erased by the true reincarnation, Ning Fan could not recall it with the power of his memories.

But the pseudo-reincarnation power is not worth mentioning.

The silver writing that was erased by the power of pseudo reincarnation slowly emerged.

When he saw this handwriting, Ning Fan was surprised at first, and after a while, his eyes were filled with joy.

"My six-wing clan was once one of the six servants. From the six paths, I could see a glimpse of the avenue of life and death. With the power of the stars, I played the vast sky, condensed the bow of annihilation, captured life and death, and ordered the execution of Chen! When the bow opens, the stars Fall. One arrow out, one world is destroyed! The descendants of my six wings, those who want to learn this technique, must first understand the power of the starry sky, and then receive this jade slip, and get the inheritance of my star power! One word, one star!"

This paragraph, a total of 94 words, is condensed by the power of the starry sky.

One word is all the star power of a natal star!

94 words are the inheritance of 94 natal stars!

Among the six-wing clan, this jade slip has been circulated for countless years, but no one has ever understood the mystery of reincarnation, and no one has been able to see through the inheritance under the blank of pseudo reincarnation.

Ning Fan saw it! Tonight, he can pretend to be a member of the Six Wings and get the 94 natal stars left by the ancestors of the Six Wings!

"Six Wings, what a great gift... Swallow!"

He opened his mouth and inhaled, and 94 starlights were sucked into his body.

The corner of Ning Fan's mouth curled into a smile, took the jade slip, and re-entered the Xuanyin Realm.

He wants to completely refine the power of these 94 stars tonight.

I don't know if I can have 99 natal stars before tomorrow night!

5 natal stars, which can be used against Huashen to besiege and immortal.

99 natal stars, even if they are attacked by Lianxu, I am afraid that they are enough to heal in an instant.

If he had 99 natal stars in his body, Ning Fan would have the confidence to fight against Yue Lingkong's second primordial spirit!

At that time, facing the monks in the early stage of virtual refining, Ning Fan will be immortal!


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