Grasping Evil

Chapter 404: The power of the bow!

() The next day, the sun suddenly appeared on the island, and ninety-nine meteors streaked across the clouds. It was extremely strange, and the vision was fleeting.

Countless cultivators on the island speculated, not knowing what to do with this vision.

It was not until the dead of night that Ning Fan escaped from the Xuanyin Realm, and his temperament was completely different. If I had to describe it, it was that Ning Fan had an ethereal, dusty and mysterious temperament, as unpredictable as a starry sky.

"Little Cucumber, Bai Rixingxian, is it related to you? Is there anything wrong with you? If there is any problem with your body, we can go to Shenkong Island in the future and let you take care of your body first."

Yue Lingkong's tone was indifferent, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.

"You care about me?" Ning Fan teased.

"I care about what you do with a little cucumber. You are so thin and so small that it's not enough for me to eat cold salad!"

"Really..." Ning Fan shook his head, he didn't remember how small his cucumber was.

"Don't worry, Bai Rixing is indeed related to me, but it's not a bad thing, but a good thing... Your second soul, I will help you get it back."

"Well... Be careful, don't let me die in the evening! You help me, if I die, I will feel sorry for it." Yue Lingkong was a little uneasy, she was not as confident as Ning Fan.

The female corpse always has a calm expression on her face.

With her strength in the late stage of God Transformation, coupled with the body of a corpse demon, she can fight even against the peak of God Transformation. The more his sanity recovers, the more his combat experience will be, so there will be no safety problems in this trip.

The last quarter moon, the last moon gate opens.

Yue Lingkong became more and more nervous. Once he stepped through this gate, he would enter the Divine Sky Sea.

Don't give her a chance to hesitate. Ning Fan grabbed the two daughters with both hands, his eyes narrowed, and he entered the moon gate.

After a stick of incense, the three appeared in a sea of ​​white mist.

This white mist is as light as cotton wool and as light as moonlight. But it is almost completely isolated from the cultivator's spiritual sense.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, this white fog was much more domineering than the magnetic power of Huan Mohai.

Even his sword thoughts in the early stage of Void Refinement couldn't spread out too far in the white fog, at most 200 feet.

In this way, once you enter this white fog sea area, you are sure to get lost. If you don't know the route, ordinary monks will go in, and they will never be able to get out again.

"Follow me. This is the 'moon fog' that I put in the sea of ​​​​Shen Kong. Unless it is an old monster of Shattering Void, otherwise, anyone's spiritual sense will be seriously disturbed..."

After Yue Lingkong finished speaking, Yuebai's spiritual thoughts spread out, spreading out a hundred thousand miles away.

And only she, the inheritor of the Moon Burying Divine Vessel, can identify the fog with moon reading.

She didn't like to have too much physical contact with Ning Fan, but at this moment she had to hold Ning Fan's hand to prevent Ning Fan from getting lost in the moon mist.

This moon fog was placed when she was approaching the void refining. At this moment, the spiritual sense forcibly broke through the fog, and the load was not small.

Seeing that her mana was draining so fast, Ning Fan put the mana into her little hand through the palms of each other.

Immediately, Yue Lingkong's little hand trembled involuntarily, and said neither warm nor fiery,

"You save some more mana, don't waste it on the old lady, and you will have to bring three puppets later. Fight with the old lady's second soul... the second soul of the old lady. It's really powerful, save more power."

"no need to worry."

"The old lady said it. I don't care about you! This time, the old lady is still the old lady's inner sea supreme and will not follow you again. As for the favors owed to you, the old lady will make up for it one by one."

"Compensation? How to compensate?" Ning Fan raised his eyelids.

"Immortal Jade, Spirit Medicine, Cauldron, Dao Fruit..."

"Not enough." Ning Fan's tone was very light.

"The old lady's meat compensation, is it enough!" Yue Lingkong was sturdy again.

"Meat compensation? You?" Ning Fan smiled meaningfully, as Yue Lingkong's 8-year-old girl was too tight and narrow, so how could meat compensation be made.

"Don't worry! You help the old lady regain the second primordial spirit. Most of the time, the old lady can restore her original figure. It is enough for you to play, and I will definitely suck you up!"

Yue Lingkong said confidently.

The indifferent tone made Ning Fan feel a little ashamed. His face is really not as thick as Yue Lingkong.

Just thinking about it carefully, Yue Lingkong seems to be very special to her, and she has no objection.

For other men, it seems to be disgusting when touched, not very open at all...

He is special to Yue Lingkong, after all, isn't he?

"Interesting, I'm looking forward to your repayment." A smile appeared on Ning Fan's mouth.

"Well, you live well and look forward to it. The old lady's figure is really hot, and you are satisfied."

"What if I'm not satisfied?"

"You are not satisfied, the old lady has been following you to make you satisfied!"

"Okay, it's a deal."

Ning Fan's eyes darkened, if Yue Lingkong couldn't satisfy her, he couldn't escape his clutches.

Does this little girl want to return to being single? I'm afraid it will be difficult.

While speaking, Yue Lingkong had already taken Ning Fan across to the end of the moon fog.

Passing through this fog is the boundary of Shenkong Island, and you can faintly detect the light of mountains and rivers outside the fog.

Yue Lingkong withdrew his palm, and Ning Fan stopped laughing.

With one shot of the storage bag, three puppets were taken out, and six puppets were taken out, as well as the black dragon refining corpse.

Except for the puppet whose body and spirit were destroyed, the remaining puppets have been repaired by a lot of immortal jades by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan took a deep look at the puppet, and his fingertips changed.


One word came out, but when I heard the sound of four screams, the four primordial spirits sealed in the puppet were refined.

The imposing manner of the three puppets increased a little.

" use four and a half steps to refine the primordial spirit to enhance the puppet's strength? You are a lunatic!" Yue Lingkong was shocked again.

When she was recuperating, Ning Fan had already killed the Five Elements Venerable, and had taken in the four primordial spirits as nourishment for the puppet.

"I've been a lunatic since a long, long time ago... Entering the island!"

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed and he took one step, leading the two girls into the mist.

In front of him, a beautiful cultivation holy place suddenly appeared. The air is slightly cold, and the sea is frozen with thin ice.

A beam of moonlight shrouded the Divine Sky Island, as if it was closing the island.

From that formation, it can be faintly judged. In the palace on the island, who is using the formation to absorb the power of the moon and improve his cultivation.

There is no need to ask more, the person who improves his cultivation with the help of Yuehua is naturally Yue Lingkong's second soul.

in this case. Although Yue Lingkong has not practiced for more than 20 years, she has a second primordial spirit who has practiced on her behalf.

"Second Primordial Spirit, leave it to me, other disciples, elders, you and Wei Liang and Zhu Puppets!"

After Ning Fan finished speaking, he pressed a finger on the shattered array of light.

In an instant, countless horrified voices came from Shenkong Island, wondering why the formation of light broke.

And a cold and stern female voice suddenly remembered. Mixed with the terrifying momentum in the early stage of virtual refining,

"Who is coming! Trespassing on my Shenkong Island, courting death!"

After the cold voice came out, countless moonlights scattered from the sky above the sky and came towards Ningfan Town.

The soft moonlight, the power of suppression, is not lost to the giant mountain!

In the faint moonlight, a graceful woman wrapped in pale yellow veil grew lotus step by step. The models walk out, and the appearance is unparalleled, vaguely the familiar version of Yue Lingkong.

It's just that gaze, but it's too indifferent, without the slightest emotion, only...kill!

"Long time no see, my second primordial spirit!" Yue Lingkong's beautiful eyes were filled with anger.

"Oh? It turns out that the master is back, master, you are not dead yet. So today. Let me send you to death! Town!"

When the word was read, the moonlight became more and more misty. And the power immediately increased several times, and they all moved towards Yue Lingkong.

"This woman, leave it to me!"

Ning Fan took a step forward. The fist slammed, and the moonlight of Zhou Tian shattered, but the fist was a little numb, secretly saying that the moonlight was a strong suppressive force.

With three virtual refining puppets, the four surrounded the woman in yellow in an instant.

This woman in yellow shirt is in the early stage of Void Refinement. Apart from her, there are only seven God Transformation elders in Shenkong Island, all of whom are Yue Lingkong disciples. 4 in the early stage, 2 in the middle stage, and 1 in the late stage, handed over to Yue Lingkong, the female corpse, and the puppets, completely crushed, no difficulty.

When his eyes fell on the seven disciples of God Transformation, Yue Lingkong was a little sad.

Some of these people had sacrificed their lives to save her, some had betrayed her, but now, all seven have been wiped out by the second primordial spirit and turned into moon puppets.

Half of the other low-level disciples also became Moon Puppets, and half of them barely retained their spiritual wisdom.

More people, as early as when the second primordial spirit rebelled... fell.

Be it kindness or hatred, these disciples seem to have paid the price.

Yue Lingkong originally wanted to kill all the traitors, but at this moment, he didn't want to kill too much.

There is only one enemy of her, the second primordial spirit.

"Cucumber woman, be merciful, knock them unconscious..." Yue Lingkong shouted that the cucumber woman was a female corpse.


The female corpse responded lightly, and the lotus step moved, and Yue Lingkong and the puppets, a total of nine people, rushed into the group of cultivators. Although she didn't understand at all, what a cucumber woman was.

Those who could not be killed were knocked unconscious, and those who were really stubborn were killed.

The two daughters and the seven puppets are at least in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, so how can they be blocked by the disciples of Shenkong.

The woman in the yellow shirt had beautiful eyes and cold eyes, and the huge foundation she had painstakingly won was so unusable, she was really angry, and asked coldly,

"Who are you! Why do you want to help her!"

"..." Ning Fan didn't have much to say to her.

Although the woman in the yellow shirt is also an imaginary, she is also afraid of Ning Fan's three imaginary puppets.

Of course, she was just jealous. After all, she was Yue Lingkong's second primordial spirit, inheriting Yue Lingkong's conceited and domineering personality.

And since the three refining virtual machines are all puppets, as long as the puppet controller Ning Fan is eliminated, all the puppets will become waste.

"One move, you can kill you in an instant! The art of dispersing the moon!"

The woman in the yellow shirt raised her hand, and wisps of moonlight emanated from her sleeves.

The moonlight swept away, and the three virtual refining puppets were all shaken away. And the moonlight in her hand condensed into a moonlight long sword, which seemed to be sharp enough to sever the sky.

Point your toes and come straight to Ning Fan, with one sword blowing the world.

"Blade of Sanhua!"


An ear-piercing sword sound spread out, a hundred thousand miles into the void, and was cut open by the woman in yellow with a sword, and the incision was terrifyingly flat.

Seeing that Ning Fan was directly slashed, his body was cut in two, and the corner of the woman's mouth evoked a cold and stern smile.

However, the next moment, her beautiful eyes were suddenly startled, because she discovered that what she cut off was only the afterimage of Ning Fan!


Behind the woman in the yellow shirt, a figure in white slowly emerged, and behind it, two huge purple wings rolled in a gust of wind.

At the moment of appearance, directly relying on the speed. With one finger, he tried to deceive the woman, and with the other, he surrendered.

"Is it comparable to the speed of the demon wings... This charm doesn't seem to be weak..."

The woman in the yellow shirt raised her eyebrows coldly. Immediately understand why Ning Fan can escape her lore with a sword.

A faint moonlight flashed all over her body, and her escape speed was actually one point faster than Ning Fan's, easily avoiding the Yin Finger, not giving Ning Fan a chance to get close at all.

Ning Fan's eyes were dignified, this woman was so vigilant and escaping so fast, she was afraid that her sneak attack would not be successful.

There was a bloodstain on his chest, which was cut by this woman before. Even though she urged the fastest escape light, she was still slashed by this woman's sword.

This woman is extremely responsive, her escape speed is extremely fast, and her shots are like electricity, which should not be underestimated!

As expected of Yue Lingkong's second primordial spirit, if it is Yue Lingkong's deity, how powerful it should be.


In the face of the woman's beautiful face, Ning Fan showed no pity and directly ordered San Pup to besiege the woman.

One girl and three puppets. Immediately in the deathmatch, where the moon blade and the puppet collided, the starting point sparks were all sputtered.

Every time they faced each other, there were terrifying fluctuations that were enough to shock the Nascent Soul cultivator to death.

The woman in the yellow shirt fought three puppets alone, and she didn't lose the slightest.

And with the change of its beautiful eyes, Yue Nian dissipated, and the white flames of the moon suddenly smashed the three puppets into one cage, and the flames scattered. All three puppets were shaken flying. The flame instantly turned into a cage. Actually trapped the three puppets for a while!

"The Fire of the Prisoner Moon!"

The woman in the yellow shirt has already moved her murderous intention and raised the Moon Sword. He stabbed Ning Fan again.

The difference from before is that this time, a layer of faint moonfire floated above the blade.

If you are stabbed by this sword again. Even if it were to open a very small wound, Ning Fan would be burned by the moonfire.

"You have quite a few tricks, are they all 'stealed' from Yue'er..."

A little between his brows, he left in his hand, Ning Fan's aura suddenly changed, and a sword stabbed out. In an instant, black clouds were like a dragon, and thousands of dark sword lights rose from Zhou Tian.

Ten Thousand Swords!

With such a tyrannical swordsmanship, even the woman in the yellow shirt was amazed, the original attacking move hurriedly turned into a defensive one, the moon sword splayed across her chest, and her soft fingers pointed towards the thousands of sword shadows.

"The technique of burying the moon!"

The brows of the woman in the yellow shirt flickered.

Within 100,000 miles, countless moonlight shone on Ning Fan.

This time, the moonlight is no longer for suppression, but for melting the sea of ​​consciousness.

Bury all the past in the moonlight.

Erase all monks who have fallen into the moonlight!

With the strength of Yue Lingkong in the late stage of God Transformation, using this technique can make the two half-step refining virtual consciousness sea dissolve.

This technique is performed by the Second Primordial Spirit Refining the Void, and its power is even more terrifying.

Ning Fan's eyes changed, and all his ten thousand sword lights were melted under the technique of burying the moon.

Fortunately, the power of the sword light was extraordinary, but it was worthy of offsetting the Moon Burial Technique. The Wanjian Style and the Moon Burial Technique ended in a draw.

"Very strong swordsmanship! But, it's not enough!"

The yellow-shirted woman's eyes were moved, but she still underestimated Wan Jianshi.

Just underestimated, so what?

As soon as she bit the tip of her tongue, her fingertips changed, and the moonlight, which had been broken by the Wanjian style, suddenly re-condensed, and with a more powerful ablation force, descended on Ning Fan.

The technique of burying the moon is far from being so simple, and there is still more to come!

"Second Burial!"

Seeing the unstoppable moonlight, Ning Fan fluttered his wings, fled to the three puppets, opened his mouth and sucked, directly swallowing the moonfire on the three puppets into his belly.

The Moonfire, which was enough to trap the Void Refining Puppet, was unable to injure Ning Fan in the slightest!

The woman in yellow shirt turned pale in shock, she didn't know that Ning Fan was carrying such a treasure as the Sun and Moon Monument.

The three puppets were made to recover, Ning Fan's sword light danced, and the three puppets joined forces to make four attacks, shattering the moonlight of Zhou Tian!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Pieces of moonlight fell like snowflakes, and as the technique of burying the moon was broken, the yellow sand woman felt a pain in her chest, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and her beautiful eyes became more murderous.

Dispersing the Moon Sword, he wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his soft fingers, and the shadows of his fingers fluttered and choked, and he said something in his mouth.

"Moon Shadow Distraction Technique!"

Moonlight enveloped the body, and the next moment, a shadowy figure divided the four of them.

Three phantoms, one entity. All phantoms are distractions condensed by moonlight, and each distraction has the combat power of the initial stage of refining phantoms!

The distraction is naturally weaker than the deity, but it is enough to fight the virtual puppet.

Performing this technique obviously puts a heavy load on the woman in yellow shirt, but at this moment, she can no longer take care of herself.

She used several trump card methods, but she did not destroy Ning Fan, and Ning Fan was enough to make him pay attention.

Three phantoms and three puppets fought in one place. The yellow-shirted woman stepped back and walked towards Ning Fan.

"This time, no one can save you... The technique of burying the moon, the second burial, the third burial!"

Silky moonlight. Stretching for 100,000 miles, it descended again, but it was more terrifying than any time before.

Such a terrifying moonlight, even if it is attacked in the middle of the virtual refining, it will cause great damage to the sea of ​​consciousness and irreversible dissolution.

Ning Fan's mind was racing, and with his many methods, it was difficult to break the third burial!

The woman in the yellow shirt is not an ordinary phantom refiner, she is the kind of existence that is almost invincible at the same level.

Ning Fan has not yet half-stepped his emptiness. Even if he did not refine the emptiness, even if he used the Heaven-Breaking Sword Finger, Feng Yanyi Finger, and Feng Xueyi Finger, it might not be enough to block the third burial moon technique.

He has two means to fight against this woman, one is imperial qi, he is not going to use it, and the other is...

Ning Fan's eyes turned to the starlight, and he grabbed with five fingers, the earth trembled, and the soul of the earth was pulled out by his palm and swallowed into his belly.

After soul extraction. Her realm has broken through half a step, and the gap between her and the woman in yellow has narrowed.

Pointing to the sky, the night sky shrouded in moonlight suddenly appeared ninety-nine pitch-black stars.

The strange black starlight blessed the whole body, and Ning Fan let the moonlight attack his body, but he was unscathed.

No, it's not damaged, it's just that all the injuries are healed in an instant... by the star power!

Even if besieged by moonlight. He can also be besieged without dying!

"Soul extraction! Astrology! And it's actually 99 natal black stars!"

For the first time, the woman in the yellow shirt turned pale.

Ning Fan has such a tyrannical astrology. It can almost ignore any attack in the early stage of virtual refining.

After all, the woman in yellow shirt is only the second primordial spirit, unable to fully exert the power of the technique of burying the moon.

otherwise. With the power of the third burial, it should be enough to bury Ning Fan.

Ning Fan has 99 natal stars in his body, and he won't die if he is injured. Fighting against this woman is already invincible!

What made him even more frightened was that Ning Fan grabbed the starlight with one hand, and countless black starlights condensed into a black star bow in his hand!

The other hand pulled the bowstring, the starlight condensed the arrow, and Zhou Tian trembled as if in fear.

The moment Ning Fan opened his bow, the entire Divine Sky Island slammed into pieces, crumbled without warning, the waves rolled into the sky, and the 100,000-mile void suddenly shattered.

"The lost technique of gods and demons... Zhuchen Gong! Impossible! Why did this technique spread to you!"

No answer, why answer!

Ning Fan didn't even look at the woman in the yellow shirt, and only focused on killing the enemy!

The woman used all her strength, turned her ten fingers into a tactic, and pinched out a line of moonlight armor to protect her chest.

Another wall of moonlight condensed, a total of ninety-nine, each of which was enough to withstand the full-strength strike of half-step Lianxu.

But even so, the woman still couldn't get rid of the sense of crisis, she only felt that the arrow was pointed by Ning Fan, and her blood was burning.

And she has an intuition, even if she escapes a million miles, she will be hit by this arrow in an instant.

The cultivator in the early stage of virtual refining has an attack range of up to 100,000 miles, but the bow technique is different, it is the technique of long-range attack.

Can't escape! Only resist!

And the woman in the yellow shirt could also see that Ning Fan had used up almost all of his mana when he pulled the bow.

As long as she blocks this bow, she will not defeat anyone, but capture Ning Fan, who is running out of mana!

But all these fantasies were extinguished in the next instant.

Ning Fan felt that all his mana, blood and essence were swallowed up by this bow.

His face suddenly paled, but his heart became more and more quiet and confident.

"The bow is opened, the world is destroyed!"


But when the bowstring was released, the black star arrow turned into a thrilling streamer, and in just a moment, it pierced through a million miles, and pulled out a streamer line that stretched for a million miles in the sky!

The wall of moonlight that was blocking many layers in front of it collapsed!

Layers of moonlight armor, instantly shattered!

The star arrow passed through the body, almost taking away all the vitality and mana of the woman in yellow shirt.

As the star arrow passed, the sea area of ​​one million miles was cut open by one arrow, revealing a ravine in the sea that was a million feet deep and a million miles wide.

One arrow at a time!

The next moment, millions of miles of void, all shattered, the sky seemed to collapse, and the sky was dark!

The woman in the yellow shirt lost all her mana, like a kite with a broken string falling into the sky, with resentment in her eyes.

She used the last ounce of mana to try to open the moon gate and cross the void.

But before she pointed, Ning Fan pointed out one step at a time.

"The art of setting the sky!"

Countless blood lines scattered from its delicate body, entangling it, unable to move.

Ning Fan fluttered his purple wings, escaping to his body, and clicked the Yin finger with one finger.

"You, lost..."

Without killing her, this woman is Yue Lingkong's second primordial spirit after all. In a sense, she is another Yue Lingkong. If he can't do it, he should leave it to Yue Lingkong to devour himself.

"No, don' let me go. I'm a million times better than that little girl. I can satisfy you with whatever you want, even my body! Ah!"

The woman in the yellow shirt struggled with all her might, but she couldn't break free from the technique of setting the sky.

She begged for mercy, but she couldn't get Ning Fan's pity, and couldn't let the Yin Finger stop for a little while.

Although she had the most perfect figure, in Ning Fan's heart, after all, it was not as important as Yue Lingkong, who was a girl and could not double cultivation.

The beauty of the flower and the moon is just a pink and pink skeleton.

Not everyone deserves to make Ning Fan's heart move.

"You will never be as good as her!"

With a scream from the yellow-shirted woman, she fell into a coma and was captured by Ning Fan Caiyin's fingers.

The other three moon shadows were distracted and disappeared instantly.

With just one incense stick, Ning Fan captured the second primordial spirit, and this speed deeply shocked Yue Lingkong.

You know, even if she crushed the disciples of Shenkong Island, she still hadn't knocked all the disciples unconscious.

The battle between Ning Fan and the woman in the yellow shirt fell into the eyes of Yue Lingkong.

She thought to herself, even if it wasn't the second primordial spirit who was fighting against Ning Fan, but her deity in the early stage of virtual refining, she wouldn't be able to take a bow from Ning Fan.

The power of Zhuchen's bow and arrow is a bit terrifying...

Ninety-nine natal stars, the attack in the early stage of hard and tough refining will not die, Ning Fan's methods are a bit against the sky...

"This stinky cucumber is so powerful..."

Yue Lingkong's heart was relieved, and the swiftly changing fingers of his hands and feet were formed by the moonlight, which bound each and every female cultivator.

Thinking back to Ning Fan's words just now, her beautiful eyes became more complicated.

Facing the temptation of the second primordial god's beauty, Ning Fan only said a few words.

You will never be as good as her!

Yue Lingkong reluctantly discovered that for the first time, her mood of cultivating for four thousand years was completely disrupted by a man's words.

For the first time, she felt that the cucumber was very attractive, and she felt a little tired of seeing it...

Square inches, chaos!



(Thanks to Niu Cuiying 8888 for the reward, thanks to the blue enchantress, the four teams of Beiwu, the writing, the continuation, the book friend 140120184149162, the reward, the thanks, the monthly ticket support! Update tickets for the detachment!)

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