Grasping Evil

Chapter 405 Advancement, half-step refining

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"You actually took down my mother's second primordial spirit, Gherkin, you are a monster!"

The dark corridor is bottomless. [;Starting] Yue Lingkong led Ning Fan into the secret place of Shenkong Island, and she still couldn't accept the fact.

The power of one arrow is truly earth-shattering.

99 natal black stars, star power transforming bows... Ning Fan's methods are really not weaker than any early stage of virtual refining.

"" The female corpse glanced at Yue Lingkong in dissatisfaction.

From her point of view, Ning Fan is omnipotent, so it's strange to win.

Ning Fan smiled reassuringly, the little girl is not bad, her intelligence has recovered to the point where she can argue with others.

Maybe after going to the Six Wings, borrowing the resurrection platform, the female corpse's sea of ​​​​knowledge can recover faster.

After the second primordial spirit was sealed, it was handed over to Yue Lingkong. Only one-third of the female cultivators on the island are still alive, and the other women have become moon puppets, equivalent to the living dead...

The seven incarnations of the cauldron of the gods, naturally they have to harvest supplements, they have already betrayed Yue Lingkong and became Yue Puppet, which is also self-rewarding. Let Ning Fan pick them up, and Yue Lingkong doesn't feel any guilt.

In the secret place, there are also four Divine Transformation Fruits collected by Yue Lingkong.

In the second primordial spirit, there are also two kinds of frost and cold.

One Island Spirit Medicine, Immortal Jade, these are Ning Fan's trophies.

Even if Ning Fan took it all away, Yue Lingkong didn't care.

She looked at the ruined Shenkong Island, only sighed and sighed.

Shenkong Island, which was once prosperous at the time, has inevitably declined. There is so much betrayal here. She thought she could kill the traitor and restore the prestige of Shenkong.

In the end, it was found that there was nothing to make her fall in love here.

"Four thousand years of cultivating Taoism, and the end is empty, little cucumber, where should I go in the future..."

"If you lose your way. Just keep following me. Anyway, you have no meat to pay me, why do you have to fly far away."

"All right.


Yue Lingkong nodded, it seemed that she would stay by Ning Fan's side for a long time.

At the end of the dense land, Youyue Lingkong has stored it all his life, and even the second primordial spirit cannot obtain it.

Here, Ning Fan obtained four Divine Transformation Fruits. But no excitement.

Four Dao fruits, four thousand armor mana. Back then, he was running around in order to transform the divine cauldron and the divine fruit, but now he has powerful mana, and taking the divine fruit has little effect.

Not taken, but stored in storage bag. Prepare to give Xu Qiuling one. leftover. Take it back to your hometown and give it to Zhihe and the others.

7 God Huading Ding Furnace, of course, must be replenished.

Yue Lingkong refines the second primordial spirit in the secret ground, while Ning Fan handles the female cultivator of Shenkong Island outside.

The 7 gods were recovered by Ning Fan and gained 7000 armor mana.

No other female nuns were moved. Instead, the puppet seals of all female nuns were lifted.

After the seal was lifted, the female cultivator in a half-dead state. One by one, they turned into moonlight and disappeared, died, and returned to reincarnation.

This is Yue Lingkong's request, she hopes that the grievances and grievances of the past will return to dust and dust. She is no longer attached to Shenkong Island.

Grievances are no longer important, let all the dead return to reincarnation.

There were only 2,000 female cultivators who were not made into moon puppets, and they were banned by Ning Fan one by one and incorporated into the Ning family's female guards.

The rest, leave it to Bingling and Yueling for training.

In the shattered Divine Sky Island, in the end, only Ning Fan and the female corpse were left, guarding outside the secret grounds to protect Yue Lingkong.

This protection lasted for a total of ten months.

Yue Lingkong tried to completely devour the second primordial spirit, giving up the double primordial spirit, so as not to be attacked again.

The two kinds of frost and cold air of the second primordial spirit were separated and given to Ning Fan to devour.

They are the fifth-ranked 'Xueyueyan' and the seventh-ranked 'Lanlingshuang'.

Devouring two kinds of frost and cold energy, Ning Fan's mana increased by 2000 armor, and he already had 8 kinds of frost and cold energy.

Remember that there is a mysterious Yin Qi in Xiaodan Demon, which will be obtained in the future. That is to say, Ning Fan only needs to find 3 more cold qi, and then he can make up 12.

He has refined seven types of Earth Vessel Demon Fire, and there are three more types in the Rain Palace. If there are no repetitions, Ning Fan only needs to find two more types to collect 12 types of Demon Fire.

The combination of ice and fire, the power of Ning Fan's yin and yang fire is at least equivalent to the seventh-rank middle-level immortal virtual fire.

Using this fire to make pills, the medicinal pills are not only of higher quality, but also rarely comparable in speed.

For ten months, in addition to protecting Yue Lingkong, he was alchemy.

Alchemy breakthrough rank five is already approaching, and for ten months, Ning Fan has been refining cultivation knowledge pills and Lei Xuan pills.

Lei Xuandan can increase the mana of the first hundred armor in the initial stage of the transformation of the gods. With Ning Fan's peak cultivation base, after taking it, it can only increase the mana of the armor by 50.

He didn't care either, with the help of Xuanyin Realm's hundred times the speed of alchemy, he was frantically refining Lei Xuandan.

The cultivation speed of the Xuanyin Realm is a hundred times faster. After three days of use, it will definitely be impossible to enter one day. Ten months of alchemy is equivalent to 750 months of hard work by others.

Ten months later, the success rate of Ning Fan's refining Lei Xuandan reached 90%, and a total of 240 Lei Xuandan were refined.

After all the refining, the mana increased by 8,000 armors, which was nearly 4,000 armors less than the expected increase in mana.

Lei Xuandan is not far away from eating waste.

Mana, 419500 armor.

As for the cultivation of knowledge pills, more than a hundred pieces were also refined, which helped the female corpse to recover a lot of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Yue Lingkong's exit was already approaching, and Ning Fan was waiting for the breakthrough of Yaohun.

His medicine soul is already in a critical state of breakthrough, and it can break through the fifth-rank advanced pill technique at any time, just a chance.

Once he breaks through, he is considered a rank five high-grade alchemist, and can refine rank five high-grade medicinal pills.

Xuanwei blood gourd was deposited in the secret place by Ning Fan.

Shenkong Island is empty, and apart from Shattered Void, no one can cross the moon fog and enter this place.

The blood gourd is stored here, and it will become wine for ten years without any interference, and it also avoids frequent entry into the Xuanyin realm and affects the brewing of blood wine.

Ning Fan carefully calculated that his mana was only 80,000 armors away from 500,000 armors.

He also has three Dao Fruits at the peak of Void Refinement. They were all gifts from Wei Xuan, and each one contained 60,000 armored mana.

When he was in the late stage of God Transformation, he devoured the Dao Fruit and could only absorb one-third of the Dao Fruit's power.

Now that the cultivation base has reached the peak of God Transformation, it can absorb at least two-thirds of the power of Dao Fruit.

The remaining Dao Fruit power is the part that Ning Fan's cultivation base can't bear. If before. Forcibly refining, only self-inflicted damage.

After condensing ninety-nine natal stars, Ning Fan's confidence rose in his heart, and he was sure to completely absorb the power of refining the fruit of the emptiness.

He is not afraid of self-destruction. With 99 stars to protect his body, he can be tough and hard to attack.

Broken virtual fruit. He still doesn't dare to eat it, and if he refines the fruit of the emptiness, he can almost take it without damage.

"It's better to go all out and break through the half-step practice!"

In the Xuanyin Realm, Ning Fan summoned 99 natal stars to protect the body.

Take the three Void Refinement Dao Fruits one by one, huge mana. Almost burst its flesh.

But under the blessing of starlight. As soon as the fleshly body had a tendency to self-destruct, it immediately calmed down.

The three pinnacle fruits of refining virtual, 180,000 armor mana, were finally refined by Ning Fan!

In the Xuanyin Realm, Ning Fan suddenly stood up, and his mana broke through to 600,000 armor. The imposing manner of half-step refinement dissipated, earth-shattering.

above the sky. Tens of thousands of heavenly tribulation silver fires descended, more violent than ever before, and every silver fire was enough to kill the initial stage of God Transformation.

Wan Dao Yin Huo, ordinary half-step virtual practice does not dare to be tough at all, and can only use magic weapons to block robbery.

Ning Fan is different, he has a monument of the sun and the moon, and he can overcome the flames.

Seeing the arrival of tens of thousands of silver fires, his eyes were fiery, and he swallowed it, all of which became the nourishment of the sun and moon monument.

The stele soul of the Sun and Moon Monument has recovered 90%, and it is only a little short before the stele soul can be re-condensed and once again possess the power of a shattering blow.

With the breakthrough of the cultivation base, a chance for the breakthrough of the medicine soul finally came.

As if the water had come naturally, a warm feeling filled the whole body, Ning Fan's whole body was full of medicinal energy, and the medicinal spirit seemed to have broken through the fifth-rank superior.

Cultivation, half-step refinement!

Alchemy, rank five advanced!

Ning Fan's eyes showed joy, but he was not arrogant.

The cultivation base has reached the half-step, and it is not easy to go further. Breaking through the void refining is far away, even if the blood wine is brewed and the mana is sufficient, Ning Fan does not know how long it will take to retreat before he can successfully refine the void.

Alchemy has reached the rank five advanced level, and if you want to improve it, it is also difficult step by step. Fortunately, Ning Fan remembered that there was a medicine soul pool on Dan Island. I wonder if he would be able to break through the rank five peak alchemy with the help of the power of the medicine soul pool.

Everything is unknown, and his cultivation base is slightly stable. Ning Fan leaves the Xuanyin Realm, his eyes suddenly stunned.

After its breakthrough, the sky above Shenkong Island also ushered in heavy silver fire clouds.

This vision naturally shows that Yue Lingkong has completely devoured the second primordial spirit and has returned to the realm of refinement.

This fire cloud is a fire robbery that breaks through the refining void, and its power is no trivial matter!

"Little, little me...stop the robbery...I have something wrong..."

In the dense land, the intermittent voice of Yue Lingkong came out.

Ning Fan's eyes were startled, and he didn't have time to think about what happened to Yue Lingkong. He had already soared into the sky and stood under a hundred thousand silver fires.

At this moment, Yue Lingkong had an accident and could not stop the robbery by himself.

One hundred thousand silver fires were almost comparable to a full-strength blow in the middle stage of virtual refining. Without Ning Fan's help, Yue Lingkong would have died directly under this round of heavenly tribulation.


Relying on the power of the Sun and Moon Monument, Ning Fan swallowed the silver fire of the Heavenly Tribulation and shattered the clouds of calamity.

It's just that he underestimated the power of this robbery cloud, even if there is a sun and moon monument to protect the body, it can't completely swallow the robbery fire.

With the increase in the power of the robbery, the effect of the sun and the moon tablet against fire is decreasing.

Ning Fan's eyes sank, and he waved his sleeves to summon 99 natal stars, black stars shining in the world.

Standing in the robbery fire, relying on the fire monument, his injury was healed in an instant, although he was in great pain, he didn't care.

After an hour, the fire robbery stopped.

The Void Refinement Tribulation is at least dozens of times stronger than Ning Fan's half-step Void Refinement Tribulation.

Ning Fan secretly guessed that after refining the void, the robbery would become more and more terrifying with each step of promotion.

Before transforming into a god, he could still underestimate the heavenly tribulation. After refining the void, he was afraid that even Ning Fan would have to prepare for the heavenly tribulation.

The robbery cloud dissipated, Ning Fan breathed a sigh of relief, looked inside the Xuanyin realm, and found that the soul of the monument of the sun and the moon was completely completed, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

After exhausting the soul of the monument, he can summon the Sun and Moon Monument and unleash the power of the Void Shattering Strike. In this way, he has a little self-protection in the hands of the Void Shattering Old Monster.

It's just that as soon as this fiery side rises, it immediately dissipates from my heart.

Ning Fan landed outside the secret ground, his eyes were a little dignified, he wanted to know what happened to Yue Lingkong, and even the calamity could not be resisted.

"Yue'er, are you alright?"

"'s okay...but..."

A naked figure staggered out of the secret ground.

She has no hair, her blue silk is like waterfalls, her eyes are as bright as the moon, her skin is as spotless as the moon, her eyebrows are cold and arrogant, her face is mature and majestic, her breasts are plump and straight, her waist is full of hands, and on top of her hair, don't Wearing crescent moon hair accessories, above both ears, wearing a small crescent moon jade pendant. The whole body dissipated the momentum of the early stage of virtual refining.

It is quite similar to Yue Lingkong's virgin body, but it is much more beautiful than the second primordial spirit.

"Are you Yue'er?" Ning Fan was a little unsure. The naked woman in front of him was Yue Lingkong?

Isn't Yue Lingkong a yellow-haired girl with no breasts and no buttocks, is she so beautiful when she grows up?

"Little Cucumber...of course it's me..."

Yue Lingkong's pretty face turned pale, and she was about to fall, but she couldn't stand still.

Feeling the weakness in Yue Lingkong's body, Ning Fan said solemnly,

"What happened? Why is the body so weak."

"It's nothing major... The old lady refined the second soul, returned to the early stage of virtual refining, and broke through to the peak of the early stage of virtual refining, almost reaching the middle stage... The old lady had a whim, and wanted to try to break through the middle stage in one fell swoop, and then failed, just so…"


Ning Fan's eyes sank.

Refining emptiness is no better than transforming spirits, let alone Nascent Soul.

Even if Yue Lingkong recovers his cultivation, his algorithmic power is enough to break through the realm, but after all, it is only a glimpse of the void.

She has never experienced the barrier of questioning the emptiness. No matter how much algorithmic power she has, she can't break through the realm. If she forcibly breaks through, she will definitely lose. Isn't it nonsense?

Peeking into the virtual, asking the virtual, rushing the virtual, too virtual, and then... shattering the virtual!

Every step must involve the perception of void, and no step can be omitted.

"Okay, my mother is wrong, okay..." Yue Lingkong's eyes slightly dodged, she thought that after regaining her strength, she could be domineering and be a head taller than Ning Fan.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ning Fan got angry, she immediately showed weakness, and she didn't dare to talk back.

Weird, weird... Yue Lingkong just feels weird, this is not her style!

"What's wrong with the old lady... I was yelled at by the little cucumber, why are you still a little happy... Could it be that the old lady has a broken head?"

Yue Lingkong was confused, and when he lowered his head, his beautiful eyes were suddenly startled.

Only then did she realize that she had no clothes on!

All the clothes were broken when the body became bigger...

However, she was very calm, not shy, she just grabbed Ning Fan's hand, put it on her chest, and said proudly,

"How is it, the old lady's breasts are not big! I didn't lie to you, the old lady's figure is very good, and it is definitely your blessing to pay you with meat."


Ning Fan had nothing to say, Yue Lingkong was not a normal woman and could not be inferred from common sense.

It's just that he has to admit that the hand feels really good, very soft and bouncy.

"Do you want to pay for meat? I will definitely do what you want." Yue Lingkong was complacent and eager to try.

"No need, you have a good rest... stabilize the realm and accompany me to the Six Wings."

Ning Fan shook his head, he wasn't in a hurry to mess around with a woman who couldn't stand still.

Although he had to admit... Yue Lingkong was so beautiful.


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