Grasping Evil

Chapter 406 Thunder Bamboo Island

() There is only one month left until the time agreed with Xuan Yi.

Yue Lingkong had to stay in Midi to recuperate from her injuries. She failed to break through the mid-term, and the backlash was not easy.

And Ning Fan was not in a hurry to leave, because Yue Lingkong had said that after her injuries were fully recovered, she would be able to take Ning Fan across the Moon Gate and rush to Six Wings in the shortest possible time.

After recovering his appearance and cultivation, Yue Lingkong seemed to have regained his confidence back then.

At this moment, she even has the confidence to destroy the Six Wings by herself.

The second primordial spirit can fight against three with one, and against three virtual puppets, Yue Lingkong is even sharper.

If she really entered the Six Wings, I'm afraid that Xuanyi is really not her opponent.

The premise is... she wants to recover from her injuries and return to fullness.

In the secret place of Shenkong, Yue Lingkong was naked and delicate, sitting on a huge piece of cold jade, with starlight shrouded in his delicate body.

Ning Fan manipulated the power of Black Star, sitting cross-legged behind him, recuperating his injuries, but his eyes became more and more solemn.

Condensing 99 natal black stars, Ning Fan's astrology is so strong that even an ordinary life immortal who comprehends astrology may not be able to compare.

With this star power, injuries can be healed, blood essence can be replenished, but there are still things that cannot be done.

For example... the cracks above Yue Lingkong Yuanshen cannot be sewn together by star power.

"Light...dangerous...dangerous..." The female corpse raised her hand, stood pretty, pointed at Yue Lingkong's dantian primordial spirit, and reminded aloud.

Even the female corpse could see that Yue Lingkong's primordial spirit was not in a good condition and was somewhat dangerous.

Naturally, Ning Fan could see that while healing Yue Lingkong, he frowned and blamed him.

"Yuanshen fission... Yue Lingkong, I really didn't know before, you are such a bold woman! Do you know how dangerous Yuanshen fission is?"

"Little Cucumber! Don't think that after helping the old lady a few times, you can point fingers at the old lady... Oh!" Yue Lingkong subconsciously replied, immediately. Ning Fan slapped his buttocks heavily, and groaned in pain.

The white buttocks immediately left a red slap print... In the pain, a trace of shame spreads infinitely in Yue Lingkong's heart.

She was beaten! Still beaten by Ning Fan! It's still her tender butt that gets hit! Depend on!

With the moon lingering violently,

Whoever dares to spank her, she will definitely cut whoever into a stick. put before. I'm afraid I've already fought with Ning Fan desperately.

But this time, Yue Lingkong didn't fight back. Thinking about it carefully, it is no wonder that Ning Fan is angry.

She devoured the second primordial spirit without authorization, and broke through the middle stage of virtual refining without authorization, which is an extremely risky behavior.

Not to mention the danger of breaking through the mid-term, even if the backlash is severe, Ning Fan can cure her.

But swallowing the second primordial spirit... This kind of behavior is extremely dangerous for monks below the peak of virtual refining.

There was a crack in Yue Lingkong's Yuanshen, which was a sign that Yuanshen was about to fission.

This crack. It is not an ordinary damage and cannot be healed with the power of the black star. This is the sequelae left when Yue Lingkong's deity Yuanshen merged with the second Yuanshen.

The second primordial spirit technique, as the name suggests, is to cultivate two primordial spirits within a cultivator's dantian, and the two are independent of each other.

each independently. Beneficial and harmful. The advantage is that the dual soul can be used for two purposes, and it is unparalleled when fighting the law. As for the cons...

Yue Lingkong was betrayed by the second primordial spirit, and this was one of the drawbacks.

Having had the experience of being betrayed by the second primordial spirit, Yue Lingkong did not try to subdue the second primordial spirit again, but directly devoured the second primordial spirit with almost arrogant means. And combine the two primordial spirits into one.

The fusion of primordial spirits is something that only Taixu cultivators at the peak of virtual refining can do, but even Taixu cultivators cannot guarantee success.

It is extremely rare for Yue Lingkong to imperfectly fuse the two primordial spirits, and a crack is inevitably left between the two primordial spirits.

If this crack is not eliminated, Yue Lingkong will not be able to control mana freely.

And as the crack expands, within a month, Yue Lingkong will split his primordial spirit and fall back to his previous cultivation base, leaving an irreversible heavy blow to his primordial spirit.

Even...maybe die!

Ning Fan's eyes were solemn, this crack in the primordial spirit was really tricky.

If Yue Lingkong is not cured, this woman will be severely injured, and Ning Fan will not open the moon gate, and will rush to the Six Wings within a month.

Seeing that Ning Fan was really unhappy, Yue Lingkong rubbed his ass and bit his silver teeth, but he still didn't fight back.

"Damn, Gherkin dares to beat me! If it wasn't for Gherkin's sincerity in caring about me, I would definitely chop up his Gherkin and cool it off... That's all, I'll forgive him this time!"

Yue Lingkong seems to have suffered a dumb loss.

After the healing was completed, he put on his clothes, fluttering robes, dancing skirts, and pale moon eyes, just like the ancient fairy concubine and Guanghan fairy.

But in that tenderness, there is a sassy temperament.

The injury healed, but the Yuanshen changed. She can't use mana, since she can't open the moon gate and cross the void.

Seeing that Ning Fan's brows were still wrinkled, Yue Lingkong not only didn't fight back, but also felt a little softer...

"Little Cucumber, don't be angry. Next time I decide what to do, I'll discuss it with you first, okay?"

"Remember what you said, it's not an example! Prepare quickly, your Yuanshen fission can't be delayed. I will find a way to take you to the Six Wings within a month, and borrow the power of Huishengtai to help you sew Yuanshen. It's difficult." Ning Fan couldn't refuse.

"Don't be so troublesome, I know that there is a place, there is a kind of spiritual thing that can help me stitch together, and that place is only a billion miles away from Shenkong Sea. Take me to that island with your speed. , it only takes ten days to arrive. In the rest of the time, the old lady will be back to prosperous, taking you to open the moon gate, cross the void, and arrive at the Six Wings is just a matter of blinking an eye. Under the broken void, no one can catch up with the old lady. Moon Gate Speed! As for the resurrection platform, leave it to the cucumber woman, she has not recovered from the sea of ​​knowledge, and is worse than me..."

Yue Lingkong looked at the female corpse with a hint of pity in her eyes. At any rate, after being with the female corpse for a long time, through life and death, there is still no relationship.

Moreover, Yue Lingkong is not a fool. She dares to swallow the second primordial spirit, so she naturally has a back move.

The injury this time meant that it was a bit reckless to hit the mid-term bottleneck. Her devouring the second primordial spirit was definitely a planned behavior.

So she was spanked by Ning Fan, which was actually very unfair.

But she didn't even give Ning Fan a slap in the face, which was out of her style.

And she actually became soft... Her head must be broken!

"Which island, what spirits can heal your Yuanshen's wounds?" Ning Fan frowned slightly.

"The Zhou family's affiliated force - Thunder Bamboo Island, on this island, there is a kind of Thunder Bamboo. Its bamboo leaves have a special purpose for nourishing the Primordial Spirit according to the age of the medicine. Even my Primordial Spirit's cracks can be healed. of."

"Thunder Bamboo..." Ning Fan frowned slightly, showing disapproval, he had naturally heard of Thunder Bamboo's name. But he didn't think Leizhu could cure Yue Lingkong.

In fact, before he entered the Inland Sea. I inquired about Thunder Bamboo Island.

Thunder Bamboo is a kind of mysterious heaven and earth spirit. It grows in the land of ten thousand thunders. It is nourished by the power of thunder and becomes a god over time. The bamboo leaves it produces have the effect of moisturizing the primordial spirit.

But the ordinary thunder bamboo, but the quality of silver bamboo, can only nourish the primordial spirit for the cultivator of the gods.

Luo You definitely can't use Silver Bamboo. Yue Lingkong's Primordial Spirit fission may not necessarily be able to be sutured by Thunder Bamboo.

Thinking like this, Ning Fan didn't think that going to Thunder Bamboo Island could heal Yue Lingkong's Primordial Spirit injury.

Moreover, Thunder Bamboo Island belongs to the Zhou family, and the Zhou family has too deep background, even if it is Ning Fan. Also quite apprehensive.

A Thunder Emperor of the Zhou family, even if he dies, can be on an equal footing with the Rain Palace.

A third elder of the Zhou family, even if he does not show up, can make the two Rain Palace Lianxu terrified.

Ning Fan did not know the background of the Ghost Eye Clan, but the Zhou family. Not that he can afford to provoke. If it is not necessary, he does not want to have any entanglement with the Zhou family.

If necessary, he could go to Thunder Bamboo Island once for Yue Lingkong, but the medicinal power of Silver Bamboo was too weak.

"Yinzhu, I can't cure you..." After a long time, Ning Fan shook his head.

"Who said that the old lady is going to use silver bamboo to heal her wounds? The old lady is the 'eight' of the Inner Sea, and has the qualification to enjoy the golden bamboo and bamboo leaves of Thunder Bamboo Island, don't you know? A piece of golden bamboo and bamboo leaf! Besides, as long as there is enough immortal jade, you can also buy enough golden leaves."

Yue Lingkong's eyes were smug, she expected that Ning Fan didn't know the secret of Jinzhu!

The existence of Jinzhu has always been kept secret, except for Inner Sea Supreme, only Zhou Family Lianxu is qualified to take it.

The rank of golden bamboo is far higher than that of silver bamboo, and it can heal the wounds of the cultivator's primordial spirit. It is a rare treasure.

She was particularly focused on the word 'eight', which was naturally a reminder to Ning Fan... Ning Fan managed to kill the devil, and was respected as the eighth in the Inner Sea, and this reputation was acquiesced by the Zhou family.

Ning Fan is also eligible to enjoy the golden leaf. However, he has not been promoted to the Eighth Inner Sea for ten years, and he cannot get gold leaves for free. Most of them have to pay a price to buy some.

"Golden bamboo..." Ning Fan nodded, if Leizhudao really had golden bamboo, he could bring Yue Lingkong to this place.

One billion miles, with Ning Fan flying at full speed, he can reach in ten days.

Ten days later, he arrived at Thunder Bamboo Island. As long as she obtains enough golden leaves to help Yue Lingkong regain its prosperity, she can open the moon gate and lead Ning Fan to the Six Wings.

At that time, they can use the power of Huishengtai to restore the sea of ​​consciousness for the female corpse, without delay on both sides.

In this way, Ning Fan had almost no objection to going to Thunder Bamboo Island.

In the deepest part of the dense land, where the Xuanwei Blood Gourd was stored, Ning Fan set up a series of formations.

The first layer of formation technique, the lowest is also the transformation level, shielding all the breath of the blood gourd, so as to prevent the broken virtual from entering this place by mistake and finding the blood gourd taken away.

Except for the few broken voids in the rain world, there is no refining void that can penetrate the moon fog and arrive at Shenkong Island.

And the master of broken virtual, presumably will not be bored to come to a Shenkonghai to hang out, Xuanwei blood gourd is hidden here, no one will take it.

Only ten years later, the blood wine will be made. At that time, Ning Fan can take the blood gourd, and the mana will skyrocket.

Hiding the blood gourd, Ning Fan's wings were hanging to the sky, holding the female corpse and the moon in the sky, turning it into shredded tobacco, escaping from the sea of ​​​​godless sky.

The time came in a hurry, the time went desolate, and the moonlight became more and more lonely.

In ten years, Ning Fan will not return here.

As for Yue Lingkong, he will never return to this sad place again in this life.

The female corpse was quiet, Yue Lingkong pondered, and the two girls were silent in Ning Fan's arms.

Ning Fan glanced at Yue Lingkong quietly, and was secretly surprised that this sturdy woman had quiet moments.

He always felt that after helping Yue Lingkong recover his body this time, his relationship with Yue Lingkong seemed to change slightly, and it was unclear and unclear.

If I had to describe this change, it would be... Yue Lingkong was a little obedient.


Ten days passed, Ning Fan split the waves, and the speed of the purple smoke scared many monks along the way.

Outside Thunder Bamboo Island, he held the escape light, put down his two daughters, and stood in the air.

Thunder Bamboo Island has not been sealed off. But it turned on the light. The array of light is not strong, it is only the effect of perception, but it makes the monks who come and go are deeply afraid.

And Ning Fan, it was useless as usual, rashly smashed the big formation and forced his way into the island.

When it should converge, it should converge by one or two.

He and his two daughters came to Thunder Bamboo Island. As soon as Fang landed on the island, more than ten island-keeping cultivators came up immediately.

"Stop coming! Thunder Bamboo Island. Silver Bamboo has been sold out. If you come for Thunder Bamboo, please leave quickly!"

Weird, really weird!

Ning Fan frowned. He had just landed on the island, and before he made it clear his intentions, the other party had already issued an evacuation order.

Although this group of Thunder Bamboo Island cultivators had yet to see Ning Fan's face clearly, they must have noticed that Ning Fan's spiritual cultivation was.

But knowing that Ning Fan was a spiritual cultivator, they dared to chase away guests. It's a bit domineering.

And it wasn't just Ning Fan who was expelled from this island. Many Jindan, Yuanshen, and even the old monsters who transformed into gods were invited out of Thunder Bamboo Island. But because the Zhou family was powerful, no one dared not to obey.

"I came here, not for the silver bamboo. Only for the golden bamboo..." Ning Fan stood with his hands behind his back and said indifferently.

"Golden Bamboo?!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, the expressions of more than ten Thunder Bamboo cultivators changed, and they took a closer look at Ning Fan's appearance.

Seeing this, they were all horrified, and when they looked at Yue Lingkong again, their expression changed.

"Eight Inner Seas! Venerable Ming. Venerable Yue! The younger generation is rude, please forgive me, Venerable Ming and Venerable Yue!"

More than a dozen cultivators, once they recognized the identities of Ning Fan and the eight statues, all looked terrified.

It was just that even though they were afraid, more than ten people still blocked Ning Fan's way forward and did not let him go.

"Ming Zun and Yue Zun are honorable, I am dealing with some important matters on Thunder Bamboo Island, and I need to close the island for one year. As Ming Zun and Yue Zun, they are naturally qualified to obtain golden leaves, but in special circumstances, please ask for two more Move on as the Supreme Being, and after a year, come back to Zhudao, the juniors and others must wait for the golden leaf!"


Ning Fan's eyes were taken aback. The group of cultivators recognized him and Yue Lingkong's identities, and they still chased away guests. It seemed that the timing of his visit to Thunder Bamboo Island was indeed a bit unfortunate.

The reason why the Zhou family could risk offending Ning Fan and seal the island was probably a bit significant.

But asking Ning Fan to wait a year to get the golden leaf was really difficult.

He waited for a year, but Yue Lingkong couldn't wait. If there was no golden leaf, in another 20 days, Yue Lingkong would have his Primordial Spirit fission.

"What should I do?" Yue Lingkong frowned, she longed for golden leaves, but she also saw that Thunder Bamboo Island was special.

"If you can't enter the island, and you can't break through it, you will cross Chencang secretly..."

Ning Fan did not explain and turned to leave. He was faintly aware that there were four spiritual thoughts of imaginary refining, which were locked on him quite nervously, and there were even spiritual thoughts of middle-term refining.

These virtual refining must be masters of the Zhou family, and they must know that Ning Fan is carrying three virtual refining puppets, and he is worried that Ning Fan will have a fever and force his way into Thunder Bamboo Island.

If so, the four of them will definitely attack Ning Fan!

Ning Fan's expression remained the same, as if he hadn't noticed the imposing aura. He didn't want to openly offend the Zhou family, but he had a way to break into Thunder Bamboo Island privately.

Bullying cloak!

With this thing around, he could leave with a false pretense, then wrap up his cloak, and sneak into Thunder Bamboo Island with his two daughters.

Seeing that Ning Fan was driven away, turned around and left, the four Zhou Family Lianxu who were hiding in the dark were all greatly relieved. If it wasn't necessary, they didn't want to mess with Ning Fan.

The female corpse's eyes were still calm, but Yue Lingkong was a little disappointed.

She had seen Ning Fan get angry at too many women, but when it was her turn, Ning Fan behaved so calmly that if he couldn't enter the island, he would not enter the island, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

It seems that in order not to offend the Zhou family, she can completely ignore her Yue Lingkong life and death.

Even the behavior of arguing and arguing with those Thunder Bamboo cultivators did not...

"It's ridiculous... Why is the old lady disappointed? Why are you disappointed? The Zhou family is so powerful. It's only natural for the little cucumber to not want to offend the Zhou family. The old lady has only slept with him once, and it's not him, so how can I be disappointed?"

She showed a self-deprecating sneer and left with Ning Fan, but her heart gradually became cold.

She had been escaping from Thunder Bamboo Island with Ning Fan for a million miles before she stopped and said coldly, "Yue Lingkong will always remember the kindness of Shenkong Island's helping hand.


Turning around so calmly, he was about to part ways with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's eyes showed a strange look, and he grabbed Yue Lingkong Hao's wrist, since it was impossible for her to go.

"You want to go? Where are you going?"

"Where is the old lady, it has nothing to do with you!" Yue Lingkong exclaimed.

"Why does it have nothing to do with me, I'm still going to take you to Thunder Bamboo Island to steal bamboo leaves... Why, you don't want to heal your Primordial Spirit injury?"

Ning Fan was speechless, he smelled a sour smell from Yue Lingkong, more sour than old vinegar.

The more heroic a woman is, the more terrifying she becomes jealous.

"Stealing bamboo leaves? Little cucumber, what are you talking about, why can't I understand..." Yue Lingkong was startled, but before she could understand, she saw Ning Fan's thoughts move, summoned a black cloak, and took her and the female corpse into her arms , covered with a cloak.

In an instant, the three figures disappeared into the sky out of thin air!

"This, this is... Shenxuan's hidden spiritual outfit! It is a hidden spiritual outfit that can only be refined by the Void Shattering Old Monster! What do you want to do? Are you going to Thunder Bamboo Island to steal bamboo leaves? You are crazy! Home knows..."

Yue Lingkong and her little friend were stunned, no, as Yue Lingkong's little friend, the female corpse has always been dumbfounded.

"Who knows!" Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, but he still didn't say a word.

Know, so what!

He just didn't want to have bad relations with the Zhou family, but even if he did evil, he wasn't necessarily afraid.

"Don't worry about it in the future. I won't die for you. Jealousy is a bad behavior."

Ning Fan escaped with a ray of light, extremely concealed, and quietly floated back to the direction of Thunder Bamboo Island.

In that hidden place, a woman's voice was sharp and unbelievable.

"Jealous? The old lady will be jealous, little cucumber, you look down on yourself too much! You are jealous, your whole family is pickled cucumbers in vinegar!"

After scolding, Yue Lingkong calmed down.

But soon, I started to worry.

The little cucumber is playing for his life... Stealing bamboo leaves, once discovered by Takeshima Lianxu, he will definitely be hunted down by the four Lianxu.

Yue Lingkong is currently unable to use his mana, she is not sure, if the theft is exposed, Ning Fan and three virtual puppets will not be able to stop the four Thunder Bamboo Island masters.

A little overhanging...

Yue Lingkong was a little nervous.

But for some reason, she felt a little happy.

At least Gherkin didn't leave her alone... He dared to steal from the Zhou family for her.

Well, this little cucumber is more and more pleasing to the eye.

(2/2 supplement)

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