Grasping Evil

Chapter 407 Mysterious Woman

() Ning Fan hid all his aura, and the bullying cloak was pushed to the extreme, sneaking into Thunder Bamboo Island, as if no one knew about it!

Divine Profound Spiritual Apparel, Shattering Void quality, in terms of concealment methods alone, Ning Fan is really the first person under the Shattering Void in the Rain World.

The Thunder Bamboo cultivators passed by Ning Fan, but no one knew where Ning Fan was.

The four paths of refining the False Spiritual Mind, like a lighthouse, scanned the entire island, but they were unable to sweep out Ning Fan's figure.

In the central area of ​​Thunder Bamboo Island, in the Wanli area, it was clearly sunny and daytime, but it was full of countless thunders.

In the thunder and lightning, thousands of silver thunder bamboos grow sparsely within ten thousand miles, the bamboo branches are empty, and there are not many silver leaves.

Most of the silver leaves have been picked off and eaten in the morning.

Bamboo leaves are sparse, and there are only 10,000 silver leaves in thousands of miles of bamboo forest.

He simply came to steal something, but Ning Fan simply stole the silver leaf.

But after searching around in the bamboo forest, I didn't find any place where golden bamboo grows.

Within 10,000 miles, there are only patches of silvery bamboo seas, and there is no shadow of golden bamboos.

"Is there no golden bamboo on the island?" Ning Fan said in a voice transmission, puzzled.

"I don't know... The Bamboo Forest on Thunder Bamboo Island has always not allowed outsiders to enter, and there is a large formation, which makes it impossible to spy on. In the past, the seven statues of the Inner Sea came here and asked for gold leaves, and most of them were picked for them. Where, but for sure... Thunder Bamboo Island, there must be golden bamboo!" Yue Lingkong said firmly.

"Really..." Ning Fan thought deeply, if Jinzhu wasn't on Thunder Bamboo Island, where else could it be?

Or, this Thunder Bamboo Island is similar to Shenkong Island, and there is a secret cave hidden in it?

As soon as his thought came up, before he started to search for the hidden cave, there was a female corpse under the cloak, lightly raising her slender fingers, and pointing towards a giant bamboo in the middle of the bamboo forest.

"Light...enter...mouth..." The female corpse could see at a glance that there was a cave hidden in this place, and even found the entrance to the cave at a glance!

Ning Fan was secretly surprised. The female corpse's intelligence gradually recovered, and the means seemed to be increasingly difficult.

At least Ning Fan asked himself, even if he urged Fuli's eyes,

It is not so easy to find a cave entrance from the huge bamboo forest.

Yue Lingkong was even more surprised, a female corpse who had always been stupid. To have such amazing eyesight, to be able to see through the hidden cave at a glance?

Ning Fan urged Fuli's eyes. Taking a closer look, sure enough, that giant bamboo is exactly the entrance to the cave.

From the entrance, you can faintly feel a hint of golden energy... Among them, there must be a lot of golden bamboo growing!

"That's right, Wei Liang has improved and become more and more powerful." Ning Fan rubbed the blue silk of the female corpse and praised him generously.

He was praised by Ning Fan. The female corpse's eyes were filled with joy, and she opened her small mouth and bit on Ning Fan's arm. The sharp corpse teeth left two small wounds on Ning Fan's arm.

She blushed slightly, but not shy.

Corpses are not shy. There will be no physiological reaction. It is rumored that the corpse is blushing, and the stomach is usually empty.

The corpse devil usually eats the person he likes in one bite.

The female corpse likes Ning Fan, and she wants to eat Ning Fan... Although she vaguely understands that Ning Fan is very important to her and cannot be eaten. Only one bite at most.

Ning Fan couldn't help laughing when bitten by a female corpse. The way the corpse demon expresses his liking is really special.

A little wound is not a problem at all, and it is instantly healed with the power of the black star.

A little corpse poison is also not a problem. Ning Fan himself has also cultivated the corpse demon record and became a corpse demon. What corpse poison is he afraid of?

He didn't know that the most terrible thing was the smell of blood scattered in the air.

There were simply no outsiders here, and he immediately stopped the bleeding, dissipated the smell, and was not worried about anyone finding out.

Ning Fan's eyes fell on the giant bamboo and thought carefully. Although I found the entrance to the cave, this cave is quite special, and the way to enter seems a bit complicated, and it cannot be directly broken into.

A giant bamboo, the thickness of three people hugged, the silver light is bright, and the thunder is flowing.

Ning Fan looked at the giant bamboo, pinched his fingers lightly, and tried several finger gestures to open the secret ground, but he was unable to enter this cave.

Everything was just a moment, and the smell of his blood just dissipated.

Suddenly, an unexpected red shadow flashed beside the giant bamboo, with an imposing aura!

That red shadow was vaguely a red-clothed woman, and when Ning Fan took a closer look, she suddenly looked shocked.

The appearance of this woman was seven or eight similar to a woman that Ning Fan knew.

In the ghost forest...Ning Honghong!

But there is still a difference between this woman and Ning Honghong. Ning Honghong is just a ghost of a golden elixir, while this woman is in the early stage of virtual refining.

Although Ning Honghong was a serious ghost, she did not kill many people. But this red-clothed woman showed a faint hint of suffocation, and even Ning Fan was shocked.

Ning Fan's eyes changed, this woman in red must have killed more in her life than herself!

Although this woman is in the early stage of virtual refining, the sense of danger to Ning Fan is far above that of Yue Lingkong's second primordial spirit!

Who is this woman...! Could it be a master of the Zhou family!

"Blood... who's there? Get out!"

The woman in red raised her hands, her pupils seemed to be stained with blood, and her suffocating aura was overwhelming.

With the body of a female corpse and a demon, and the respect of Yue Lingkong's overlord, it is impossible to resist this female's evil spirit, and it is dangerous and dangerous to show her figure.

At the critical moment, Ning Fan put the magic power into the two women's bodies, and he used the evil spirit to resist the evil spirit of the red-clothed woman.

Under the suffocating force of the woman in red, the three of Ning Fan were not shaken out of their bodies or exposed.

Xu Shi was extremely confident in his suffocation, and the woman in red looked around coldly, no longer trying.

There should be no outsiders here. That trace of blood was probably wafting from the sea breeze.

If someone hides here, even if they are practicing virtual, they will be shocked by her. She has this confidence.

"Humph! Is it just an illusion?"

The woman's finger shadows flew, pinching the thunder marks one by one, and a trace of silver arcs turned up on her fingertips.

With mysterious and repeated finger gestures, the woman walked around the giant bamboo three times, looked at the sky, chose the direction of Chenshi, and stepped into the giant bamboo.

In the next instant, he entered the hidden cave.

"Little Cucumber, remember this instruction, this is the way to enter the cave." Yue Lingkong reminded.

"Well, the method is already known, wait a while, wait for this woman to go far, and then we will go in." Ning Fan cautiously said, even if there is a cloak of bullying, he is safe. Or wait for the woman to walk away before entering the bamboo body.

About two hours later, Ning Fan thought the woman had gone far, and he also moved his finger, imitating the woman in red, a thunder mark did not fall, but the finger was wrapped in a blood-colored thunder arc.

Also walk around the giant bamboo three times. Ning Fan looked up at Tianshi, but did not enter the direction of Chenshi. Instead, enter the noon direction.

"The direction is wrong!" Yue Lingkong said in surprise, she clearly saw the direction of the woman in red.

"That's right. There are a total of three ordinary virtual formations to cover this cave. The first formation requires special lightning strikes to crack. The second formation requires three circles. It is a circular formation. The formation method is a 'season formation', which is a kind of celestial formation. It is related to the celestial phenomenon. The time when this woman entered the formation was Chenshi, so she entered the Chenshi direction, and's noon."

Ning Fan didn't say any more. After explaining this step, Yue Lingkong naturally understood.

Yue Lingkong's eyes were amazed, and he secretly thought about Ning Fan's formation cultivation. It must be a little scary.

To actually see through the three-layer ordinary virtual formation set up here, it is really a monster.

I am afraid that if it wasn't for Ning Fan who didn't know the special lightning seal of the first formation, he would have broken through the formation and entered the hidden cave long before the red-clothed woman arrived.

"Let's go... Be careful about everything, this woman is a bit powerful, don't reveal her figure. If something happens in the cave, I will put you two in the cauldron ring. And escape alone, to make sure that everything is safe. Of course, in general, In other words, nothing will change.”

Ning Fan is still very confident in the bullying cloak, not to mention that he still has the shattering blow of the Sun and Moon Monument.

He analyzed the red-clothed woman. In the early stage of virtual refining, her strength was probably comparable to that in the middle stage.

However, there is no need to worry if the Sun and Moon Monument can't stop it.

After making a decision, Ning Fan stepped into the noon direction and entered the Giant Bamboo Cave.

Inside the Giant Bamboo Cave, the brilliance of the sky flickered slightly, and then it returned to tranquility.

Even if he entered the cave, he couldn't force out Ning Fan's figure. The cloak of bullying was really easy to use.

Ning Fan carefully released his spiritual thoughts and found that there was no trace of the woman in red within 100,000 miles. He was a little relieved.

As far as the eye can see, there are at least tens of millions of miles in this giant bamboo cave.

Above the sky, there is a golden sea of ​​thunder tossing.

On the ground, there are golden giant bamboos growing, each golden bamboo is ten thousand feet high, covering an area of ​​several acres, standing like a pinnacle piercing the sky.

On the golden bamboo, there are rare golden leaves, which seem to have been picked by someone.

Within 100,000 miles, there are only a dozen or so golden leaves left, so it is estimated that there are only thousands of golden leaves in the tens of millions of miles.

If all the golden bamboos in this place are covered with bamboo leaves, there are naturally more than thousands of them. Thousands of golden leaves are only a drop in the bucket when the bamboo forest is flourishing.

Rao is so, it is more than enough to use thousands of golden leaves to heal the wounds of the moon.

No, why do you need thousands of gold leaves?

Yue Lingkong originally only planned to ask Thunder Bamboo Island for ten golden leaves to heal his wounds!

If so many golden leaves are obtained, they can heal Yue Lingkong's Primordial Spirit injury, and the rest can be used to restore Luo You's cultivation!

It is a pity that the medicinal power of this golden leaf is too strong, and each piece of golden leaf requires more than ten thousand years of elixir to be reconciled.

With Ning Fan's remaining ten thousand years of elixir, at most it is only enough to reconcile a hundred golden leaves. Even if he wants to restore Luo You's cultivation, he is afraid that he has more than enough heart and insufficient strength.

"How much to steal!" Yue Lingkong was moved, she was concise and to the point.

Anyway, if you come to steal something, you won't be found, so naturally the more you steal, the better.

"Steal everything... Are you satisfied?" Ning Fan smiled.

"Satisfied! Little Cucumber, I really saw you right! We are five or five points!" Yue Lingkong agreed with both hands.

"Five or five points..."

Ning Fan felt speechless, this month Lingkong was really a lion.

All stolen, five or five points, thanks to her thinking...

"Stealing all of them is too dangerous, it may be discovered by that woman, and the elixir on my body is only enough to reconcile a hundred gold leaves, which is useless. Five or five points... This golden leaf, I will keep it useful. Except for the part that heals you, I will keep the rest."

"Really useful?"


"Okay, then, the old lady believes you once. I will give you all this golden leaf, but you owe the old lady a favor, you have to remember it."

"..." Ning Fan was speechless, he helped Yue Lingkong to steal the golden leaves, how could he still owe Yue Lingkong in the end?

"What you owe me will be repaid with meat!" Yue Lingkong added.

"Okay..." Ning Fan stopped arguing with Yue Lingkong.

Is it a meat repayment... I owe Yue Lingkong a meat repayment, and he doesn't lose any money, right?

Walking through the huge golden bamboo forest, Ning Fan made frequent shots and obtained a lot of golden leaves.

Hundreds of them have been counted, and it is almost time to leave. If you stay any longer, other accidents will occur, and it is not worth it!

But I never thought that in the dark, a woman in red also hides her figure, and witnesses the strange disappearance of golden leaves, and finally her eyebrows are cold.

She was already sure that someone followed her into this place.

It's just that she wasn't sure about the identity of the person who came, so she didn't expose Ning Fan.

"The visitor... what kind of cultivation base! This person seems to be strange."


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