Grasping Evil

Chapter 408: Daughter of Emperor Lei

() The woman in red faintly witnessed the disappearance of golden leaves.

She was more and more puzzled, and she had great doubts about the identity of the visitor.

"The comer... what kind of cultivation base! This person seems to be strange."

"If it's just refining the emptiness, or even transforming into a god, how can I not see through its concealment. If it is broken, I can't see through it... But what kind of broken emptiness in the rain world will hide its head and show its tail, stealing the golden bamboo leaves in the area? Yes? Stealing is also stealing Qianjie's 'Black Gold Bamboo Leaves'... unreasonable..."

"If this person is not Broken Void, then is it a Void Refining Cultivator? A Void Cultivating Cultivator can evade my spiritual detection. This person's concealment method is a bit clever. If he can use it for himself, it has some uses. People...what's the way...could it be the Rain Palace Assassin..."

"I don't know why, I always feel that this person's breath has a sense of familiarity, as if I have seen it somewhere..."

"Back then, when my body perished and my soul was divided into 10,000 thundergrass, my mind was distracted and hidden from the world. Now, all the ten thousand thundergrasses have been recovered, and there are 10,000 memories out of thin air... 9,999 of them are memories. , they are all memories of grass and trees, but there is one that accidentally transforms into a ghost body... and I am one with all gods, and finally the god-turning thunder grass is the main distraction..."

"Ning Honghong. This identity should almost be abandoned... That irrelevant memory should be erased... Otherwise, my sea of ​​​​consciousness will collapse."

The woman in red raised her hand, and the silver thunder made a rustling sound, and she wiped the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness toward the sky.

She doesn't need those memories, she doesn't need to remember that she had a period of time under the alias... Ning Honghong!

She also has a more respected identity!

"If this person is only refining the void, but has such a heaven-defying means of concealment, he can join forces with him and take the black gold bamboo leaves of the small thousand world. It seems that this person seems to be very interested in the mere golden leaves. If you donate all the golden leaves of this world to this person, it will surely make him convince and use it for me! Of course, the premise is that this person needs to take out enough Ujin leaves for me!"

The red-clothed woman took a step forward and appeared beside Ning Fan, her mind racing.

"If he doesn't know how to praise. I don't mind spending some means to make him regret it."

She is also invisible. Concealment is not bad either.

She couldn't see Ning Fan, and Ning Fan couldn't see her either.

She could feel Ning Fan here,

Ning Fan can also feel... there is a vague aura, approaching!

He can naturally guess that the one approaching him is probably the red-clothed woman who entered this world first!

It's just that Ning Fan couldn't help being a little stunned. He was so strong in hiding, and he was relying on the cloak of bullying. What treasure did this woman rely on. Is hiding not weaker than oneself?

Or, this woman is already proficient in the art of concealment?

Ning Fan's mind was racing, but he vaguely understood that this woman found herself, and she should evacuate quickly to avoid accidents.

Too bad he hasn't done anything yet. In the next moment, the woman in red suddenly appeared, her suffocating aura was shocking, her bloody eyes swept lightly, and she moved towards the empty place in front of her, and said coldly,

"Comeer. Show up! Otherwise, I will block the 'Golden Thunder Cave' and make you come and go!"


The red-clothed woman raised her hand, and immediately the sky thundered, and the world was about to collapse!

She seemed to be the master of this cave, and in an instant, she summoned countless golden thunders, turned them into lightning bolts, and sealed all the exits of the cave.

Ning Fan's heart sank, the red-clothed woman shot like lightning, and if she shot at will, all his escape routes were blocked!

He doesn't know the identity of this woman, and he is not ready to show up obediently. He has already obtained a hundred golden leaves, which is enough for Yue Lingkong's wounds, and can also restore a lot of Yuanshen power to Luo You.

The lightning bolts that filled the sky seemed to be terrifying, but they couldn't make Ning Fan fear.

He had the wind and smoke on his body, and the mere thunder in the sky might be enough to block ordinary Lianxu, but he couldn't stop Ning Fan's footsteps.

Here, he can come when he wants, and go when he wants to go!

The rain world is dangerous, he can go!

Ning Fan's figure flew back, and a faint purple-gold wind smoke enveloped his body. The golden thunder hole was blown by the wind and smoke, and the purple-golden wind and smoke soldiers approached the sky and the earth.

It seems like a whisper from ancient times, letting all past dust return to dust and earth to earth.

That kind of terrifying power of reincarnation is enough to bury everything!

Countless thunders weathered and melted, and they were buried in reincarnation, and the sealed cave had to dissolve a gap.

The woman in red was startled coldly, and the purple gold wind smoke gave her a familiar and startling feeling. She didn't expect Ning Fan to have such a terrifying means, but she could weather everything, and she was about to escape!

She didn't care about some golden bamboo leaves, but without Ning Fan, it would be difficult to obtain too many black golden bamboo leaves in the next world.

In this way, if you want to keep Ning Fan, you need to use other things to threaten.

If one count fails, one counts again.

The red-clothed woman's bloody eyes moved, and she could faintly see that Ning Fan was willing to take the risk of offending the Zhou family and trespassed here to steal the gold leaf. There must be a very important reason.

That is to say, the golden bamboo leaves are Ning Fan's weakness...

Now that she knows Ning Fan's weakness, she has a way to force Ning Fan to show up and help her.

The process may be a bit mean, but... so what?

"Even if you run away, it's in vain. I only have one thought, but all the golden leaves in this world can be broken. You must know that every golden leaf here is engraved with my mind power. If you don't show up again and see me, don't blame me for urging me. Move your mind and shatter all the golden leaves, the consequences, you understand!"

"What!" Ning Fan's heart trembled secretly, urging Fuli's eyes, and after a closer look, on the golden leaf, there was indeed an extremely hidden divine talisman.

Not only the golden leaves, but also the silver leaves that grow outside have imprints.

The woman in red didn't lie, and she didn't mean to joke.

In the next instant, her thoughts moved, and the hundred golden leaves in Ning Fan's hand trembled fiercely, and all of them immediately turned into golden ashes and dissipated, becoming nothing...

This red-clothed woman is also a decisive person. Although this golden leaf is of no use to her, it is also of little value. But in order to keep Ning Fan, she didn't mind shattering a hundred gold leaves to deter her.

If Ning Fan doesn't show up again, she will mobilize her spiritual sense again, shatter all the golden leaves here, teach Ning Fan's wish to fail, and teach Ning Fan that he can't save people.

Maybe in the end, the woman couldn't force Ning Fan out.

But Ning Fan fought to the end, and he would never get half a golden leaf, nor would he want to save Yue Lingkong!

"Let's go, this woman is not easy... She seems to have plans for you..."

Yue Lingkong frowned and transmitted sound, compared to his own injury. She was even more worried that Ning Fan would fall into the trap of this woman. She could vaguely see that this woman had impure motives for forcing Ning Fan to show up.

"Let's go like this... what do you do?"

Ning Fan's eyes sank, and after a little hesitation, his expression became certain.

Descending to the ground, he flicked his sleeves. Remove the cloak, reveal the true face.

at the same time. Another shot of the storage bag, took out three refining virtual puppets, trying to make the woman in red a little bit afraid.

"you win!"

Ning Fan's face was sinking like water, because of Yue Lingkong's injury, he did not dare to let the woman in red shatter all the golden leaves here.

Looking at this woman's similar face to Ning Honghong, Ning Fan's heart became more and more confused.

"Refining the virtual puppet? Three? A good puppet. Is it made from a world beast... It's a pity that it is only a half-finished product, otherwise. These three puppets alone are enough to subvert the rain world, more than enough."

The red-clothed woman glanced coldly at the three puppets and nodded slightly in approval.

He swept over the female corpse and Yue Lingkong's two daughters. She only glanced at Yue Lingkong, and immediately saw the fission injury of her primordial spirit. I thought to myself that Ning Fan stole the gold leaf for this woman.

Glancing over the female corpse, Hong Yi was stunned for a moment, feeling faintly familiar with the female corpse. However, his memory has been erased, and he can't remember who the female corpse is.

Most of Xindao and the female corpse are just mortal memories, and she doesn't care. The dust is like smoke, why should I look back?

If she doesn't erase her memory. When all memories are unified and all consciousness coexists, her sea of ​​consciousness will collapse.

In the end, the red-clothed woman's gaze fell on Ning Fan, greatly surprised.

"Half-step Void Refinement? It's not even in the early stage of Void Refinement?"

She didn't expect that a master who could shield her spiritual sense perception was not even a virtuous practitioner, and she thought it would at least be the peak of phantom refining.

"I'm here, just asking for gold leaf, you have a request, but it doesn't matter."

Ning Fan frowned, but his words had to be accompanied by a request. There is no way, Yue Lingkong needs Jin Ye to save his life, and whether all Jin Ye smashes is in the red-clothed woman's mind.

If he wants to take golden leaves to heal Yue Lingkong, he must obtain the consent of the woman in red.

If the woman in red is obsessed and refuses to give the gold leaf, Ning Fan doesn't mind urging the Sun and Moon Monument to suppress the woman with one blow and take the gold leaf forcibly.

Although it is a pity to use the shattering blow of the Sun and Moon Monument.

Although this woman in red is quite similar to Ning Honghong, Ning Fan has a lot of heart to explore.

But life was at stake, and Ning Fan had no way out. In order to save Yue Lingkong, gold leaves are necessary.

At most, Ning Fan will keep his strength and not kill the woman, let him capture it, and slowly explore the relationship between this woman and Ning Honghong in the future.

Yue Lingkong bit her lip, pulled Ning Fan up and walked back, she was very irritable, she didn't like to see Ning Fan begging for help, in her memory, Ning Fan rarely asked for help.

The first time I begged for help was to ask Lao Xiong's father-in-law for medicine in order to quench the stars and Zizhi.

Today is the second time Ning Fan has asked for help, in order to save her Yue Lingkong.

She was upset, very upset. How can a little cucumber beg others!

He is so strong... Asking him to ask for help is more uncomfortable than slashing him!

"no need to worry."

Ning Fan stopped and blocked Yue Lingkong behind him, his eyes swept coldly at the woman in red.

He has principles, but some things are more important than principles.

And he is not just begging for someone, there is also a threat in his begging.

"My name is Zhou Ming, she is Yue'er, and both of us are Eight Inner Seas, so we have the qualifications to obtain the golden leaf. Unfortunately, Thunder Bamboo Island is being closed down, so I have no choice but to take this as a last resort to steal the golden leaf... The strategy is the last resort, but the heart is the determination, if you block me, you will regret it! This leaf, I will take it!"

Ning Fan is ready to do anything at any time.

Although the red-clothed woman seemed to have plans for him, Ning Fan would not be afraid of it if it was serious enough that both sides started to fight.

"Huh? You dare to threaten me?" The woman in red frowned and sneered at the corner of her mouth.

She was never threatened by anyone, but Ning Fan threatened her.

It's an extremely ridiculous thing, for her...

According to her practice, when someone threatens her with a face slap, she usually kills with a thunderbolt.

But to Ning Fan, she had a soft heart in her heart, and she didn't know why.

Although she erased her memory, she still felt as if she had seen Ning Fan. In a sense, this woman in red was considered Ning Honghong.

And Ning Honghong had a close relationship with Ning Fan.

It was a pity that the woman in red could not remember Ning Fan after all, nor was she too lazy to remember Ning Fan.

The threat to Ning Fan, the woman turned her eyes coldly, but finally ignored it.

"Is there already eight statues in the Inner Sea... Time flies..."

"Forget it, since it is the honor of the Inner Sea, it is also my own. I can avoid the crime of stealing medicine. However, there is one condition! If you agree to this condition, all the gold leaves here will belong to you, and you can treat Hongyan as you wish. It is the more precious Ugin Leaf, and I can also give you some."

"Conditions? What conditions?" Ning Fan's eyes softened slightly, if he could exchange conditions for Jin Ye. That couldn't be better.

He saw that the woman in red had an unusual identity, and that this woman might have something to do with Ning Honghong. Ning Fan would not kill this woman.

If Ning Fan caught and injured this woman, he would definitely be with the Zhou family forever.

I heard that Zhou Leihuang is not dead, if he kills this woman and offends the old monster, he will surely be chased to death by him, which will outweigh the gain.

Not Zhou Leihuang, that's an old thing that even the Rain Emperor is afraid of...

That is the existence of the three emperors in the sword world alone!

"Don't worry, I'm just asking you to help me pick some leaves. For some reasons, I need some black gold bamboo leaves. This leaf is more precious than gold leaves, but it is difficult to pick. And my current state is especially not suitable for risky picking bamboo leaves. …”

"You can let the Zhou family cultivator pick leaves for you, why did you choose me to help you..." Ning Fan's eyes were unpredictable.

"That little thousand world is a bit special... If the means of concealment are not strong, even entry will be a problem, even if it is to refine the void. You may die directly... To be honest, your appearance just solves my troubles. If you can Help me, not only do I not blame you for stealing the medicine, but I can also remember your favor. With my order, the Zhou family thank you for your generosity. It can be your backing in the endless sea. You should understand the meaning of it."

"A favor? To be your backing? Who are you, how can you let the profound Zhou family listen to you?"

Ning Fan nodded slightly, this woman was indeed a well-known member of the Zhou family.

If the Zhou family can protect a junior, this woman is afraid that at least she is not close to Zhou Leihuang.

If there is support from the Zhou family, Ning Fan can be said to have both sides in the endless sea, and no one will dare to provoke him.

At the same time, a bold thought appeared in Ning Fan's heart.

If you follow the vines and gain the favor of Buzhou Leihuang through this woman, I wonder if you can ask deal with Nirvana!

Yun Tianjue can defeat the Sword Emperor with a single sword, which is equivalent to the strength of the Emperor Nirvana.

Lei Huang fought alone against the three emperors in the sword world without defeat. This record was even more sturdy than Yun Tian Jue. A Thunder Emperor is at least equivalent to the level of three Nirvana Emperors!

With the help of Emperor Lei, Ning Fan could get rid of Emperor Nie and have a better grasp.

For the battle of Ancient Heavenly Court, Ning Fan needed a helper from Shattering the Void.

Although the idea is good, it can only be thought casually.

Not to mention that Emperor Lei was in a strange state of life and death, and he couldn't leave Lei Tomb.

Even if Lei Huang was free to act, why did he decide not to help Ning Fan as a junior?

There is no free lunch in the world, and if you want Lei Huang's help, just the favor of the Zhou family is far from enough.

This woman asked Ning Fan to pick black gold and bamboo leaves. It sounds easy, but there must be countless dangers, and Ning Fan is well aware of it.

If it's for Yue Lingkong... dangerous, it can also break through.

"I promise to help you pick bamboo leaves, but there are some details that you should tell first. For example, the difficulties of picking black bamboo leaves, the dangers you may encounter, and... Who are you!"

"Who am I and what do I have to do with you?" The woman in red said coldly.

"..." Ning Fan frowned, he just wanted to know the relationship between this woman and Ning Honghong, that's all.

"You must know, it's okay to tell you, I am the daughter of Buzhou Leihuang... 'Red Clothes'! So, are you satisfied?"

"Not Zhou Leihuang's daughter! Dare to ask the girl in red, but I know a girl named Ning Honghong!" Ning Fan asked with his fist folded.

"I don't know." Hongyi's words were cold, and her memory was completely wiped, and she didn't remember her name was Ning Honghong.

Even if you remember, so what?

Ning Honghong is just one of her myriad distractions, a transformed thundergrass, nothing more.

Could it be that Hongyi was a distraction and had something to do with Ning Fan?


Her identity is destined not to have anything to do with any man.

Ning Honghong is nothing but a bloody vengeful past.

She is now called Hongyi.



Thanks to Diving, Blue Enchantress, Beiwu Four Detachments, Zhang Xiaotianshi, Writing, Continuing, Book Friends 130817120705750 for the reward, and thanks to Ah Nan 7777777, The Man Without Name, and Bookworm Boulder Monthly Pass for support. Fill the pit Ning Honghong

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