Grasping Evil

Chapter 410 Upper Cloud Realm

() More than ten thunder roars rushing towards the Void Thunder Spirit, how domineering the power is.

If it wasn't for Ning Fan's strong sword sense, he would definitely be shattered by this roar and buried in the Wulei Realm.

The sword consciousness was stable, but he was still seriously injured.

Fortunately, Ning Fan has refined 99 natal stars, and under the healing of astrology, the sea of ​​​​knowledge has healed at an unimaginable speed.

After that roar, the entrance to Ulei Realm disappeared.

More than a dozen Lei Ling saw that under the roar, no figure was shaken, and they knew that the comer had been shaken back, and the surroundings gradually became quiet, except for the sound of thunder.

Only then did Ning Fan notice that there was black ground beneath his feet, and black thunderclouds covered his head.

The black thunder in the black cloud, wisps, has the terrifying thunder force to kill half-step refining, and must not be touched!

In the sky covered with black thunder, a total of fourteen black thunder beasts are bound, all of which are terrifying cultivations in the late stage of virtual refining.

Every fierce beast is bound with a chain of black thunder, restricting their movements.

The chains of black lightning shot out from the clouds and connected to the sky.

Bound by chains, the fourteen beasts could only walk within ten thousand miles of the entrance, and no matter how far they were, they could not reach them.

"Who is so powerful that he locked up fourteen late-stage refining virtuals, and is here to guard the gate of the Wulei Realm!" Ning Fan's eyesight, he could see at a glance that these beasts were locked here, which is the meaning of the owner of the Wulei Realm.


"Apart from Zhou Leihuang, who else can be so domineering?" In the hiding place, Hong Yi's tone was flat, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

Listening to his tone, he was not shocked by the thunder roar at all.

Ning Fan's eyes darkened, this woman really was hiding.

Walking thousands of miles away from the entrance is a safe zone. Even the beasts of the later stage cannot reach this distance.

The spirit of the beasts in the later period can cover almost 500,000 miles.

It was not until they walked a million miles away that Ning Fan and Hong Yi appeared one after another.

It wasn't their intention to show up.

Just at this distance, a lot of black thunder bamboos have grown.

Black lightning flashes on each of the Thunder Bamboos, and the one in the center is especially huge, and its thunder power is also the most terrifying. Obviously separated by thousands of feet. But relying on the thunder force, Ning Fan was directly shaken out of stealth.

"This is... Wujin Leizhu!" Ning Fan's eyes narrowed.

The central thunder bamboo alone is at least a million feet tall. What kind of bamboo is it, it is clearly a bamboo mountain.

Above the bamboo mountain, there are countless black thunderbolts, giving Ning Fan an extremely dangerous feeling.

All Thunder Bamboos do not have any leaves growing, only the highest part of the Thunder Bamboo in the center has a black teleportation formation formed by the power of thunder, which is closest to the thunder cloud in the sky. Don't know where to go.

Ning Fan's spiritual sense swept away, and he detected nearly ten thousand extremely obscure auras from the central thunder bamboo.

These auras are similar to the fourteen beasts, but they are much weaker than those beasts, and each of them has a terrifying aura above Nascent Soul.

In all breaths. There is no shortage of spirits, of course, what makes Ning Fan most dreaded is that there are four auras on top of a thunder bamboo, reaching the level of refining virtual!

When they noticed that Ning Fan and Hong Yi appeared, countless Lei Ling exuded dangerous hostility.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed. If you rashly approach the giant bamboo in the center, you will have to fight hard.

"Wujin Bamboo Leaf, not here?" Ning Fan asked suspiciously.

"Yes, this place is just the lower world of Wulei Realm, Wujin Bamboo Leaves, growing above thunderclouds."

"Above the thundercloud?" Ning Fan looked up at the sky. Not only was the black thundercloud extremely dangerous, it was also at least a million feet thick.

Under the broken void, no cultivator can forcibly cross the black thundercloud and reach the world above the thundercloud.

"Don't worry, it's not for you to go directly through the Thunder Sea, but for you to reach the upper cloud world with the help of the Thunder Bamboo teleportation formation in the center. You can naturally pick black gold bamboo leaves for me when you go there."

"A teleportation formation..." Ning Fan nodded, he naturally noticed the teleportation formation at the top of the Thunder Bamboo in the center.

If you use this formation, you may be able to reach the upper cloud world safely.

It's just that Ning Fan has a doubt in his heart that he can't answer.

Hongyi is very powerful, and by herself, she has the ability to break into the Wulei Realm alone, climb the top of the central Thunder Bamboo alone, travel through the teleportation formation, and reach the Cloud Realm alone.

She seemed to have no reason to ask herself for help.

As if seeing Ning Fan's doubts, the red-clothed eyebrows frowned and explained, "Can't you see that I am the body of the primordial spirit?"

"The body of the primordial spirit?" Ning Fan was stunned, urging Fuli's eyes, and then he noticed something strange from Hongyi's body.

Hongyi's body is not a real body, but an extremely solid body of the primordial spirit, similar to Luo You.

Such a solid primordial spirit is almost indistinguishable from an entity. In addition, in order to avoid this woman's dissatisfaction, Ning Fan did not investigate this woman's details, and for a while he did not identify the essence of this woman's primordial spirit.

Knowing that this woman is the body of the primordial spirit, Ning Fan's doubts were immediately resolved.

The primordial spirit is the foundation of a monk. If the body is injured or destroyed, the monk can use the primordial spirit to reshape the body, or even reborn.

But if the primordial spirit is destroyed, it means that the monk will die.

However, the primordial spirit is not like the flesh, it has a solid defense and is easily damaged.

The upper cloud world is quite dangerous. Hongyi is the body of the primordial spirit, so naturally he has concerns and is unwilling to take the primordial spirit into danger.

"If I didn't meet you, my original plan was to consume all the golden leaves of Jinleidongtian, restore it to the middle stage of virtual refining, and then enter the Wulei realm to destroy a beast of late virtual refining, make it into a puppet, and go to the cloud for me. Picking leaves from the world. But doing this is time-consuming, and because of the special nature of the cloud world, it is very difficult to successfully pick bamboo leaves in the cloud world... Fortunately, you showed up, which is very good, and saved me a lot of trouble Although your cultivation base is not high, you have a lot of methods, which are more useful than puppets."

Hongyi's tone was flat, but he made no secret of his purpose.

She was using Ning Fan to take risks for her. Using it was taking advantage of it, and there was no need to hide it.

She picked out the words clearly, while Ning Fan raised his chin and thought for a while.

From the point of view of purpose, the motive of Hongyi is pure, just for Wujinzhuye.

She only said a few words, revealing the information of 'recovery', which is enough for Ning Fan to judge: This woman is most likely similar to Luo You, who has been seriously injured and injured her primordial spirit. By restoring her primordial spirit, her strength can be restored.

In this way, this woman may have the strength of the late stage and peak of virtual refining, so she will have such amazing coercion and suffocation.

Ning Fan looked at the central Thunder Bamboo, his eyes became more solemn.

What made him dignified was not the ten thousand hidden thunder spirits, but the thunder light teleportation formation.

This formation goes straight to the upper cloud world. What danger is in the cloud world, he doesn't know.

Even Hongyi was afraid and dared not enter. If he entered, wouldn't it be a near-death experience.

At this point, if he backs down and regrets, it is impossible.

But he must know something about the upper cloud world. Find out how to collect black bamboo leaves and what dangers are there.

And one more thing...if he helped Hongyi. Afterwards, Hongyi turned his face and didn't recognize the person, crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and what happened.

"I can help you, but who will guarantee my safety?"

"How do you want to guarantee it?" Hongyi said indifferently.

"Give me all the information about the upper cloud world. I need to know how dangerous it is to climb the cloud world."

"This request is not too much... The information is here, you can judge for yourself, in my opinion, you are not weak physically, and you can climb the cloud world. There is at least a 90% chance of surviving without damage. Don't worry about danger, I only care, you can How many bamboo leaves to pick... Seven leaves is a bit difficult for you. But I need at least seven leaves!"

After the red clothes finished speaking, Lei Li condensed into a jade slip, imprinting his memory on it. Give it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan took the jade slip and took a closer look, the doubts in his eyes gradually eased.

Fortunately, above the cloud world, it is not as dangerous as he imagined. The red-clothed still underestimated Ning Fan. With Ning Fan's methods, he was 100% sure that he would not die in the cloud world.

But picking bamboo leaves is difficult. Really big.

Above the cloud world, stands the Black Thunder Bamboo Pagoda.

In the pagoda, there are black thunder bamboo leaves.

In the tower, the black thunder undead is also sealed.

The Black Thunder Bamboo Pagoda has a total of 100 floors, and each floor is a section of bamboo.

On the first ten floors, there is a bamboo leaf on each floor.

In the bamboo pagoda, the higher you go, the stronger the undead. After the fifth floor, there will be a refining undead.

Ning Fan had to kill at least the seventh floor to get the bamboo leaves.

What needs to be careful is that these undead are proficient in attacking the primordial spirit, and the monks enter the bamboo tower, especially to beware of injury to the primordial spirit.

This is the reason why the red clothes are afraid.

In addition to the bamboo pagoda, there are three levels. These three levels test the monk's Taoism and Taoism. If dead objects such as corpses and puppets come here, even the first three levels are difficult to pass, and it is naturally more difficult to enter the bamboo pagoda to pick bamboo. leaves.

Hongyi's original plan was to refine the puppets in the late stage of virtual refining, forcibly smash the triple level, and directly break into the bamboo pagoda.

However, with Ning Fan here, as a cultivator, it was much easier to pass through the three levels and enter the bamboo pagoda.

Although Hongyi was not optimistic about Ning Fan's Item Refining Technique, she was quite certain of Ning Fan's strength.

There are not many monks in the entire rain world who can block their evil spirits.

Ning Fan can do this, at least much more reliable than several of the Zhou family's subordinates.

Of course, considering how difficult it was for Ning Fan to obtain bamboo leaves, Hongyi also had a secret technique for Ning Fan.

With this secret technique, Ning Fan's safety factor can be improved again.

"This technique, as compensation for your adventure for me." Hongyi condensed a jade slip again, stamped some information, and gave it to Ning Fan.

"This is…"

Ning Fan took the jade slip, his mind swept away, and his eyes changed immediately.

"The armor of Yuanlei!"

Yuan Lei, as the name suggests, is the thunder that evolved from the power of the condensed Yuan Shen.

With the power of Yuan Lei, condensing the armor of Yuan Lei, protecting the Yuan Shen, it is stronger than ordinary spiritual equipment, and can effectively defend against the attack of the undead.

With this secret technique, Ning Fan undoubtedly has an additional means of protecting Yuanshen.

The armor of Yuanlei can not only protect Yuanshen, but also bless the body to increase defense.

This technique has been cultivated to the peak, and the highest grade thunder armor condensed can even defend against a shattering blow. Ning Fan pondered in his heart, this technique might have reached the Immortal Void level, it was a Shattering Void defense technique!

"I accepted this technique, the trip to the cloud world is almost without danger, and I have a lot of confidence in obtaining 7 bamboo leaves. But I still have a concern. How can the girl guarantee that after the event is completed, she will not cross the river and demolish the bridge. If the girl doesn't give me the golden thunder and bamboo leaves, and even make the Zhou family hunt me down and kill me, with the Zhou family's heritage, it will be very difficult for me to resist."

"Promise? Hmph, do you want me to give you an oath!" Hong Yi's eyes froze.

"If that's the case, it would be better." Ning Fan was not afraid at all.


The red-clothed eyes slowed down and calmed down a little.

If ordinary people asked her to swear, she would definitely slap her to death impatiently.

But Ning Fan is different. For her, Ning Fan is not only one use value.

Take bamboo leaves for small use.

Ning Fan's Zijin Fengyan may be of great use to Hongyi.

"Okay, I can make an exception and swear that I won't turn my back on it afterwards. have to swear too!"

"I swear too?" Ning Fan was taken aback.

"You need to swear that if I ask you for something in the future, as long as it is within your ability, you must not refuse, you need to help me once!"

"The girl is joking. As a girl in the Zhou family, why should I help you..."

Ning Fan was about to refuse, but was interrupted by Hongyi's old-fashioned wave.

"Don't worry! There is absolutely no danger in asking for your help. It's just to melt a seal with the help of your purple gold wind and smoke. That's all, and by then, it will definitely give you the benefits of temptation!"

"...If it's just melting the seal, and there are huge benefits, it's not impossible to make a mere oath."

Ning Fan frowned, he could already see that the red-clothed person in front of him, like him, was not a loser.

He didn't swear, and Hongyi wouldn't swear either. It was Ning Fan who suffered such a loss and had no security.

Fortunately, Ning Fan saw that this woman seemed to want to use his wind and smoke technique.

Since there is still use value, there is no need to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

That's it... there is no choice.

Hongyi and Ning Fan each swore an inner demon.

For the two of them, swearing is a rare thing, but it has to be done.

Hongyi gave Ning Fan a sideways glance, and did not dislike Ning Fan's request for trouble.

If it were her, in a weak position, she would definitely have many concerns.

"Boy, you have got what you want. Next, is it time to contribute! Central Thunder Bamboo, four Thunder Spirits in the early stage of Void Refinement, I will kill three, you block one, can you do it!"

If you want to climb the cloud world, you must first kill the top of the central thunder bamboo.

Hongyi had already started assigning tasks, she didn't expect Ning Fan to kill Lei Ling, even if Ning Fan had three puppets with him.

It's not that Ning Fan is underestimated, it's just that the task of beheading Lianxu is too difficult for a half-step Lianxu.

"Is it just blocking..."

Ning Fan slapped the storage bag and summoned three virtual puppets.

One person and three puppets, it is really not difficult to block an initial stage of virtual refining. However, he seemed to be underestimated by the red clothes.

He has more than just the strength to block Lianxu!


The red-clothed lotus foot stepped on, and the delicate little feet shook the mountains within a hundred thousand miles, and the sky was torn apart. The suffocating energy rose into the sky, and a fierce force spread out, and within 100,000 miles, all beasts were shocked!

Among the Thunder Bamboos in the center, all the beasts of Thunder Spirit hidden by the thousand paths were shaken out by its pressure.

For a time, between the sky and the earth, the blackness was filled with huge beasts, and in fear, they let out a desperate roar.

Even if you are afraid, you should fight and die. No one is allowed to invade the upper cloud world!



Thanks to the blue enchantress, the fourth detachment of Beiwu, the book friend 130816113801693 for the rewards and evaluation tickets, and thanks to the bookworm 33, I love Xiaojiang for their monthly ticket support!

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