Grasping Evil

Chapter 411: Taisu 3 Questions

() Above the sky, ferocious beasts are like clouds, overturning the sky, attacking Ning Fan and Hongyi regardless of everything!

Ten thousand baby beasts, one hundred wild beasts, and four early stage virtual beasts!

The red-clothed bloody eyes revealed a cold killing intent, and he turned the thunder with his hands, and the fierce beasts approaching him were killed by the thunder, no matter whether it was a baby beast or a wild beast, no one could stop it.

The lotus moved, and with just one step, it appeared strangely in front of a phantom beast.

With a soft finger, circles of blood-colored thunder light spread out in the sky, and slammed the giant body of the virtual beast.

In just a moment, the Void Beast's flesh was scorched, roaring into the clouds, and the pain was incomprehensible.

In the early stage of the dignified virtual beast, he was seriously injured by a red-clothed face!


The remaining three virtual beasts immediately realized that the red clothes were the biggest enemy, surrounded them, and let out an angry roar, shaking the clouds.

The three beasts are all gigantic bodies, spewing black thunder light from their mouths, evolved into a hundred thousand divine soldiers and sharp blades, and they all slashed at the red clothes with murderous aura.

Every magic weapon is comparable to the treasure of the baby-level peak! Hundreds of thousands of baby treasure slashes, even in the initial stage of virtual refinement, it is difficult to defend, and the treasure light covers the sky for a while!

But seeing the corners of Hongyi's mouth evoking a contemptuous arc, she turned her white palms over and said coldly,

"Sacrificing Thunder Technique, 'Controlling the Five Thunders'!"

Its soft palms are as slender as they are boneless, but the power of turning it over seems to be enough to subvert the sky.

At this moment, the red clothes seem to be the master of ten thousand thunders. In the back palm, one hundred thousand thunder soldiers are all trembling with fear.

With a backhand palm, it overturned the sky and broke the combined attack of the three virtual beasts!

With the power of one palm, the five thunders are controlled by the palm of one hand.

Injuring one beast in an instant, defeating three beasts with strength, but Hongyi is not content, and there is only disdain in his eyes. For her. In the early stage, the virtual beasts were just ants, vulnerable to a single blow, and there was no joy in winning.

He turned his gaze to Ning Fan and said indifferently, "That injured phantom beast. It's up to you to stop it, and the ten thousand Thunder Spirit ants. It's up to you to exterminate it."

"Do you underestimate me..."

Ning Fan's eyes flickered slightly,

What Red Clothes handed over to him was just a serious injury. Even so, Hongyi still didn't expect Ning Fan to kill this beast...

The three half-finished puppets were only acceptable in Hong Yi's eyes.

As for Ning Fan's strength... If he hasn't entered the Void Refinement, I'm afraid he won't even be able to get a little approval from Hongyi.

"The daughter of the Thunder Emperor is indeed powerful and arrogant... You look at the eyes of puppets and magic weapons, they are indeed vicious, but look at my eyes. She doesn't seem to be very keen... It's wrong to underestimate me..."

Ning Fan muttered to himself in his heart, but not much in his mouth. Proving one's own strength does not depend on words, and winning her respect does not depend on arguing.

His mind controls the puppet. The three puppets turned into shredded tobacco and escaped in an instant, surrounded the injured virtual beast, smashed the fist rain, and the earth-shattering fist smashed the earth to shreds.

A piece of mountains and rivers collapsed!

It's a pity that the three puppets lacked the nirvana technique. Although the Void Beast was beaten into a river of blood, it was horrific to watch, and even though the ground was shaken by the battle, it was still unable to kill the Fierce Beast with one blow.

The virtual beast was first seriously injured by a thunderbolt in red clothes, and then besieged by the three puppets to death like a dog, and finally went crazy, giving birth to desperate anger, and fierceness.

It burned its blood, its breath soared, and it shook the three puppets for a while, and fought with the three puppets reluctantly.

Hongyi did not underestimate the three puppets. The puppets are always dead, and the three puppets may not be able to kill the virtual beasts in a desperate state.

But she underestimated Ning Fan!

The injured Void Beast was handed over to San Puppet by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan himself took a step forward to block the beasts.

The thin body is like an insurmountable mountain, and there is no fierce beast that can step over his body for half a step.

Jian Nian swept away again and again, ten thousand baby beasts were killed by Ning Fan in just a moment.

Ning Fan's eyes are indifferent, that indifference is like a heart that has been through the sea of ​​blood.

After a breath, only a hundred wild beasts were left in front of them.

The speed at which Ning Fan slaughtered baby beasts made Hong Yi's eyes move lightly, "Oh? This guy's Jian Nian is not weak, he can kill even baby beasts in an instant... However, with this level of slaughter, many gods can be slaughtered. What he can do... Unless he can block a hundred wild beasts, in my eyes, he is still just an ordinary half-step practice."

As soon as she finished speaking, the next moment, a strange color flashed in her eyes for the first time.

But seeing Ning Fan facing a hundred wild beasts, without fear, he grabbed the ground with five fingers, and his momentum suddenly swept away. In an instant, the soul of the ground was drawn, countless plants withered and withered, and the mountains and rivers rotted!

And Ning Fan, who devoured the soul of the earth, has a soaring breath, which has reached a million armor. In terms of mana alone, it is not weaker than the ordinary cultivator. It's a pity that the realm has not improved, and it is still half-step practice.

Even if it is the technique of extracting the soul, it cannot make the cultivator cross the bottleneck of virtual refining.

For the first time, Hongyi was surprised by Ning Fan.

"The art of extracting the soul? This son can comprehend this art, but I underestimated him..."

With the help of the secret technique, Ning Fan's mana surged, looking at the hundred wild beasts, but his eyes became more indifferent.

A little eyebrow, Su Lei whip in hand.

The long whip twitched, as if it was whipping all living beings, and the whole body exuded an unstoppable magical power!

One whip, ten whips, hundred whips!

Hundreds of whip shadows were pulled out by Ning Fan almost in an instant, making a deafening sound of thunder and lightning.

It was clearly drawn on the air, but endless blood-colored thunders emerged, slamming into the bodies of hundreds of wild beasts out of thin air!

In addition, the hundreds of wild beasts are all Thunder Spirits, and they were restrained by Su Lei's whip.

In just a moment, the demon pills of the hundred wild beasts were all bombarded by thunder, and all defenses were as if nothing to Su Lei Whip.

The demon pills, which were as strong as black iron, were shattered by Ning Fan's long whip, and twenty-one wild beast demon pills perished and died on the spot!

The rest were also seriously injured to varying degrees, their breath was greatly damaged, and even many desolate beasts had a tendency to fall baby beasts because of the damage to the demon pill!

In an instant, a deep fear appeared in the eyes of a hundred wild beasts.

They wouldn't be afraid of any powerhouse at the same level, but to Shang Ning Fan's indifferent gaze, all the beasts felt like the wind and snow... Bitterly cold!

It seems that they are not ferocious beasts, but Ning Fan is a mighty monster!

Terrible Su Lei whip! Destroy twenty-one wild beasts in one hit!

Ning Fan looked at the Thunder Whip in his hand, showing satisfaction, no matter what, the Red-clothed Su Lei Whip, which was re-refined, was less restricted from drawing treasures. It's much more convenient to kill a broken god.


More than 80 wild beasts, even if they were afraid, still quickly surrounded Ning Fan and launched a full-strength thunder attack on Ning Fan.

The evolution of wind, thunder, rain and electricity, each succeeding in magic. The combined strike of eighty wild beasts. Its power... astonishing!

Even if it is a Void Refinement Strike, it is nothing more than that!

Ning Fan looked at the wind and thunder in the sky. Fearless, he swung his whip to the east and slaughtered twenty wild beasts in the east.

Thunder bombarded the body, even with Ning Fanyu's fourth-tier physical body, it should have been seriously injured.

But at this moment, ninety-nine black stars suddenly appeared above the sky.

The starlight fell, Ning Fan's eyes were like stars, and his body was like a demon, allowing the thunder to bombard his body. But the long hair danced without any damage.

No, not lossless! It was just the mere attack of the wild beast, and the speed at which it caused damage to Ning Fan's body was far lower than the speed of starlight's self-healing!

"Star Healing Technique!!"

The red-clothed bloody eyes were slightly startled, she never expected it. Ning Fan actually possesses such a heaven-defying supernatural power.

If it is the art of extracting the soul, Hongyi is only surprised, because she can do it too.

But the Star Healing Technique... This is the real supreme secret technique, even if it is a broken void, it will never be able to comprehend, even if it is a life fairy, it may not be able to comprehend!

Ning Fan. To know this level of secret technique really shocked Hong Yi.

"This time, I really underestimated him... Ninety-nine stars, with so many stars to protect themselves, this son may not be able to kill Lian Xu, but I am afraid that there are no cultivators who see the virtual, but he can kill this son!"

Hongyi, finally began to face Ning Fan!

Ning Fan didn't know all of this, but he just turned his head and looked west, a murderous look in his eyes was enough to drown twenty wild beasts in the west!


A roar of wild beasts, all with incomprehensible fear!

puzzled! I don't understand why Ning Fan was attacked by 80 wild beasts, but his body was neither damaged nor injured, nor died nor destroyed!

How can they understand, how can they understand!

Ning Fan condensed ninety-nine natal stars, even if he was besieged by the gods, he would definitely be invincible!

"Forty wild beasts left..."

Ning Fan squinted at the severely wounded virtual beast. The virtual beast burned blood and died. Although it was on the verge of death, it also injured a refining virtual puppet.

A half-finished puppet, really weak among its peers...

He knew that if he dragged it further, he might be dragged by the beast and a puppet would die together, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

Putting away the lightning whip, Ning Fan looked at the last forty wild beasts around him, his eyes showing cold light.

"Five Tomb Dragon Technique!"

Five dragons die, black dragons live! Five elements die, five tombs live!

The tombstones outside the five elements are designed to overcome the five elements of heaven and earth, and these wild beasts are all in the form of thunder spirits.


Ning Fan's finger shadows flew, the mana was rolling, and the huge black dragon tombstone of five thousand feet suddenly appeared in the sky.

When a stele shadow falls, it is like a Mount Tai falling from the sky!

Under the suppression of countless stele shadows, forty wild beasts were immediately killed and injured, and the blood flowed into rivers!

After only a few breaths, the last forty wild beasts had also turned into pieces of flesh and bones, and were slain under the five tombs!

Hundreds of wild beast demon pills with rolling thunder were naturally taken away by Ning Fan and regarded as trophies.

The consumption of mana was quite serious. Ning Fan took several Spiritual Rejuvenation Pills, quickly refined them, pointed his toes, and greeted the severely injured Void Beast.

He almost arrogantly appeared directly in front of the virtual beast, relying on the starlight to protect his body, dancing his fists, punching to the flesh, and bombarding the virtual beast!

Even though the Void Beast burned blood and died, it still did not break through the mid-term. Although its attack was strong and the injuries caused were serious, it was all healed by Ning Fan's Black Star Technique.

However, Ning Fan's attack actually landed on the virtual beast, causing countless wounds on his body to burst open.

Coupled with Ning Fan's arrogance and restraint, the three puppets recklessly attacked the vital points of the virtual beast. After only a stick of incense, the virtual beast was exhausted, and no matter how hard it was to resist, the final one was woohoo!

The last blow was directed by Ning Fan!

The purple wind and smoke has been shrouded in it, and the ethereal purple-gold wind smoke covers the sky.

In the wind and sand, there is a terrifying power that makes all dust return to dust and earth to earth!

Directly weathering the virtual beast!

He didn't use the Wanjian style. After all, the Zhou family seemed to be on the wrong side of Yudian, and it was unwise to rashly use Yun Tianjue's sword move.

He also did not use Zhuchen Bow Technique, the power of that bow would consume his mana and fall into a short-term weak state.

He deliberately used the wind and smoke with a finger. Because Hongyi had said that, after seeing his wind and smoke, he needed Ning Fan's help.

In this way, Ning Fan doesn't mind using the technique of wind and smoke, so that Hongyi can see the power of this technique, and firmly establish the value of friendship with Ning Fan. It also prevents this woman from being capricious.

Ning Fan killed the virtual beast and obtained a virtual beast demon pill. Into the storage bag, a cold and arrogant female voice sounded behind him.

"Pretty good strength... You are the first God Transformation junior to impress me."

The speaker is naturally red.

Ning Fan killed 10,000 baby beasts, a hundred wild beasts, and one virtual beast, and Hongyi also killed three virtual beasts.

"The girl is very praised. Zhou and the three puppets worked together to barely kill one phantom beast, and the girl killed three phantom beasts alone. The girl is what makes me look up." Ning Fan asked himself, Hongyi is indeed very strong, It is much stronger than Yue Lingkong.

"Humph! In your eyes, I don't even have the strength to kill three early stage virtual beasts? Are you making fun of me!"

A compliment to Ning Fan. Hongyi actually showed a displeased look, her temperament was really weird and difficult to handle.

Although his eyes were displeased, he did not anger Ning Fan. He just threw three bloody Void Beast Demon Pills to Ning Fan with blood on his hands.

"Give it to me?" Ning Fan was surprised, although the red-clothed was taking advantage of him. But the shot is really luxurious, three virtual beast demon pills, said to give away.

"You work for me, and I will not treat you badly. It's just a garbage demon, and it's not a good thing. Don't refuse!"

The red-clothed cold eyes have no emotion, and they don't care about the Void Beast Demon Pill at all.

If this demon pill spreads out. It will definitely make the Void Refining Old Monster fight to the death.

But in the eyes of Hongyi, it turned out to be just garbage...

Ning Fan felt speechless, it seemed that Hongyi's refutation of Divine Whip's garbage before was not an insult at all. After all, in the eyes of this woman, virtual beasts are garbage, her vision is too high...

Three Void Beast Demon Pills are delivered to the door, don't do it for nothing.

Ning Fan nodded and put away the three demon pills.

Hongyi took out a clean silk handkerchief and lightly wiped off the blood stains on her hands.

The bloody eyes were still arrogant, but suddenly he said something coldly to Ning Fan,

"You are not trash."

"..." Ning Fan was speechless, he understood that Hong Yi's words were meant to be compliments.

But to normal people, they should think this sentence is cursing...

This is an extremely arrogant woman, and her arrogance is matched by her outrageous strength.

If it is not necessary, Ning Fan does not want to be entangled with this woman. On the other hand, Hongyi was always indifferent as ice, showing no interest in everything in the world, including Ning Fan.

No one broke the silence.

After slaughtering the beasts of thunder and spirits, the two of them took a short rest, turned into a light, and climbed to the top of the central thunder bamboo.

Where the peak is, black thunder is rolling, even Ning Fan and Hong Yi, they have to play twelve points of spirit, avoid the black thunder and lightning, so as not to be injured by the thunder.

Under the quenching of thunder light, an ancient black thunder formation with a size of 100,000 zhang, hooked on the earth here, glowing with rolling thunder light.

Ning Fan is proficient in formation techniques, he squatted down slightly, and touched the ground formation light. After a while, he confirmed that this lightning transmission formation was indeed leading to the upper-level lightning realm.

Hongyi didn't lie to him... Although there was no reason for Hongyi to lie to him, he still checked.

He was a little too cautious, but Hongyi was not disgusted by his cautious attitude.

There were countless people in red, and it was natural to see that Ning Fan had actually seen through the structure of the lightning teleportation formation.

In my heart, I looked at Ning Fangao once again. After all, this thunder formation was a big formation at the peak of Fan Xu. In the rain world, few people could see through this formation.

Hongyi asked himself, his formation technique is not as good as Ning Fan!

"Do you understand the formation?"

"Know a thing or two."

"Humph! Too modest is hypocrisy. If you know a thing or two, you can't see the peak of the illusory formation!"

"Hypocritical... I don't think so, this is my way of survival." Ning Fan shook his head.

"What is your way of survival, I don't care. But I remind you that when you go to the upper cloud world, there will be three steps before entering the Black Thunder Tower. To overcome the three steps, there must be no hypocrisy, you must Be honest with your heart."

The red clothes just stated the facts coldly.

"Three-step difficulties, hidden opportunities, with your means, it is not difficult to pass the test, and it is possible to obtain opportunities. At least honestly face the heart, there are very few dangers. You need to pay attention. It's the Black Thunder Tower, remember, I need seven A piece of bamboo leaves, don’t miss it. If you can’t get seven bamboo leaves, it means that your strength is only at this level.”

"Inspiring generals?" Ning Fan's eyes flickered slightly at the woman in front of him. It seems to have deliberately aroused Ning Fan's competitive spirit.

Is she afraid that Ning Fan will not do his best and have reservations, so that he will not be able to obtain the seven bamboo leaves?

"Just tell the truth." Hongyi was as indifferent as a stone.

"Really... so. You can look forward to seeing how many bamboo leaves I get."

Ning Fan was not provoked, nor did he have any desire to win.

He always goes all out in everything he does, never backing down.

Half a day later, Ning Fan adjusted his breath to his peak state, and took one step into the lightning teleportation formation.

Immediately, the red-clothed fingers flew over, urging the formation. Teleport Ning Fan to the upper cloud world.

The surrounding scenery changed in a hurry, and after a stick of incense, Ning Fan had appeared above the black sea of ​​thunder and thunder of a million feet.

Stepping on the black clouds, the soft clouds do not give people much sense of reality.

Ning Fan looked around, and in the extreme east direction, he saw a huge tower with black thunder rolling in. Sprinting into the sky, it is so high that it can't see the top, as if it is a black thunder bamboo pagoda.

Above this sea of ​​clouds, there are countless low-level thunder spirit beasts, but the highest is only the Nascent Soul, and the beasts of transforming gods and refining the void do not seem to grow here.

Countless beasts turned pale in shock when they noticed that Ning Fan had a strong suffocating aura that was different from ordinary people. As birds and beasts scattered, frightened and fled.

Not chasing down those low-level beasts, Ning Fan looked towards the far east with a solemn gaze.

He didn't take a single step, but suddenly turned his head, his left eye flashed purple light, looked towards the extreme west, and sneered.

"In the extreme east, there are no towers at all. The real Black Thunder Tower is obviously in the west. This kind of inferior illusion is also worthy of axe in front of Zhou! Get out!"

Under Ning Fan's roar, his momentum was shocked, and the surging evil energy actually shook the surrounding scenery into pieces, dissipating like a mirror.

A muffled sound also came from the dark, and it seemed that some hidden person was injured by Ning Fan.

The black tower in the far east has disappeared.

In the barren sea of ​​clouds in the far west, a black tower slowly emerges!

Around, countless lightning formations emerged, surrounding Ning Fan!

The thunder light turned into a black palace, and Ning Fan was in a barren sea of ​​clouds, standing in a labyrinth-like black thunder palace!

Only when you walk out of this palace can you go to the Black Thunder Tower in the extreme west!

The empty palace is vast.

On the brick wall of the palace, there is a plaque with a line of ink characters on it.

'The first round, the gate of true illusion'!

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, very now, this palace, as well as the previous illusion, is the gate of true illusion.

Before, he released his suffocating energy and slightly hurt the hidden person. The hidden person was probably the one who controlled this level.

"I am the world spirit of Su Lei, a mere ant in the lower realm. Dare to hurt me and seek death! I will teach you to die in the real world!"

In the dark, an old-fashioned angry voice, with the momentum of the early stage of virtual refining, attacked Ning Fan, but was stunned by Ning Fan's sleeves.

"With you?" Ning Fan sneered.

"Don't be mad! Look at the power of my formation!" The mysterious master shouted angrily, urging the formation of true illusion.

Immediately, in front of Ning Fan, two unexpected female figures appeared.

"Kill one of them and you can break the first level! If you can't, you will be trapped in this formation forever!" The mysterious master sneered.

"This joke is not funny!" Ning Fan's eyes froze.

Not anything, can be used for level setting!

The two figures that appeared in front of him were both paper cranes!

And Ning Fan observed it carefully, and was shocked to realize that these two paper cranes were somewhat specious. They seemed to be illusions, but they seemed to be real.

One of them, through the way of heaven, is connected to Zhihe's qi luck, and can be regarded as the real body of Zhihe. If this body dies, Zhihe will greatly lose its qi luck!

The other is an illusion, which can be killed and killed at will.

If it is true that the paper crane is cut by mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

And Ning Fan didn't plan to kill Zhihe at all.

"Dispel my wife's luck, don't force me to take action, otherwise... you will regret it!" Ning Fan's words became more and more cold, filled with icy killing intent.

"Regret? What kind of thing are you to make this old man regret!" The mysterious old man laughed, extremely disdainful.

"You must die..."

Ning Fan closed his eyes and said no more.

In front of the Black Thunder Tower, there are three levels, the first level, the real illusion...

In the lower layer of Wulei Realm, Hongyi stood in front of the teleportation formation, and his bloody eyes sank suddenly as if he felt something.

"Damn the evil barrier, he woke up at this moment! With this evil barrier hindering, that kid will break through the three levels, I am afraid it is extremely dangerous!"

"Humph! If I knew this earlier, I should have cut off this evil barrier back then!"

"I don't know if that boy Zhou Ming can break through the three levels when the evil barrier is in control of the formation himself!"

"True fantasy, Xianfan, Dao destiny... These three levels are originally the ancient relics of the Su Lei world. They communicate with heaven and are amazing. Now that the Su Lei world spirit makes trouble, that kid will pay a huge price if he is not careful. , and even implicated close relatives... Immortal Emperor Taisu's three questions, when Su Lei's world spirit survived, no one could pass the test."

"Zhou Ming! Although this child is an ant, I don't know if he can... surprise me again!" Hongyi said indifferently.



Thanks to the four teams of Beiwu, Piaoyi, and Xiao Taotao for the reward, and thanks to Agunade for their monthly ticket support!

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