Grasping Evil

Chapter four hundred and twelfth heart chaos and illusion, heart sinking and disillusionment

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For half a day, Ning Fan still showed no sign of breaking through the first level. [;Starting]

In the lower layer of Wulei Realm, the red-clothed eyes slightly darkened, and he took out a blood-colored bronze mirror.

At the first pass of the Thunder Palace, Ning Fan stood with his eyes closed for half a day.

Outside the formation, there was an old man in gray robe sneering and mocking, manipulating the illusion in the formation, bewitching Ning Fan.

The red-clothed eyes are getting colder, if she is not mistaken, the gray-robed old man hiding outside the formation is the world spirit of Su Lei Realm.

"A mere world spirit, those who move me, court death!"

Ning Fan was her subordinate anyway, and being trapped by a mere world spirit really made her angry.

However, she is the body of the primordial spirit, and she does not dare to rashly enter the upper cloud world to help Ning Fan.

When his anger rose, Ning Fan's eyebrows moved, and after half a day, he finally opened his eyes.

"Really, fantasy."

Two demon stars appeared in his left eye, and two demon stars appeared in his right eye.

Above the eyebrows, the two gods scattered the light of thunder.

He seemed to realize something, and he was even more confused.

He looked at the two paper cranes in front of him, with the same normal faces and normal smiles, it was hard to tell the truth from the false.

For half a day, he did not find any exit to the first level. The old world spirit didn't lie. If he wanted to break through the first level, he had to kill one of the two Zhihes.

Two paper cranes, one is a real shadow, the other is a fake.

If the true shadow is cut, it will hurt the luck of Zhihe's true body.

If the illusion is cut, this barrier can be broken, but Ning Fan is vaguely reluctant.

He can kill hundreds of millions of lives, but there are also people who cannot be killed.

At that time, a ghost in the heart was an illusion of a paper crane. He was reluctant to cut it. Today, he is equally reluctant.

Two paper cranes. Wearing plain clothes and white fox fur, after Ning Fan opened his eyes, they all walked towards Ning Fan,

The delicate face still has the same immaturity that did not change back then.

That childish, unsophisticated expression of innocence. Let Ning Fan's heart soften like a stone.

The two girls smiled, as if seeing Ning Fan safe and sound was the greatest happiness in the world.

A Zhihe shyly plucked up his courage and held Ning Fan's hand, which was still as cold as before.

The other Zhihe was angered, ashamed and happy. There was another trace of grievance, as if blaming Ning Fan for not returning.

"Brother Fan. If you kill me, you can pass the first level." The second daughter told the truth lightly.

This fact made Ning Fan even more hesitant.

He defiled himself and carried countless sins. He could kill the world, but he could bear the infamy of Qianqiu, but he couldn't be ruthless and destroy Zhihe. Even the so-called paper cranes are just an illusion.

His heart struggled more and more, the Thunder Palace in front of him. Gradually blurred, vaguely appeared a number of illusions.

The first illusion is the Hehuan Sect.

The second illusion is Qimei.

The third illusion is Ning Cheng.

Scenes of illusions continue to shroud Ning Fan, and the illusion that Ning Fan falls into is getting deeper and deeper, and it is more and more difficult to extricate himself.

Outside the battle, the gray-robed old man sneered even more, his sneer echoed in the illusion,

"Weak, too weak! I can't bear to cut even the real and the fake, and I still want to break through the first level! With such a fragile mind, I really don't know how you got to this stage!"


Ning Fan's eyes turned cold, but his heart gradually became peaceful.

The last illusion, staying on the night of parting, under the vine, Zhi He murmured a little wish.

"Brother Fan, when you come back from the Endless Sea, will you bring a lily of the valley for me?" Suyi Zhihe said.

"The bluegrass of the endless sea, I heard that when the wind blows, it can make a sound like a wind chime. It's very nice... When I heard that sound, I knew that you are back..." Huqiu Zhihe said.

Ning Fan closed his eyes, he thought he could tell who the two Zhihes were real and who was fake, but in the end, he realized that all this was just an extravagant hope.

From the very beginning, his heart did not regard the two paper cranes as phantoms, and he was even more reluctant to kill them.

Who is real and who is fantasy?

Can't tell how, can't tell... so what!

Now that it's clear, is Ning Fan willing to kill him?

The corner of Ning Fan's mouth evoked a touch of warmth, he stretched out his second hand and stroked the profile faces of the two Zhi He, with the same doting as always.

He will never hurt Zhihe, never. Whether she is real... or fantasy!

He mobilized the power of the heart formation, and gradually understood why this true illusion could find Ning Fan's weakness, transform into Zhihe, and confuse his mind.

It turned out that this real magic formation had already invaded his heart, revealing the weakness in his heart... at a glance!

"Prying into your inner weakness, setting up illusions to bewitched..."

The chill in his eyes became deeper and deeper, and he pointed it into a sword. A sword energy pierced his heart. Immediately, the white clothes were stained with blood, and the blood flowed like a note!

His heart was smashed by a sword, and the pain was piercing to the bone!

The pain couldn't make Ning Fan frown even a little bit, he just said coldly,

"Get out of my heart...get out!"

When this sword stabbed, a formation force was forced out of his heart.

An injured muffled sound rang out at the same time, and the injured person was the old world spirit who murdered Ning Fan!

The world spirit old man showed a look of astonishment. Since he was named a Su Lei World Spirit by Immortal Emperor Taisu, he has seen countless monks entering the Su Lei Remnant Realm.

There has never been anyone who can break through the level of Taisu's three questions when he controls the formation.

Because Taisu's three questions point directly at the weakness of people's hearts!

No one in the world can give up their weaknesses. For those who are affectionate, affection is their weakness. For those who are ruthless, indifference is their weakness!

With the help of the formation, the old world spirit barely spied on the weakness in Ning Fan's heart, and used the formation to conjure up Zhihe.

This phantom formation is extremely mysterious. With the power of heaven, one can condense one truth and one phantom. Only by killing the phantom, the formation can be broken.

Those who come must distinguish between the real and the imaginary. If they cannot distinguish between the real and the real, they will hurt the person who is in the real shadow.

The former breakers either killed the illusion indifferently, or feared the difficulty of escaping, or after repeated choices, finally reluctantly recognized the illusion of beheading.

No one has ever broken his heart like Ning Fan.

Layers of illusions shattered as Ning Fan broke his heart.

Ning Fan's mouth overflowed with blood, and this scene fell into the eyes of the two Zhi He, but it was a pain to the bone.

Whether it is a real paper crane. Whether it was a fake Zhihe, they were all feeling sorry for Ning Fan. Heartfelt pain.

Ning Fan's eyes were stunned, and he couldn't tell the difference between the two Zhihes.

Just, why distinguish?

"I can't tell the difference between the real and the fantasy, and I don't need to tell the difference, whether it's real or fake, I won't hurt her."

"The word true and false, that illusion is all illusory and rootless obsessions. That one truth is the realm that countless immortals are striving for. I can't see through it, because my realm is still low, do you think you can see through it? The world spirit in the early stage of the virtual world. You are also worthy of seeing through the real illusion!"

"Although I can't tell the difference between the real and the illusion, I have figured out a way to make the illusion disappear. Illusion is fundamentally. It's just to deceive people. The key to breaking the illusion is to break the heart."

"What is true, what is illusion? Disillusionment arises in the mind, and disillusionment in the heart sinks!"

"Whether it's a real shadow or a fake one, as long as it's your shadow, in my heart... it's all true. You are my truth."

The power of the black star is added. Ning Fan's heart was condensed, but this time, his heart was as strong as stone, no matter how violent the Zhenhuan formation was. Can't invade his heart!

He closed his eyes, his heart was as calm as a lake, and there was no turbulence.

He opened his eyes, and the illusion was shattered like glass, but neither of the two paper cranes disappeared.

Two girls, are they all true?

When this thought arose in Ning Fan's mind, the two women began to disappear together.

They are real shadows, they are fakes, it is impossible to tell.

It is this realm that is unclear and unclear, but it is the embodiment of the ultimate comprehension of the word true and false!

Ning Fan suddenly recalled the scenes of the past when he apprenticed to Zidou.

At the time of Zhan Fan, he entered an illusion, worshipped Zi Dou as a teacher, and learned the wind and smoke.

There, he met his mother and Zhihe. He thought it was just a fantasy.

But Zidou said that the illusion is not necessarily fake.

"You entered the Broken Realm from the Endless Sea, your mind entered the Cloud Sea from the Broken Realm, and the Dao Heart entered the Heart Illusion from the Cloud Sea. Among them, which realm is true and which is false, do you really see through it?"

"It may not be that you who are studying hard at this moment are a fantasy, and you may not be killing you in the rain world. You are real... The real and the virtual are only in one thought!"


At this moment, recalling the words of Immortal Emperor Zidou, Ning Fan just realized that the phrase "truth is only in one thought", I am afraid that the truth has exhausted all the real illusions in the world.

Maybe the paper crane was originally just an illusion.

But when Ning Fan is obsessed with her, that illusion becomes a real shadow!

When Ning Fan's heart sinks into disillusionment, that illusion also returns to nothingness!

"True and false are only in one thought, maybe in this world, there is no distinction between true and false..."

Ning Fan's Taoist enlightenment gradually rose, but he cut off this paragraph of Taoist enlightenment.

His realm is too low, he has only just begun to comprehend the word 'virtual', and he is not qualified to ask 'truth' at all. That one true word is Daozhen, the Dao that only the immortals are barely qualified to pursue!

If you say the first step of a monk, what you want is a long life.

The second step cultivator is asking for a truth!

"Impossible! If you don't cut the illusion, then the illusion will be destroyed! This is absolutely impossible! From ancient times to the present, it has always been a master of life immortals who came here, and you can't see the difference between the real and the illusion, how did you do it! "

The old world spirit was shocked and said, he fully controlled the illusion formation to attack Ning Fan.

The phantom array was broken, and in the Thunder Palace Palace, a gate of thunder light appeared strangely, which was the pathway leading to the second level.

The old world spirit was a little frightened, Ning Fan was able to break through the first level, maybe he could also break through the second and third levels!

He harbors evil thoughts and murders Ning Fan. If Ning Fan breaks the three barriers and finds him, Ning Fan will definitely take action against him!

Although the old world spirit is in the early stage of virtual refining, and his cultivation base is higher than Ning Fan, he has already seen that Ning Fan is not easy to mess with!

In addition, the old man's formation was broken and backfired, and he was in a disadvantageous state, and he was unwilling to fight against Ning Fan.

The old man was already deeply regretful, regretting that he shouldn't have angered Ning Fan with his inverse scales.

Just regret is useless, the only thing he can do now is to urge the second pass formation with all his strength to stop Ning Fan!

"The second level is the question of immortals! Immortal Emperor Taisu's level is definitely not something that a mortal like you can break through!" The old man said with a wicked smile.

"Immortal Emperor Taisu?" Ning Fan pondered, this illusory formation is extremely mysterious, but it can borrow the power of heaven, which is definitely not an ordinary immortal formation.

It turned out that the person who set up this formation was actually an Immortal Emperor.

So, this Immortal Emperor set up this formation originally to test the cultivator's true illusion and enlightenment? no malice?

It seemed that the only one who had bad intentions towards Ning Fan was the old world spirit.

Looking at the Thunder Gate leading to the second level, Ning Fan put away his thoughts and walked calmly.

But just as he was approaching the Thunder Gate, a thunder light suddenly swept out of the Thunder Gate and landed in the palm of Ning Fan's palm, turning into a shard of blood-colored thunder power. On the fragment, there was a faint stream of starlight.

The starlight flashed and did not enter Ning Fan's eyebrows.

He originally had two divine stars, one was the star of Yulei and the other was the star of Yin Rong.

But as the starlight shot into the eyebrows, a third of the blood-colored stars condensed above Ning Fan's eyebrows!

"Breaking the barrier of reality and illusion, you can actually condense one-third of the gods!"

Ning Fan's eyes moved, could it be that this divine star is the reward for breaking through the level?

Accompanied by the condensed star, an old and majestic voice sounded in Ning Fan's Sea of ​​Consciousness, spanning the long years of the ancient times.

"I am Taisu Lei Emperor, and this star is your reward for breaking the level. If you break three levels in a row, you can condense the Taisu Lei Xing..."

"Taisu Leixing?"

Ning Fan was slightly surprised, and activated a third of the stars, and a blood-colored arc immediately turned up in his palm.

The arc was rustling, and as soon as it appeared, Ning Fan was caught off guard, and one palm was directly scorched by the arc.

How powerful is his physical body, but he was easily injured by this arc.

This arc was the blood thunder that Ning Fan devoured in the past. It didn't have such terrifying power, and it was even more impossible to electrocute Ning Fan.

Lei Li... was amplified and strengthened!

The initiator of the increase in Ning Fan's thunder power was the one-third Taisu thunder star!

Only a third of the thunder stars were condensed, which actually strengthened Ning Fan's thunder force several times. The amount of thunder force did not change, but the power increased.

Every trace of thunder power is several times the power of the past!

If the Taisu Thunder Star was completely condensed, wouldn't Ning Fan's Thunder Power get a more terrifying strengthening effect?

The first divine star is the attribute star.

The second god is the supernatural star.

The third divine star is a star of reinforcement!

"The old world spirit, you should be punished. Taisu Leixing, you can accept it."

Ning Fan's tone was indifferent, and he stepped into the Thunder Gate.

The second pass, the pass of immortals...

In the lower Wulei Realm, Hongyi looked at the bronze mirror and his bloody eyes were shocked.

Ning Fan, actually broke through the barrier of true and false so perfectly, the speed of breakthrough was faster than that of her back then.

"I was in the rain world back then, but I could only stop at the third level. Only by condensing two-thirds of the Taisu Thunder Star, I could shock all directions. This child can condense one-third of the Taisu Thunder. Xing, has been regarded as a peerless genius in the Nine Realms."

"If he condenses two-thirds of the Taisu Lei Xing, his future achievements will not be weaker than mine. After a thousand years, he will definitely be an invincible existence in the rain world, which can make the Rain Palace tremble."

"If he can condense a complete Taisu Lei Xing, then this son's aptitude is unparalleled in the Nine Realms... No, what he should not be able to do, since the Taisu Lei Emperor, no one has been able to condense a complete Lei Xing. , even if it is me, it is only two-thirds condensed.”

The red-clothed eyebrows frowned, but in his mind he couldn't help recalling what Ning Fan said when he broke through the first level.

The key to breaking the illusion is breaking the heart.

What is real, what is fantasy? Disillusioned, disillusioned.

You are my truth!

With a cold and arrogant personality in red clothes, something unexpectedly showed a hint of admiration.

"This son's cultivation level may still be low, but in terms of his profound understanding, even I am not as good as him... Maybe, he can successfully condense a complete Taisu Lei Xing?"

In an instant, Hongyi paid more attention to Ning Fan's progress than getting Wujin Bamboo Leaf to heal his wounds.

Ning Fan, can she do what she can't?


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