Grasping Evil

Chapter 413 The 3rd star, condensate!

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The second pass, the pass of immortals. [;Starting]

Standing in the second Thunder Palace, Ning Fan's heart sank, and he was no longer confused by any illusions in this place.

This second Thunder Palace is a world full of birds and flowers. In the sea of ​​flowers, there are two roads leading to two exits respectively.

A road is full of spiritual energy, immortal music bursts, black cranes dance, and there is a monument at the intersection named 'Xianlu'.

The other road is quiet and peaceful, only Yedie is flying alone, and there is a monument at the intersection named 'Fan Road'.

Two roads lead to two exits, both of which are covered by fog and thunder, making it impossible to see.

But Ning Fan keenly felt that the two paths had different rhymes.

This is... the difference between immortals!

"Do you want to choose between these two paths..." Ning Fan thought for a while, the difference between immortals and mortals is an extremely common proposition in the cultivation world, and was set up here by Emperor Taisu Lei as a test.

If you pass the test, you can get another third of the Thunder Star.

If it fails, I am afraid that there will be a lot of dangers. After all, with the lessons learned from the first level, Ning Fan can imagine that there must be an old world spirit in the dark.

Sure enough, when Ning Fan was thinking about it, the sarcastic voice sounded again.

"Junior! On the road to immortality, you can live all the way, and you will die all the way. You choose a path to move forward. If you can set foot on the right path, you can enter the third level. If you lose... you will die!"


Ning Fan ignored the old world spirit, but there was a hint of sneer in his eyes.

He didn't believe that the old world spirit would be so kind, and specifically told him how to break through.

The old world spirit said that these two paths are life and death, but in the eyes of Ning Fan. These two paths are not that simple.

If you enter the fairy road. You need to let go of the mundane. For ordinary monks, it may be the right way, but Ning Fan has experienced the sea of ​​​​clouds and already understands that the so-called slashing is not the past. It is to cut off the fragility of ordinary people.

Xianlu, inadvisable! Ning Fan has great confidence that once he chooses the Immortal Path to enter, he will most likely die! This is a dead end!

If you enter the ordinary road,

You need to abandon immortality. For monks, abandoning the Immortal Dao means abandoning one's cultivation. The fate of choosing Fanlu is self-evident...and you will die!

How thoughtful of Ning Fan. It has already seen through the vicious intentions of the old world spirit.

The old man tricked Ning Fan into choosing a way to enter, but no matter which way, it was a dead end. It was impossible for the old man to kindly remind him, he was just trying to lure Ning Fan to death!

"I don't choose either way!"

Ning Fan sneered, fluttering his sleeves to generate wind, scratching with five fingers, purple and golden wind and smoke together. Both roads are broken, weathered, and finally...disappeared!


The world spirit old man was shocked. He never expected that Ning Fan could see the test of Xianfan Second Road with just one glance.

With the collapse of Xianfan Second Road. The old man even vomited several liters of blood, the injury aggravated again, and the backlash was extremely serious!

This is the price of murdering Ning Fan.

That's right, you can't choose any one of the two paths to enter, choosing immortals and abandoning immortals, and choosing immortals and abandoning immortals is all wrong!

The world spirit old man never imagined that Ning Fan could see the difference between immortals and mortals!

What shocked him even more was that Ning Fan not only saw the difference between the two roads, but also used a strange method to directly weather the Xianfan Second Road!

No one has ever completely destroyed two roads!

That purple gold wind smoke... what kind of power is it! So terrifying!

Even if the arrogant woman broke through this level, she just managed to pass the level after a trick, but she couldn't break the Xianfan Road itself at all.

"You ruined the Second Xianfan Road, you shattered the Thunder Gate, and you can no longer enter the third level!" The old world spirit calmly said.

"Is it…"

Ning Fan didn't say much. He walked through the sea of ​​flowers with one step, each step with the mighty power of the Four Realms of Jade Destiny, shaking the sky and the earth.

Step by step, step on the sea of ​​​​broken flowers, and walk out a path in the sea of ​​​​flowers!

"I have already realized the difference between immortals and ordinary people. Immortals are people who stand on the mountain. Anything is imprisoned in reincarnation. If the Tao is like a mountain, I will be an immortal when I go up the mountain, and I will be an ordinary person when I go down. Break reincarnation and become immortal. Immortals are also in one thought!"

"My way is neither immortal nor ordinary. The road I walk is my way!"

Ning Fan walked through the sea of ​​flowers, step by step, walking out of his own path.

At the end of the road, a gate of thunder slowly emerges. This is the real exit!

Ning Fan nodded, he already had some guesses about the level of Taisu's three questions.

This level was left by Emperor Taixu Lei Di. The first level tested the cultivator's distinction between true and false Taoism.

The second test is to test whether the monk has his own way.

The third pass, called Dao Ming, is afraid that there will be a choice between Dao and fate.

When he first entered the first level, Ning Fan was still confused, so he was trapped by the real illusion for half a day.

Entering the second level, Ning Fan's mind was clear, and the Xianfan test could no longer stop him half a step.

Next, he has to enter the third level!

In the Thunder Gate, there was another flash of blood-colored thunder force, which did not enter Ning Fan's eyebrows.

The incomplete and illusory Taisu Thunder Star, under the nourishment of this thunder force, slowly condensed into two-thirds of its size.

With two-thirds of the thunder force, Ning Fan only felt the thunder force in his body surging like a boil.

The number of thunder power has not changed, but the power has increased several times again!

On the palm of the hand, the blood-colored thunder arc rustled, like a thousand birds chirping.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, blood lightning wrapped around his hands, and he didn't use any lightning techniques to kill any half-step emptiness with this lightning strike.

Even if it is a cultivator of the Void, if he is attacked by Ning Fan with a lightning arc, he will definitely be seriously injured!

"This is only two-thirds of the thunder star's power. If I have a complete thunder star, a weaker cultivator, I am afraid that I will be seriously injured by the thunder arc, or even...die!"

Condensing two-thirds of the thunder stars, not only increased the thunder power in Ning Fan's body, but also gave Ning Fan an even more strange feeling.

At this moment, he seems to have become the Lord of Thunder!

This feeling is not particularly obvious when one third of the Taixu Thunder Star is condensed.

But after breaking through the second level, Lei Xing condensed two-thirds, and Ning Fan's control over Lei Li became more and more domineering.

He recalled the experience of being taken away by the Divine Shattering Whip by Hongyi.

At that time, the red clothes relied on. It is the control and command of thunder.

The red clothes at that time could easily take away Ning Fan Lei Bao. But at this moment, the red clothes can no longer do this!

"I am afraid that Hong Yi also has Taisu Lei Xing, but most of them are only two-thirds. If I break through the third level, the control of Lei Li will be even higher than her!"

Ning Fan took a step. Enter the Thunder Gate.

As the thunder roared, he passed through the thunder and appeared in the third Thunder Palace.

This thunder palace is the last test leading to the outside of the palace.

Breaking through this level, he can not only condense a complete thunder star, but also kill the world spirit to take revenge.

The third pass, the pass of destiny!

The world spirit old man has fear in his eyes. He saw with his own eyes that Ning Fan broke through two levels in a row, and saw with his own eyes the terrifying power of Ning Fan's blood thunder.

He was seriously injured at the moment. Even with the cultivation in the early stage of Void Refinement, he would definitely not be able to stop Ning Fan's fierce blood thunder.

As a Su Lei World Spirit, he deeply knew how terrifying the power of condensing two-thirds of the Tai Su Lei Star.

That Taisu Lei Xing actually contains all of Taisu Lei Di's insight into Lei Dao!

Except for Taisu, no one has obtained a complete Thunder Star.

If Ning Fan gets it, he will be a Thunder Dao cultivator of the same level in the future. No one is his opponent at all!

"Never let you pass the third level!"

The world spirit old man's eyes were mad, and he manipulated the formation, spawning wild beasts, Thunder Spirits, trying to attack Ning Fan.

But these wild beasts have not approached Ning Fan yet. However, they were all pointed by Ning Fan, and they killed them one by one.

The old world spirit can't stop Ning Fan from breaking through!

Ning Fan ignored the old world spirit, his eyes swept around, there were countless thunder lights in the air, and through the thunder lights condensed two heavenly paths, leading to two exits above the sky.

At an intersection, there is a monument with a word in the book... 'Tao'!

On the other side of the road, there is a monument with the word "Fate" in the book.

This level is obviously very similar to the second level.

But the proposition of the test is far more difficult than the second level.

Dao and fate, which is more precious to a monk? The way of the road, the way of life, which one is the right way?

Ning Fan's brows furrowed, one stop was half a day.

Xian and Fan, he had Ying enlightened, so he broke the barrier in one step.

But Dao and fate, he never thought about it.

Along the way, he sometimes upheld the devil's way, sometimes pretended to be the right way, and sometimes ran the demonic way. His way was mixed and messy.

Along the way, he regards human life as a must, and for him, the enemy is nothing but killing. The difference is only to kill one lifetime and kill all lifetimes.

Killing one life gives the enemy a chance to reincarnate. This kind of enemy is just a different way, but there is no deep hatred, so you can leave a line.

Kill Wan Shi, and eliminate any possibility of revenge for the enemy. This kind of enemy will have a never-ending revenge with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan closed his eyes, his mind gradually calmed down.

Dao or fate may be precious to a cultivator, but to him, it is not worth mentioning.

Seeing that Ning Fan was in a predicament, the world spirit old man was relieved and sneered in his heart.

No one has ever broken through this level.

Some monks chose the Tao, but died because of it, and died here.

Some monks chose their lives and lost their way because of it, but they were barely able to avoid death.

The old man sneered, if he was allowed to choose, he would naturally choose fate.

Because someone told him:

If I punch you, your life will be lost, and your life will be lost. What kind of avenues are you still cultivating? Life is the supreme road!

"In this pass, if you choose the way, you will die, but if you choose your life, you will live, but even if you choose your life, you will definitely not be able to successfully break through the third pass, come to the outside, and seek revenge on me. If you want to kill me, it is absolutely impossible!"

The old man sneered, but Ning Fan was unmoved.

Life is very important. If you lose your life, you will naturally be unable to cultivate the Way.

For monks who are dedicated to pursuing a higher realm, life-saving should be the primary criterion.

But for an ordinary person, there are too many things in life that are more important than life, and even...more important than Tao!

Ning Fan disagreed with the views of the old world spirit.

In his eyes, the world spirit old man is not even a fierce beast in the lower layer of Wulei Realm, who is not afraid of death.

Those beasts, in order to protect the teleportation array, why not die. Even though he was afraid of Ning Fan, he still didn't take a step back.

As an enemy, Ning Fan had to kill, but in his heart he kept a trace of respect for these beasts. He would only kill once for these beasts.

These beasts have a way in their hearts, and in order to protect this way, they know they will die and die!

For them, the Tao is in the human being, and the Tao is dead and the human is dead!

Ning Fan looked back on the past. He has seen too many enemies of this kind who are attached to the Tao. Killed too many.

His thoughts were deeper. Dao Wu, also born.

The first step in self-cultivation, there are seven realms, and the monks in the seven realms are struggling, just for longevity. That is life.

In the second step of cultivation, there are three realms. Immortals of the three realms are struggling to find the truth, and that is the Tao.

However, Dao and fate are not Ning Fan's pursuit, never have been. He never cared about longevity, and he never cared about the truth.

he cares. It has always been just extremely trivial people and things.

"I have always cherished my life along the way, but too many times, I had to risk my life, bet on Taoist thoughts, fight, fight, fight. To seize, to fight for a way forward, to break through the difficulties, There is no choice. The Tao is in the people. The Tao is dead and the human is dead. I can understand this feeling... But for me, the Tao and the fate are not the most important things."

"If she is safe and happy...Even if the fate of the Tao is separated, I don't care! The fate of the Tao can be broken!"

Ning Fan pointed out that the wind and smoke covered the sky, with the determination to weather everything!

The road to heaven, collapse!

The road of destiny, collapse!

The world spirit old man was terrified and hard to understand. He had never seen that cultivator before, so arrogant that he shattered his life and went the other way!

Do not seek longevity, do not seek truth.

The old man couldn't understand what Ning Fan was after... what was it!

However, he was shocked to discover that the third level, which no one had ever broken through, was broken by Ning Fan!

In the middle of the third Thunder Palace, a giant gate appeared, and the third blood-colored thunder light did not penetrate Ning Fan's eyebrows.

The defective and illusory Taisu Thunder Star, with the help of this last thunder force, hastily filled it up and stared thoroughly!

A turbulent blood-colored thunder force spread from Ning Fan's body, and a huge thunder map was carved under his feet, spreading like a scroll.

The thunder map is engraved with mysterious lines, and the one that appears in this thunder map, the thunder of the heavens and the world, seems to be surrendered to the feet of Ning Fan!

On Ning Fan, the divine might that cannot be looked down upon, the earth-shattering, indifferent and shocking gaze can make everything move!

"Tai, Taisu Leitu!"

The world spirit old man was about to die.

This Thunder Map is one of Immortal Emperor Taisu's finale methods. Just summoning the Thunder Map can absorb almost all the attacks of the same level of Thunder!

The three questions of Taisu, who have never been broken through, at this moment, break the level! The Thunder Palace collapses!

Among the ruins, Ning Fan stepped on Lei Tu and stared coldly at a gray-robed old man in the distance.

That person was an old world spirit, a despicable person who made things difficult for Ning Fan and wanted to put Ning Fan to death!

"You can die."

Ning Fan's eyes were indifferent, and he grabbed the sky with his five fingers. With the power of Lei Tu, countless thunderbolts listened to his orders, turned into a huge blood-colored thunder palm, and slapped the old man down.

The power of a shot is absolutely comparable to a peeping blow.

The old man's eyes changed drastically. If it was normal, if he took this palm, although he would be injured, he would never die.

But today, he viciously murdered Ning Fan. He was defeated three times in a row by Ning Fan, and he was attacked three times. After being seriously injured, he had already dropped half a step to the cultivation level of Void Refinement.

He was hit by this thunder palm, and he didn't even have time to escape, so he could only use all his thunder force to evolve a pale golden Origin Thunder Armor, which was guarded on his chest.

Golden Thunder Armor is the second rank of Yuan Lei Armor, which is enough to defend against refining attacks.

This thunder armor is only pale gold, and there is still some silver undisturbed. It can't completely offset the peeping blow, but it can also protect him, enough to keep him from being injured.

However, the armor of Yuan Lei has just condensed, and a strange thing happened!

The thunder map under Ning Fan's feet suddenly radiated black wings of thunder light, as if giving an order to the Primordial Thunder Armor.

The Thunder Armor couldn't resist, it shattered directly, turned into a little bit of thunder, and was sucked into the Taisu Leitu.

Losing the armor of Yuan Lei with full defense, the old man almost forcibly endured the power of Ning Fan's thunder palm.

The power of a palm, with the strengthening effect of Taisu Lei Xing, is comparable to a peeping blow!

Booming on the defenseless old man, with the silent Lei Wei, drowning the old man.

"You are a mere god, so powerful... ah!"

The old man couldn't believe it, screamed and died in the thunder, turning into ashes and annihilation.

Taisu asked three times, and since then it has been completely broken.

The Thunder Palace has disappeared, and from today, no one will be able to receive Taisu Thunder Emperor's reward!

Ning Fan dissipated Leiguang and Leitu, and stroked the third divine star above his forehead, showing satisfaction.

The strengthening effect of the third star is very strong.

If there is a chance, with the strength of the third star, Ning Fan has a chance to become the next Buzhou Leihuang after a thousand years!

"It's been a day, it's not advisable to delay it any longer, and hurry to the Black Thunder Tower... Congee!"

Ning Fan's ten fingers smashed it, which was exactly the same as the old man's previous seal, and it was the seal of Yuan Lei Armor.

In the dantian, on top of the palm-sized Yuanshen, a slightly illusory silver thunder armor was blessed on Yuanshen to protect Yuanshen from being attacked by the undead.

Ning Fan's Primordial Thunder Armor, which was only just practiced, was the first rank of Silver Thunder.

Silver Lightning Tier 1 Thunder Armor is only enough to defend against Primordial Spirit attacks in the early days of God Transformation.

However, this thunder armor has an advantage, that is, it can be promoted by swallowing the thunder of the Lei Xiu Yuanshen.

After beheading the old world spirit, there is no corpse left, only the thunder light in the sky remains.

The old world spirit was originally the world spirit of the Su Lei Realm, belonging to a special spiritual body, with no entity, just a body of lightning.

His corpse is the thunder light. Among the many thunder lights, there is also the thunder light transformed by his primordial spirit. It is the great supplement of the primordial thunder armor. Ning Fan will not waste the power of the primordial gods. .

He opened his mouth and swallowed all the thunder light into his belly, refining it into the thunder armor.

The lifetime lightning power of a virtual cultivator is so powerful that it directly raises the rank of Lightning Armor to the second rank of Silver Armor!

The second-order silver armor is enough to defend against Yuanshen attacks in the middle stage of Huashen!

"I don't know how much undead thunder power can be swallowed up in the Black Thunder Tower, all the way to the seventh floor, and what level will this armor of yuan thunder... be raised to!"

Ning Fan's eyes were fiery, and if there were enough lightning elements to devour, this lightning element armor would definitely be a rare and powerful defense method!

In the lower Wulei Realm, Hongyi was silent.

Ning Fan broke through three levels in a row, beheading world spirits, and every word made Hongyi unable to let go.

She really underestimated Ning Fan.

Ning Fan actually broke the Taisu Three Questions and obtained the Taisu Thunder Star...

"I can't believe that only ten thousand years have passed, and such a great person will be born in the rain world... This son is very good, he has a finger of wind and smoke, and he has Taisu Lei Xing, who can help me... Make a big deal!" Hong Yi seemed to be convinced of something .

Put away the bronze mirror, no longer spy on Ning Fan, and can't continue to spy.

In the Black Thunder Tower, the secrets of the sky were hidden, and her bronze mirror could not see Ning Fan's behavior clearly.

But she didn't think it was necessary to look again.

Today's Ning Fan broke through the three questions of Taisu, condensed the Taisu Lei Xing, and randomly comprehends the technique of Taisu Leitu. His strength is more than enough to kill the seventh floor of the Black Thunder Tower, and even the first ten floors can be explored.

Black gold bamboo leaves, picked by Ning Fan, were definitely not a problem.

Hongyi hadn't thought about it, the helper she picked up at random was such an amazing character.

For her, the value of Ning Fan's use is enormous!

(3/3 complement)

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